The long welcoming team is full of the main street, the front is the wind wing porch riding the high horse, the back of the wind wing porch is a beautiful sedan, but see the wing

With this dowry is not comparable to the women in the capital or other countries, everyone at this time also guessed the identity of the blue county master, the two are equally noble and standing at the highest point, so that many of them have no reason.

When I came, I was surprised by the people, but nowadays, the dowry people who saw the blue mourning did not know what to say. The dowry of the government that was hired by the King’s House was a dowry. Lan Jianjun also added a lot of dowry himself. For a clean general, it is not easy for Lan Jianjun to make so many dowries. And this dowry has some added by Hefu, and more importantly, the dowry added by everyone in the Valley of Medicine. With the help of the ghost doctors and apprentices, the dowry will scare people. So, now that thousand phantoms are carrying dowry, they can only see the end after a long walk.

The neat footsteps of a thousand phantoms silenced the mind of Lan Younian, and with the sound of footsteps, even if he could not see the road ahead, Lan Yunian knew that he stood in front of himself. It’s Fengyi Xuan, so that’s enough...

Feng Yi Xuan slightly nodded, the joyful music sounded loudly, although the killers of the ghost domain were the first time to do such a thing, but could not bear the fact that they did not know how much training they did when they were in the ghost nest. Going back, so the songs they blow out at the moment are lively but not so mundane, so the blue sacred thoughts in the sedan chair are also very much liked.

"Think! Why don't you want to! Dreaming is thinking!" Feng Yixuan put his little hand on his lips and kissed him, only to take a curtain of the sedan chair out of the sedan chair, and then jumped on the long leg and chased the wind. The fluttering red-hot attire makes Fengyixuan like the **** above, but such a god-like man has now broken into the dust, so that everyone is obsessed with watching the wind-wing porch of the horse. People can and.

"If you don't go out again, when will we go to Pluto? You don't want to marry me?" Lan Nian said with a smile.

Feng Yi Xuan does not say how to say love, but the love words he said are always the most real and most touched by the blue mourning. At this moment, the same is true, but Lan You Nian knows that this time is not a good time to move. .

Feng Yi Xuan touched the blue secluded mind and said that the soft and boneless little hand, the voice reveals the joy of the new marriage. "I don't want to go out, I don't want to leave you at all. I want to look at you like this, so I will stay with you." By the side!"

The sound of Jing Wu'an made Lan Yun's thought suddenly reminded that Feng Yi Xuan was still in the sedan chair, and there were so many teams in front of him. Lan Nian thought that his face was more red, and the blue voice was small. Said "Xuan, why are you still not going out?"

"Cough!" Jing Wuan with so many eyes finally helplessly approached the sedan chair and said softly, "A Xuan, if you don't come out again, you really missed the temple!"

The two people inside did not speak but the atmosphere was harmonious, but the people outside were speechless. They saw that the master and the mother had entered the sedan chair. The key is why the master did not come out yet. The groom came out and rode them. Can I go back to the government? Many subordinates think that the master has been squatting for so many years. I want to eat the mother in the sedan chair. When everyone thinks about it, they think that the master is too evil!

Feng Yi Xuan now feels that his dreams come true. He can’t see anything and can only see the thoughts of sitting there. His eyes are the ones he loves with his life, the eyes of Feng Yi Xuan. They all started to get angry and felt that they didn’t think enough.

Lan Nian Nian sat there and didn't know what he was thinking. In fact, it was her rare shyness, so I didn't know what to say. Blue Nian Nian can definitely hold the blush on my face from Fengyi Xuan. Fortunately, there is a cover to block or blue sorrow does not know what to do.

Windwing Xuan carefully moved into the sedan chair, and Lan Yun saw through the bottom of the hijab that the sedan chair in his body seemed to be very spacious and said that the soft surface he was sitting on was the top number. I don’t feel at all.

Feng Yi Xuan ignored the naked eyes of the crowd and walked into the flower sedan that he personally designed. The sedan chair is also a red color. The seductive Manzhu Shahua is embroidered around the sedan chair. It looks luxurious. And surrounded by the night pearls of the same size, each night pearl is not very small, but it is very rare because it is very small, but also suddenly appeared so much, simply 恍It took everyone's eyes, others are very difficult to find, but the people's sedan chair is hung with hundreds of pieces, which makes everyone feel naked and feels that Pluto cares about this wedding.

The attitude of Feng Yi Xuan makes everyone know the love of Pluto to the Blue County Lord. If it is not true love, how can the bride be eager to stay in the arms regardless of etiquette, if there is not so much, how can there be so much Welcome to the guards? If you don't love the ultimate, how can there be such a magnificent wedding?

The people who have been surrounded by the three-tiered and three-tiered people are seeing the situation from the Blue House. No matter the people or the thousands of genres who followed Fengyixuan, they are all surprised. They see it. The man who is like a god, with a smile and a gentle smile, is holding a blue-faced woman, but even if she can’t see the woman’s face, everyone can imagine the woman’s posture from the flaming wedding dress. And the woman's body is cold but with shy temperament, people know that this is the world's first beauty blue county owner.

Wind Wing Xuan nodded, then took the blue mourning and walked out of the blue house on the firecrackers. Even at this time, Feng Yixuan’s hand had carefully grasped the ears of the blue singer, fearing that this deafening firecracker would Affected the good mood of the thoughts.

"Okay, let's go, if you don't leave, you will miss the time!" Lan Jianjun waved his hand, no one saw the deep-eyedness of this middle-aged man's eyes, his daughter finally married!


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