Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 7 sent to the brothel

On the magnificent hall, sitting on the wind Xuan, now the wind is wearing a golden yellow Taishang robes sitting high up in the upper end, perhaps the posture of returning now makes Feng Xuan's body a little more kind.

In the place of Feng Xuan’s lower seat, sitting in the Empress Dowager, today’s Empress Dowager is wearing a dark red palace uniform, and the hair combing looks very serious. The Empress Dowager sees the blue sacred eyes. There was a strong dissatisfaction in the flash, and this dissatisfaction was clearly captured by Lan You Nian.

Lan You Nian knows very well why the Empress Dowager hates himself. I hope this old woman can be honest. If this old woman is not honest, then Blue Nian will not let her care about her identity, but it is a pity that she is. The Empress Dowager does not know what Lan Yu thought.

"Emperor grandmother, father!" Four people are slightly saluting.

Feng Xuan looked at both children and became very happy in the heart of the family. The two daughter-in-law Xuan Xuan is still very satisfied, although the two children are not guilty of this incident, which makes him a headache, but look When the children are happy, he will close his eyes with one eye.

When the four were preparing to sit down, the Empress Dowager, who sat there, finally spoke. "Since it was sent to the royal family, there must be a royal daughter-in-law. Now you are not a prostitute of the generals but a Pluto. Do you not? Do you know that you should come to the palace on the first day of your wedding?

Lan Younian did not have any expression on the revenge of the Empress Dowager. It seems that the person who was said was not her. As for Fengyi Xuan, the breath was a lot colder. He was originally a cool-hearted person, even sitting there. It is his emperor, Feng Yi Xuan, who has no feelings.

"It was decided by the king. I don't know what is dissatisfied with the emperor's grandmother?" Feng Yi Xuan leaned on the chair, clearly sitting in the lower position but giving the impression of being superior, even if the upper-level wind Xuan has no Feng Yi Xuan. The kind of king of the body.

The Empress Dowager did not think that her grandson had rebelled against herself, and it was still for a woman. The Empress Dowager hated the iron and looked at Feng Yixuan. "The county lord has been confusing you for a few days. It really makes you The mourning home is cold!"

A "confusing" simply brought a guilty hat to Lan Younian. A Wang Hao dared to confuse the prince, but this is a death sin. The Queen Mother's thoughts are clearly revealed.

"Huang Grandmother" Feng Xia has already seen that his brother seems to have angered to kill, although Feng Xia does not care about the life of this old woman, but if it really kills the old woman, this rumor does not know how to put them Drowning.

"This matter is 朕 运 运 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It’s not awkward!” Feng Xia’s smile, but the emperor’s majesty took it.

The Empress Dowager is angry and looks at the wind and summer, but she also knows that even if her elder is the Empress Dowager, she is only a woman in the harem. She can’t argue with the imperial power anyway. The Empress Dowager lives in the palace. After so many years, this matter is still very clear.

"Well, it's alright!" Feng Xuan came out and played round the field and said, "Xuan Er, now that you have become a relative, you will be more stable in the future. You can't be as savage as you used to!" Feng Xuan thought about his son's oil and salt. It’s a good way to educate, but it’s a pity that Feng Yixuan didn’t even give a reply to Feng Xuan. If it weren’t for him, how could he sit here and listen to this group of people?

The atmosphere was cold in an instant. At this time, a palace lady had a few cups of tea. The Queen Mother saw her eyes smug in the eyes. It was very easy for her to toss a woman in the palace for so long. .

"Since it has already arrived, I will hurry to tea!" said the Empress Dowager. After all, the newly married woman really needs to respect the tea on the second day. Today, the blue mourning should also be given to the Empress Dowager, Taishanghuang and Yuebailian. Tea, Lan You Nian also knows this thing but also does not dislike it, so he just stood up and prepared to worship tea. Although Feng Yi Xuan is very distressed, he does not want to let him do so, but he also knows how to do it himself. Her reason.

Lan Younian took the samovar from the hands of the palace lady, but the first one to sing the tea is the white lotus. In the blue sacred eyes, the white lotus is indeed his own scorpion. After all, he is also really windy. Xia Wei is like a brother.

Yue Bailian smiled and shyly took the tea and silently drank a whole cup of tea. At this moment, Yuebailian seems to have returned to the days of being in the ruthless pavilion, but the difference is that the mind has not changed, but it will no longer Xiao thought about it.

The second tea-respecting is Feng Xuan. Although Feng Xuan is somewhat dissatisfied with the practice of Lan You Nian, he sees his son’s obviously cheeky eyes and knows that he can’t say anything at all. Now he is just a king who has no rights. If he makes his son unhappy, he is afraid that the position of the Emperor is too unstable. Feng Xuan knows how much his two sons are.

The third is the Empress Dowager, and there is no smile on the face of Lan Younian. For those who don’t like it, there will be no good face, and the blue singer will pick up the tea and hands, but this time The Empress Dowager said with anger, "The bride is respecting the tea, which one is not squatting? Are you standing to worship tea? Is the county owner growing up in the mountains and has no knowledge, and now the ceremonies have not taught you?"

Just Blue Lan Nian was standing in the tea ceremony. For Lan Younian, there are very few people who can let her kneel down. At least a few people in front are not qualified.

In such a good day, and because the mood of the newly-married blue sorrow is still very good, it is very difficult to not compete with this old woman, but some people really think that their status can be like a jumping clown.

The Empress Dowager saw the blue mourning just standing there and did not say that she was shocked to the woman who had not yet reached the first place, so she reached out and wanted to knock over the tea. This tea was just brewed very hot, if it came across Blue secluded will definitely burn.

At this speed, I couldn’t hurt Blue Nian Nian, but I still waited for the blue singer to start the wind wing porch. I got up from the chair and picked up the blue quilt back to the seat, and Feng Yixuan also used it kindly. His sleeves turned back the tea, and in a moment the Queen Mother was drenched by the hot tea.

The Empress Dowager has been in this position since she has been in this position. The tea has flowed down her cheeks. It can be clearly seen that her well-maintained skin has begun to turn red. She is the Empress Dowager. Did not yell, but from the ups and downs of the chest can be seen that she is very angry and very painful.

The next palace lady immediately stepped forward to wipe the cheeks for the Empress Dowager. The eunuchs were rushing to find the doctors. Even Feng Xuan was very worried about watching her mother, but the contrast was the inaction of the four people of Fengyixuan. The person who seems to be hot is just a stranger.

The Empress Dowager’s fingers pointed to the blue sacred thoughts and seemed to want to punish the blue secluded thoughts, but when she looked up, she looked at her grandson and looked at herself like a dead man. The Empress Dowager was soaked in the palace for so many years. The eyes have not been seen, but the eyes of Feng Yixuan still make her afraid. She feels that if she really blames the blue secluded thoughts, it is really impossible to keep her life. It is a bit funny to think of but the Empress Dowager. I think it is very possible.

"Xuan Er..." Taishang Huangfeng Xuan looked at his mother and was burned and wanted to swear by Feng Yi Xuan. No matter how arrogant his son had once, but never made such a big rebellious thing, Feng Xuan suddenly regretted this moment. Let his son indigo, after all, his son is too heavy, this is a big weakness.

"The emperor has nothing to do." Yuebailian got up and interrupted the words of Feng Xuan, and walked to the side of the Empress Dowager. "The emperor is too old to be too careless. What are you going to do with the palace ladies? You must be careful with the tea, lest the grandmother can't stand it!" The language of Yue Bailian is full of irony, so that the Empress Dowager will be blue in a flash.

When Yue Bailian said, he took out his handcuffs and carefully wiped the cheeks of the Empress Dowager, but the strength in his hand was not light. The cheeks that had been burnt were wiped by the moon white lotus, and the Queen’s cheeks felt more painful.

The emperor’s pain suddenly pushed the white lotus, and Yue Bailian was prepared so that he just squatted. Feng Xia saw his wife being pushed to the side of Yuebailian and took the white lotus back to the seat, but two The smile on the cheeks of the person is a couple of black belly.

"Well, I still have a lot of government affairs to do, and the emperor should go back. After all, there are still many things in the military camp that you need to deal with!" Feng Xia said that he took a few people and then left the palace. The Empress Dowager set fire in the palace.

"White Lotus, your strength has been too great, I have seen the Empress Dowager almost vomiting blood!" Lan Youn said happily, this kind of friend feels good for himself.

"Don't say, I used the old woman's face as a table to wipe it!" Yue Bailian also said with a smile, "This old woman usually likes to look for me when she has nothing to do in the palace. I ignore her and she thinks I am afraid." Her!"

"Why don't you tell me?" Feng Xiayan said with some distress. Although there is no love between the two, they have more precious feelings than love. "If she calls you again in the future, you should not go!"

Moon White Lotus sneaked a sigh of wind and summer glances "You think I will suffer, every time the dying is the old woman!"

Lan Younian was very pleased to see the interaction between the two people, so that everyone found their own happiness...

However, the good mood of Lan You Nian suddenly disappeared when he returned to the Pluto Palace, because there are more than a dozen women wearing various color gauze skirts outside the gates of the Pluto Palace. These women’s looks are very picky. I am arguing with the housekeeper Fengbo.

"What happened?" The carriage stopped there because the women could not enter the palace of the King, and Fengyi Xuan came from the carriage with a cold voice. The girls looked at the carriage of the Pluto and knew that the carriage was Pluto. When they were ready to say something, they were stopped by the guards of the Pluto, and they were not allowed to get close to the carriage.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, just these women were sent to the Pluto by the guards in the palace, saying that the Queen Mother gave the woman to the prince, and said that these women are the aides of the princes in the future, and the old slaves are not willing to make claims. I dare not let these women enter the palace of the King, so these women are standing here and refuse to leave!" Feng Bo said that he looked at these women with great contempt, and it was simply delusional to think that these women would like to enter the Palace of the King. Their Pluto Palace has only one female master, and the other women want to come in and there are no doors.

At this time, the blue singer’s lazy nest rested in the arms of Feng Yixuan. He heard Lan Bo’s narrative blue sacred thoughts and understood the reason of the incident, because he was not happy in the palace, she was not happy, she I can't do anything about myself, so I used this method. If I am out of favor, then I am still not arrogant?

"Get rid of it!" Feng Yi Xuan gently patted his thoughts and recited his thoughts, fearing that there was something unhappy.

"Pluto, Pluto don't want it!" The woman's voice sounded "We are the Queen Mother sent to serve Pluto, and please Pluto do not drive us away, Pluto, please leave us a little more!"

"Whose women are you?" Lan Younian said that the soft voice came from the carriage, so many people were shocked. Everyone knows that today’s Pluto is the first beauty in the world, but everyone I didn't think that just a voice would be so good.

"The little girl is..."

"The little girl is..." A group of women said that they also showed off in their own language. When they heard it, they knew that these women were not the brothel women or the ladies, but the uncles of the Empress Dowager. The woman is gone, but even if the prostitute is an official woman, the Empress Dowager is also giving them a dismissal for them to dispose of these women at will. When Lan Younian is considering how to deal with these women, Feng Yixuan opens his mouth. It is.

"Dark one, send it to the brothel!" After the wind wing Xuan finished, he let the dark one add the carriage into the palace of the king. The women still wanted to block but found that the dark one did not care about the direct collision of human life. Those women were afraid of who they were. They are hiding far.

When the group of women felt that Pluto was joking, they found that the group of women from the Pluto Palace had directly taken the group to the brothel, or the famous ruthless goldsmith in the capital. The means of Fengyixuan also let those Those who have thought of sending their daughters to the Pluto Palace have settled down.

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