The days are slowly passing, and it has been two months since I married Wuyi Xuan, and in the past two months, Lan You Nian has been completely speechless.

"Wind Wing Xuan!" When Blue Wing woke up, he gave it to Fengyi Xuan directly, but it is a pity that her strength did not kick the wind wing Xuan to the bed. I was in the middle of a deep kiss.

“When I woke up?” Feng Yixuan carefully kissed the smile of the woman’s mouth under her body and became evil. “It’s not too tired to read this look. I shouldn’t stop so early last night. "Wan Yi Xuan said that he was ready to taste the woman under his body, but was stopped by Lan You Nian.

Blue sorrow can't figure out how to get it. If it's just getting married, it will have nothing to do with the whole day and the joy of the fish. After all, Fengyixuan is just reopening, but it’s been two months apart from the moon. In those few days, Fengyi Xuan will let go of himself. In other days, Lan Younian will be softened by Feng Yixuan’s legs and feet every day. Feng Yi Xuan seems to be eating the most, and he is such a thing. Never get tired.

Usually, Fengyi Xuan will not let Lan Youn suffer a bit of grievances, and think about what it is, but it will be different when it comes to the bed. Every time, the blue mourning is crying, and the wind wing hang is not let go, but instead It’s even more interesting. If you don’t care about your own, Wing Yi Xuan is likely to press yourself down every day.

"Xuan, excessive indulgence is not good!" Blue secluded against the wing of Feng Yi Xuan, trying to pull out his clothes to cover the exposed collarbone, last night she was tossed by the wind wing Xuan to the middle of the night, and later the wind Wing Xuan sees himself tired before letting go of himself. If this is the early morning, I will be sure that they will not go out today, because this kind of thing is not once or twice. Out of the door of the room to see the blue song, their eyes began to want to hit the wall.

Feng Yixuan smiled when he looked at the woman's evil look under him. He also knew that he had been asking for endless requests in these days, but he was afraid of it, but Fengyi Xuan was the one who loved the two. The feeling that the feeling is not only physically and mentally close, makes Feng Yixuan feel very satisfied.

"Laughter!" Blue Nian Nian's beating the lower wing of the wing, but suddenly found the pain is his own hand.

Feng Yixuan immediately pulled out the hand of the thought and looked at the distressed and said, "You will take me to play with me in the future. Don't play it like this, don't know the pain, stupid!" Although the mouth blames the blue mourning, But the movement of the blue hand in the hands of the little hand is extremely soft.

"Master!" There was a dark voice outside, and it seemed that there was an anxious voice in the voice. Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian looked at each other and knew what happened. Everyone in Pluto’s house knew that Wang and Wang Hao could not bother when they were resting. They remember the last dark second. Because there was a less important thing to sue, so I disturbed the rest of Wang Ye and Wang Hao, so I was sent out to do the task, and I have not returned yet!

The dark one can feel the cold air from the room when he disturbs the master, so that when he is standing in the courtyard, he can feel how terrible the cold air is, and clearly understand how bad his own master is. It can only be said that it is terrible to disturb the man who eats meat.

Feng Yi Xuan is not a person who can't be distinguished. He got up and put his clothes on first, then he used his clothes to read clothes carefully. It seems that this practice will last forever, but For a while, Fengyi Xuan took the clothes and went to the bath room in the middle to wash. When the two went out of the room, the dark one had been standing there for a long time.

I didn’t care about the darkness that stood there. Fengyi Xuan came to the hall of Pluto’s House with a thought, and there was already a variety of exquisite breakfasts, and the blue and blue dances stood there. The two used the meal, and the dark one followed the hall.

"Say!" Feng Yixuan’s voice said coldly, but the look of the woman in the arms was extremely gentle when she was eating. This kind of difference treatment made the dark want to cry, how did they spread it? The master of such a big wife and slave!

"The master, the master is missing!" said the dark one seriously.

Feng Yixuan’s eyes flashed through the complexities and brilliance, but after a few minutes, Feng Yi Xuan continued to slap the dishes to the blue secluded, and the sound did not have any ups and downs. “I know, you go down and investigate! ”

Blue Nian Nian elegantly drank the medicinal porridge in his bowl and asked, "Who is your man?" Blue You Nian still has a certain image of this 裴 Fu, and this person is indeed true. There is a bit of skill, and the reason why Lan Younian remembers Fu Fu is because in the past, Lan Younian felt that Fu Fu had a respect for himself. Once Blue Lan Nian thought it could not figure out the problem. The ruthless court checked but did not find any results. But now Lan Younian is clear, and Fu’s respect for himself may be due to the reason of Feng Yi Xuan, but Lan Yun’s thought was very unexpected. She and Feng Yi Xuan also just met, was it that Feng Yi Xuan had issued this way? The command? I have to say that Lan Younian thinks that this man is really overbearing. It seems that from that time, Feng Yi Xuan identified himself.

Feng Yi Xuan also put down the tableware in his hand. "Well, it is my subordinate!" I thought about Feng Yixuan and explained that "he is a spy who I sent in the snow country. I have been doing very well in the snow country. But this time it must have been something or was discovered!"

Lan Nian nodded, then listened to Feng Yi Xuan to tell about Fu Fu.

Fu Fu used to be a killer of the Ghost Domain, but the difference is that he is a very capable man of Feng Yi Xuan. At that time, Feng Yi Xuan did not have such power and means. At that time, he was only a child, but because of that time. He was too favored by Feng Xuan and because he attracted all his gaze, the eyes of the Queen were placed on him. Feng Yi Xuan was assassinated one after another, but Feng Yi Xuan felt that some of these assassinations were not queens. Later, Feng Yi Xuan tried to find out that some of these killers were sent by Xue Guo, but they Kill the Queen with the Queen’s nephew.

From that time, Fengyi Xuan knew the wolf ambition of the snow country, so it was also from that time that Feng Yi Xuan let the scorpion enter the snow country and became a spy investigator Xue Guo. Fu Fu did not let Feng Yixuan disappoint and became the prime minister of the snow country. The outsiders thought that the right of the snow country was awkward, but Feng Yixuan knew that Fu Fu had not been trusted in the snow country for so many years, and many secret things were saved. Still unclear, but even after so many years, Feng Yi Xuan also squandered many people in the snow country to assassinate themselves because of some intelligence of Fu Fu, and even escaped the ambush of many snow countries.

"So, this snow country hates a problem? Or the last time the snow king's lord poisoned himself is also carefully planned!" Blue Yu Nian's eyes flashed in killing "maybe many things have snow country's participation Such as poisonous lady..."

They used to think that people like different poisonous women could not find out their intelligence, but if the poisonous lady is the person who the Snow Kingdom wants to protect, then it is said, why this explains why the poison lady is going to target the wind. The country is doing these things that are damaging.

"Well," Fengyi Xuan nodded. "Snow country is afraid to annex the four countries, so the first one should be a wind country! And the emperor of the snow country is not a good person, can plan for so long from my childhood. To kill, this time I am afraid that I am in big trouble!"

"Don't worry, since it can be hidden in the snow country for so many years, then life insurance should still be possible!" Blue Yun thought comforted, she knows that the man around him is really cold-blooded, but has his own responsibility to his brother.

"Well, I know that if he can't resist even this thing, then he should die if he dies!" Feng Yixuan said coldly.

Although Feng Yi Xuan is very good to those brothers underneath, the premise is that he is very cold-blooded. If the underlying brother dies, he will let the ghost domain avenge him, but he will not be sad. If this life is not met, To the blue secluded, perhaps he really became a monster and a devil.

"Wang Ye Wang, the emperor and a few sons came!" Dark three came to the hall and said, Fengyi Xuan nodded, and then saw Feng Xia and Jing Wu'an and the blue ink string came and walked in.

“What happened?” Feng Yi Xuan now puts a lot of things in the hall to the wind and summer, as long as it is not particularly important, Feng Yi Xuan will not go to the special question or inquiry, this is also the wind and summer The respect of the emperor.

"Snow country has posted a post, indicating that you are invited to go to the snow country to participate in the harvest of the snow country this year!" Feng Xia said with concern, Xueguo this time to do a harvest festival is very strange and still need to name the name of the wind wing Xuanhe Blue secluded to go, Feng Xia has already smelled the conspiracy.

The snow country does have a harvest festival, and the annual harvest festival does invite countries to participate, but it is good to send an ordinary courtier to do it in the past, but this year is not the same thing, the representative of Fengyixuan What constitutes the military capability of the wind country, the snow country is so invited to have a conspiracy.

"We will go!" Feng Yixuan said, although knowing that going to the snow country is definitely a risk, but Feng Yi Xuan has never been a person who is afraid of danger, not to enter the tiger hole to win the tiger!

"Axuan..." Feng Xia is preparing to persuade but thinks that the temper of Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian also knows that he can't persuade him. "This time, let's take more people. Be careful, no matter what happens, it is the most important thing." As for the problem of the diplomatic relations between the two countries, Feng Xia does not care at all. If there is anything wrong with the person who wants to protect, then even if he is sitting in this position safely, what is the meaning?

“The emperor is relieved!” Feng Yixuan said to the blue ink string and others that “the recent turmoil in the frontier is very powerful, so that the blue ink string and Beijing Wu’an go to the frontier first. If something goes wrong, someone will sit there!”

“Yeah!” Feng Xia also knows that this incident seems to be really serious. The turmoil in the frontier is hard to see, but the people under Fengyixuan are very smart and very wise, so they can find out that there is also a heart in Fengyixuan. intend.

After the deliberation of Feng Yixuan and others, they immediately started. Feng Yi Xuan did not bring the guards under his command and directly mobilized the killer of the ghost domain. The blue front and blue blade around Lan Younian also followed, the former wing Xuan may also like the taste of gambling and gambling, but nowadays, with the thought of Feng Yi Xuan, everything must be done without fail.

Outside the city that is about to reach the snow country, Feng Yixuan met another person, that is, the prince of the flower country, the prince of the prince, the regent of the king.

"I have waited for you for a few days, and your speed is too slow!" Hua Xiuyi's red robe got into the carriage of Fengyixuan, but he was beaten by Fengyi Xuan without drilling. Come out, if it is not that he is flashing, he will be hurt.

"Hey, how are you so stingy!" Hua Xiuyi said with an angry voice. Today, Hua Xiuyi has a lot of anger. It is not as strange as it used to be. He avenged the warmth of his heart, if not can't find fun. It is a matter of fact that he is afraid to throw it down into the affairs of the flower country. For Hua Xiuyi, Huaguo is not his responsibility, just a toy or a tool for revenge.

"How come you?" Feng Yixuan walked out of the carriage and asked, after all, it is now the emperor of the flower country, how can an emperor come to participate in such a boring harvest festival? As for why not let the flowers fall into the carriage, it is because he just remembers to suffocate the kiss. At this time, the most fascinating thoughts are to let the flowers see it, and Feng Yixuan feels that he will definitely kill.

"boring, I heard that you also go to Xueguo and think about going together to join in the fun!" Huaxiu’s words are really not fake. Now he is really bored. Every day is to deal with those memorials, so I hear the wind. When Wing Xuan and Lan Youn went to Xueguo, he also came. He was sure that there must be something to happen in the place where these two people are.

Feng Yixuan looked back at the carriage and looked back at the carriage. It was also the default flower, and the flowers and leisure should look at such a cold wind wing Xuan touched his cheek, and some sighed that they were peerless. Man, but the face of Feng Yi Xuan seems to be such a pity that it is a pity.

"Right, my people saved a person, I think Pluto must be very interested in this person!" Hua Xiuyi said to the carriage, today he is going to their carriage anyway, now the flowers are going through After so many things have changed, there are a bit of childishness and a bit of casual character.

Lan You Nian has already sorted out the clothes and breathing. After hearing the words of Hua Xiuyi, the intuition should be said that they need it, so Lan Younuan said, "If you still want to take the regent, come to the king." !"

Although Feng Yi Xuan is not good, some people are jealous and he is surrounded by him, but he is also a very rational person, so in the case of Fengyi Xuan air-conditioned, Hua Xiuyi calmly walked into the carriage, but he also has Divided, sitting on the opposite side of the two, if you do not know his gender is simply a peerless beauty.

“Who are you saving?” asked Blue You, because she found that if the possibility of asking Feng Yi Xuan was not high, Feng Yi Xuan might prefer to investigate.

Hua Xiu should caress his long hair. It is obvious that the woman's movements made him feel the slightest feminine, but unfortunately the two people in the carriage did not appreciate anything.

"That man is the singer of the snow country!"...

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