Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 10 I will be jealous

When Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan walked into the palace, the whole hall was quiet. Perhaps they did not think that there would be such a beautiful pair in this world.

Feng Yi Xuan has a lazy face. The most striking thing on the handsome face is the under the eyebrows. The beautiful purple eyes hidden in the thick eyelashes like a fan are like the clear autumn water, deep as the stars of the cold night, teach People can't move their eyes. The eyebrows of the eye are filled with a smile on the woman around, a black Chinese dress, not obvious, but noble and charming.

Many people saw that Feng Yixuan was shocked. He did not expect that the famous **** of war, Wang Ye, was so beautiful.

The people looked at the woman next to Fengyi Xuan, and they looked at it as soon as they saw it. The woman is fascinated by the dew, the brow eyebrows contain spring, the skin is fine, such as Wenyu soft light if the greasy, the small mouth of the cherry is not point and red, the delicate if dripping, the two sides of the hair are soft with the wind and the face is tempting. The style, and the flexible turning eyes, Hui Yan looked at the man around him, a little naughty, a bit mischievous, a white long skirt, the waist is not a grip, the beauty is so innocent, beautiful so not to eat human fireworks.

"Ha ha ha, the Pluto and the Pluto of the Wind Kingdom are really unparalleled!" The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom saw the blue mourning is also a flash of his eyes, the harem of his harem is also thousands of people, usually he also feels in his own palace The women are all beautiful, but nowadays, compared with the one of the princes, the scorpions are simply unable to enter the eye. If they can get such a woman, they will not be romantic.

At the first stop of Fengyixuan, he covered the eyes of many men present. He said coldly, "The Snow King emperor praised it!" After he finished, he took the blue mourning and sat in their position, for Fengyixuan. The arrogant attitude is very dissatisfied with the ministers of the snow country, but it is a pity that watching the wind and the legendary reputation and the legendary reputation no one dares to stand up and say something, so the whole hall has become a little embarrassing in an instant. Even the emperors of the snow country can't hold their faces.

"The regent of the flower country came!" The voice of the eunuch's sharp voice rang again, breaking the atmosphere of the suffocating atmosphere in the hall. Everyone looked at the flower country and the current power is also the regent of the flower country.

But see the flowers and leisurely wearing a red robes, the outline is very beautiful. The long eyebrows flew into the shackles, and the eyes seemed to wake up and awake. The twilight flowed, and the posture of the whole body was exceptionally sloppy and sloppy. At first glance, I could not see that he was a The majesty of the Lord of the country should be like a romantic son who does not learn to be artless, lazy and horrible. But if you look closely, you will find the sharpness in his eyes and the light that cannot be underestimated.

Hua Xiuyi sat next to Fengyi Xuan and said with a smile, "Hey, this king thought that you will come to the end. I didn't think that today is the last one that the king has come to. It is really a show of the limelight. You see Look at the eyes of those women who love the king. They just want to eat this prince!" Hua Xiuyi said that he still wants to be close to Fengyixuan, but it is a pity that Fengyixuan feels sick when he sees such a enchanting flower. Although the two are now friends, Feng Yi Xuan has no need to ridicule.

"That doesn't mean what you want!" Feng Yixuan's internal force will push the flower to the side and push it, then he will pull it to his side and feel the air is much better.

"Don't you see that the women are also eyeing you? Although the king does not want to admit it, your charm can also be compared with the king!" Hua Xiuyi said that he was still blinking toward the blue secluded, and instantly let Feng Yi Xuan blackened his face. Feng Yi Xuan found that those people around him didn’t have the kind of thoughts on their thoughts, but why do they like to disturb their two worlds?

"If you like to bring it back, anyway, your house is now vacant!" Feng Yi Xuan is also a rare snake.

Since Hua Xiuyi pulled down his father to control the flower country, Hua Xiyi dismissed all the servants in his house. Once those servants were excuses to let the flowers cover their inner and dirty, now his heart It has been infused with warmth, so he does not need the camouflage of the disgusting skin.

Hua Hugh should be aversion to the cold, and the next move is made by him. "Don't, this king is now looking high, how can those women who are crazy like this get into the eyes of the king!"

Lan Nian Nian sat in the wing of the wing of the wing with a smile and listened to the two naive to the ultimate conversation, in some respects, Blue Nian Nian is very happy that Feng Yi Xuan has a friend like Hua Xiu, although Feng Yi Xuan There are indeed friends, but there is no such thing as a friend. Lan Younian can feel that the two people have the same thoughts many times. They are heroes and heroes, and they are really scum, but they are really scum. It is a very good friend.

Although the three people are sitting in this serious hall, the atmosphere is really good. Just like a good friend chatting, the superior snow country emperor saw that Hua Xiuyi and Feng Yi Xuan seemed to be very dissatisfied, a wind country. The Pluto has already made him jealous. If you add a different regent of the flower king, then it will be harder for the snow country to attack the country first. The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom has thoughts about it. thinking.

"Ha ha, Su Wen, the king of the dynasty is a model of the women of the wind country, not only looks beautiful but also mastered the music. Today, the countries are not knowing that Pluto will not want to play for us!" An official of Xueguo is collecting After the sight of the Emperor of the Snow, he got up with a glass of wine and laughed.

Everyone is also optimistic about watching the blue secluded thoughts. The man really wants to see the piano of the first beauty in the world. The woman is mocking and watching the blue mourning. The appearance of the blue singer becomes a The female enemy. Moreover, Wang Hao, who is a country, wants to give a performance. This is * naked and scornful blue mourning.

"I don't want to!" Lan Younian didn't even lift his head. He just ate the grapes that Fengyi Xuan gave her. The gesture of leisurely thought that she didn't seem to hear anything, but everyone also heard the blue secluded. Read this without any emotional rejection.

The official did not think that Lan Younian would have refused his face so much, and there was no reason for refusal. This arrogant attitude appeared on a woman who was weird but inexplicable and felt that this woman should be.

"I heard that Pluto and Bodhisattva have been cured in the wind country. Even now, the plague has been cured. Now, at first sight, it feels different from the rumors. How can Pluto be so stingy?" The official said dissatisfied that he was not the face of a woman for the first time. The refusal, if not afraid of Pluto, he has already come forward to teach this woman.

"You also said it is heard!" Lan You Nian still did not look up, and even eat fruit in his mouth, that cute look is just the heart of Feng Yi Xuan, I can’t wait to immediately take it back. It’s good to be bullied under your body.

The official was blinded by the words of Lan Younian. I don’t know what to say. At this time, Lan Younuan said, "You are a wind country?"

The official was shocked and quickly looked at the emperor's eyes. The voice raised and said, "Pluto is laughing and joking. This official is how the Xue people can be a wind country!"

"You and Ben Wang are friends?" Lan Younian asked.

"No, of course not!" The official looked at the gaze of the Emperor, and he was a little scared. He had always heard of Pluto's favor of the Pluto, and now he discovered that the possession of the Pluto was really great.

"You are more honorable than this king?" Lan Younian took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth and looked at the official.

The official saw that such a beautiful woman looked at herself completely unexcited and only feared, because the eyes of the Pluto are too cool and seem to be looking at a clown. The official said slyly, "No, this official is of course Don't be a princess!"

The identity of Lan Younian is not even comparable to the princess in the wind country. This other country is also very clear. Now, among the four countries, the women in the Queen are the most distinguished.

"You are not a member of my wind country, not a friend of this king, but no more noble than this king. What qualification do you have to let the king play the piano?" The voice of Lan You Nian is cold but contains a suffocating suffocation. A small official dares to be so rampant, who gives you the courage?"

Many people are speechless. In the end, who is the man who is crazy, but no one dares to refute the woman. The smart person also sees that this woman is definitely not a good person, and the upper emperor of the snow country is even more Looking at the blue eyes of the eyes is full of an unknown meaning.

The official was blue and white as the palette was white, white, and finally sat down in the end. And Lan You Nian is also ready to take back the line of sight, but at this time, Lan You Nian found a very aggressive line of sight. When the blue secluded eyes waved, they saw the emperor of the snow country’s gaze on his own, and the blue secluded mind Cold but my heart is more guarded.

The snow country emperor haha ​​smiled and let the song and dance begin. This is also the thing that every palace feast will do. Some blue eyes have already seen some visual fatigue, but when the dancers come out, the blue sacred thoughts are still subconsciously Feng Yi Xuan, seeing the eyes of Feng Yi Xuan on his body did not go to see a smile.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yi Xuan felt that the woman around her suddenly seemed to be happy, and she was happy, although he did not know what he was happy with.

The blue mourning refers to those who wear cool dancers. The prostitutes in the brothel of the wind country are more than these women, and the movements of these women are very frivolous and they are still teasing. Many men present are watching. The mouth is dry, and I can't wait for the eyes to stick to the dancers.

"Not a lot of people look at those women!" Lan Younian said, adding "I will be jealous!"

Feng Yixuan did not look at the dancers. In fact, even if he saw it, he didn’t feel anything. It’s not a bunch of cabbage twisted and twisted, but he saw that he was so appreciative that Feng Yixuan was still very useful, nodded. I agree very much, "You look better!"

At this time, Hua Xiyi, who was next to him, nodded in agreement, but his eyes were watching those dancers. The dancers thought that the Regent was in love with them, but they didn’t know that Hua Xiyi’s eyes didn’t look at them. They, he himself is the beauty of the woman who needs to look at these daggers, it is better to go back to the mirror!

The style of the snow country has to be unrestrained. Some dancers have jumped and jumped to the arms of some officials, and the winged wings and Hua Xiuyi sitting there are undoubtedly the men that the dancers want to hook up, whether they are identity or appearance. .

The two dancers who looked exactly the same danced slowly and slowly approached the table at Fengyi Xuan. The blue singer looked at the two twins with fun. The two dancers were very beautiful and look the same, and they seemed to have a taste. But the pity of the brain is not so good.

Before the two dancers approached the table of Fengyi Xuan, the internal force of Fengyi Xuan directly opened the two women, and the faint appearance made people unable to say anything strange.

However, there were also dancers who came to the front of Hua Xiuyi, and stretched out their fingers to caress the flowers, and Hua Xiuyi smiled and dragged the woman into her arms, but the pity of the dancers did not make any action and was laughed. Pushed out and squatted on the table, his forehead was bloody, but the dancer didn't dare to go back and dance.

A palace banquet ended in the same way that everyone thought about their own plans, but Hua Xiyi did not think that he was quietly invited into the palace by the emperor of the snow country. It seems that things are getting more and more fun. It is.

At this time, Fengyi Xuan also received the snow country emperor quietly please spend time, but Fengyi Xuan just revealed an inexplicable smile, did nothing...

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