"I don't know what the Emperor of the Snow Kingdom is looking for when he came to the king?" Hua Xiuyi leaned back in the chair and looked at the Emperor of the Snow Country who invited him to come.

The Emperor of the Snow Country laughed and pours himself for the flower. After all, it is the emperor of a country, although he does not know why this man is not willing to call the emperor but this cannot deny the man’s means and power.

"Oh, looking for the Regent King today is of course a matter of business, and it is still a very powerful thing for the Regent!" The Snow Country emperor said with a smile, he looked at the flower in front of him and flashed greed, but he also It is clear that some people are not allowed to move, at least not now he can move.

The eyes of the Emperor of the Snowland made Hua Xiu feel disgusting. What he hated most in this life was that some men looked at themselves with the kind of possession.

"Oh? I don't know what the Snow Kingdom wants to talk to the king?" Hua Xiuyi raised his eyes and covered the cold light in his eyes. He doesn't have the idea of ​​wanting to unite with other countries, but he won't Allow others to count on their heads.

"Hehehehe..." Emperor Xueguo drank a sip of spirits. "Now the wind country is becoming more and more powerful. I believe that the Regent King has also seen it. Now I hope that the regent and the Regent will join hands to divide the country. When we are half-pointed, you and my country will Become a real power!"

The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom had ambitions long before he was a long time ago. When he was a prince of the country, he began to land in the country of the wind, so he paid attention to everything in the wind country and provoked the relationship within the country, but unfortunately Finally, the wind country is still stubborn standing there, and has a more powerful trend.

When the Emperor of the Snowland first began to attach importance to Fengyixuan, when he was on the battlefield, such a man was born to be a king. Therefore, the Emperor of the Snow Country felt that he could not wait, so he sent many people to destroy the wind country and destroy everything. The people or things destroyed by the wind country, but unfortunately, they did not achieve the results they wanted in the end.

Now that he is truly in contact with the Pluto of the Windy Country, the Emperor of the Snow Country knows that he can't wait, and he is four or fifty years old and has no more time to wait. He must remove the **** of war from the wind country. The land of the windy country can be unified into four countries to become the real king.

Hua Xiu should ridiculously look at the Emperor of the Snow Country. Does he really think that Feng Yi Xuan is so good to deal with? He himself and the wing have been fighting for so many years, once spent the rest of his life and thought that he and Fengyi Xuan are as powerful as they are, but now they have become friends and they have to know that they used to be too stupid because of the original wing. Xuan did not care about himself, so she did not kill her heart. But now that Fengyixuan has someone who wants to protect, then he is serious. If the man is serious, who is the opponent?

"Oh, the Emperor of the Snow Kingdom is really looking at the King. The King has no ambitions." The evil spirits of Huaxiu laughed and seemed to hear a good joke. "This king just needs to guard himself one acre and three points." As for those who fight and kill, is this king really not used to it?"

Hua Hsuyi said that he is very innocent. If he used to be very interested in it, but now he really does not have that mind, and now his heart is warm in the wind country, Feng Yixuan is also his friend. I still don't get into trouble.

"The Regent King should not refuse as fast, because as long as the Regent and the United States join forces, you will move the Regent King like your beloved, and make sure that the Regent is satisfied!" The Emperor Xueguo also guessed that Huaxiu would refuse, so he would The next bait came out.

Hua Xiu should ask some accidents, "Oh? I don't know what the snow country wants to give the king something to satisfy?"



Going out and still in a dangerous place, so it is rare that Feng Yi Xuan just stayed in the blue secluded night and did not do any exercise, and the blue singer also rested quickly and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lan Nianyan suddenly opened his eyes, and Fengyixuan opened his eyes and picked up his clothes to wear clothes for Lan Younian. The clothes of Blue Nian Nian had not been dressed outside and they came to fight. the sound of.

"I can't wait to do so!" Lan Younian took out his own dagger. She never thought that she should be married to Fuzhong Xuanfu after she was married to Fengyi Xuan. Of course, Fengyi Xuan also thinks this way. They are husband and wife, so they can work together in any environment.

"Don't leave too far!" Feng Yixuan took the blue sorrow and walked out of the room. He didn't say that he wanted to stay behind him, because he knew that his wife had his own pride, so he just wanted to It’s good to fight together on your own side.

The "master" dark waited for the people to come to the side of Fengyi Xuan and Lan Younian to protect the two people. "This snow country has cost a lot of money. There are many dead people outside, and if not all of them come here. The people in the ghost domain are afraid that they will not resist for a long time!"

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the dead soldiers who jumped into the courtyard and there was no fluctuation in the battle with their own subordinates, but Feng Yi Xuan also knew that they are now on the site of the snow country, and the people they bring are ghosts. The domain is a good killer but there are not many people who can't stand the snow country. The emperor of the snow country is really determined to let them go back, and it is completely torn apart.

The killer of the ghost domain gradually lost some but did not retreat. The wind wing Xuan and the blue sacred thoughts also moved momentarily. The two rushed into the killing circle like the galloping electricity, and they pleasing one life after another. .

The blue dagger's dagger cut through the neck of each slain like a filament, and the sprayed blood was stained with the blue whispered white dress, but the blue singer continued his own killing dance without any expression.

Feng Yi Xuan holds a long sword. Every warrior who wants to be close is cut off by a sharp sword or a sword pierces the heart. What is even more directly cut off the half body? God of War is more like a **** of death.

For a time, the sound of the sword sounded in the whole house. The **** smell filled the senses of the people. One dead man fell down, but then there will be more dead soldiers around. The wheel battle made Feng Yixuan and others feel a little tired, but there is no People can relax. ——

"What do you say?" Hua Xiuyi's body suddenly sat up straight, with a complex incomprehensible look.

"You can see that the Regent is very interested in Pluto, so that the wise and beautiful beauty is afraid that no man can be tempted. Originally, I wanted to take the woman, but now I see the Regent’s presence on Pluto. Interest, you will naturally let the Regent King get the Pluto!" said the Emperor of the Snow Country, who saw the attention of the Regent to Pluto in the entire banquet, and this concern is not a contempt for the focus of the skin, but Real love.

Hua Hugh’s slender fingers cares for his own black hair. In fact, he is controlling himself not to kill. He also knows that there are many dark guards in the dark and he may not be able to kill this snow country emperor. Yes, he does have love for his thoughts, but after so many things, this love has been turned into blessings. Now I hear someone who treats her like this, and there is anger in the heart of flowers.

"I don't know why the Emperor of the Snow Kingdom is so sure to get the Pluto King?" Hua Xiuyi said with a smile, and now it is a fool's move.

The Emperor of the Snow Country laughed happily, and seemed to have thought that he had killed Pluto and got the beautiful Pluto.

"I don't want to be a regent, but now the house where Pluto lives is full of squadrons, even if Pluto is so powerful, how can it be so many soldiers, and the scorpion is already covered with guards, this time Pluto Come to my snow country, there is definitely no return!” The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom proudly said, “When the Pluto is dead, is the delicate Pluto is not at your fingertips?”

Hua Xiuyi’s heart suddenly became a bit cold. He did not think that this snow country emperor would be so bold and direct to kill the attacker. He is not afraid of the revenge of the wind country. The balance of the more important four countries seems to be broken.

"Ao?" Huaxiu should relax and look at the Emperor of the Snow Country. "The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom really seems to be doing all the preparations, then let the Emperor of the Snow State send the Pluto when he sends it!" Just got up, "This king is waiting for the good news of the Emperor of the Snow Country!"

"Haha, the regent king is in a hurry, do not need much time to give the regent king good news, when I hope that the regent king will help me snow country!" The emperor of the snow country proudly said that as long as the killing of the Pluto wind is not enough fear.

Hua Xiuyi nodded and then left the palace of the Snow Country, while Amu, who was waiting outside, saw a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Master!" Amu and a few flowers and leisurely confidant said.

At the moment when Hua Xiyi came out of the palace, his face became very serious. "Amu, immediately go to summon our people in the snow country to go to the palace!"

Although Amu did not know what happened so that the master would be so serious, what he had to do as a blind guard was to obey the order. He immediately called for the manpower after nodding. It seems that there is a hard battle tonight.


"Are you done?" Feng Yixuan once again killed a dead man and asked him directly about the dark one.

At this time, the black body is covered with deep and shallow wounds, just like everyone in the ghost field. Although everyone has a high martial arts, they can’t stand the siege of so many people. There is a hidden position in the faint.

"No, it will take a while!" After killing a dead man, he was only able to return to the air. Although they were prepared this time, it was a pity that the emperor who did not count the snow country said that they started to do so, which made them somewhat unprepared. If the masters don't think that they can't go back, now all they need is to protect the master and the mother to fight for time.

Just when everyone was struggling to kill, suddenly the peripheral squadrons were killed, and the wind wing sings a corner of the mouth, saying, "Come on!" Feng Yi Xuan’s voice just fell and saw Hua Xiuyi was wearing the red dress of the Saobao bag and joined his own subordinates to join the killing circle.

"I didn't see you so embarrassed, it just made me open my eyes!" Hua Xiuyi holding a long sword to kill a warrior, taking time to sway to the wind wing Xuan, no point at all Dangerous consciousness.

Hua Xiuyi did not lie because the wind wing Xuan and Lan Younian were indeed awkward at this time, because they are all clean people, so the two ordinary people are cold like immortals, and now they are dressed in blood and dirty clothes. It is indeed rare.

Windwing Xuan pulled over the thoughts around him, and he shot a dead man who wanted to attack. He didn’t look at the flowers and said “noisy!”

Hua Xiuyi felt that his heart was hurt. How did he come to save them? Why didn't he sneer at himself like a savior? Huaxiu never found that Fengyixuan was so unpleasant.

"I originally wanted to have a hero to save the beauty, but I might have to accompany myself when I watched the situation!" Hua Xiuyi looked at the courtyard and sighed, even if he joined his own battle to let Feng Yixuan The people here are a lot easier, but the situation is still not optimistic. There are too many dead people outside, and there are still the guards of the snow country after the death of the soldiers. They are not so powerful.

"Do not worry, you will not be killed!" Feng Yixuan said that the gas around the courtyard was full of raging fire. The entire courtyard was surrounded by fire. The outside soldiers and guards could not enter the courtyard. But the same thing is that people inside can't get out.

Hua Xiuyi looked at this raging fire and was not in a hurry. He knew that there would be a way for Fengyi Xuan.

A group of people killed all the dead people in a more ferocious moment. At this time, Fu Fu came down to the courtyard with a few genus and said, "The master, the secret road has been opened!"

"Withdraw!" Feng Yixuan sighed low, and the killers of the Ghost Field immediately shrank back, and those who died were no one to live.

"Go!" Hua Xiuyi also ordered, and his subordinates immediately followed the flower.

A group of people followed Fu Fu to a room in the house, where there was a one-person wide tunnel. In fact, Feng Yi Xuan made this plan when he was in the palace, and this tunnel was not the one they dug but the snow country. Originally existed, but it was discovered by Fu Fu, so Feng Yixuan chose this courtyard after entering the palace and chose a good source for himself.

"Good strategy!" Hua Xiuyi sighed, first using diesel to water around the courtyard, which blocked the outside chase and also escaped for their escape, and the plan for the tunnel was still quiet. Hua Xiuyi also had to admire Feng Yixuan's thoughts, fearing that when he entered the snow country, Feng Yi Xuan had a plan, otherwise how could he get so much diesel at a time.

In fact, Feng Yi Xuan thinks so completely nothing is that he has a mind around him now, he does not want to be as hard as he once did, and he needs to protect himself and protect himself.

“Go!” Fengyi Xuan let a group of people go first, while Lan Younian is accompanied by Fengyi Xuan, but for a moment, only three people stood outside the tunnel. Huaxiu should first enter the tunnel, then Fengyixuan Only then took the mind and walked into the tunnel and sealed the entrance to the tunnel.

The dark tunnel is very quiet, only a group of people have fast footsteps, and they don't have time to get out of the snow country as soon as possible.

"Thank you!" A group of people walked out of the tunnel. This is a deserted farmer's house in Xueguo. Fengyi Xuan said to the flowers around him. He is very clear that the help of this flower breaks to make his own hands less. A lot of death possibilities, this sentiment he received.

Hua Hughi shrugged his shoulders, and he himself did not think that he is so kind, but this feeling is really good!

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