Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: Pain of White Lotus in March

"Xia Xiu brother..." Lan Younian looked at the wind and summer 祁 祁 祁 祁 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 祁 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要 想要A child who has disappeared after birth is afraid that it will become a pain in both hearts.

Feng Xia pulled out a bitter smile and said, "I am fine, Bai Lian still needs me!"

"Miss, Dagongzi is coming!" Blue Front walked to the side of Lan Younian and said with excitement. When Lan Qing’s eyes lit up, he walked out of the palace and saw the ghosts approaching Qingyi’s dusty servants.

"Big Brother!" Blue Yu Nian had a little peace of mind. She knew that as long as the ghost came, the injury on Bailian would not be a problem. After all, Ghost's medical skills were there.

The ghost nodded a little, then I saw that the wind and summer smashed the ghost, and walked into the Queen’s palace. The eager appearance made the ghosts look a bit. After all, the emperor of the country was so loyal. Hard to see.

Ghosts no longer delay directly to the coma of the white lotus, but from the brows of the ghosts, it is known that the injury of Yuebailian is not optimistic, but after the ghosts retracted their hands and began to write the prescription, and the ghosts still Personally apply needles for Yuebailian.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that a **** doctor has a silver needle, and even the king has to make three points. Although it is too exaggerated, Ghost's medical skills are top-notch. Many people can save people when they are on the line.

Feng Xia sent people to hurry to catch medicine and medicine, and he and Lan Younian did not make any sound, standing in the room and watching the ghosts apply a needle, although the wind and summer are very nervous, but the blue heart is easy to read. A lot, because she has already seen that Yue Bailian can pass this time.

After half an hour, the ghost slowly stopped and took back the silver needle. At this time, Lan You Nian also slowly fed the fried Chinese medicine into the mouth of Yue Bailian. After finishing these few talents, they went out of the palace. Come to the main hall.

"Ghost, how is Bailian? Is there any danger?" Wings out of the palace and the wind and summer, he was anxious to ask, his heart was uneasy.

When the ghosts packed up the medicine box, the whole person seemed to be full of indifferent taste. After finishing these things, he looked at Feng Xia. "The injury on her body is serious, but now I have already applied the needle. It is not a big time to insist on taking medicine. Obstructed!"

After the wind and summer, I felt relieved in my heart. I felt that the heart that floated in these days finally fell to the ground. He even had the urge to cry at this moment.

Looking at the wind and summer, the happy ghost, although I couldn't bear it, said, "But she is not only the child in her stomach, but this sword has stabbed her belly. In the future, she will not be pregnant!" Although I know it is cruel, the ghost must still say it.

Feng Xia’s expression is a glimpse. He is still happy that Yue Bailian will be fine. Now he has got a message that makes him suffer. A woman is hoping that she can be a mother, and the wind is looking at the moon. Bai Lian likes children very much. In the future, the woman will no longer have her own children. The heart of Feng Xia’s heart is uncomfortable. He doesn’t even know how to face Yue Bailian in the future. After all, it’s all because of himself.

Blue Nian Nian was also surprised. She looked up at the ghost and looked at the ghost. The ghost nodded helplessly. The blue mourning was also clear. Since the ghost is so, it is impossible to cure it, and Yue Bailian has no children in the future. The thing is also affirmative, and Lan Nian’s mind is thinking about how to tell Yue Bailian.

Ghost is very afraid of such an atmosphere, so he will leave. After all, there is no big problem in the body of Yuebailian. He still likes to study his medical skills in the ruthless medical hall. He does not care about such troublesome things, and As a medical practitioner, the ghosts have seen more.

"What should I do?" Feng Xiayu sat helplessly. At this time, he was not the emperor who had the power to kill and kill in the court. He was not a gentleman in the eyes of friends, but the husband of Yuebailian. A father who lost his life.

Lan Nian Nian sat at the table and poured a cup of hot tea to the wind and summer, and said directly, "Tell Bailian, and as long as life is still a good thing, isn't it?"

"I know, but I am afraid that Bailian will be sad when I know it!" Feng Xia said with anxiety, in his mind, of course, he thought that Moon White Lotus would be alive, but if Yuebailian was suffering because of this matter, Feng Xia didn't even know what to do.

"You think that Moon White Lotus is too simple, she is not so weak!" Blue You thought that he still needs to tell some things about Feng Xia, although Yue Bailian never told her about Feng Xia because of her, but Lan Younian feels that the husband and wife can know each other better in the future.

"Xia Xi brother, do you know that Bai Lian used to be my subordinate?" Blue Yuen asked, after all, Feng Xia had already known that he was a ruthless son.

"How come?" Feng Xia has some accidents. After all, he is very clear that Yuebailian does not have martial arts, and Yuebailian is still a princess of a country. How can a princess of a country be a subordinate of a river and lake organization? But Feng Xia also knows that his thoughts will not deceive himself.

"Then you know the first card in the Golden Pavilion, Bailian!" Lan Younian then asked, this wind and summer Xia suddenly suddenly understand everything, Bailian and Yuebailian are so similar names they have no doubt, so Obvious things, they did not even investigate, but who can think of the princess who is on the high floor?

"White Lotus is actually a very strong woman. When she was chased and killed in the sales of the Golden Pavilion, she could live stubbornly. Now how can this matter be brought to Bailian?" Lan Younian said with some pride, but Lan Younian carefully looked at Feng Xia, saying, "Bai Lian has not done anything unusual in the sales of the Golden Pavilion for a few years. If you dislike Bai Lian because of this matter, you will put White Lotus!"

"How come!" Feng Xia quickly denied that he was only a little shocked by all this, but he also admired the white lotus, admiring such a strong woman.

"She is the wife of my wind and summer, the queen of my country, this will never change! You can rest assured that I will never bear her!" Feng Xia guarantees that the world is not Only love is the most touching, in the heart of the wind and summer, this friendship is worthy of his life to love.

I am very satisfied with the guarantee of Feng Xia and the firm blue sacred thoughts, and even more happy, because this man is worthy of the white lotus.

When Lan Younian walked into the palace, Yue Bailian had already woke up. When Yue Bailian saw the blue secluded thought, his face was involuntarily revealed a smile, and the voice was hoarse and said, "Look, you are here!" I just wanted to get up but the wound was inconvenient. Lan You Nian quickly came to the side of Yuebailian and took out a soft pillow behind the moon white lotus. He carefully covered the white quilt and watched the quilt. It seems that there is nothing left in the white lotus. Just sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Will the wound still hurt?" asked Blue Kuan, who was concerned about it, and also confirmed the white body of Yuebailian once again, and it was determined that there was no big problem in the body of Yuebailian.

Yue Bailian felt that she was very happy when she woke up and looked at her. She looked at her and cared about herself. Yue Bailian felt that this friendship was really good.

"It’s okay, I’m afraid it’s scaring you!” Yue Bailian said with apologetic apologies.

Lan Younian appeased the hand of Yue Bailian. "You didn't scare me. You scared Xia Hao's brother. You don't know how much your summer brother is worried about you. If you really have something, you are afraid. Xia Xi’s brother will suffer for a lifetime!”

"I..." Yue Bailian did not think that Feng Xia was so concerned about himself, and her heart was very touched. It may be the most correct way for them to be together. If she returns again, she will still do so. With her own abdomen, she can clearly feel the loss of a life in her body just before her coma. Although she doesn't know what it is, she knows that it is important to her.

Looking at the eyes of Moon White Lotus, the eyes of Blue Nian Nian are dark, and then lightly voiced, "White Lotus..." Blue Nian did not know how to tell Bai Lian that she lost her child, and there is no possibility of having a child in the future.

"I am pregnant, isn't it?" Yue Bailian looked at Lan Yuen and asked, but her eyes began to get wet. She didn't want it to be true, but she knew she couldn't lie to herself, and she said today's expression. Her facts.

"White Lotus, this child is gone..." Lan Nian said with a heart, she knew that this thing can't fool Moon White.

"I didn't protect him, it was my fault!" said Yue Bailian, who was stroking her abdominal pain. Her child left the world without saying anything. It was her bad motherhood.

"It's not your fault, he just went to a place without pain!" Lan Younian appeased the emotion of Yue Bailian "White Lotus..." Blue You Ming clearly told himself that he would tell everything about Yue Bailian, but now blue You can’t say it, or she looks at Yue Bailian’s look and can’t bear to say it.

Yuebailian endured the pain in her heart and said, "Let's say, let's talk!" She knew that something must be a big event, otherwise she wouldn't be so embarrassed. Although she was painful, she knew that she could not worry about the people around her.

"You have a serious injury this time, and you are afraid that you will not be pregnant in the future!" Lan Yu said with a heart.

Quiet, the palace was quiet for a moment, and the blue mourning looked at the white moon lotus that reached out and tried to comfort the white lotus, but was hugged by Yuebailian, and then the white cry of the white lotus, this woman is here. When I showed my most vulnerable side, I shed tears of sadness.

Lan Younian gently patted the shoulders of Yuebailian. If he didn't talk, he let Yuebailian vent his emotions. After a long, long time, Lan Nian thought that his clothes were soaked by the tears of Yuebailian, and the white lotus was slow. Slowly stopped crying.

"Look, I am fine!" Yue Bailian said weakly, "I am Moon White Lotus, how can it be so weak, don't worry!"

Indeed, the white-hearted lotus that vented its emotions is not so painful. She knows that things have already happened. If she sighs and then sighs, then only the friends around her are sad, and she can save her wind and summer. She does not regret it.

Lan Younian looked at Yuebailian, although he still saw grief in the look but there was no pain. The blue mourning heart also sighed with relief. He talked with Yue Bailian about the conversation and said that he went to the snow country to disperse the moon. Bai Lian's attention, and sure enough, Yue Bailian listened to the thrilling things mentioned by Lan Younian. The mood changed a lot during the moment.

"How is it?" Feng Xia looked at the blue secluded thoughts who walked out of the palace. He had just stood outside the palace, and he was heard by the cry of Yuebailian. Although he wanted to go in and comfort the moon white lotus, he also knew this. The comfort of time is perhaps the best.

"Asleep!" Lan Youn said with a smile, "There should be no big problems. Don't you go in and see Bailian?"

"Well, I will go in and see it later." In fact, Feng Xia does not know how to face the Moon White Lotus. After all, this time is because of myself. If it is not because Yue Bailian is afraid that it is now life and death, it is self. My heart is moved and blamed more or distressed.

"I will send some of the guards of the Pluto to come to the palace to protect you. After you catch the poisonous lady, you will be safe!" Lan Nian thought of the poisonous woman's heart is the unstoppable killing, this person made so many Things, if not for the endless troubles.

Windy summer nodded, although the guards in the palace are many and very powerful, but it is really incomparable with the guards of the Pluto, and the wind and summer are not arrogant people. It is not a trivial matter to accept the help of a family.

"Xia Xi brother, I will go back first. You should take care of Bai Lian. If there is anything, you will be sent to the Pluto Palace to inform me!" Lan You Nian confessed, now Feng Yi Xuan is not in Beijing, it is necessary to protect this. all.

Feng Xia nodded, and he saw the shadow of his own brother from his mind.

"Look, this poisonous lady is too embarrassed, you don't want to smash!" Feng Xia said, although he knows the ability to read, but now Axuan is not in the capital, if he is doing something, then he will be crazy.

"I know!" After the blue singer finished, she left the palace with Blue Front and returned to her and the home of Fengyixuan, the palace of the King.

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