Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 14 King will not have something


Windwing Xuan’s black robes stood in the barracks of the military camp. They were sitting in the blue ink string and Jing Wu’an, and even the blue Jianjun had already arrived in the frontier. There were also many heads of the soldiers sitting in the camp. It is conceivable that the situation at the border is really bad at this time.

"Now the soldiers of the Moon State are approaching us. The soldiers of the Moon State are encircling, and it seems that they want to surround us!" Jing Wuan wore an armor and pointed to the map on the map. Seriously, now he is not The deceitful world in Beijing is a serious military division on the battlefield.

Lan Jianjun’s whole person exudes the general’s coldness and points to the distance of their city. “This place is very important. We must protect this city. If this city is lost, then the next city will be in jeopardy. !"

Feng Yi Xuan sat in the upper position and looked at the map without speaking, but after a while, He Yangyang went into the tent with a black suit. Everyone found out that He Chuyang was not in the military camp for a few days. It is clear that Pluto must have sent him out to do things.

"Pluto!" He Chuyang sat directly in the audience after a ritual, and then sipped his mouth and said, "I am quietly going to find out that the army of the country is more than 200,000, at least There are 400,000, of which 200,000 are indeed coming to Yingcheng, but the other 200,000 are detouring and wanting to surround Yingcheng!"

Yingcheng is the city where Fengyixuan and others are now, and it is also a very important city in the frontier. It is also the gate of the wind country. If the door is opened, then the result is not known.

Lan Jianjun and others have pinched a cold sweat and admire the imperial prophet of Pluto. On the battlefield, Fengyi Xuan is indeed thinking rigorously. On the day when he arrived at the frontier, he asked He Chuyang to investigate the flowers. The strength of the country has gone.

"This time our total strength is only 200,000. If it is true and the victory of the moon is very small for us!" Blue ink string fingers are constantly on the map, but how to do it can not be solved very well. In today's situation, the gap in strength can be easily solved without any strategy.

One soldier said, "There are 300,000 troops in Luocheng, the nearest place here. If you send the troops of Luocheng to you?"

Feng Yixuan looked at the soldier and then opened the "300,000 troops of Luocheng to fight against the snow country. If the troops of Luocheng were dispatched, then it would give the snow country a good opportunity!"

Feng Yixuan always thinks that the sudden dispatch of troops from the moon country is very surprising. Although the wind country and the moon country are not so good, the national strength of the wind country is there and the relationship between the wind country and the flower country is still very good. The moon country should not be so provocative, so the moon country must have a backing, and Feng Yi Xuan is sure that this backing is the snow country. In addition, at that time, others sent troops in the country of the snow country, and the slaughter of the snow country proved the alliance between the two countries.

Jing Wu'an also agrees with what Feng Yixuan said, especially this time he knows that Feng Yi Xuan went to the snow country and even encountered such a thing, he was even more worried about the snow country. The snow country was originally a wolf ambition, but now it is beginning to be put into practice. Acting, the wind country is now really suffering from the enemy.

"How long is the strength of the moon country to be in the city?" Feng Yixuan asked the blue ink string.

"Up to two days, if you follow the marching speed of the current state of the country, you will be able to arrive directly in one day!" Blue ink string will tell Fengyi Xuan that he is not a friend but not a family member.

Fengyixuan stood up and looked at the map in front of him, and then the voice said coldly, "The blue general will bring the blue ink string and Beijing Wu'an to lead the troops of 150,000 in the future, and the king will not allow you to take a step back!"

"Yes!" The three men led the death.

"He Chuyang, you will send 50,000 soldiers to the king tonight, and will ambush behind Yingcheng early!" Feng Yixuan ordered that it is impossible to transfer troops now, and everyone is passing on the army. It is impossible to come to the frontier. Although the Pluto is powerful, there are only 3,000 people, and Pluto has a more important thing. In the eyes of outsiders or the world, Pluto seems to be the subordinate of the Wind Wing Xuan to fight the battlefield. In fact, Fengyi Xuan Arranging Pluto's barracks in the capital is to let these puppets protect the capital. Otherwise, if there is any problem in the capital, there is no way to transfer troops.

"Wang Ye!" Lan Jianjun and others all exclaimed. The concept of 50,000 to 200,000 is very clear to everyone. Even if Fengyi Xuan is a **** of war, it is even more invincible on the battlefield, but how many dangers are there? Everyone is very clear.

"Pluto, this is too dangerous, you are the coach in the army! If you have something, you should know the situation of this wind country." Jing Wuan said some eagerly, but looked at the wing of the wing completely unchanged face Jing Nothing has to come out with blue sorrow.

"And you are not a person today. You are now married and have a wife. You are still waiting for you in the palace of the King. If you have something, how can we explain it to you!" Knowing that in addition to Blue Nian Nian, Feng Yi Xuan could not listen to anything.

Sure enough, when Feng Yixuan heard that Jing Wu’an said that he was blue and quiet, his eyes became a little gentler. This is the first time that Feng Yixuan has a gentle look after coming to the frontier, but he is in Beijing’s Wu’an and others. When Fengyi Xuan will seriously consider it, Feng Yixuan has opened "He Chuyang, hurry to do it!"

When He Yang looked at everyone, he went out and went to the army. Even if they were worried, but the prince told them that no one could defy it. Here is the battlefield is not their own residence. What they have to do is absolute obedience!

Lan Jianjun’s mouth was open and wanted to say something but he did not say anything. From the private point of view, he did not want Pluto to take risks because his daughter thought that Pluto was his son-in-law, but from a general, the Pluto went. The best way, because this cockroach only has Pluto to turn around, don't doubt the power of Pluto!

Feng Yi Xuan sees everyone’s worries. If he used to have no words, he now thinks that these people are not only concerned about their own concerns, but they are very difficult to open when they are out of the account. The king will not have anything, and the happiness of his thoughts will only be given to me!"

Obviously, it is a very unreasonable statement, but the heart of Lan Jianjun and others is so convinced. Yes, this man loves blue and mournful, how can he be willing to let the blue sorrow be sad and painful? Not for the sake of the country for the blue secluded thoughts, everyone also believes that Fengyi Xuan will come back safely.


In the palace...

After the blue mourning, the wind and summer sorrow came to the palace and sat at the bedside. He was silently staying. Now it is midnight, but the summer is still not sleepy. The whole person exudes a strong decadence. sense.

"夏祁?" Yuebailian woke up after a long sleep, but did not expect to open his eyes and see the wind and summer sitting in his bed, and Yuebailian can clearly feel the wind and summer pain.

Feng Xiayi once saw that Yuebailian woke up and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

Yuebailian took the hand of Feng Xia, and slowly sat up and smiled and said, "I am very good. You don't have to blame yourself. I don't feel sorry for me. At the time, it was my instinct to do that. I believe if it was me." When you are in danger, you will surely save me!" Just as the wind and summer can escape, but for the safety of Yuebailian, he still did not leave the white lotus, but he has been protecting this month.

Feng Xia nodded, if the white lotus was in a dilemma, of course he would be desperate to not save her, but knowing it is one thing, but now it is not good to see a woman who has become such a windy summer.

"Sorry, we have not protected our children!" Yue Bailian said sadly. In her mind, it may not be particularly painful to be pregnant for a lifetime. The real pain is that the child in her belly is lost.

"It's me, it's my fault to protect your mother and child!" Feng Xiayan interrupted Yuebailian quickly. They didn't know that Yuebailian was pregnant, but it was because of this great intention that caused such a tragedy.

"Xia Yan, you are stunned!" Yue Bailian thought about it or said, "You know me well, but the palace can't be without children, so you need an heir, so you can take it!"

"What nonsense!" Feng Xia said with some anger. He said that he only married her when he was in Bailian. He said that all of them are true. Now, how can he become such a self for himself? Let's take it again!

Yue Bailian seriously said, "Xia Xi, you should know that all I said is serious. This is not what we can choose, but we need a palace to have a son!" Even if the white lotus is very clear, if it is really in the palace, it really appears. Other nephews will have much trouble in the future. If there is a situation in which the Prince will have his own situation in the future, she can’t be a windy summer. They are family members and friends, and she needs to consider it for the wind and summer.

Feng Xia 祁 祁 月 月 月 月 , , , , 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月 月An heir, but we have a better candidate, isn't it?"

"Well?" Yue Bailian does not understand "who?" Who is going to inherit this great country? Who is qualified?

"A Xuan and the children of Nian!" Feng Xia said with a smile, "In this way, we will have children, you will have children, and they are their children. We are also assured that this is not enough!"

Yuebailian’s face was happy for a while, and the sorrow of the raised eyebrows dissipated a lot in a flash.

"Children who are thinking?" Yue Bailian is also very satisfied that the child who will read in the future will inherit this Jiangshan, and if she is a child of the child, she must treat him as a child as much as she cares. She believes that Feng Xia is sure This is also the case.


"Do you regret it?" Yue Bailian asked, after all, such a man as an emperor could not have his own child for himself.

"Do you regret it?" Feng Xiayan asked, after all, the woman in front of her lost her child for free and accompanied herself to the palace.

"Do not regret it!" Yue Bailian felt that it was a very correct thing to marry Feng Xia.

"I won't regret it!" Because I don't have love, but I have the most beautiful friendship and affection. Pluto Palace...

After returning to the Pluto Palace, Lan Youn went directly into the study and began to deal with the affairs of the Pluto House. Although these things are handled well by Feng Bo and others, the blue mourning is now the hostess of the Pluto. So many things require her to go through the purpose, and unconsciously the time has come to midnight.

"Hey!" The sound of knocking on the door caused Lan Youn to look up from those documents and found that his shoulders began to panic.

"What is it?" asked the blue mourning activity on the shoulder.

"Miss, it’s time to rest in the night!" Lan Qu said standing outside the study. The lady had been dealing with things in the study for so long. Even the dinner was useless. The blue song looked at the wind and the dark three standing outside the study. Waiting, everyone knows that everyone is concerned about the lady.

Lan Younian looked at the darkness of the night. When I looked at the transaction, I left the study room. When I opened the door of the study, I saw a lot of people standing outside. Blue You Nian was shocked and asked, "How is this?" Didn't rest and stand here?"

"Wang Hao, your dinner is still useless, the old slave let the kitchen do something to eat, Wang Hao first rest with the meal!" Feng Bo said with care, there is such a hostess in the Pluto House, Feng Bo feel very happy, but looked Wang Hao is so intelligent and sensible and involuntarily distressed.

"Well, good!" Lan Younian also felt that he was a little hungry and was ready to go to the hall to eat, but this time Blue Blade and Dark II rushed to the side of Lan Younian.

"Wang Hao, find the poisonous lady!"

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