A magnificent pale blue house, the high-rise house name is engraved with the three characters of "Qingshan School".

The splendid mansion is in front of everyone's eyes. The entrance to the palace is the marble floor of the blue and white stone. It is covered with a large red carpet, and the wall is inlaid with exquisite siding. A crystal clear and transparent gallery, overlooking the window, the beautiful landscape of the garden is like oil painting, and many people from the rivers and lakes are led by the Qingshan School disciples into a very wide training field behind the Qingshan School. There will be this year’s Wulin League...

The disciples of the various factions rushed through the house in Qingshan. Everyone praised the grandeur of the Qingshan School. It was a very large palace. In fact, everyone did not know that the entire Xiaoyao City was prepared by Qingshan School.

‘Fortunately, I’ll be lucky, please, please,’

"It turned out that the Qiuzhang Gate was driving, and my Qingshan School was really beautiful."

At the entrance of the training martial arts factory in Nuoda, a middle-aged man stood tall. The man was not tall but thin and tall, wearing a brocade with a blue-purple embroidered gold thread. A face is very ordinary, but it is not in the eye. The ambition that emerged from time to time is not in line with his reputation for making justice.

The middle-aged man standing there and welcoming each guest is the head of the Qingshan faction.

"The world's first owner - to!" Xiao Yan's voice is loud.

The first village in the world is passed down from generation to generation, but the owner of each person is a smart and steady person, so the world’s first village has never fallen.

The feathers are separated from the purple robes to make his slender figure more sturdy. The usual black hair is erected with a jade scorpion, and the smiling eyes give people a feeling like a spring breeze. The whole person is at the same time.翩翩公子.

"Yu Zhuangzhu, fortunately! Fortunately!" Anyone who can immediately meet, smiles like a gentle and kindly elder.

Feathers flowed away from the slightest smile, and bowed his hand to return to the ceremony. "The owner of the village is also busy every year, so I don't bother to entertain the door!"

"Haha, ok, then please let the owner of the house be seated!" Anyone who can let the disciples lead the way immediately.

However, when the plume left the disciples who followed the Qingshan faction to go to their seats, a person from the rivers and lakes whispered to some of the people around the river and said, "Hey! It’s still a master of the village, and it’s even with the people of the court. The dear man and the man are simply the scum of our martial arts!"

The fact that Yu Yu was separated from the first son of Jingcheng in Beijing was not obscured. When Beijing Wu’an was in the capital, he showed the intimate relationship between the two. Even the Beijing government defaulted to two people. The identity, watching Beijing Wu'an in order to tell their relationship with everyone so much that they are not afraid of any gossip, the plume is also moved at the same time, so when many martial arts want to marry the world's first village At the time, Yu Yu did not hesitate to tell everyone that he had a loved one and told everyone that the person he loved was a man.

"Really, such a person can still sit down in the world's first Zhuang Zhuang, it is simply disgusting!" A woman wearing a crimson hand with a long whip said, many women in the rivers and lakes have been I admired the owner of the first village in the world, but everyone did not think that they even lost to a man or a man in the court. Because of the strength of the world’s first village, everyone did not dare to say anything in front of the plume. Everyone behind them is scornful of the wind of broken sleeves.

When the woman’s voice just fell, she was beaten with a slap in the face. This was a bit of internal force. She directly slammed the woman with crimson clothes to the ground. The woman was beaten a few times. There are still a few teeth that are spit out of the blood.

"Who?" The woman climbed up with a slurred voice, and even the general was surprised. After all, such a shot can be seen that this person's martial arts must be very good.

"Aoshan Palm Gate" came with a magnetic male voice. The sound was warm and pleasant. At this time, the smile was even more confusing, as if the cool breeze that was suddenly blown was also made by his voice. "This is this. The cabinet owner came to the martial arts league but did not think that this martial arts league would have been able to come in, so it was disappointing!"

The three words "The Lord of the Court" have fulfilled the identity of the people who come here. Whoever does not know who can claim to be the owner of the river has only the ruthless son of the ruthless court, just like the ghost owner of the ghost field, the first village of the world. The owner, this is a title of power, how can others dare to talk.

As the voices saw a man who looked very young and slowly approached, the pure white gown, without any embellishments and fancy, clean, clear and clear from his shoulder, but if Someone will look at it carefully and see that the white clothes are faintly hidden. Some lines are a gesture of Manzhu Shahua. The man looks like a distant mountain, soothing, but in a vague way, the handsome figure. The outline is striking. The smoke-like black hair is like the finest silk. It hangs softly on the chest, and the mask covers his face. It makes people not see his looks and the look at the moment, but even if he can’t see it. The face still reminds people of the son of ink like jade.

"The ruthless son..." Many people in the crowd recognized this man. After all, can such a dress besides a ruthless son? Even the woman who had just been beaten no longer dared to say anything. She was just a gang of small and medium-sized disciples who dared to argue with the ruthless son, and everyone in the rivers and lakes had no contact with this ruthless son. In addition to the ghosts of the ghost domain, the ruthless son of the ruthless pavilion is the most mysterious.

Everyone who was able to see the ruthless son was a little surprised. After all these years, the Wulin League had invited the ruthless son to come. Nowadays, although they have sent posts to the ruthless pavilion every year, they are all doing it. Everyone has not thought of ruthlessness. The son will actually come to the Wulin League.

"Ha ha!" In front of the ruthless son who can come forward, he said, "It turned out to be a ruthless son. The juniors don't understand things and ask the ruthless son Hai Han! Come inside!"

Everyone can subtly compliment the ruthless son, so that he will not offend the ruthless son or the disciples who are being punished. This way, he has solicited the grateful heart of the disciples.

The ruthless son’s eyes are like laughing and laughing, and he can see all that can be. It’s too meaningful to let anyone be in the same place. When he returns to God, the ruthless son has followed Xiaoyan to a place above the training martial arts. seat.

"The ruthless son!" The plume smiled and snorted. Everyone saw that the first Zhuang Zhuang owner seemed to be interested in throwing an olive branch to the ruthless son of the ruthless pavilion, but the ruthless son nodded coldly.

When the plume sighed and greeted, he took back his eyes and the heads of other sects, but in fact, he was fascinated by the disguise of the blue mourning. If he didn’t know the feathers beforehand, he couldn’t guess the ruthless son. Is a woman, or a young woman, remember that when he knew that he was a ruthless son, he was so shocked that his chin was lost.

Just as the feathers drifted away from the heads, they saw the woman with the red clothes and a few men coming in. They were just a small disciple who had no seats and could only stand on the outside of the training field.

He has already known about the things that Wu Gong’s martial arts have just been at the entrance. Since he and Jing Wu’an have been together, they have already accepted the contempt and dislike of themselves, but the feathers have not thought of it. This kind of help to teach those people, even if her identity today should not be done, the plume centrifugally led the situation.

The ruthless son sat there and became a self-contained style. Although it was not aggressive, but the cold people did not dare to approach it. He sat there as a piece of heaven and earth, even if his body was not tall, but the people of the rivers and lakes did not dare to offend easily.

"Ghost domain ghost master - to!"

If the arrival of the ruthless son makes everyone feel surprised, then the arrival of the ghost owner is to make everyone in the rivers and lakes a little scared. Different from the ruthless pavilion, it is also different from the singularity of the ruthless pavilion. Many forces in the ruthless pavilion are commercial and do not participate in many things in the rivers and lakes, but the different ghost domains in the ghost domain are the same as the magical religion for everyone. The existence of the Ghost Domain since the birth of the game is not terrifying. The general revenge of the rivers and lakes is only my own, but the ghost domain is indeed scribbling to remove the roots. What's more important is that the ghost domain is very rampant. As long as there is almost no good gang in the ghost domain, many practices in the ghost domain make the people in the rivers and lakes feel shameless. I dare not speak out, and the martial art in the rivers and lakes will shun the house as long as they encounter the ghost domain.

Any good face that can be disguised can't stop changing. A ruthless son has already surprised the whole martial arts. What about a ghost who is not seen at the end? Anyone who thinks that today is definitely a big day, otherwise how can people who have a rare view in the rivers and lakes appear! Anyone who thinks about it may be ruthless and ghostly afraid of being tempted. After all, who can refuse such conditions?

"Ghost Lord, please!" Anyone can smile, but he has not yet walked into the ghost owner's side and feels a very oppressive momentum so that he can not go forward. He is also the leader of the Qingshan faction. Everything you encounter is not a high person, but now this ghost master makes everyone feel unfathomable.

Many people in the rivers and lakes are the first to see the rumors of the rumors, the ghosts are covered with black masks, but the mask can not cover the cold eyes like ice, even if you can not see the face, everyone feels ghosts Is a handsome man like a god, a black to the ultimate robes did not hide his unique domineering, enough to let him overlook the group, proud of the four wild.

The ghost master went directly into the high platform of the training martial arts, and even the little shackles who led the way did not dare to stand by the ghost owner. The ghost master did not go to the seat that should have been arranged for him and sat next to the ruthless son, but everyone did not think much about the relationship between the ghost owner and the ruthless son.

This is the first time that I saw Feng Yi Xuan appearing in the eyes of the ghosts as the ghost master. The deep eyes of the cold eyes are unstoppable appreciation and worship. The ghost master is like this!

Sitting in the cold-winged Fengyi Xuan is very uncomfortable. To participate in a martial arts association, you must be separated from your thoughts. You can't even sit together. Fengyi Xuan feels that it is not good to see! The consequence of the poor mood of Fengyi Xuan is that the momentum of the whole body is getting colder and colder. It makes the people of Jianghu think that the temper of the ghost owner is too cloudy and uncertain.

When the various factions arrived and sat in their seats, the whole martial arts field became full of excitement. The rivers and lakes were not so many rules of the court. Many people lived with their hearts, so for a whole time. The practice of the military field is the voice of "Weng Weng".

"Wulin League will begin!" Anyone who can use the internal force to scream, the whole contest will boil up in a flash. After all, every time the martial arts league will have a discussion, and everyone who wins in the martial arts league will receive The esteem of the people in the rivers and lakes, more importantly, many people hope to become famous in the Wulin League, and those martial schools also use the ranks of the martial arts league's own disciples to win the reputation of their martial art.

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