Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 22 have me in your eyes

On the high platform, there was a predecessor who had a high reputation in the martial arts. After the words of the predecessors of the martial arts, the disciples of the Qingshan School took a bamboo tube to each of the heads or some martial arts. In front of the people, let those people draw lots to compete on the battlefield.

When a disciple came to Lan Younian here, Lan Younian slightly shook his head and refused, and Feng Yixuan did not even say that the disciple holding the drawing bucket was afraid to leave. After all, the ghost owner was restored. The darkness of the identity of Fengyi Xuan is too strong, and most people really can't stand it.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of these two people. Now I think I can see the two people’s skills and feel excited. After all, although the rumors in the rivers and lakes are all how ruthless and ghost owners are, how many people see them. Their real shots, the people who let them shot are dead. But now it is a pity to see the ghosts and the ruthless sons not drawing lots of people. I don’t even understand that since they did not participate in the martial arts associations, the people in the rivers and lakes do not understand but still eager to see the two men’s skills.

However, the plume was directly drawn, and the blue singer saw a random note on the bamboo stick. It seems that the plume is the seventh one, and the blue secluded pretending to look at the side unintentionally. The heads of the few people who read the bamboo sticks are seven. The person is a person who has been separated from the plum, but there are not seven people around the circle. The blue singer knows that the opponents of the plume are not in them. This place seems to be opposite.

"Isn't the ruthless son not going to join in the fun?" Anyone who can sit in the upper position, after all, is the Qingshan School, so that everyone can sit on the main seat, or else rely on the qualifications of the Qingshan School to be the main position. Can not convince the public, and Blue You Nian also saw that everyone can still enjoy the feeling of sitting in the main position overlooking everyone.

The face under the mask of the ruthless son can't see the expression, but everyone still can't help but look at the man who sits there like a green bamboo. He looks forward to his answer. It is obviously so thin and small, but it is a ruthless son. I think that this ruthless son really has something to do, but he has to believe in rumors.

The ruthless son seems to whisper, everyone can only see the eyes of the mask but not as laughter but the deep and terrible, let people look at it and dare not look at it again. It fell into those eyes.

"The head of Qingshan is laughing and joking. The owner of the cabinet has always been afraid of the excitement, so he will not join in the fun, but the subordinates of the cabinet can go and join in the fun!" The ruthless son said that everyone saw the two wearing black belts. The men and women who are similar to the masks of the ruthless son have already drawn the sign.

Everyone looks at the ruthless son like a breeze, some speechless, you are afraid of the excitement, why are you still doing it, since you are still not participating in the show, isn’t it to watch the fun? But it is a pity that everyone just thinks about it.

However, Lan Younian did not go to see the expressions of the people at all, but looked at the Blue Blade and Blue Front who followed the lottery in the audience. The two were not going to go forward to discuss, but Lan Nian thought this. It is a good opportunity to train them, and the reputation of the ruthless pavilion can be made even louder, so they don't have to wait behind them to attend.

"The martial arts of the sorrowful ghost master is unparalleled. I don't know if I can see the ghost master's shot today." Anyone who can look at it and hide the indifferent spirit of the ghost, the master asked him to collect these rivers and lakes. The ruthless pavilion and the ghost domain are the two most important forces, but he has not seen the skills of these two men can not estimate whether he can recover these two forces.

The ghost master has always looked at the body, but the eyes are full of **** gas, so that everyone can involuntarily hit a cold, who can clearly see from the abyssal eyes of the ghost master An impatient tyrannical killing.

"No interest!" said the ghostly coldly, and as he spoke, everyone felt a cold breeze blowing.

It’s hard to be a ruthless son. Now add a ghost owner. Anyone can feel that their head hurts. These two people are more difficult to get along with each other. The ruthless son can still say a few words, but the ghost master I can't communicate at all, and I don't know if I can think that I think more. When I talk to my ruthless son, I always feel my neck is cold.

Because the martial arts league will be held for a few days, and the first day is just a face of the public, and then some of the disciples who are not famous are more than the test. Those who are in the rivers and lakes do not even have to use the bamboo sticks to test. This kind of comparison test also gives those People have a chance to make a difference, but the opportunity still needs to be grasped by themselves.

Lan You Nian eyes looked at the people below who were boring. This kind of martial arts is not enough to see in their eyes. It is better to go back to sleep and feel free to think of the blue secluded mind and stand up directly.

"Is it ruthless to go back to the room?" Anyone can ask, every Qingshan faction who came to participate in the martial arts league status or is a big martial art group has arranged a residence in his gang, and the ruthless son is of course the first among them.

Everyone looked at the ruthless son and got a symbolic condolence. It was very rude to leave the martial arts club directly, but who has the backstage and skills?

"Well, the cabinet owner still has something to deal with and go back first!" The ruthless son's low magnetic voice symbolizes the explanation. As for others who believe it or not, it is not something he has to worry about.

Any disciple who can stand up and recruited a Qingshan school said, "This gang has prepared a place for the ruthless son, please!"

The ruthless son was originally prepared to refuse, but he did not know what he thought. He nodded and followed the disciples of the Qingshan School to leave the contest. After the ruthless son of a white man left, many of the rivers and lakes seemed to be a bit lonely. After all, such a man is really rare. See, many chivalrous women are at first sight, but unfortunately...

Lan Younian followed the Qingshan school disciple and went to the courtyard he had arranged for himself. They originally had their own residence and she also liked to live with Xuan, but she suddenly thought that this can be collected. Their affairs, I feel that if I am too far away, I can't figure out things, so I promised to stay in Castle Peak.

Lan Younian was guided by the Qingshan School disciples in front and walked into the residence of the ruthless son. This is a small courtyard that is different from each other. When this person is full, this small courtyard can see that everyone can pay attention to the ruthless son.

After waving the disciples, the blue priests watched the residence. When they entered the room, they saw a Danqing. They painted a young girl with one hand, and the beautiful eyes sagged slightly, and they meditated there. Opposite is an exquisite piano table, a vase in the rain, and a few flowers that have not yet been fully opened. A round table in the center, surrounded by four round chairs. The floor is carpeted. The light came in from the two tall, wide windowsills, and the room was bright enough. There is a delicate jade on the right side of the right wall, and the whole room is really well decorated.

When the ruthless son left the contest, the crowd found that the ghost master even stood up. The ghost master stood up and felt a repressed breath. The ghost owner was tall and tall and covered in black. Around, I just feel that people want to shun.

"Ghost Lord, is this?" Van can also stand up and he feels that today is not the wrong way to see how the two are like this, the ruthless son left, how can this ghost owner be so strange?

"The residence!" The ghost's gloomy voice came, so that everyone could understand the ghost owner's intentions after he had smashed three scorpions. According to the idea of ​​omnipotence, this ruthless son stayed at the Castle Peak School and was surprised. If the ghost owner also stayed in Castle Peak. I can always feel that something is wrong, but I think that my own things will be happy and let my disciples take the ghosts to their homes.

"Hey, the devil is the devil, and he doesn't know the number of gifts!" An old man looked at the ruthless son and the ghost owner who was dissatisfied. How many years of the Wulin League did not follow the martial arts league. The rules of the meeting, who dares to leave in advance in full view?

Everyone followed, and everyone dared to say this after the ruthless son and the ghost owner left, but they did not know that there was still an undercover here!

"Okay! This martial arts association does not stipulate that you can't leave early!" Yu Lie sat there and smiled and said, "And this ruthless son and ghost owner can come to the martial arts league is also a blessing. Everyone is still careful! After all, the power of this ruthless pavilion and ghost domain is very powerful!"

Even the owners of the first village in the world are afraid of the power of this ruthless pavilion and the ghost domain. Everyone’s heart is even more afraid of the ghost field and the ruthless pavilion. Those who are quick-talking and the people of the rivers and lakes are Smart is no longer open.

After coming to the room of this residence, Lan Younian carefully watched the surrounding people and took off his mask. He poured a cup of tea for himself to quench his thirst but did not wait for her to drink tea and found someone entering the small courtyard.

Lan Younian quickly took the mask and watched the person entering the small courtyard with a sigh of relief, and took the mask on his face.

"How come?" Lan Younian came to the side of Fengyi Xuan to take down his black-faced mask of horror, and smiled and asked for the wind wing Xuan was tea. Because there are wind wing Xuan in the blue secluded to read the whole body and mind to relax a lot, do not need to be vigilant all the time.

After using the potion, Feng Yixuan turned into a black eye and looked at the blue mourning. It was obviously a domineering man, but such a grievance looks extraordinarily pitiful, even if the blue sorrow knows that this man is Deliberately evoke her sympathy but she is willing to be fooled.

"Xuan..." Blue Nian Nianjiao sat on the thigh of Fengyi Xuan. "I didn't mean it. I just thought that the Qingshan school head who lives here will definitely come to us, so that we can know what to do." The person behind it!"

"You and the old man said a lot..." Feng Yixuan deliberately refused to look at the small look in his arms, for fear that he couldn't help but kiss it. After all, such a place is really not a good place to love. .

"Old man?" Lan You thought, thinking that he did not encounter any old man today, and then carefully thought that he seemed to say a few words with the head of the Qingshan faction today, not talking but politely answering it. . Lan Youn did not think that this also made Feng Yi Xuan jealous, no wonder that the pressure around him was so low when he talked with the head of the Qingshan School.

"Where is I talking to him, I am not answering his question!" Blue Nian Xiaowu shook the arm of Fengyi Xuan "and the ruthless pavilion can't be so powerful, I am polite!"

"There is nothing I can do in your eyes!" Feng Yixuan stunned his eyes slightly and "I don't need to be polite, I want to be good!"

This is also what Feng Yixuan always hopes. He hopes that his thoughts don’t need to be considered what he doesn’t need to think about. If you want to do anything, you can say what you want to say, you don’t need to put anyone in your eyes, you can live without worry. Carefree, living freely, because he will always give her a sky behind her.

"I know." Blue Nian Nian was moved by the windy wing of the wing and listened to the steady and powerful heartbeat. She relied more and more on this heartbeat.

"You help the plume out!" Feng Yixuan said with grievances, the voice is full of dissatisfaction, in fact, he followed him when he went out, so he saw those who read it, he It’s not really jealous. I just feel that I want to vent my anger in the future, but at this time, Feng Yixuan seems to have forgotten when he was angry.

Lan Younian thinks that Feng Yi Xuan is getting younger and childish? Reaching out to fix the wing of Feng Yi Xuan, Lan You Nian kissed the thin lips of Feng Yi Xuan, although the two did not know how many times intimacy, but the blue secluded is still a little shy.

"The plume is a friend, and it is still your friend. I am helping you to help the plume!" Lan Youn squinted and said something, but some people believe that this is awkward, maybe it is not believed to be between two people. The taste is gone.

“Really?” Feng Yixuan asked for the smile of his own heart. How did the grievance look like a bullied woman?

"Really!" Blue Nian Nian did not raise his hand and swear, the round eyes of the eyes are very innocent, and there is still a deep look on the stage.

"After that, I have to vent my anger!" Feng Yixuan said, holding his thoughts and returning to the room. The blue singer was shocked and twisted, and then he was placed in Fengyixuan. After the bed, I missed myself and wrapped myself in the quilt.

"Xuan, this is not our place!" Lan Yu said with a blushing face, she is very clear that the wind wing Xuan strong *, this guy is a **** who will estrus at any time and anywhere!

After a slight glimpse, Fengyi Xuan suddenly laughed, but in the clear and low voice, there was a fascination in the sound of the silk, and the winding around was always wrapped around the blue ear.

"What is Niangzi thinking about?" Fengyue Xuan’s tall body covered the blue sorrow and laughed at the extra evil. "For the husband, I feel that someone must be looking for us tonight, so let the lady rest early, but the lady seems to I want to bend, since the lady wants to do this for the husband?"

When Feng Yixuan said, he began to take off his clothes. In the eyes of Lan Yuen, Feng Yi Xuan had already revealed his white jade chest. Lan You Nian did not think that he had misunderstood. This really can't blame her. It was really that Fengyi Xuan was too anxious, so she thought about it, but she did not expect that she would have missed it this time.

"Xuan, calm! Calm!" Lan Younian tried hard to put on the clothes that Feng Yi Xuan was ready to take off, but it was even more messy to take off one of them. Blue Yu Nian had already felt the breath and hotness of Feng Yi Xuan. Body temperature.

Feng Yi Xuan really just wanted to tease, but as the two people pulled him close, he really wanted to miss, but I thought there was still something at night and it was still unsafe. Putting the thoughts in the bed, I also got into it and hugged me.

"Sleep!" Feng Yixuan said in a low voice, with hoarse voice in his voice.

Blue secluded and stunned, and did not think that Feng Yi Xuan had let go of himself so easily.

"Don't sleep, don't you think?..." Feng Yixuan looked at his eyes and looked at his own funny words.

I haven't waited for Feng Yixuan to finish the blue sacred thoughts and closed her eyes, but there was a uniform breathing sound in a while...

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