Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 25 Blue Front's pride


The Blue Blade has already stepped down to the stand of Wutai to the ruthless son, but when he just stood up, he heard the sound of the No. 6 contest. The blue blade saw the blue front being knocked down by a woman. The abdomen.

The blue blade looked at her own lady, but found that the lady with the mask couldn’t see the look, but the momentum of the whole body did not change. The blue blade also gave a slight relief. For him, the blue blade is like his own family. Like my sister, although I am very distressed, I know that everyone needs to grow up, or how can they follow the lady?

Blue Front has a black figure that outlines a woman's good figure, but there is something wrong with another contestant who is also a woman. There are always a lot of inexplicable people in the world, just think that you are better than her. I will try to destroy you, and I can’t wait for the world to be a woman.

Blue Front, who was hit by a punch, stepped back a few steps. In fact, she was not injured. But she looked at the blue blade and solved it. She still hasn't solved it. Thinking that she is too much worse than the blue blade will disappoint the lady. When I was distracted, I let the woman in front of me hurt.

Lan Feng’s heart cursed, and her negligence definitely made the lady angry. Sure enough, Blue Front looked at the sitting lady above her eyes. She even saw that the lady didn’t look at herself. Blue Front was a little panicked and immediately serious. Treated it.

Lan Feng used a dagger similar to Lan Younian. The blue martial arts were also taught by Lan Younian. He was very good at close combat, so Blue Front took out the dagger with him and went straight to the woman. When the woman did not react, she kicked the woman’s knee. The woman was half-squatted there, and the blue front gave the woman a knife with a dagger. If it was not in the contest, she could not kill. Blue Front will definitely kill this woman.

However, for a while on the 6th, there will be a blue front with a dagger and a hangover with a big knife. The suspending is a very deceitful man. Although the martial arts is very high, his reputation in the rivers and lakes is not good. The suspending body is tall and strong. Although the blue front is higher than the average woman, the opposite side of the suspension seems to be quite obvious. Many people think that Blue Front will definitely lose this time.

Lan Younian looked at the following two people on the 6th than the Wutai, although there is no worry in the eyes, but the blue mourning is very clear that the possibility of the blue front is not great, this martial art of suspending is already very high. Even if I have to work **** it, and Blue Dragon's biggest drawback is that she is very suitable for close combat, even her weapon dagger is also used in close proximity, but for the hanging with the big knife, Blue Front is right. On the nemesis, the hanging knife is a far-reaching battle, and the gap between the two is instantly apparent.

"This subordinate of the ruthless son seems to be quite dangerous?" The head of the hanging group sat diagonally opposite the ruthless son and said with a smile. Suspended is the most powerful disciple of his hangover. There is no opponent in this small generation of the rivers and lakes. If this hangover defeats a high-powered killer of the ruthless lord, then it will be suspended in the rivers and lakes. It will be more respectable, and it can also set off the ruthlessness of the ruthless pavilion.

The ruthless son sat there in white, and it seemed that even the breeze was exceptionally privileged to treat him so that the whole man was more like a jade under the breeze, but he looked at his own subordinates without any odds but the ruthless son did not have any Attitude, let people feel that this ruthless son is also a heart-wrenching master.

"Dangerous?" The ruthless son tapped on the chair and the voice of "疙瘩疙瘩" seemed to strike in the heart of the hanging head.

"It’s just a test." The ruthless son chuckles. "My few subordinates are usually naughty. It’s fun to meet. What kind of cats and dogs like to tease, if it hurts, it’s a long way to learn!"

The words of the ruthless son can be said to be excessive, but who makes the family a ruthless cabinet owner, who makes people martial arts, and people have the ability to be crazy.

The head of the hanging group squeezed out a smile, and the smile said, "The ruthless son is not a ruthless son. Even the one who is desperate for himself can be guilty of this. Is it really chilling?"

A sentence of hanging the head will put the ruthless son on the ruthless and unspoken reputation, but also want to use this to ruthless son and subordinate feelings.

"Hanging the door this year, Geng Geng?" The ruthless son suddenly asked.

"This head is fifty this year!" Although the director of the hanging does not understand what this ruthless son wants to do, but so many people look at him can not do anything rude, how many people in these rivers and lakes can The ruthless son and the ghost master are as unscrupulous as they want to say what they want to do.

"Fifty!" The ruthless son whispered, "It’s blame old. Everyone knows that this lord is a ruthless son. Since it is a ruthless heart, the subordinate’s subordinates follow this cabinet. Knowing the heart of the cabinet is not something that others can provoke in a few words!"

The squad had once had a dispute with the ruthless pavilion, but unfortunately the last was the ruthless pavilion that was squashed and suppressed. Now the two rivals are relatively justified.

"You..." The head of the hanging party encountered a man who actually talked like this, but he did not wait for what he said and was interrupted by the owner of the world’s first village. If other people hang their heads, May not ignore, but the world's first Zhuang, how can he not dare.

"Now it is time to look at the following competitions, and the ruthless son is also a junior, hanging the head or not to be ruthless!" The feathers are sitting there and laughing, but he does not want to come out to talk, look at the words This kind of old guy who is running on this old guy is happy, and he can’t suffer from it, but the wind wing Xuan around him is already chilling. The feathers are really afraid that this old guy is in a difficult situation. Xuan really will directly shoot, and by then the martial arts league will be too busy.

The opening ceremony of the first Zhuangzhuang owner in the world is to help the ruthless son. Everyone knows that it is even more speculative that the first Zhuang and the ruthless pavilion in this world are afraid of being connected in the future, and everyone will no longer touch the mold, but the hang of anger The head of the party gave a look to the disciples underneath, and the meaning was self-evident.

Lan Younian also saw the eyes of the hanging head but did not do anything. On the way, she told the two people that they had played before they played, but they did not lose anything. In the blue secluded thought that these are not important to the lives of the people around them, she will be able to recover even if she loses her face, but if she loses her life, she will take something to discuss.

When the hangover received Master’s eyes, he knew that Master wanted the life of the woman in front of him. He did not do this for the first time. Although the martial arts league stipulated that the contest could not hurt his life, it was difficult to avoid negligence. It is common.

Suspension explosive force is very strong, picking up the big knife and cutting it to Blue Front. Blue Front quickly stops the dagger in his hand, but the strength of the hanging is already very big. The blue dagger is too light, so the big knife is still cut to the blue front. The shoulders, shed a bright red blood.

Blue front bites his teeth to hold back the pain, and the long legs are hooked and licked to hang the calf's calf. Although the blue front is a woman, but the internal strength of the leg strength is also the force that can make the calf fracture, the suspension is regrettable to recover the big knife After a few steps, Blue Front’s attack was lost.

Looking at her own bleeding shoulder, Blue Front looked at the opposite of the hanging eyes full of killing, she has not been injured for a long time.

"Ha!" The blue front daggers throw the sling to the hangover. The whole person also follows the dagger. The hangover wants to use a big knife to resist the dagger that was shot. But the big knife is too cumbersome to be feasible, so the hangover has only one hand and the knife. Go to resist the dagger.

It was at this time that Blue Front did not attack the suspoon with the dagger but came to the right hand side of the suspender with the big knife and directly launched the attack.

Suspended by the left hand to resist the dagger, the right hand has to pick up the big knife to kill with the blue front, Blue Front is very good at close combat, every move of the fierce move is full of strength and killing, blue front hands attack this hanging The right hand, the left leg attacks the hanging lower abdomen.

After hanging a cockroach, Blue Front gave the weapon a big knife, and then kicked the big knife that fell on the ground.

Blue Front has already discovered his own drawbacks in the killing of Xuan Jing, so Blue Front began to consider how to take the weapon of the suspend. If it is the suspension of the weapon, she is unlikely to win. However, if there is no weapon, the chance of winning is half, and she will not allow herself to lose.

The hangover of the weapon that was shot down was angered. The loss of a weapon by a warrior was tantamount to losing face, and the one who lost his face turned out to be a woman. Suspended that it must be killed by either Master’s command or for his own face. woman.

The hangover will lift the internal force and lift it to the blue front. The internal force of the blue front is not as difficult as the dangling dodge. For a time, the double fists of the suspense are constantly attacking the blue front. The blue front only has no ability to fight back, and the woman's physical strength and men's physical strength are well reflected at this time.

"Hey!" Blue Front's abdomen was injured and was now hit by a punch. Blue Front couldn't stand the blood, even if she wanted to endure it but still couldn't hold back, she knew The lady looked at herself on the top. If she was injured, the lady was not worried but she was worried about herself.

Lan Youn looked at the injured Blue Front, his eyes flashed but he did not have any movements, just staring at the fight below.

Suspended seeing Blue Front injured and immediately continued to attack, the stiff legs smashed toward the blue front's heart. If this is really the case, then Blue Front can barely save his life but only for the rest of his life. Become awkward, some timid rivers and lakes women have been called out in horror.

The blue blade footsteps want to let the blue front admit defeat, but looking at the lady did not show anything, the blue blade also endured the worry in my heart.

Do you not worry about Lan You? No, she is very worried, but she knows that this seemingly cold blue front is proud. If she let her admit defeat, then she will obey, but she will be worried about this thing in her life, her self-respect She is not allowed to admit defeat.

Blue Feng looked at this full of murderous tricks and took off his own hair from the head. She remembered that the young lady had taught them that the weapon was not a unique blade, and that anything around me could be her weapon.

When the foot of the hangover was about to kick into the heart of Blue Front, Blue Front was all flashing but still hurt her right leg. "He slammed" and Blue Front knew that his right leg was absolutely broken. At this time, Blue Front's left foot supported her body and quickly jumped to the side of the hangover, and the hair in her hand stabbed the throat of the hang.

Although the hangover is fast, the speed of the blue front is trained by the blue sacred tens of thousands of times, so the hairpin is still deeply inserted into the neck of the suspend, and the blood spurts out in a flash, immediately There were hanging disciples who supported the hangover and walked down the battlefield.

What surprised everyone was that the match was won by Blue Front. Blue Front was happy to look at the lady sitting in the upper position, but her own lady did not have any happy look. Blue Front thought that she was hurt and her heart was not. .

The cold look of Lan You Nian also makes everyone feel that the ruthless son is more and more unpredictable, and the likes and dislikes are not good.

Lan Younian nodded to the blue blade, and the blue blade understood that he came to the martial arts platform and supported the blue front who could only walk on one leg and left the martial arts stage, while the blue secluded thought still sat still and looked at the next the match of.

------Off topic ------

Title: Reborn Prince Edward Hooker http://. /80. Html

Author: Cheng Chen-chen

Magic Moche, the first son of the capital, the son of the son, the civil and military, is the dream of all women, but the prince is at first sight, loved all his life.

Leng Yufeng, the famous general of the war gods in the country, killing the fruit, martial arts, and fighting the battlefield to make the enemy stunned, but willing to follow the prince without regrets.

Han Xuanhao, the secret first killer, the appearance of the city, the character is very different, but would rather wear women's clothes just to stay with the cold Prince.

Night Yizhe, everyone respects the unpredictable medical doctor, evil spirits black, rich in the world, encountering the Prince is unexpected but it has become a poison that he can not stop.

Nan Gongqian, Nangongguo cold-blooded ruthless prince, like a demon like a demon, strong domineering, for the prince of the country is willing to overturn the Jiangshan only for a return.

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