Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 26 dark second love

</> "Miss!" Blue Front lying in bed looked at the blue mourning into the room, and quickly got up. But she was injured, and now the leg is so convenient that she almost rolled down from the bed, but Lan Younian just stood there watching, and even went to help.

Blue Front, who was so strong and even injured and dying, didn't cry, but suddenly she was red-eyed. She tried hard to get up, but the more difficult her heart was, the more hurried she was.

"Hey!" filled with helpless sighs from the mouth of Blue Nian Nian, she frowned and came to the bed and laid the blue front who was struggling to stand up and leaned on the bed, then sat on the bed. But the side is not saying a word.

"Miss!" Blue Front stared red at the ugly face of her own lady.

Blue singer looked at the blue front who was not scared, but also a sigh. Blue Front is the most deserted person among the three women of Blue Dance and Blue Song. Blue Front is often more calm than men and more than men. Strong, but the woman who is most afraid of this is not life or death is not pain, but afraid to be discarded by her own lady.

When Lan Yunian met Blue Front for the first time, she wore tattered clothes, skinny like a skinny, her hair was dry and stinking, and her broken clothes showed a lot of wounds and pus. It is very disgusting. At that time, Blue Front competed in a group of shackles for a **** that was dropped by someone else. At that time, a child’s blue front dragged his thin body and a group of adults to fight, even if he was punched. Kicking doesn't cry, it's just smashing the smashed **** into your mouth.

At the first sight, Lan Younian saw that the child’s heart was not sympathy and connection, but it was very interesting. So Lan Youn saved the blue front who had nothing to do, and brought her back to the ruthless pavilion to cure her. Her martial arts, let her live well, let her live with dignity and face.

"Do you know what you have done wrong?" Lan Younian looked at Blue Front and seemed to be really scared. It was still open, but his face was still not good. The people around her were not only subordinates but also friends. I hope that everyone will live in peace.

"Miss, I am sorry!" Blue Front said with a low head. She used to think that she was as sorrowful as a disgusted dog, but she met a lady when she was most uncomfortable. At that time, she thought she met Xiaoxiantong. Miss is taking her own away from the stinking place, the lady gave herself everything, so she just wants to disappoint the young lady, not to humiliate the lady, she wants to make the lady proud, but now Blue Front Knowing that you seem to be doing something wrong.

"I shouldn't be arrogant!" Blue Front can't be low. She knows that before she went on the court, she said that she would admit defeat if she couldn't do it, but she didn't think about admitting her before she died. In some ways, she It is a violation of the order.

Lan Younxiao smiled and took the wound medicine he had just received to give Blue Front a wounded medicine. There is no dignity between the demeanor.

"I don't blame you for making good claims. You all have your own thoughts and things you should do, but I am angry that you have made your life so wrong. I know that your dignity knows your pride. But these are not important to your life. If you are really disabled today, don’t you really regret it?” Lan You’s thoughts are long and heavy. “Blue Front, you are not my friend, so you have to protect yourself. ,do you know?"

"Miss!" Blue Front had a tearful stream of red-eyed eyes. At this time, she was not the ruthless killer in the ruthless pavilion, nor the uninhibited secret guard of the wind country. She was like an ordinary. The woman is so weeping.

"Blue Front knows it wrong!" Blue Front wiped the tears from his cheeks and returned to the previous appearance. "Blue Front will protect himself. As long as you protect yourself, you can protect the young lady. Blue Front will not be so impulsive in the future." !"

Lan Younian looked at the blue front of the imaginative nod, Blue Front is indeed very loyal, so many times the task is to hold the determination to die, so good or bad, how can a person win if he does not have a survival attitude? ? Fortunately, Blue Front did not let her down.

"Since I know that I am wrong, I will take care of it. The ruthless club still needs you. I need you too!" Lan Youn took a shot of Blue Front and left the room, but Lan Youn did not think of the room and actually saw a Very unexpected person.

"Mother!" The dark second line was a singer, and it was very embarrassing to see it in the blue scent.

Lan Younian is really surprised to see the dark second. This time they came to Xiaoyao City, and the second is indeed coming, but the second is to help Fengyixuan in the courtyard of Xiaoyao City to handle some urgent documents. These days, there is no outcrop, but now...

Lan Younian deliberately pondered for a while and asked, "It’s a dark second!" Dark second speechless, is he so big, isn’t the main mother not seen? How is it possible, and sure enough, the mother has become naughty now, this is the habit of the master, and it seems that everyone is the same.

"Yes, the mother, is the second!" said the darker, he really did not pick the time how to meet the mother.

"I remember Xuan not letting you deal with things in the courtyard? How do you run Qingshan sent? Is it to come to Xuan?" Lan Youn said from his own self, "Xuan will come, you look for Xuan What is it?"

The dark mouth is pumping, and he can be sure that the mother is absolutely intentional.

"The subordinates are not coming to find the master!" The dark second is hard to squeeze out a sentence. If it is not the master who is standing in front of him, he really wants to fight one. Think about how cold the old mother was. Unable to climb, how to encounter the master after the master has become so naughty so much, naughty he has no opinion, but can torture him!

"Then, is it to come to me?" asked Lan Yu's pretense,

"No, no!" Dark II quickly denied that it would be dangerous to let the jealous master give him his life. Now everyone in Pluto does not know that the master is a big vinegar, no matter how much men and women see it. Mother, haha, you are waiting to punish.

Looking at what the mother wants to say, the second secretly confessed to "the mother, the subordinate is to see the blue front, do not know the blue front is good? The injury is not serious?" At that time he heard the blue front from the mouth of the dark four He was injured and still hurt. He came over without any consideration, but did not expect to meet the mother. Although he is a little embarrassed, he also feels that there is nothing to hide. He likes Blue Front. This is for sure. He doesn't know what the cold blue front is, but he will worry that she will remember her when she is fine. He will hear her. I feel angry when I get hurt.

Before the blue mourning, I didn't know the thoughts of the dark two. But now I saw that the two are still very well matched, and the second person, she also knows how the character can also give the blue front to such a man.

"The injury is serious but it will not hinder the future, but this month is afraid to have a good rest!" Lan Younian exclaimed, at this time, a black-faced mask with a winged wing fluttered from the wall.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the dark second, let the dark second neck cool.

"You can be really courageous. After all, it is a place of others. You are always so unscrupulous. I really don't know if this Qingshan school's guard is too loose. Or your martial arts is too high, and no one has found it!" Yu Nian is still wearing the men's clothing nest into the arms of Feng Yi Xuan.

"Defense is too bad!" Feng Yixuan said, "If he is in his Pluto, he does not know how many times he was assassinated. Feng Yixuan is really contemptuous of this kind of defense."

"Right, Xuan!" Lan Nian Nian looked at the dark second and said, "You also know that Blue Front is injured. I need someone to take care of it recently, but at this time there are decent people to take care of, so I thought about this dark second thing. Still very careful, it is better to let the dark two take care of Blue Front these days, can you say that?"

Dark two at this time happy to want to scream, the mother is mighty!

"Is this woman in the hands of the husband?" Feng Yixuan asked with a smile, even if the mask was not picked, but from the voice can still hear the thick pets and tenderness, if such a voice let those martial arts let If you hear fear, you will be scared to death. Is this still a ghost master? This change is too fast!

"Yeah, I don't know if I can be willing to cede?" Blue mourning looked like a small animal and looked at Fengyi Xuan.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at such a thought, not to mention that only one subordinate is to have his heart he can cede, his thoughts will make him willingly anyway.

"What the lady said is what it is!" Feng Yi Xuan smacked the blue forehead's forehead, and then said to the dark second, "I will let the dark hand take over the things in your hands. You should take care of Blue Front these days!"

"Yes, thank you master, thank you mother!" Dark two smiled happily, then ran into the room to serve his future wife. But when the dark second entered the room, there was a roar of blue front, "You get me out!"

"I, I, don't be angry, I didn't mean it, I know I want to wipe it for you!" The voice of the dark voice sounded.

"I will kill you again!" Blue Front was angry and angry.

"Don't, you don't move, if the wound recurs, it's not good..."

Lan You Nian listened to the sound inside, and it was a bitter smile. Both of them looked cold and cold, but they were also a happy family.

"Don't worry, they have their own marriage!" Feng Yixuan took the opportunity to return to the room.

"Do you know?" asked Blue You, who thought that Fengyi Xuan didn't know about these things. He knew everything, and he was so keen that Feng Yixuan couldn't escape his eyes, otherwise he wouldn't. The ghost master who may become a ghost domain becomes the **** of war in this wind country.

"Well, earlier than you know!" Feng Yixuan replied, but he has always been deserted, so even if he knows it, he doesn't care more, but now he seems to care more about him. Of course he has to pay more attention.

"If Blue Front can be with the Dark II..." Blue Nian muttered. <"><"><;">

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