Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 31 licked her hand

The delicious food is full of long tables, the sound of the sound is full of the room, the fragrance is full of wine and the wine glass is filled with the beautiful pure woman.

Lan Younian sat in the room in white, and on her left is sitting on the opposite side of Mo Lingshan sitting on the head of the Qingshan School. Anyone can always find various reasons to let Lan Youss drink and drink. Mo Lingshan also looked at the blue mourning as a adoration, and seemed to like the man who would drink.

Lan Younian smiled and held the glass and poured a glass of wine that was hard to find. But after a while, everyone saw that the ruthless son sat there slightly, and it seemed a little drunk to hold the glass with his hand.

But where did they know that the blue sacred thoughts at this time did not drink a little bit of alcohol at all? Some of them made a mistake after committing a second time. Many times, those who drowned would swim, and she would not marry. I don’t care about poisoning my body.

"I don't know why Qingshan's head is looking for the owner of the cabinet today." The eyes under the mask of the ruthless son are a little confused and look at the can. Anyone who can look at these beautiful eyes has a moment of sorrow, he I did not expect that this ruthless son was so gestured after being drunk.

"Hehehehe..." Anyone who can smile a little and look at Mo Lingshan who is sitting beside the ruthless son, where he wants to find a ruthless son, but follow the master's instructions to deceive the ruthless son.

Mo Lingshan gave everyone a look. Anyone who knows that they are not involved in the next step, so they walked out of the room and cautiously closed the room and sent a lot of Qingshan disciples to surround the room. It’s up.

"Hey? How did this Qingshan head leave?" The ruthless son said inexplicably, and then he was ready to get up and leave. After all, now the lonely man and the widow are in this room, but when the ruthless son wants to get up, he finds himself Powerless, he tried to get up and fell to the chair.

"Mo girl?" The ruthless son shook his head and wanted to wake himself up, but he found himself getting dizzy, and when he felt very strange, the music in the room suddenly changed.

If the sound of the music is full of 暧昧*, then the current music will become much more hurried, and the music will be slammed into the ear of the person, seemingly wanting to hover in your mind.

At this time, Mo Lingshan suddenly got up and stood in front of the ruthless son and took off her dress. She only had a gauze possession in front of the ruthless son, carrying a weird dance. This dance was full of evil spirits. The temper, one leaning over and one leg is full of temptation as if tempting you to seduce you, so that your eyes can not be separated from the skeletal woman.

The ruthless son has always been resisting, but the more he resists, the more painful he is. His constant banging on his head does not help. The aroma from Mo Lingshan is eating away from his own consciousness.

Mo Lingshan has been sweating all over her body. It is very difficult for her to make her a magical skill. However, it is very dangerous to apply charms every time. The technique was her third time, and it was the last time she used her charms in her life, but she didn't think that the willpower of this ruthless son was so powerful. It took such a large amount of skill to control the ruthless son! Sure enough, it is a ruthless son, this heart of the rivers and lakes can be compared.

"Hey!" The ruthless son who suddenly sat there fainted at the table, and Mo Lingshan, who was using the charm, also fell softly. She waved her hand and let the girls go down. Don’t look at these girls. It seems that there is no such thing, but the music they play is an important factor in the addition of her charm.

Mo Lingshan sat on the table and sat next to the ruthless son, looking at the ruthless ruthless son, thinking about what kind of face this ruthless son had under this mask, thinking about Mo Lingshan and reaching out to unravel the ruthlessness. The mask of the son.

Thick and sharp eyebrows, narrow eyes, straight nose and the shape of the lips, even if Mo Lingshan has seen many beautiful men in the rivers and lakes have to admit that this ruthless son is handsome, no match, with ruthless The temperament of the son is warm and jade.

She is still very well prepared today, otherwise she can't control this ruthless son. In the wine, she has already controlled the cockroaches of the people early, and the spices on her body are a kind of poison that can be psychedelic. With the help of my own charm music, how can this ruthless son escape her palm?

After a while, the ruthless son who fell on the table finally woke up, but the eyes were still a little confused, the mask had been brought by Mo Lingshan, and the ruthless son seemed to be confused and looked at the room, then looked at it. Mo Lingshan, who is by his side, asks "Miss Mo? How are you here?"

Mo Lingshan’s eyes flashed. She was really surprised. She did not expect that even her ruthless son could still maintain her own consciousness, but it was a pity that she was only controlled or controlled by herself.

"Have you forgotten? You ruthlessly, you are discussing with the head of Aoyama today, and you have reached a cooperation with the head of the Castle Peak?" Mo Ling said with a smile, the voice was very light and became a bit strange.

“Really?” asked the ruthless son, who was puzzled but felt that he really did. He struggled there for a while. Mo Lingshan saw the ruthless son and knew that this ruthless son had too strong consciousness. She was close to the ruthless son holding the arm of the ruthless son, and felt the ruthless son's momentary stiffness but became normal.

"Really!" Mo Lingshan's voice is very light, very soft, very soft and soft. "You promised that the Qingshan head will cooperate with him. You obey the instructions of the master and will use it for him. You are more admired for me!" ”

Some ruthless sons muttered in his mouth and said, "I promised to cooperate with him at the head of Qingshan. I obeyed the instructions of the master and will use it for him. I love you!" The mouth of the ruthless son kept talking, then slow. The slowness of his eyes became clear and clear. Mo Lingshan also knew that his own magical skills were successful. This man will use it for him in the future.


Lan Younian just walked out of the Aoyama faction and was hugged by a sudden person. He flew up in the night, and the blue sorrow was not afraid of the squatting person, that is, the face of Fengyi Xuan’s smile, the wind wing Xuan originally had some angry faces, and there was no anger at seeing a happy girl with a smile.

“Xuan?” Lan Nian said with a smile, in fact, she always knew that Fengyixuan had been around her. When she entered the Qingshan School, she also knew that Fengyixuan had been following, every time in the room. When Mo Lingshan approached her, she could feel the anger at the top of her head, this man! Although I let myself solve it, I care about myself with me all the time, letting myself know that I am not alone.

"I want to marry her hand!" Feng Yixuan said, when he saw Mo Lingshan holding his hand on the roof, he really couldn't help but hold the palm of his hand. His thoughts are only his, and such a woman is not allowed to stay around.

"Good!" Blue Nian Nian followed and nodded. God knew that Mo Ling was looking at herself with that disgusting gaze. She almost spit. When she was holding her, she felt that she had all the skins. pimple.

"After finding out the matter, you have married her feet!" Lan Younian said, she also wants to kill this Mo Ling, but dare to use her own magic, and whether it is spices or drinks are poisonous If you are serious about it, it is really dangerous today.

Feng Yi Xuan had a temper in his heart. Now he looked at the face with a mask and felt it was very unsightly. He reached out and slowly solved the mask of the human face on his face. The handsome man’s face suddenly disappeared. Down, the face of the blue sorrowful sorrows appeared in front of him, and he looked pleasing to the eye.

Feng Yi Xuan embraced and kissed the lips that he had long wanted to kiss. The two stood on a high roof at the top of the house. The top of the head was a bright moonlight, and the crowds were full of lively market people. Standing like a fairy monk, it became the most beautiful scenery in the world.

After a kiss, Lan Younian relied on Feng Yixuan’s chest to breathe slowly. Feng Yixuan’s hand slowly stroked the back of his thoughts and sighed with anger. When the blue singer’s breath became stable At that time, Feng Yi Xuan looked at the lively market below and asked, "Want to go shopping?"

Because of their identity, many times they can't swim in the same crowd as ordinary people, but Feng Yixuan does not want his mind to live too hard, his thoughts are free.

Lan Youn looked at the market below and shook his head. Now they are very sensitive when they are in the city. If they are recognized at this time, they will not know what will happen, although she is sure that no matter what Windwing Xuan can be solved.

"No, I have been watching out today that Mo Lingshan is tired and wants to go back to rest!" Lan Younian explained that although Mo Ling’s charm has not caused any harm to her today, she resisted the charm at the time. Because of the loss of a lot of internal forces, she now just wants to rest.

Feng Yi Xuan looked very tired when he looked at his brows. He couldn’t help but blame himself. He also felt distressed and picked up his thoughts and returned to the courtyard. However, when he returned to the room, he found it. The woman in her arms is already asleep.

Feng Yi Xuan touched the cheeks of the thoughts and found that it was not particularly cool, and he was slightly relieved. He gently took his thoughts into the room, and then slowly took off his clothes and began to bathe. If you look at such a fragrant scene, Feng Yi Xuan will definitely become a wolf, but look at the tired look of Feng Yi Xuan in addition to distressed and worried about where there is a trace of *?

After the two bathed, Feng Yi Xuan put on the shirt for the sake of reading, but even if he didn’t wake up like this, Feng Yi Xuan smiled and kissed the forehead of the kiss, squatting and patted the palm of his hand. It seems that I am sleeping and sleeping in a room.

------Off topic ------

Title: Reborn Prince Edward

Situation 1: Nangong Qian thinks about the "men" in my heart: I don't care about the throne, I don't care about the world, but I want my heart to be with me. The king only wants to protect his heart and worry-free. If anyone is sad, this king will make the sad person unable to survive without a door.

Situation 2: Night Yizhe looks at the painful "man": the sad child, the dead; the heart-breaking person, the dead without a place of burial! Even if the wealth is scattered, even if the bones are like mountains, the **** doctors only want to work side by side, look at the heart and smile!

Situation 3: Han Xuanhao touches the "man" of the silk that is more beautiful than the woman: the deity does not care about the common ethics, is not afraid of gossip, and is not afraid of the world's eyes, only wishing to be on the side of the heart, not to mention the heart and laugh. safely.

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