Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 32 Regency Palace

Feng Yixuan woke up early, or he didn’t sleep very much last night, because the mental state of seeing his thoughts seemed to be very tired, and he found that he had some fever in the middle of the night, he was always from time to time. Looking at the thoughts, but also let the dark ones wait for the decocting to drink and drink, you can say that he was busy all night, but fortunately, the thoughts are not very serious, and he has recovered to health in the middle of the night.

Feng Yixuan looked like he was sleeping and opened his eyes. The round eyes of the big eyes slid around, like a pair of dazzling obsidian, which could not help but laugh. When I look at myself and see myself slowly, I slowly squint my lips and make my eyes brow and smile very sweetly.

“Wake up?” asked the wing wing Xuan, then reached out and stroked the forehead of the mind and found that the temperature was not high before he let go.

“Is there any uncomfortable thing?” Feng Yixuan asked, although the night had already given the medicine to the thoughts, but the body was very delicate. They had not seen each other for so long. How to get sick, now I am thinking about this illness. Feng Yixuan is a little panicked.

Lan You Nian also knows that he seems to have a fever in the middle of the night. The whole person is dizzy, but because she has Feng Yi Xuan around her, she falls asleep peacefully. Now she wakes up and finds that she is not only uncomfortable but more spiritual. .

Lan Younian sat up and came to God with a lazy waist. He smiled very happy. "No, there is no discomfort at all. I feel very good now!" Lan Younian said that he also did a few actions for Feng Yixuan to prove I am really good, otherwise she can be sure that these days she will definitely be caught in the room by Feng Yixuan.

"Did you not sleep all night?" asked Blue Yuen, although Feng Yixuan’s face did not have any tiredness and embarrassment, because his martial arts was very high and he used to sleep for several nights, so he only stayed one night without rest. It does not make him feel sleepy.

Feng Yi Xuan shook his head and “rested for a while, I am not sleepy!” He said, he picked up his clothes and put on his clothes, but when he was ready to wear clothes after he finished wearing clothes, he found that I am thinking of holding his robe and standing there.

"It’s hard work, I’m good at changing clothes?” asked Blue Yu Nian, and then waited for Feng Yixuan to answer and help Feng Yixuan wear a robe, because the wind wing Xuan’s personality is too much, so blue and quiet can’t be seen from time to time. It’s time to pick up the toes to arrange the clothes for the wind wing Xuan. When the belt is for the wind wing Xuan belt, the whole person is nestled in the arms of Feng Yi Xuan, it seems that the two are hugging.

Looking at the good and the virtuous for myself, although many times are not very skilled clothes are not very good to wear, but Feng Yixuan feels that the heart has raised a warmth that can not be said, when his clothes are worn thick Feng Yi Xuan will be eager to sit up and sit on his own arms. It was originally a child's practice. However, because of the tall and blue sacredness of Feng Yi Xuan, the two people unexpectedly harmonized.

“Let's go out and play today?” Feng Yixuan said, although it is a question, it is also a decision. Although they respect each other but they also know each other now, many of them decide that the other person has no meaning, or that they are all tolerant of each other.

“Really?” Lan Yunian asked happily, looking at the neck of Fengyi Xuan. She actually liked to walk around all the time. She used to feel lonely when she was alone, but now she has a winged wing to accompany herself, blue. You can see where the scenery is beautiful.

"Yeah!" Fengyi Xuan nodded. In fact, he was prepared to go out to play with him today, and that person did not know how many letters he wrote to himself because he knew they came. The first time he still wrote Look at a few eyes, he has been handed over to the dark ones in recent days, but in the past few days, Hua Xiuyi said that there is a flower fairy fair in Huaguo, so that he can play with his thoughts.

Xiaoyao City is not far from the country of Huaguo. If it is used, it will arrive a few hours later. Nowadays, Fengyixuan and Huaxiuyi are also friends. The last time the war between the country and the wind country has helped a lot. I know that there have been plagues in the country, so I sent a lot of food for the frontiers. A few soldiers came, this love wing fengxuan has been remembered, and he also sees it now, Hua Xiu Yi, although there are feelings but more blessings and guardians, this is like the white lotus and the emperor Like the brother, Feng Yi Xuan also admire the practice of a few people in the dark. If he is obsessed with refusal, he will not be able to do such a far guard. Fortunately, they love each other.

When Feng Yi Xuan took the blue secluded world of today’s flower country, it was discovered that the country of the flower country is simply a sea of ​​people. Their carriages cannot move forward and are blocked in the streets. They are not allowed to go forward. There is no sign for the carriage, so everyone just thinks that this is just a big lady’s lady coming out to play.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at so many people around the carriage and there was a black-pressed street brow wrinkled. He never appeared in such an occasion before he encountered it. It was not afraid of these people but felt too noisy.

At this time, the people saw a pair of guards in the palace came to the street in armor. The people saw that the posture was afraid and went to the street. The whole street was quiet at once, only the middle. Parked a very luxurious carriage. Many people think that the owner of this carriage is afraid of being ravaged. Now, who does not know that the flower country does not have an emperor, but the real master of the flower country is the regent king, and the regent is a person with a hot personality, offended His people generally do not have good results.

But what did the people see? They actually saw that the guard who belonged to the Regent King stopped at the carriage and said something very respectfully to the man in the carriage. Then the carriage was given a respectful protection by the group of guards. Going to the Regent Palace.

"I didn't think that Hua Xiu would know that we are coming so soon!" Lan Younian sat in the carriage and tasted the fruits. The guards who looked outside said that she had no contact with Hua Xiuyi but she knew that Fengyi Xuan There is a connection with Hua Xiu, and the two seem to be very good friends.

Feng Yixuan also looked at the guards around him. He was also very satisfied with the people who spent the rest of his life. It can be seen that these guards are not rude.

"Here is the flower country. It can be said that when we entered the flower country, it was already known to him!" Although Feng Yixuan is very small but not a sly person, "can be a prince from a powerless prince, to the present day. The Regent, who holds the whole flower country in his hands, is a very smart person!"

Lan Younian rarely hears that Feng Yi Xuan praises others, so I know that this flower is a good time. Although I don’t have a formal look in front of myself, I’m afraid that there is one side behind me, but in the blue and my heart, maybe everyone in this world. Compared with the wind wing Xuan, many times, Lan Yu Nian will turn Feng Yi Xuan into his own god.

"No matter how clever you are, you are smart. In my heart, you will always be the best and the most handsome!" Lan Yuen said with exultation, that look is very proud and proud, because this man is his own.

Hearing the praise of his beloved, Feng Yixuan’s heart is as sweet as honey wrapped in honey. He actually received countless praises and compliments from small to large, but he never listened to it, but now he listens and praises himself. Or to worship yourself, Feng Yixuan feels that he must do better in the future, so that his thoughts will look at himself with such a look.

"What is handsome?" Feng Yixuan asked, although he knew that this must be a compliment.

Lan Younuan stroked the handsome face of Feng Yi Xuan. "You are very beautiful when you are handsome!" She hasn't thought of it for a long time, but she didn't think that she was happy today and said the word "handsome".

Although Feng Yixuan feels that a big man is called a long beauty, it hurts his masculinity. If other people say that he has already killed, but it is the praise of his own lady, Feng Yi Xuan is not only angry but feels very I am happy, and I feel that only my face is worthy of the best.

When the carriage stopped in front of the Huaguo Regency Palace, Fengyi Xuan directly picked up the blue sacred thought and quickly walked into the Regent Palace. It was not that he was afraid of anything but that he was worried that he would be infected with the cold for a long time. After all, I remember that I was still burning last night.

"The two busy people are really difficult to ask!" As soon as they entered the Regent's Palace, they heard the soft and full of evil spirits. Huaxiu stood there, and the black hair of the black hair was scattered. On his shoulder, the perfect face has a pair of thick ink and even eyebrows hidden in two, a pair of slightly narrow and long, the shape of the water-like beautiful eyes are revealing the real smile, thick and slender The eyelashes trembled gently, under the nose of the handsome nose, and the sharp lips also evoked a smile.

Feng Yi Xuan put down his thoughts and looked at his eyes, his eyes filled with contempt "Do you think everyone is as free as you?"

"I am free?" Hua Xiuyi led the two to the garden built by the Regent Palace. There is still a pond in the garden, which is full of large golden flowers, like a golden star lying. Between the green leaves, but there is no kind of star, it can be so dazzling, radiant, enchanting as if you can take away the breath of people, in the garden, the cypresses are towering, each one is very lush, all kinds All kinds of strange stones are dotted in the garden, and there are many blooming flowers in the garden.

I have to say that the building of Hua Xiuyi’s mansion is really beautiful. This kind of beauty is different from the low-key luxury of Pluto, but it is a kind of soft beauty, just like the character of Fengyixuan and Huaxiuyi. I missed my eyes and praised it.

Hua Xiu should see the blue singer’s eyes flashing like a heart is also a joy, in fact, when he built the garden of this mansion, he spent a lot of thought, always thinking that if there is a day, blue sorrow will come to see, then It is also a fulfillment of his wish, and now he feels that all the hard-working construction is appropriate, because this woman likes it or not? Even if she only stays here for a few days, even if she has her own husband, it doesn't matter. What matters is that his plundering mind has been completely released.

Lan You Nian also knows that there are still many things in the two men to discuss, although they will not hide themselves, but Lan Younian feels that he is out to play, so let them go to the study to discuss things, and she is in There is nothing to do in the Fuchu to see the scenery.

Because the four countries are now somewhat turbulent, the snow country and the moon country have become the alliance, and the flower country and the wind country have obviously become the alliance. Although the war and the country of the last month have won, this has not stabilized the country. Down, more importantly, the country of the moon is now the idea of ​​playing the country. Originally, the country wanted to win over the flower country, but how could I agree with it? So now Huaguo and Fengguo are a grasshopper on the rope. The moon has harassed the city of Huaguo several times, although it is not in the flower. Hugh's hands have benefited but it has also caused troubles for the flower country, so Feng Yi Xuan and Hua Xiuyi need to discuss a lot of things.

I used to spend a lot of time in the backyard when I was a prince, but now there isn’t a woman in the regent’s palace except for the servant. Although it’s not as quiet as the prince’s house, I feel very relaxed.

A woman in a shackled costume hides in the dark and looks at the woman who enjoys the scenery leisurely. The eyes are full of embarrassment. She admits that she has never seen such a beautiful woman. This woman’s hair is very simple. Sweeping eyebrows with spring, the skin is fine, such as Wenyu soft light if tired, cherry small mouth is not point and red, delicate if dripping, licking the two hairs with the wind gently blowing the face with a few attractive style, and flexible rotation The eyes turned sharply, a little bit naughty, a bit mischievous, a white long skirt, the waist is not a grip, the beauty is so innocent, beautiful so not to eat human fireworks.

The woman dressed up looked at the woman's back and couldn't wait to catch the woman's face. In order to get close to the Regent, she deliberately dressed up in the government to win the favor of the Regent King near the Regent, the former Regent Wang Aimei But now the Regent King does not love beauty, she simply can not seduce the Regent. She loved the Regent for many years and always wanted to marry the Regent when the Regent was a Prince.

In these few days, she found that the Regent King seemed to be in a good mood. She always told the next person to take care of the Regent’s palace. She also told the cook to make a lot of delicious cakes. She didn’t understand it, but she saw this today. When she was a woman, she understood that the regent was for this woman. How did the regent Wang He spent so much trouble for the woman? No, this woman can't stay, the Regent is her, not this woman!

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why? why? For Mao, everyone does not support the new text of Zhenzhen? why? What is it for Mao? <!--over-->

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