"Come on!" Hua Xiuyi often filled with a cold, enchanting voice filled with cold air. "Give this king! I would rather miss it!"

Hua Xiuyi was not a good person, so this time it was obviously moving his bottom line. Hua Hughi even thought that if the blue mourning did not find out, then things will become how he can’t imagine how he can Allowing your own estate to exist exists that you want to return to the blue secluded enemy. Yesterday's events have made him somewhat guilty about Fengyi Xuan and Lan Younian. Today's events have happened again. Huaxiu feels that he really is careless.

Lan Youn was not angry. She had waited for the people behind her to do it again. She was still ready to go out today. I didn’t think that this person was in the Regency Palace, but saved her a lot of speculation.

Lan Younian took the poisonous dish to the end, and then prepared to continue to eat but was disapproved by two men at the same time, even if he knew that Lan Younian was very good at poison, but Feng Yixuan passed the last pain. How dare to care about it now, so let the dark go to the kitchen to prepare the meal, and Hua Xiuyi also sent a confidant, so today the chefs in the Regent’s palace are trembled to eat, after all, let anyone So many people will be afraid to watch the meal.

When a table with a lighter meal came up, Amu also walked into the hall with a woman. The three people all know that Amu brought this person to the point that this is what the woman did.

Lan Younian looked at the woman who had been acupuncture point by Amu. It looks like a glamorous pair, even wearing a sly dress, but it can't cover her own temperament. This is not a cockroach, not to mention the woman's hand. When you look young, you are a woman who doesn't touch the water. How can it be a man? But Lan Nian Nian can also be sure that this woman she has not seen even more hatred, and a woman can have a bodyguard to assassinate herself, and Blue Nian thinks that things are much more interesting.

Hua Xiuyi did not think that it was a shackle that came up with a lot of cockroaches in the Regent’s palace. But how can such a thing happen to women who have been carefully selected for their cleanliness, and Huaxiu should let Amu undo the woman’s acupuncture point, usually The smile hanging on my face disappeared and replaced by a cold killing. "Who are you? Who is instructed? Why do you want to harm Pluto?"

Although Feng Yi Xuan also wants to kill the woman directly, but still look at the flowers and look at the flowers and leisure, here is the flower country should be treated better than their own, it is much easier to investigate.

Ginger and orange looked at the Regent in horror, listening to the regent's words and then looking at the very good woman who was taken care of in the black man's arms. Is this woman actually a princess? So what does it mean for her to do everything? And looking at the woman's arms in the arms of the man in black, can see the feelings of the two, what are they doing?

"Regent King!" Jiang and Orange cried and looked at the flowers. "The little girl and the little girl are not deliberate..." If she knew that the woman was already a woman, how could she provoke it, and now she is so angry and poisoned by the regent Wang Shuo of other countries is simply a very big crime.

"You are not the embarrassment of the government!" Hua Xiuyi said affirmatively, how can the **** in the Regent's palace dare to call himself "little girl", and this woman has a lucky feeling at this time, and Hua Xiu should reach out and hold the **** and orange. The slender neck is as if he can break the woman's neck with a force.

"Cough cough..." Jiang and Orange reached out and pulled the flower to be more white than the woman, but how could her strength compare to the man who spent the rest? When Jiang and Orange were about to be killed, Hua Xiuyi threw **** and orange on the ground, and looked at the woman who was lying there and desperately coughing.

"I still don't say it now?" Huaxiu asked impatiently. He did not have any patience to deal with this woman. If he did not find the source, he would definitely kill the woman directly. .

Ginger and orange licked the bruised neck that had been smashed. At the moment she could, she could clearly feel that the Regent King really wanted to kill herself. Jiang and Orange looked up in horror and looked at her for so many years. The regent king, however, found that the regent's eyes were so obvious when he looked at the Pluto. She had seen the regent king have such an expression. When the regent was still a prince, there were a lot of people in the house, but those women could not even get a look at the regent, so she never worried, but now the woman has I have already had such a man who loves her, why should I provoke the Regent? Ginger and Orange feel that they have not done anything wrong, they should kill this fascinating woman!

The three eyes of Jiang and Orange did not feel it, but the three did not mind, because this **** and orange must die, and what the dead still care about.

"The little girl is the niece of the prime minister's house, **** and orange!" Jiang and orange fell to the ground, she has already seen the killing in the eyes of the regent, if he does not carry out his identity, I am afraid that today is really to lose She has a life, but she is the most prostitute prostitute, and the Regent will certainly not have her own life, and the father will certainly save himself.

A woman like Jiang and Orange is a woman who is discouraged in the shack, so her eyes are too short and too self-righteous. She thinks that her father’s identity can definitely let him through this difficult time, but she does not know her move. Pushed the entire prime minister to the cliff.

"Jiang Yanxiang?" Hua Xiuyi asked with a smile, he did not expect that this woman was actually made out of this woman and added a prime minister. The battles on the court and the power to take power have never been viewed from the bank. But if it is burned to those who care about it, those ministers have no need to exist.

“Why do you want to do this?” asked Lan You Nian. After all, she and the woman had no hatred, and with such a low emotional intelligence, she would not have guessed that Hua Xiu would like her, even once Ghosts admire their own blue and do not know.

"Cough and cough..." Jiang and orange smiled and looked at the princess who was sitting like a fairy. "Why? Because the Regent King....!" Cut off the tongue, half of the **** tongue fell to the ground, but fortunately all three have used up the meal, or they are definitely in a bad mood.

Hua Xiuyi looked at the blue sorrow and found that there was no doubt about the blue sacred thoughts. He felt relieved in his heart. He didn’t want Blue Nian to know that he liked her. If he let Lan Youn know, he would be afraid to be friends in the future. It’s all too much to do, and the meeting will be awkward. Hua Xiuyi does not want to lose will become bad, because today's state of affairs is good.

Although it is very unexpected for the flowers and blues, it is not surprising. But after all, there are many hidden things in the flower country that should not be known to others, and the blue mourning has just seen if it is a flower If you don't shoot, Feng Yi Xuan will also shoot, so this woman should not say that she should not ask, and some things do not need to be asked.

"Take it down and wait, keep her eyes and ears!" Hua Hsuyi told me, then when Jiang and Orange wanted to scream for mercy, Amu had already ordered her acupuncture point and let it go to those people. .

For the follow-up, Feng Yi Xuan believes that Hua Xiu will handle it very well, so I went to sleep with my thoughts.

Just today, Jiang Guoxiang, a splendid flower country, was found guilty of corruption and bribery. For a time, the entire prime minister’s office was ordered by the Regent to be arrested and asked to choose the day. No one knows that a woman who is not adult in a secret place looks at her father, mother, brother and sister, who are beheaded in front of her. She wants to scream but can’t scream, she knows what she is doing. Who is there, and at the last moment of Jiang and Orange, the dark one ended her personally, because Fengyi Xuan would not allow any one to threaten her thoughts.

"Hey..." Lan You Nian looked at the various beautiful women under the sound, even if she was just a woman, but seeing so many different kinds of beautiful blue mourning must also admit that it is very eye-catching.

Today is the flower fairy fair of the flower country, so whether it is the woman of the civilian people or the official women, they all come out with care. The taste of the various dresses and glutinous rice noodles on the streets fill the streets.

"Is it true that the beauty of this flower country is coming out today? It is really a rare sight." Blue Nian Nian sighed by the window on the third floor of the restaurant. "Oh, if I am a man, I am really beautiful." What is the most enviable!"

The restaurant they are now in is also the industry of the ruthless pavilion, so they look at today's Flower Fairy Conference on the third floor.

“What do you think?” Feng Yixuan said with a smile, “What if you are a man?” Feng Yixuan asked and then asked himself, “But even if you are a man, I will not let go. It’s not a beauty!"

Lan You thought about it and thought that Feng Yi Xuan is really possible, because they are the ones who look at each other, regardless of gender and appearance.

"I said that you are enough!" Huaxiu couldn't bear to say to the two people. "How do I see what you guys are usually deserted, but how can such a slap in the face?" I pulled some of my loose clothes and it looked very cold.

Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian are relatively ignorant of the smile, and Lan You Nian looks at the beautiful Mei Feng Xuan looking at the blue mourning, while the flower sitting there is personally cooked for three people. Tea, everything has become peaceful.

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