Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 37 Flower Fairy Assembly

</> "That is the flower fairy of your last flower country?" Lan Younian pointed to a very beautiful sedan chair lifted by dozens of people on the street below. The sedan chair was not just sitting on a flat plate. Holding a woman.

This woman's eyebrows swept, red lips and slightly hooked. The smear of the corner of the mouth seems to be still fascinating. The eye wave turned. The style that is revealed makes people forget everything. The red robe was wrapped in white and delicate skin. She sat there and was lifted high, revealing the white and tender calf, and the silver bell attached to the foot was gently shredded with the raised wooden board. Broken voice, slender fingers across her bare clavicle, so many men can not wait to do that finger, the applause of the audience, all the scorpions are all fascinated, bustling with the people who lifted the sedan, both I want to be close to me and look at the face of this fairy flower.

Hua Xiuyi casually glanced at him and said, "Yes, this woman is the flower fairy of the last year!" Hua Xiuyi said ridiculously, "I really don't know what these people look like, so the goods are also sought after. It really makes People have a headache!"

"What's your headache?" asked Lan Yu, smiling, and she wouldn't think that Hua Xiuyi was the kind of person who thought about the country's society, and that such a beautiful woman did not take care of the flower fairy.

"Because this woman is always chasing him!" Feng Yixuan said sarcastically, it seems that being like a woman is a shameful thing. "And this woman is not a flower country but a princess in the snow country!"

"Oh?" Blue Yu Nian has a great interest in picking a brow. Now it seems that the traces of Xue Guohe’s harmony are really annoying. Blue Nian’s carefully looked at the woman below and said, “This is not Will it be the Snow Princess who once wanted to marry Xia Wei’s brother?"

"Well, it is indeed this princess!" Windwing Xuan nodded. Soon after the wind and summer 祁 just succeeded, Xueguo sent a husband and a princess to come, but at that time, the wind country had already had a mother-in-law, not to mention the wind and summer, but there was no thought, but this woman was also a love-in-law at that time. The look of the embarrassment was later rectified by Yue Bailian and Hua Mu, and she also saw that it was impossible to leave the country, but did not expect that the woman actually came to the country without saying anything. I also got the name of a flower fairy, and more importantly, I got the love of so many people in the country. This is not a good thing.

"Hey!" Blue Nian Nian was a little annoyed and frowned. "Where is there a snow country? It’s really disappointing. I thought it would be fun to see this flower fairy fair. Now I don’t know anything about this woman. It!"

"Is this woman not right?" Hua Xiuyi asked. In fact, at the beginning of this woman, when she always tried to approach herself, she investigated the woman, but the result of the investigation was that the woman was the grand princess of the snow country. As many princesses or more clean than some princesses in the past, I don’t care too much after spending time. After all, the woman who loves his face or power is not one or two. If he is all concerned, he is afraid that he is already busy. Crazy, but now I should know what I seem to have missed.

I know that Fengyi Xuan will not be a big fan, so Lan Younian told Hua Xiuyi when they participated in the Wulin League, and also told the Mo Lingshan thing to Hua Xiuyi. It was also very surprising after the flower was closed, but I didn’t think that the snow country had joined in the rivers and lakes, but now he is more concerned about another thing.

"You can participate in the Wulin League, I am afraid what is the identity in the rivers and lakes?" Hua Xiuyi asked, he did not want to inquire what the key is human curiosity, one is a friend, a woman who loves, Hua Hughi Of course I want to know more.

Lan Nian Nian shook his head and said nothing, not wanting to tell Hua Xiuyi but some things have a bottom line, Hua Hugh should obviously know so just ask casually, even if they really have identity in the rivers and lakes It is completely secret, but the two have revealed that they really regard themselves as friends, and Huaxiu feels contented.

"What is this woman going to do?" Feng Yixuan asked, this woman appears in the flower country is definitely a spy or a sword to take some flowers, and such people are still handled as early as possible, but can not The treatment of the imperial will definitely lead to the rise of the sons of the flower country.

"Always remove the aftermath!" Hua Xiuyi said coldly, Xue Guo actually put his eyeliner here and tried to get close to himself. What's more, this woman and many of the minister's sons are better off, afraid of being a drunkard. Not in the wine.

At this time, Lan Younian suddenly saw the woman sitting on the sedan and smiling at the bottom of the fairness. She suddenly looked up and looked at the blue mourning, although she was too far away to see her face because she was carried for a long distance. However, Lan Nian Nian still clearly sees that the woman’s gaze is to look at herself, and her eyes are accompanied by a lot of pleasing colors and pity.

"Interesting!" Lan Younian sighed low, and she was convinced that she could understand that pity and fear, even if she had such a woman to pity? At this moment, Lan Nian Nian really hates this woman, or she has begun to hate a lot of snow country.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yixuan asked as he walked behind him.

Lan Younuan pointed to the woman who was far away and couldn’t see clearly. "This woman’s acumen is terrible. I just found out that she was discovered, and if I didn’t guess, she must recognize me. Identity, that is, know that you have also come to the flower country!"

"Unfortunately, it is not smart enough!" Lan Younian went on to say that if she was a smart woman, she would not provoke herself in this way, because such provocation would make her expose to death faster and faster, and she would not know how to keep her hair. Will become a loess.

Because this year's Flower Fair is not here, so the three left the ruthless restaurant to go to the flower country Poyang Lake this year.

The water on the lake is not good, and a ship is sliding on a glass. The ripples of water, like the fine lines on the silk, are smooth and green. Looking into the distance, the color is a bit deeper and gradually becomes deep. Looking up at the sky, the clouds are moving leisurely, and the lake is low. Another day, the clouds are in the air. The peaks on both sides of the strait stand up in the lake, all in one color, and the affection is accompanied by a talented person or a beautiful woman.

The boat that Windwing Xuan and others are staying in is the most luxurious ship on the entire lake. From time to time, someone will come to want to make some friends but they have all been rejected by the newly appointed butler because the last regent Wangfuzhong’s housekeeper’s government is not strict enough to let people into the Regent’s palace. It’s also a poison in the diet, so it’s a young man, blue. The person recommended by You Nian, but I have to say that this housekeeper is very good at doing things, and doing things safely.

Nowadays, the man who can be called a housekeeper is also an official’s son. But because his mother died early, his father is not a pet, so he is also a poor person in the government. He has an ambition but can’t do anything. He was once again being his father and The stepmother wants to kill, so now he has such an opportunity to be grateful, and even the Regent is even a butler who is more powerful than many ministers. And he has been disappointed with that family, and if he stays there, he will be driven crazy.

"Come on, come out, come out, look at it!" The outside suddenly became stunned. Blue singly saw that the pink boat on the heart of the lake came out of a woman, and that woman was the last The flower fairy, although the last flower fairy, can also be compared to the United States this year, but the first flower fairy needs the first performance.

"It seems that we found out!" Feng Yixuan did not look at the woman with her eyes, but she can definitely say it.

"Wu Gong is not low!" Hua Xiuyi went on to say that this woman obviously has a good martial arts but can't compare with Lan Yu Nian, so she can't hide her own martial arts. As long as it is a high-level master, it can be seen. This woman will be a military thing.

“When do you start?” Feng Yixuan asked, the sooner such a woman is resolved, the better, but Feng Yixuan is not willing to shoot. After all, is this in the flower country, he is accompanying to play, It’s not to help the flowers. A stingy man definitely doesn’t admit that he is in the middle of hating and spending time with them, so that he can’t do anything for him.

"The fastest time!" Hua Xiuyi replied that the woman's eyes were full of killings across the boat curtain, so that the woman did so many things under her own eyes, I didn't even know, this is A mistake can never be allowed to continue.

Although this woman is the princess of the snow country, but the blue secluded can not deny that this woman's dance skill is indeed good, a dance is a noble feeling, she turned around and it is a style, just so can force Pressing a lot of women.

Not surprisingly, the meeting of the flowering fairy is still the unparalleled victory of this year, winning the name of the flower fairy, and the shouts of everyone on the ship seem to be able to get a flower fairy. Eyes are very proud things.

"Thank you for your love, so that the little girl can get the title of Flower Fairy again. The little girl was very happy, but..." Snow unparalleled standing in the bow of the ship with envy "but the little girl is not really deserved, because today's little girl I saw another woman who is more beautiful than the little girl. If the woman is afraid, it is the real flower fairy!"

When Snow is unparalleled and wants to talk, Blue Nian Nian knows that today is afraid to be tired of himself. Sure enough, this woman is really restless. At this time, she can pull herself out, and if she really goes out to show up, according to the average man. I will not tolerate my wife's marriage afterwards, and as long as I go out and reveal my identity, even if I win, I will be deprived of the title of Flower Fairy. This woman can calculate it very well.

"How come? Flower Fairy is the most beautiful!"

"Who is this, is there a more beautiful woman in this world?" For a time, the whole lake had a burst of arguments, but the blue secluded thoughts in the boat did not have the slightest emotion. If this snow is unparalleled, it can be considered If you force yourself, then you are really wrong. If you don't want things, you won't be wronged.

Snow unparalleled pointed to the boat with the biggest heart of the lake. The voice contained a sense of charm. "Can the girl come out to see it? Today is the flower fairy fair. Why is the girl who does not want to come out to participate in the appearance of the city? Small flower fairy assembly?"

Everyone’s eyes looked at the best ship tonight. It’s so luxurious when I watched the ship’s outside. I really don’t know what talents can have such a ship, and I’m more eager to see it. How beautiful is the woman of such a ship.

But no matter how the eyes of the people, there was no sound in the ship, and no one stood up and said a word. This made the snow unparalleled, but soon she arranged the emotions, but the sincerity of the laughs Wrongedness "The little girl doesn't mean it. I just hope that the name of this flower fairy can make the girl deserved, and only the girl can get the name of this flower fairy!"

Snow unparalleled words are very sincere and generous, and this approach has won the unanimous praise of everyone.

"I don't know if you can't even distinguish between men and women?" Hua Xiuyi walked out of the boat and stood at the bow of the ship. Somehow asked, a red dress made him more charming than a woman, but on the premise. If you are not afraid of death, you will think so.

"Participate in the Regent!" Everyone did not bow to worship, they did not expect to come to participate in a flower fairy conference will actually encounter the Regent.

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