Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 44 thoughts suddenly fainted

The golden dome stone wall is painted with a variety of dragon and phoenix patterns. The floor is covered with rugs of soft brocade and occasionally burning a few bright red flames. This is the place where the palace feast is held tonight.

The official women of the family, the sons and the ladies of the families, and many other officials have already sat there and chilled each other, and they are also exploring each other's things to be done tonight. The blue Jianjun and Jing Wu'an who sat in the right place in the main hall were filled with pity in the eyes of these ministers looking for death.

"Queen is coming! Pluto is coming!" The voice of the **** rang in some noisy halls, and everyone immediately got up and bowed to the ceremony. "Participate in the Empress and join the Pluto!"

Originally, Wang Hao of a prince was not worthy of such a salute, but could not stand the power of Wang Hao, and this Wang Hao was the "first king of the emperor!", which can be said to be more honorable than the identity of the officials present here.

"Excuse me!" Moon White Lotus took the blue secluded thoughts to sit in the high position. In the middle of the main hall is the throne and the phoenix, and under that is the seat of Pluto and the seat of Pluto. From this point of view, it can be seen that the emperor's weight to Pluto is not as inflicted as the general battle between the royals.

After the ceremony, everyone saw the emperor's bright yellow robes sitting in the upper position, watching her fold the waist with a microstep, showing her wrists in the veil.眸 Contains majestic and clear waves, and the head is tilted into the jade dragon and phoenix. Xiangjiao Nenxiu is more beautiful than Huajiao. It means that if the roots of the shaved onion are like Zhu Dan, it will make people feel like a smile. But even this kind of queen of the white lotus is not a fascinating but more majestic. stand up.

Because everyone often sees the Queen's beauty for the Queen, everyone knows it early, but many people don't often see Pluto, but some people have just heard the rumors of Pluto's first beauty in the world but have not seen anyone else. Nowadays, everyone has to sigh that the rumors are really worthy of the name.

The Pluto, sitting there, is like the orchid in the valley that was watered by the spring rain. It is light and elegant. A black hair is only used with a light purple silk thread. A hibiscus does not make any powder, Emei. Such as 黛, the lips do not point and Zhu, a face like a powder pearl like a charming. Another example is the fascinating blue enchantress, the national peony peony, the bright and beautiful sea otter, which is a colorful rainbow, hanging in the clear blue sky, not only pleasing to the eye, but also shocking. people. Or she is fluttering in white, more like a mysterious woman above nine days.

While everyone was amazed at the beauty of Pluto, there was a woman in white who was even white. Why didn’t she think that the woman she had wanted to be today was a famous Pluto, and then look at the people’s body. In white and his own white clothes, the woman knows that she is a clown, but the woman is still afraid that if Pluto wants to retaliate against herself? I wonder if a woman feels that if she has a man who is pampered, how can she be afraid of the Pluto? The woman's eyes are full of greed*, and the Shuntianfu Yin, sitting next to her, is frowning and looking at her daughter's greedy glimpse that she has just flashed her eyes.

Yue Bailian and Lan Younian sat there and watched the compliments of the people. The blue mourning was silent and the white lotus was back in the past. They heard the meaning of these people who wanted their husbands to be jealous. Moon White Lotus and Lan You Nian are full of smiles at the glance.

"The little girl sees the Queen's Empress, Pluto!" The white woman who just saw wins the weak and comes to the front of Yue Bailian. "The princess, the little girl is not intentional, please don't blame the Pluto!" Some of them were horrified and looked up at the blue and blue thoughts, and then bowed their heads like a white rabbit.

Yue Bailian glanced at the woman in front of her eyes. What thought did the woman play? She still couldn’t see clearly? No matter how many women have been in the gold pavilion or in the palace, as long as the moon white lotus has no interest, but now it is related to the blue and white moon white lotus still has no slightest attitude to ask "Shuntianfufu Yinzhi Female?"

"It is the little girl.

! "The woman was somewhat flattered back. She didn't think that the Queen actually remembered that she didn't know how to remember her."

I have to say that this woman really wants more. Yue Bailian can recognize this woman just because this year, Feng Xia has always used Shuntianfu Yin, and the Queen is more familiar with the characters like the family. of.

Yue Bailian gave Lan Youn a look and asked, how did you get a woman like this? Lan Youn’s eyes turned a blind eye. She never tried to provoke such a woman. She looked upset and didn’t know what happened. Her recent temper was actually a lot worse.

"Go on!" Lan You Nian looked upset. If there was a sick woman who was happily laughing in front of you, she felt that her head was a little dizzy. If she didn't care about the face of Yue Bailian, she would let the blue dance directly People throw it out.

The woman looked at Lan Yu’s sudden words and was overwhelmed. She stood here to get close to Pluto and the emperor. If she is going down now, what chance will she have in the future? She knows that if she wants to be close to the Emperor and Pluto, she can only get close to Pluto and Empress, but why is this Pluto is so unreasonable? Ordinary people are not letting her sit next to a good life to reflect their own big Degree?

"Peace King!" The woman's tears are falling in the big eyes. It is quite beautiful. But the little girl did something wrong. The little girl was not deliberate in the Imperial Garden. She also asked the King of Pluto to have a large number of girls! ”

The woman said that many people think that Pluto is deceiving, but even if Pluto is deceiving, no one dares to say anything, because people are tempted, don’t say that Pluto is deceiving, who is murdering and who dares to provoke it? !

"The emperor is driving! Pluto is driving!" When the woman was crying and crying, the voice of the **** put everyone's eyes on the door of the main hall. Many of the official women who had the mentality were looking at the two with shame.

Walking in front of the wind and summer, a bright yellow robes, his face slightly smiling, his facial lines are not as contoured as the wind wing Xuan, so it looks very gentle, especially when smiling, even if wearing a robes, let him see It is very gentle and full of books. Although the five senses are not as good as the knife-cut, but the gentle but not too sharp appearance, it is easier for the women present to be attracted, feel safe and comfortable.

And behind the wind and summer, Fengyi Xuan has a black robes. He has a straight waist and a soft black hair. Under the eyebrows, the eyebrows are a pair of cold purple eyes, with cold light, long and thick eyelashes. Gently twitching, straight and handsome nose, sharp lips with a hint of pink, slender and straight body, bare skin can not help but make people crazy.

"Participating in the emperor, I have seen Pluto!" All the people salute, everyone has not seen Pluto for a long time, but many people feel that after all, there are Pluto in the court. Many of them don’t even dare to say that the Pluto’s temper is not as good. The emperor is so close.

Feng Xiayi waved his hands and everyone got up. Feng Xia was sitting on the high position and Feng Yi Xuan was sitting with Lan Younian. The two men who looked at the top had to sigh the most ruthless people in the Ming Dynasty. But there are two people who are so clean and self-satisfied, but this kind of self-satisfaction makes the teeth hated by many ministers. Many of them are women who are preparing for the emperor to fill the harem, and for the princes. Female, but now one has not been sent out, a benefit has not been harvested.

Feng Xiayan looked at the woman who was standing there with tears in her eyes. She frowned and looked at Yuebailian. Yuebailian gently shook her head and windy summer. She also understood that the women of the minister’s family came out as demon. However, this time, even before the demon was done, Feng Xia felt that this temple was too stable.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yi Xuan did not look at the woman who was crying and crying in a beautiful posture.

Lan Nian Nian shook his head and looked at the many ministers and women and said, "How long does it take for Wang to leave Beijing? I don’t know that the woman in the capital is now like this. I haven’t said anything about Wang Hao, but I haven’t said anything yet. Now, I am crying at the palace banquet held by my Majesty. What’s more important is that Wang Hao’s words have not said that you are crying. I don’t know how to bully you with this Wang Hao?” Lan Youn said and got up. I came to the woman standing in front of me and gently stroked the tears on the woman's face. "This beautiful face is so beautiful, if it is crying, it will not be beautiful!"

The woman only felt that Pluto's cold fingers were moving up on her cheeks. She felt like she was being touched by a ghost. Even the tears on her face were not ready to cry. Only the fear in her eyes was left.


When Lan Yu Nian opened the woman, the whole hall was followed by a sigh of laughter. Even Feng Xia and Yue Bailian showed their smiles. Everyone saw the cheeks of the woman who was pale and looked very weak. The black skin that had been wiped, the original woman was really weak and pretended to pretend to be disguised with a lot of powder. Now, the blue singer can wipe the dark skin under the cover and look It’s not funny to be a black piece of white.

"Not going on!" Shuntianfu Yin looked at his daughter who was not a device. He was able to get the emperor's important reason because he knew how to score, but his daughter dared to think that the two people really thought they lived too long. Yet? Shuntianfufu Yin looked at the icy sight of Pluto's own investment, and smiled in his heart. It seems that his career path will never improve again.

Everyone looked at the woman with sarcasm, but all of them started to think, and several officials secretly gave each other their eyes...

Halfway through the palace feast, an old minister came out and said, "Your Majesty, the minister has something to say!"

Feng Xia looked at the old minister who was there. The old minister was also experienced in the DPRK and was very respected, but unfortunately he was very feudal and old-fashioned. Even half of He Taifu could not match it. I know the private affairs of some emperors.

"Ai Qing said!" Feng Xia said with a smile, but the warm eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Majesty and Pluto have been married for a few years, but neither the Queen nor the Pluto have ever given birth to a woman for the Royal Family. This is a big mistake, so today the old minister asks His Majesty to fill the harem, and to give the Pluto a marriage to the future of the Pluto. Someone!" The old minister said that he was very loyal.

The face of Feng Xia and Feng Yi Xuan suddenly became bad. In contrast, Lan You Nian and Yue Bai Lian were sitting there without any hearing. As usual, Yue Bailian would also give a blue secluded one. The eyes of communication, the look is not worried at all.

"Zhong Aiqing thought?" Feng Xia looked at the many officials sitting there, and the voice could not hear the angry.

The officials heard that the emperor had such a question and felt that it was possible. More than a dozen officials came out to follow up. "Reconsideration! No one in the harem can open the branches for the royal family. It is the unfortunate experience of the wind country! The woman fills the harem!"

"Oh!" Feng Xia sighed and laughed. "Is this Ai Qing thinking? Is there any Ai Qing who thinks that he should fill the harem?" Feng Xia looked at the officials there, and then looked at it again. The fox's smile appeared again on the face of the officials who were ready to move.

Some officials were observing the attitude of the emperor and Pluto, but found that neither the emperor nor Pluto had any anger, and the officials who were still hesitant also stood up. "Looking at the majesty and Pluto soon!"

"All are together!" Feng Xia whispered, but no one but a few people around him heard his low sigh.

"You want the king to take care of you?" Feng Yi Xuan sat there with a cold look at the officials who fell down underneath. The corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a sinister smile. In the officialdom, these officials have seen the smile of Pluto for many years. Seeing that many people like Pluto think they are doing the right thing.

An official with a high official position stood up and “returned to Pluto. Although Pluto is a model of a woman, but it is too good, how can Pluto be the guardian of the gods, how can I have only one king?”

Lan Youn couldn’t help laughing, when did she become good? Ok, she is really good, but what about it! Still not someone used to!

"Good 妒?" Feng Yixuan suddenly stood up, the body that was long and tall, because of standing next to the dragon chair, the momentum is faint. "The king of the king represents the king, even if it is good, it is also used in this article. Didn't the king say that there is only one person in this life? Or are you guys who want this king to speak without faith! The king said that the last time, this king only has one person in his life, and if he violates this king, he will not enter hell. Good to die!"

"Xuan!" Lan Youn dissatisfied looked at Feng Yi Xuan, she understands that Feng Yi Xuan's mind is enough to why such a poison oath?

Feng Yixuan looked at the official under the eyes and said, "This king and the emperor are the people who are trustworthy, but they don't know that they are so deliberate that the king and the emperor are betrayed. Why is this? It is better to do this with the king's family. Go to the battlefield to kill the enemy

! ”

The following officials trembled. They were all civil servants who did not stand up. If they really sent them to the battlefield, they would not die!

"Since Zhong Aiqing is so leisurely, then I will give each of my loved ones ten loved ones!" Feng Xia laughed very happy and said, "Jing Houye, at this time, you are going to do it, be sure to be everyone." I choose ten beautiful ladies, and I will give them a wife!"

"Chen is obeying!" Jing replied with a smile, and looked at the officials with mercy. The ten wives have not been able to open the house, and their original wife and children are afraid that they will not be able to stand it. In the future, these people will never dare.

"Emperor!" Many officials were afraid of falling to the ground to ask for love. They did not think that the emperor and Pluto would not even eat it, and they punished them so easily.

“Well?” Feng Yi Xuan’s voice is mixed with internal force and cold. “Not thank you?” If you are not afraid of killing too many people, it will cause the empty space of the temple. Fengyi Xuan will definitely kill these nosy people directly. .

Many officials have no doubt that if they blame a few words, Pluto will definitely kill them, so everyone is still very aware of the current affairs and collapsed to the ground.

He Taifu's white beard curled up and looked at the people who said these words. He thought that in the future, he would have to use rituals to deal with these people. Lan Jianjun is even watching these officials. You can say these officials. It will be difficult to survive in the future.

Shuntianfu Yin’s daughter looked at it. Even so many officials couldn’t make the emperor and Pluto change their minds, thinking about the ugliness that they had just made, watching the high-end high-end sitting in the heart of Pluto’s heart filled with hatred, why The same woman, she can be pampered but she can only kneel to the woman.

Yue Bailian and Lan Younian sat there and watched the performances of the unmarried women below. After all, they all had a good show or a bit of skill. The two looked very interesting and looked after they were married. The woman is still a woman who is in a high position. Now, Yue Bailian and Lan Younian do not need to perform any show to be quiet.

"Little daughter Shun Tianfu Fu Yin's daughter, specially for the Queen's Empress and Pluto to offer a dance!" When the white woman once again stood in front of the blue mourning, Blue Nian Nian had to admire the woman's cheeky and not Face.

Moon White Lotus looked at the woman in white, and said plainly, "Since you have this heart, you can perform it!" How can Moon White Lotus not see the woman watching the eyes of Feng Xia and Feng Yi Xuan implied with spring water, but She and her thoughts don't care at all, but if this woman is not interested, then don't blame herself for being bullied.

The daughter of Yin Shunfu’s daughter is a very ordinary dance, but the difference is that she is only weak in her own temperament. Every time she turns around, she has a taste of tenderness and tenderness. The more she jumps, the closer she is. The position of Lan Younian, at this time her body exudes a fragrance and flew out a few butterflies from the body. Many people in the hall were a little surprised. Although I know that this woman is because she put a lot of spices in her clothes and put on the butterfly beforehand, the rotation can send out the fragrance and fly out of the butterfly, but this kind of mind is not for everyone.

Blue 幽念 heard this fragrant feeling of the stomach is very uncomfortable, coupled with the irritating cheers from the hall, blue secluded thought that the heart is particularly stuffy and the head is also very dizzy, blue secluded is preparing to the side Feng Yi Xuan said that he was uncomfortable, but he had fainted before he opened his mouth!

"Missing!" Fengyi Xuan has been taking care of the thoughts around him. He is looking at the uncomfortable look. He is about to ask, but he is scared to see that his thoughts suddenly faint, and Fengyi Xuan is afraid to pick up his thoughts. The woman who was still dancing there waved her hand and slammed the white woman on the platoon of the dragon.

"Quickly called the royal doctor!" Yue Bailian yelled at the palace lady, and the entire palace was stunned by the sudden fainting of the blue secluded thought.

"Missing!" Fengyi Xuan ran with blue mourning to the hospital, remembering the last time he was poisoned under his own eyelids. Blue mourning, the whole person shivered slightly, his mouth whispered and kept whispering. Missing...reading..."

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