Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 45 thoughts of pregnancy

Feng Yi Xuan sat there with blue mourning, watching the face in his arms whitish and his heart pounding.

"How?" When the medics put down the hand of the pulse, Feng Yixuan directly locked the doctor's neck and asked anxiously, the blue veins on the neck were exposed, and even the purple eyes began to faintly red. the trend of.

The royal doctor was unable to speak by the palm of the Pluto's palm, and the wind and summer rushed forward to rescue the doctor.

"Cough!" The royal doctor fell to the ground. "Congratulations to Pluto, Pluto is happy!"

"Hey!" Feng Yixuan felt that his mind suddenly bloomed and blossomed. He looked at the woman in his arms and then carefully stroked his thoughts or flat stomach. "You said, are you pregnant?"

At this time, the expression of Feng Yi Xuan is really stupid to the extreme, even the eyes will not be paralyzed, the expression on the face is stiff to the extreme.

The doctor wiped the sweat on his head. "Returning to Pluto, Pluto has already had a month of pregnancy. It was originally diagnosed because it was too early. It is only now that Pluto has been pregnant for a month!" If not his He is also very good at medical treatment. After all, it usually takes two months to diagnose pregnancy.

The words of the royal doctor let the people waiting for the wind in the palace, such as Feng Xia, Yue Bailian, Lan Jianjun, He Taifu, etc., open their mouths happily, everyone is really happy, but everyone I was stupid when I looked at the most happy Fengyi Xuan.

Feng Yixuan suddenly held the blue secluded coma and left the palace like a gust of wind. Feng Xia and others were not worried that Feng Yi Xuan was too excited to follow, but their martial arts were better than the upper wing, so everyone I only saw that Fengyi Xuan flew back and forth like a fragile treasure in the palace, so as to calm the excitement of the heart, Feng Xia and others looked a bit funny, but also know that Feng Yi Xuan Even if I am excited, I won't hurt Blue Nian Nian, so I will follow him.

Feng Yi Xuan feels that his heart is "hurry" and he keeps jumping. The ears are all doctors. "Ping Wang is pregnant!" He even wants to scream a few times but looks at the still sleepy thoughts. However, he has to endure it and wants to find someone to play a few to express his excitement but he is reluctant to leave his thoughts. Therefore, Fengyi Xuan can only wrap his mind in the mind and use it to the extreme. Back to the line, this can be bitter, the guards in the palace, the guards only saw a bold man flying in the palace, but when they wanted to catch up, they were told by the emperor that it was Pluto, so many guards can only Deliberately can't see the people flying back and forth.

"Hey!" Feng Xia looked at the non-stop brother who was flying above. My heart was a funny laugh. The blue song and other people who twitched the same mouth said, "It’s not appropriate to read this fainting. You are going to ask the ghost. Come back and read it!"

The blue song and the blue dance were even more happy when I heard that the young lady was pregnant. Now I heard that Feng Xia’s instructions told the two to leave the palace without even having a ritual...

"This..." Yue Bailian looked at the winged wing of the flying wing and asked some questions. "Nothing will happen!" Of course, Yuebailian is not worried about Fengyixuan but the blue-and-yellow thoughts that are held in the arms by Fengyixuan. After all, now that Blue Nian is already pregnant, it seems that it is not safe.

Feng Xia’s eye-catching look no longer looked at the appeasement of the white lotus hand. “Reassured, Axuan’s excitement will not hurt the mind! You didn’t see him talking so tightly. Is the wind blowing? Let's get ready soon!"

"Prepare?" Yue Bailian did not understand the wind and summer, do not know what blue nymphs are pregnant, what they are prepared to say, it is too early to prepare gifts.

The smile of the wind and summer fox slid into the cheek for a moment. "Of course, I am going to take the child. In the future, the child will grow up and give this child a big place. Look at Axuan. This is not a good way to learn how to be a parent." !"

Yue Bailian also smiles. In the future, children who can see children often appear in front of their eyes. Yue Bailian feels that she will love and love this child very much. She believes that Feng Xia must be like this, and in the years to come. They also like to treat this child as a child of their own.

When Blue Nian opened her eyes, she immediately looked for Fengyi Xuan. She did not forget the anxiety and uneasiness of Feng Yi Xuan before she was in a coma, and there was a strong madness that could not stop, but Lan Younian saw it sitting for a while. At the bedside, Feng Yi Xuan eyes looked at himself with joy.

"Missing, are you awake?" Windwing Xuan asked happily, and the purple eyes were slightly shining.

Lan You Nian does not understand what Feng Yi Xuan is excited about. Usually, if he is in a coma, Feng Yi Xuan will be embarrassed or worried, but now Feng Yi Xuan is also worried, but Lan Yu Nian still sees Feng Yi Xuan. The pleasant smell that came out of the body.

"Well, what happened to me?" Lan Nian said, she wanted to get up. She was sure that she was not poisoned. There was no problem with her body. But when she smelled the fragrance, she was really uncomfortable, and recently the body seemed to be very tired. .

"Be careful!" Feng Yi Xuan immediately raised the blue mourning, and the cautious appearance seemed like the blue sorrow could not move. After raising the mourning, Feng Yixuan took a soft pillow and placed it behind the thoughts. Looking at the comfortable breeze of the winged wing, it was stretched out.

"Missing..." Feng Yi Xuan's voice is low and magnetic, it sounds like an old wine with a thick mellow, very intoxicating. It's hard to imagine how tempting it would be when he whispers in your ear. "Let's miss, we have children!"

Blue secluded with his own round eyes, a small mouth slightly opened and shocked to look at Feng Yi Xuan, until after a long time to care for himself, there is no different abdomen asked "Xuan, I am pregnant?"

Feng Yixuan’s hand covered the blue palm of his hand, and the two felt the child that could not be felt at all.

"Yeah!" Windwing Xuan’s forehead against the blue forehead’s forehead “Missing, you are pregnant!”

The eyes of Lan You Nian suddenly filled with tears and burst into tears. She hugged the Feng Yi Xuan "Xuan, we have children!" For Blue Yu Nian, this is a surprise and a best gift from heaven.

Feng Yixuan knows why he is crying, if not his self-control is very good, he wants to cry at the moment he knows that he is pregnant. There will be a child in the future, and his father will be called the mother, they will be together. Raising children to grow up, this child will be a continuation of their lives...

"The master, the ghost is a son!" The voice of the dark one came from the outside. When I heard that Wang Hao was pregnant, the whole Pluto palace was boiling. Everyone looked forward to it for so long and finally hoped for the little master. The housekeeper, under the guard, went to the kitchen and had a smile on his face.

"Let him come in!" Feng Yixuan said immediately, but he was very clear that Master had said that it was extremely difficult to get pregnant, and that the physical discomfort in recent days has caused Feng Yixuan to worry.

Ghost was still carrying his medicine chest. At the time, when he received a message saying that the younger sister was pregnant, the ghost almost did not roll down from the mountain. Then the medicine was not picked up and immediately rushed back. Now I saw sitting there. In the heart of the wing of the wing of the younger sister, the ghost also looked at the tone.

"Big brother!" Blue sorrowful eyes are still slightly red, but the smile of the corner of the mouth can't stop. When the ghost sees such a happy little sister, she suddenly knows that this pregnant thing is something that the younger sister is eager for. .

The ghost nodded and then rushed to the blue and mournful voices under the sway of the wind wing, but the face of the ghost with a smile became serious and faint, but also the fear in the brow, and looked at the ghost Both Lan Nian Nian and Feng Yi Xuan were nervous.

"It is indeed a month of pregnancy!" Ghost said affirmatively, his medical skills are not comparable to those of Lan Nian Nian's medical skills, and Blue Nian Nian does not understand the things that are pregnant, she knows Some poisons and wounds.

Feng Yi Xuan will worry about letting go, frowning and asking, "But what is wrong?"

The ghost said, "The body of the younger sister is not good. Now I am afraid that it will be extremely hard in the future. If the situation is serious, this child is very likely to kill the younger sister!" The ghost is not alarmist, blue and quiet Everyone knows the physical condition. It is a blessing to be able to live safely after detoxification. It is a very dangerous thing to give birth to a child with a blue mind.

Feng Yi Xuan was still very excited and suddenly became cold. He looked at his eyes with anxious thoughts and asked, "How likely is it to be safe?" This is also his child, of course he also cares, but If it hurts the mind...

Ghosts wanted to tell the truth but saw the little sister secretly giving himself a look. The eyes contained prayers. When the ghosts saw that the younger sisters had such prayers, the ghosts were a little embarrassed. Get up, but if you don't tell the truth, you are worried about the physical condition of the younger sister.

"Now the child is still too young, even if my medical skills are good, I can't diagnose it. This still needs to be diagnosed slowly. I will send a letter to Master to let Master come to the capital!" Ghost said, neither is it a scam and it is slow. a period of time.

Looking at the two people who are obviously cold, Ghost knows that it is not appropriate to stay here. "I will go to the younger sister to simmer. This will make the younger sisters feel better for the time being! Other things I will write later will be written. You have to pay attention to it!" After the ghost, he left the room, leaving only the silent Wuyi Xuan and Lan Younian. The two people who were just very happy and excited now have a cloud.

In the end, Feng Yixuan was so distressed that he didn't talk, and he looked helpless. "When you read..." Feng Yi Xuan holds the woman in her arms and wants to say something, but she is stunned by the blue hand. .

"Xuan!" Blue sings eyes straight to look at the pair of purple 轩 风 " " I know what you are thinking, but Xuan, this is my child, this is your child, this is our child! He won't hurt me!" The same love for husband and wife, how can Blue Wonders not understand the idea of ​​Feng Yi Xuan, if this child really harms his own wing, Xuan will definitely take this child off, even if he is very Pain, but Lan You Nian likes this unformed child. This may be the maternal love in every woman's mind.

Feng Yi Xuan frowned and thought for a long time, why didn't he love this child who belongs to them? But what he loves most is still thinking. If he doesn't think about it, because the child is thinking about something, Feng Yixuan simply can't accept it, but now Feng Yixuan also sees the care and determination of this child. determination.

"Missing, are we only bad for each other?" asked Feng Yixuan.

"Xuan, you have to believe me, believe in our children!" Lan Youn said with a smile, "And I know Xuan you are by my side, I am not afraid of anything!"

Windwing Xuan feels helplessly touched the hair "Good! I believe in you, believe in our children! But mind, you must not have things, or I am afraid I will do something that cannot be controlled!"

"Thank you!" Thank you for trusting me and trusting our children!

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