</> "The master, the army of the moon country is fierce and fierce, has lost a city!" Amu said into the tent.

At this time, the flowers in the tent were lying on a relatively simple bed, and the chest was tied with a thick layer of straps, but the blood oozing from the band was still visible. The flowers are suitable for the whole person.

Hua Fuyi's wolf's body was found to be just a cold sweat, and the wound was even more painful. His brow was wrinkled.

"What's the matter!" Hua Xiuyi was also seriously injured and just woke up to hear the news. The heart was even more smoldering, and the voice was full of anger.

This should not be so irritating, so in the past month, the country suddenly launched a military attack on the flower country, and Huaxiu should lead the army to attack the moon in the first time. Those who have been on the battlefield for several times, and Fengyixuan are also some people who have worked together. So at the beginning, the country did not get the benefits, but was retreated by the flowers. [Snow in the snow, a cartoon /]. But the accidents have followed, and in the night of the fight, I have a lot of black masters, even if the martial arts are high, or are so many people besieging a sword in the chest, if not It’s very likely that the time of the hand’s downtime will be dead.

However, although Hua Xiyi had returned to a life but was seriously injured, it was at this time that the country suddenly sent troops. The Huaguo soldiers who had been shaken by the regent’s army were easily smashed by the moon. The wolf that was hit, also lost a city in these days.

Looking at the flowers and leisure, I had to get up. The housekeeper who gave him the blue mourning was also in the army. I saw that Hua Xiuyi immediately stopped it. "The master, no! The body of the master is seriously injured now. If it is on the battlefield again." I am afraid..."

I don’t know if I want to spend time? But now the military heart is scattered, if he does not shoot again, afraid that it will be better for him to wait for his injury!

"Why don't you know this king! But there isn't a general in the army who can take the shots to resist the army of the moon!" Hua Xiuyi said with resentment that there were indeed a few very good generals in the country. It was his father's person, so he took over the military power with a swift right, but he didn't think that this would happen. Now there isn't even a general who can take the shot. If you know that there will be such a day, In such anxious way, those generals were dismissed, but those people did not have good intentions.

The housekeeper thought about it and then went out and said, "Wang Ye is now unstable. If you find someone who can believe in it and who is well versed in the battlefield, you can definitely turn the tide!"

"When can I find this king at this time! If the flower country has this ability, the king will not hide it!" said Hua Xiuyi, a dumb and weak voice, and many of his murders can be However, there is no one who can be a leader on the battlefield, and no one can take it if he gets a general. When he is afraid, he will not wait for the country to attack himself.

"Pluto!" The steward paused and said that in those days he saw that the Regent and Pluto were friends, and that this friend did not carry any interest and calculations, and although he did not have much contact with the Pluto. But you can also see that it is a woman who is worthy of being crossed.

"He?" Hua Xiuyi suddenly remembered the blue mourning thoughts in his mind, remembering that he had received news that she was pregnant, and remembered that she was really happy at the time, and that she knew that it was very hard to get pregnant. Wing Xuan also asked himself to send a lot of different kinds of food, now Feng Yi Xuan should be with her if she came to help her woman how to do?

Hua Hughi thought about shaking his head against the butler, and then said to Amu, "Go to the military doctor, the king must go to the meeting in person!" He is the regent of the flower country, with his own pride and perseverance. He did not allow the flower country to throw away the city in such a way.

"It’s so fast that it’s still so stubborn!” The curtain of the tent was opened from the outside, and the flower should be fixed to see the wind-winged black robes holding a blue quilt wrapped in a blanket. I went into the tent.

Amu’s look was a little surprised. I didn’t think that the people of Pluto’s singularity and the emperor’s camp into the flower country were undetected. My heart was even more aware that the martial arts of Pluto had improved a lot, but my heart was slightly different because of the arrival of the two. rest assured.

Fengyi Xuan walked into the tent with blue mourning and felt the temperature in the tent was very suitable before he took off the white blanket wrapped in the blue sacred body, and the flower was only able to see the nest in the wing. In the blue sacred thoughts, after she became pregnant, she became thinner and thinner. The small face that had been slap in the face is now more pitiful, but fortunately, the skin is ruddy and healthy, and there is no change in the body. I can't see how this thin woman actually had three months of pregnancy.

“How come you?” Hua Xiuyi asked, and it was actually touched to see the two people spend their time. The icing on the cake was easy to send to the snow. This friendship made him understand but warm, but thought of blue and quiet. Read the current situation, I should look at Feng Yi Xuan and some disapproval.

Feng Yi Xuan gave a flower knife to an eye knife, and found a chair to hold the blue sorrow to sit down. If it is a normal woman, it will be too frivolous to rely on a man, but the blue mourning is natural. If the wind is only a breeze, it will make people want to hold her in her arms and pamper them. Such a woman should hold her eyebrows in her hand.

When Feng Yixuan received a message saying that Hua Hughi was injured, he was ready to send a secret to wait for help, but the emperor and others stopped. If this time the flower country went out, then the next wind is the country. Therefore, the flower country that is the Allies must not have an accident, but nowadays, the only person who can take care of the injury and turn the tide is the Fengyi Xuan.

But now I am thinking about how pregnant Wuyi Xuan might leave, not to mention that the flower country has something to do is that the wind country has something to do, Fengyi Xuan will not take care of it, big deal, wait for the safety to give birth to the child and then take it back. However, Fengyi Xuan has such confidence.

But just as everyone thought of a way, the ghost doctors let Feng Yixuan go with them. At that time, Feng Yixuan thought that Master was crazy. If it wasn’t for the ghost doctor, he had already passed the palm of his hand. Later, the ghost doctor explained that the blue sacred tires have been stabilized, but if they stay in the Pluto, they will not go out of their homes, but it is better for them to go out.

Although the ghost doctor said this, but there are quite a few people who have been attacked. Not only is Feng Yixuan opposed to Lan Jianjun and others, but he is also strongly opposed. Later, Lan You’s said that he was rusting. I want to go out and walk around, and I will guarantee that everyone will be good again, and I will be with the wind wing Xuan for a long time and come to Fengyi Xuan.

"Look at your death and die!" Feng Yixuan looked at the weak and unbearable flowers, and said to him indifferently, then said to the ghost who came with them, "Big brother showed him, look at him like this is quite It’s already inferior to the battlefield!” Don’t blame the Fengyi Xuan for such a viper. It’s really like two people seem to be born. It’s not like the snakes in the heart, and Feng Yixuan’s rivals are even more It is a blow to leave no room, but he is very vengeful.

The ghost nodded a little. He came here to hear that Hua Xiuyi was injured, so he came to heal the flowers. Secondly, the younger sister is pregnant now. He is on the side if it really happened. Medical skills can be saved.

When the ghost came to Huaxiu, he took the pulse and then looked at the injury. He immediately wrote the prescription and handed it to the butler to let the butler go to catch the medicine. Then he said to the wind wing Xuan, "The injury is very serious. If it is not good, it is very good." It is possible to leave stubborn illness!" As a medical practitioner, he is very serious and hopes that the patients in his hands can be obedient.

Lan Younian looked at the flowers lying there and then looked at Feng Yi Xuan, and finally did not say anything, she believes that Feng Yi Xuan’s heart has its own decision, and now she is pregnant with the Master has warned herself Don't have too many thoughts.

"This time, I am coming to fight!" Feng Yi Xuan hammered the tone, not a negotiation but a notice is also a decision.

Hua Xiu Yi moved his lips and knew that this is the best way. Fengguo and Huaguo are now allies. The regent of Huaguo and the Pluto of Fengguo are not secrets in knowing the world. Nowadays, Fengyi Xuanlai It is also very good to play.

"If I don't come out, I am afraid that the people underneath will not obey you!" Huaxiu said with concern, if he is safe and sound, then Fengyi Xuan came to help him, but now he is in bed here if Fengyi Xuan leads the flower country. The soldiers, how can a war **** of another country be able to order the thousands of soldiers, fear that everyone will think that Feng Yi Xuan is speculative.

Windwing Xuan smiled and said to the outside, "Why are you coming in!"

Hua Hughi bite his teeth, because his martial arts are really bad, but these people come and go in their own camps and feel free to spend their time being insulted. When they are good, they must go to Pluto. !

A man came in from the outside of the tent. The red-skinned skin was as moist as a peach, and the teeth were bright. The micro-volume eyelashes are as dense as a brush, with a long cover over the eyelids, projecting a subtle shadow. Big eyes, the corners of the eyes outline the curvature of the upturn, the rounded nose is not very high, slightly raised, like the white fox in the snow in the north, the two crimson lips are even transparent, like the superior rouge... ... such a look is a woman who is afraid of being provoked by many men, but if it is a man, it is cute like a child.

"Five brothers!" Lan You Nian looked at the ghost five who had not seen for many days. The last time I saw Ghost Five, I was told that she was pregnant. Ghost Five ran away from the Pluto and went to the Pluto to see him. The cute man who once needed to protect himself has grown into a man of heaven.

Lan Youn thought about the key to the matter when he turned around. Lan You Nian looked at Feng Yi Xuan and asked, "Is this road so calm? Is it that the five brothers are protecting us in the dark?" Although they came to the flower country very much It is concealed, but it is not impossible for someone who wants to know, but there will definitely be people to stop them from helping, but they are safe along the way, so the ghosts are protecting them in the dark.

Feng Yi Xuan pinches the pinch of the blue secluded Qiong nose "My thoughts are really smart!" When starting from the capital, Feng Yi Xuan has arranged everything, including the ghost of the doctor can take care of the thoughts, However, if someone harassed Feng Yi Xuan along the way, he would be disturbed by the thoughts, so that the ghosts could be protected in the dark with some meditation. Now they can help themselves in the flower country. After all, the things on the battlefield are in Pluto. Everyone is a good hand.

"Looking for him to do something?" Hua Xiuyi is also aware of the ghost five, very puzzled to ask.

Windwing Xuan silently but looked at the woman in her arms, but the ghost five standing there went to a corner and took out a lot of things and sang for a long time. After the ghost, she stood up and turned around. Come here, and everyone was taken aback.

Everyone saw only the ghost five with a face that was very imaginative with Hua Xiuyi. He smiled at the blue singer. "Little sister, is it mysterious to see if my skills are?" In those days of the Pilgrimage, there were One person will be able to learn the ghosts and watch the fun. I want to learn. The person who asked for the wind wing Xuan will pay the ghost five, and the ghosts and five learners are also serious, although the skill of Yi Rong can not be fake, but confuse some unfamiliar people. It is more than enough.

"Although there are only five points of imagination, but leading the army to confuse the enemy is enough!" Hua Xiuyi looked at the ghost five who stood there like his twin brothers, and the charming smile reappeared. At this time, Hua Xiuyi was relieved. Also faintly admire the precautions of Fengyi Xuan. <"><"><;">

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