</> Wind Wing Xuan is sitting on the black horse, with the meaning of chilling, a black robe hunting and hunting, the wind and spirit as tall as the gods descend. Before he stood in front of thousands of soldiers and horses, no one could cover up his light. He is a natural **** of war!

Side by side with Fengyi Xuan is a ghost five disguised as a flower, and the ghost five at the moment is wearing a red robes that he is not very fond of, and the corner of the mouth is hung with the evil laughs that the flowers usually show, although many people I feel that today's Regent is a bit strange, but I just think that it was the reason why the Regent was unhealed in the past few days.

Lan Younuan wore a light white dress standing in front of the flower country's camp, but the elegant place was a little more dusty. The wide skirt is elegant and luxurious. The jade-like blue silk is simply a flying fairy, and a few full and round pearls are adorned with hair, making the black-like hair more soft and moist. The beauty of the eyes and the glory of the glory, the red lips between the light smile and a little worry, the wind outside the tent wrapped up in the blue dress of the blue mourning as a flower bloom, obviously because of pregnancy, the more thin and pitiful But the standing figure is not daunting.

Feng Yi Xuan was originally ready to leave but looked at the station where he insisted on sending his own thoughts and felt a pity. He quickly jumped off the horse and came to the side of Lan Younian. He took the robe and took out the robe. It’s irresponsible to read and dress well, obviously the enemy is in the past. But at this moment, there is no anger among the thousands of horses. I only think that the picture of such a hero and beauty is too beautiful, and the beauty is heartbreaking...

Putting the robe on the wind wing, I touched the blue face and the cold face that was blown by the wind. The eyes were filled with pity, but my heart also knew how stubborn his thoughts were, and gently touched the blue mourning. The corner of the eye, Feng Yi Xuan, said softly, "Oh obedient, I will be back soon!"

Lan Younian smiled softly. At that moment, it seemed that the light of the heavens and the earth gathered in her shackles. The flashing light in the stars seemed to be the colorful rainbow, and the beauty was unparalleled...

"Well, my baby and I are waiting for you here!" Lan Younian arranged the clothes for Feng Yixuan, and he was gentle. "I must protect myself anyway, I don't like you being hurt!"

Wind Wing Xuan nodded, then looked at the ghost "a big brother!" Ghost nodded, the friendship between men does not need to explain, they understand what they want to say, Feng Yixuan looked at the blue and then read The head did not return to the horse.

The pretending flower is a good one, and the army quickly disappeared into the long yellow sand...

"Little sister, go out early and go ahead!" The ghost said to the blue secluded side of the side, the army has disappeared, but the younger sister still looks at the distance and does not know what to look at, but the ghost knows that the younger sister is worried about the wind. Wing Xuan, even if he is so powerful, he is also a person. Why not worry about being a wife and sister.

Lan Younuan took back his shallow eyes and caught his worried eyes. He gathered his white robes and walked into the tent. When he entered, he saw flowers and lie lying there worried about watching himself, some guilty. Say "Sorry, always give you trouble!"

Even if Fengyixuan and Huaxiuyi are always tit-for-tat, it’s not a good idea to spend time thinking about it, and now when Fengyixuan goes to war, if something really happens, Huaxiu feels that he is afraid of death. Can't make up.

Lan Youn smiled and smiled and packed up the emotions. In addition to her in front of Feng Yi Xuan, she was still a woman with a light cloud. It seems that thousands of changes can't make her move, not because she doesn't believe in flowers. The complete heart is only attached to that person.

“No problem!” Lan Younian drank the medicinal porridge of the ghost. “This time, whether for you or for the wind country or for ourselves, Xuan is in need of self-blame. You have to blame yourself, and at the beginning If it weren't for you, I might not live!"

Hua Xiuyi felt that this topic was a bit heavy and he looked at the blue-yellow belly. "How many months has the child been?"

Speaking of the child's blue singer's eyes filled with the gentleness of a mother "three months, the child is very embarrassing and very obedient, the future must be a laughing guy who makes me worry!" Blue 幽念 began to fantasize The child is happy after birth.

"Can you first have a name?" Hua Xiuyi slowly got up and sat up, laughing and treacherous. Originally, he had already had this idea, but it didn't say that Feng Yi Xuan didn't say it. Now, Feng Yi Xuan is not going to implement it. Of course, it is good to dig up the son of Feng Yi Xuan. In the future, the picture of Feng Yixuan’s son and his own good relationship is a triumph.

“Well?” Lan You’s incomprehensible look at the flower, and he didn’t understand what he was proud of, and the ghost who sat there reading the medical book smiled and ignored it.

"How do we say that we are also confidants, if your child is born, recognize me as a righteous father!" Hua Xiuyi said with a fist, it seems that it is already possible to imagine a little man who looks like Fengyi Xuan called his own righteous father. It is.

Lan Younian hesitated, and then thought about it and said, "Although I am very willing to have a righteous father like you in the future, this matter has to tell Xuan, after all, he is the father of the child!"

"Okay, okay, it should be!" Hua Xiuyi agreed to be very refreshing, as long as the blue secluded promised the wind wing Xuan and how could it be opposed, Huaxiu should understand the wind wing Xuan.


The smothering sound was filled with the whole sky, and the winged wing squatted and slammed the square. The soldiers of the flower country led by the guidance of Feng Yixuan as the unleashed wolf attacked the soldiers of the moon country. Sitting there high is already an inspiration to the soldiers of the entire flower country.

An enemy general with a big knife smashed slowly and slowly approached Fengyi Xuan. This is the person who let them retreat in the Lunar New Year. It is obvious that the **** of war in the wind country helps the flower country, and the eyes that will kill the red are evil. Looking at the wind wing Xuan, the big knife was lifted to the wind wing Xuan, and at this time the ghost five disguised as a flower is also strangled with the enemy.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the big knife that was about to be cut to his own eyes. There was no trace of fluctuations. When the big knife that was still contaminated with blood was close to Fengyi Xuan, the wind wing Xuan even did not take out the weapon and directly went over it. The general of the flower country has a commandment!

Because of the sitting and killing of the lord of war, and the leadership of the Regent, the soldiers of the flower country are like a chicken-and-blood victory, and the soldiers of the moon are fighting against two figures like the gods. Slowly dispersed.

"We have already won!" Ghost five stood beside Fengyi Xuan, the red clothes were already bloodstained, and it was unclear whether the clothes were red or bloody. He used to worship this man all the time. Now he is really fighting with Fengyi Xuan. There are only a lot of respect in the hearts of the ghosts. In these years, he slowly learned a lot in the army and learned a lot. Incorporating into the Pilgrimage, he looked at the wing of the wing, and he was determined that the man was born to be the **** of war on the battlefield.

The wind wing Xuan nodded, the soldiers of the flower country were not bad, but the previous loss of the city pool was only because the Hua Xiuyi was injured by the coach, and the sudden attack of the moon country would not be a mistake. Now, the heart is invigorated. The post victory is affirmative.

Around the wing of the wing is the sword facing the soldiers, but he is just standing in black and standing there becomes the strongest wall.

"The moon country, should not exist!" Feng Yixuan looked at the sunset slowly falling from the top of his head, and the cold sigh came with a sigh. Now that the balance among the four countries has been broken, this month the country should disappear.

Huaguo did not have any signs of victory. Ghost Wu led the soldiers of Huaguo in the city that had just been retaken, and Fengyixuan disappeared into the city at the moment of victory, but rushed back and halfway. I saw the protected blue sacred and Hua Xiuyi and others.

I haven’t seen it for a few days, and Feng Yi Xuan even wants to go looking for a dress without a **** smell. Now I’m seeing that I’m not able to restrain my dreams. I picked it up, but suddenly I thought of the dirt and bloodiness of my body. I thought about the thoughts of being pregnant and then suppressing my own thoughts and coming to the side of my thoughts.

"I am back!" Feng Yi Xuan’s voice just fell and saw his thoughts rushed into his arms.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the thoughts and did not feel uncomfortable because of the **** smell. He was relieved to look up and looked at the stomach that had not been ups and downs. "Do you have trouble with the stinky boy? Is it a good appetite? Is it very hard? ?"

Lan Younian took out the handkerchief and wiped the blood on the fingers of Feng Yixuan. After careful observation, Feng Yixuan found that he was not injured and was relieved. Then he smiled and said, "The baby is very embarrassed, I am also very good, I just want to is you!"

A sentence of "I miss you" will give the heart of Feng Yi Xuan a crisp, if not for everyone who is in the wind wing Xuan will definitely want to kiss the woman in the arms, but think of the recent two people There is no love, Feng Yi Xuan looked at the blue secluded eyes of the eyes more grievances, Feng Yi Xuan felt that this child is to come against himself.

After all, the blue mourning was pregnant, so everyone immediately rushed to the city, and Hua Xiuyi was lying in the carriage and could not come out. After all, there is a regent who appeased the people in the city. His regent would take good care of him. All right.

Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian and others lived in the most luxurious mansion in the city, and the owner of this mansion was afraid to leave when the war broke out. The group of people stayed in the guards around the mansion. It’s all confidant, so the security issue is solved.

After the wind wing Xuan was washed back, he returned to the refurbished clean room and saw that he was already wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep. Because pregnant Feng Xuan found that he was very sleepy, he was still worried, but Ghosts and others said this. It is normal that Fengyi Xuan is assured.

Putting light on his own action, Fengyi Xuan just covered the quilt and was hugged by Lan Younian. "Bathing?" Blue sings smell the unique taste of Fengyi Xuan, and some obsessed on the chest of Fengyixuan* It’s awkward.

The man who had not been retired for several months now is still the most beloved woman in his arms, and the delicate and fascinating woman, the wind wing Xuan hides for a long time and then bursts out.

"Missing..." The hoarse voice made Lan Yuyan open his eyes in an instant. He hadn’t waited for the blue sacred reaction to be pressed by Feng Yixuan, and the blue singer wanted to say what he was eager to say. Wing Xuan blocked his lips.

Windwing Xuan gently kissed the blue secluded lips and then the neck, the blue secluded voice shattered "Xuan, child..." said to be ready to push the refusal of Fengyi Xuan.

However, it was pulled by Feng Yixuan and his hands were fixed on the top of his head. Fengying Xuan suppressed the sound of fire and sounded in the ear of Lan Younian. "It’s been three months, and it will be three months later. For this matter, Feng Yixuan also specially asked the ghost one, and the ghost at that time almost turned red and almost went away.

"But..." Blue Yushen was hesitant. She also knew the hardships of Fengyi Xuan. She was pregnant because she was very uncomfortable. Therefore, Fengyi Xuan did not think about it in the past, but then she gradually got better and got a lot of nights. Lan Younian knows that Feng Yi Xuan is going to take a cold shower between half-sleeping and half-awake.

Windwing Xuan once again blocked the blue lips of the sorrowful lips, and the voice was hoarse and "I will be careful not to hurt the children!" After that, he continued his meat-storing time, and the blue sorrow was simply dialed by the Fengyi Xuan. Inability to resist is also indulging in this with him.

When the wind wing Xuan stopped, the blue singer was tired and fainted, and Feng Yixuan looked at the blue and green scent of the blue and purple kisses and the traces of the swelling on the lips, because I know how to read today. There is no need for pregnant Fengyi Xuan, but it is still tired of the thoughts, and the full-fledged Feng Yi Xuan distressed and embraced to bathe.

I didn’t miss the blue sorrow. When she woke up, it was already noon. When they packed up, they used lunch together with everyone. In the morning, Fengyi Xuan was already fed when the blue slumber was sleeping. Just feeding the morning meal, a satyr also ate a lot of tofu.

When Fengyi Xuan walked into the hall with blue mourning, the voice of Ghost One came. "The younger sister is pregnant now, don't have more sex!"

"Hey--" In addition to the indifferent wind wing Xuan and the talking ghosts, others have been sprayed, and even the blue singer has a small face flushed, and the small hand is in the invisible place. The chest, although this kind of thing between the husband and wife is normal, but the big brother said that the blue secluded thought still feels lost face.

There is no slightest embarrassment in Fengyixuan. He nodded to the ghost and said, "I know the size!" Even if he is so eager to remember how to no longer have no resistance, but these are all in the case of mindfulness. He is because of love, he has a *, not a person who has a light.

The ghost is only standing at the doctor's attitude before exporting the notice. After all, that person is his own little sister and still pregnant. For the two ghosts like glue, I still feel a little worried, but I think of Fengyi Xuan to the younger sister. I care that I am afraid that I think more. How can a person like Feng Yi Xuan hurt the younger sister for his own *?

Hua Xiuyi, who is eager to see the spring breeze, said, "If your son is born, be my dry son!"

Feng Yi Xuan stopped for the action of blue and mournful dish, such as the sword's sharp brow, although there was no expression on his face, but his heart was smirking, since the beginning of the pregnancy, Feng Yi Xuan was excited. When it comes to the current resentment, he clearly knows that the child has taken away too much attention. Now he is not born and he is right. If he is born, Fengyixuan can guarantee that he will definitely put the child in the first place. Feng Yi Xuan was still thinking about the way. Now I have to spend a little time to mention that Feng Yi Xuan feels that I just want to sleep and someone will send a pillow.

"Good!" After Feng Yixuan promised, she continued to hold the dish she liked for her mind, but he easily agreed to let a table person look at Fengyi Xuan, who is not convinced. ? Everyone knows that it is not only unreasonable but rather ruthless, but how can such a stingy man recognize his child as a righteous father so easily?

Huaxiu should look at Fengyi Xuan with some unbelief. Do you think that Fengyi Xuan still has to recruit to deal with himself "Really?"

"Well, you don't want to?" Feng Yixuan said that there are some fascinating gestures. If Hua Xiuyi dares to abandon his own child, he will greet him with a good time. He can dislike his son but others can't.

Hua Xiu was suspicious and looked at Feng Yi Xuan. Although he felt abnormal in his heart, he thought that their children would call their own righteous parents in the future.

"I am willing, why not?" Hua Xiuyi said quickly.

Regarding the doubts of others, Feng Yi Xuan did not care, but looked at the thoughts in his arms and seemed to be incomprehensible. Feng Yi Xuan said that "it is a good thing to love him more in the future!" Feng Yixuan said that he was very happy. He thought that Feng Yixuan’s father was really good. He didn’t know that Feng Yi Xuan wanted to sell their children so early.

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