Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: After 4 years, the palace of the king

Three years later….

"Tianci??" Blue mourning ink hair like silk is silky and scattered on your shoulders, the skin is like a pearl, white and shiny, graceful, and the body is more thin and thin under the wrap of the white dress. On the skin of a woman like jade, it seems to be coated with a layer of gelatin. Even if she just stood there, she could feel that she was beautiful, and her aura was as if she was falling into the dust. For three years, she did not change her face. If there is any difference, it is Meiyu. Gentle between.

Lan Younian looked anxiously at the courtyard of the Pluto Palace. He knew that the two children were playing hide and seek with themselves, but the blue sorrow was afraid that the flower thorns in the garden would hurt two children.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yi Xuan found that he was not in the room and found out that he was standing in the garden with anxious thoughts. He asked nervously for a moment, and he realized in a moment that "Yes. Not the two stinky boys are naughty!"

Fengyi Xuan is preparing to use his internal force to feel where the two stinky children are hiding. He saw two little boys coming out of a tall flower and stumbled to the side of Lan Yunian. One person was holding blue. One leg of Yu Nian softly called "Niang Niu!" By the way, Fengyi Xuan was also squeezed out.

Feng Yixuan’s right hand clenched and looked at the two proud sons. Feng Yi Xuan was really afraid that he would not help throwing the two stinky boys out. Since the beginning of these two stinky children, Feng Yi Xuan has regretted countless times. When they are still babies, they just cry when they hug them, but as long as they hold them, they are especially quiet and more important. Stay in mind all the time. Later, the two children grew up and the university would walk and learn to speak, but their habit of sticking to their thoughts never changed, and they did it right now.

I watched the two children have a thin sweat on their foreheads because they stayed in the sun for a long time. Blue Nian Nian took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat of his forehead for the two children. The tone was full of distress. "How big the sun is so naughty?" How is it better if it is heat stroke?"

"Let the mother worry, it is God's gift!" The wind-boiled robes wearing purple robes are somewhat guilty. A fleshy face is very cute, and a pair of big eyes are shining under the thick eyebrows. The purple eyeballs turned around with a sigh of guilt.

"Mother is not angry, my brother and I will not let the mother worry in the future!" wearing a white embroidered little tiger's wind to the spoiled said, his red face, a pair of watery eyes are smart Awkward look. Under the black hair, two curved eyebrows, like the crescent moon.

Although the two are twins, they still have great differences in appearance. If they don't say it, they can't see that they are twins. The older brother gives me a cold look. If you don't laugh, it's a cold little boy, and your brother is a gentleman. It is a very cold and gentle little man, the appearance is also a lot softer, the two people's personality is not the same, Fengtian gave a small age to be stable, except for the blue secluded side is a small adult look. The wind is a pistachio, loves to be crazy, especially likes to join in the fun.

"Mother is not angry, just afraid that you will be uncomfortable to know?" Looking at the two children's guilty look, blue sorrow is still willing to blame, and these two children have been very well-behaved since birth, never let themselves What do you want to do?

"It’s so hot outside, mother-in-law, let’s go back soon!” Fengdi took the mother’s hand and walked to the courtyard, and Fengtianci did not say a word to hold the other hand of the mother. The two children are a little demon in the eyes of others, but the strange thing is that no matter how they make trouble, they are all like a baby when they are surrounded by blue and mourning. For this matter, everyone casts a blue mourning. I admire the gaze.

Feng Yixuan’s rejection of the two sons was a shame, but Feng Yixuan raised his eyebrows and came to the side of Lan Younian. He picked up a son and said, “It’s all a little man and he’s still behind him. Don't be ashamed!"

For the father's embrace of the wind and the wind and the wind have been red face, struggle to struggle, father and what to hold them, just in front of the mother to do it, and their favorite is only the mother Dear, as for the father who always robbed her mother, the wind and the wind are both fearful and provocative.

Watching the two children struggle, Fengyi Xuan does not force to put down the two children, and then said, "It’s too weak, let the dark uncle give you martial arts tomorrow!"

"Okay, okay!" Fengdi said happily. "In this way, you will not be able to beat me and my brother, and you will never be able to marry us again!" Although they should become mothers in the royal family, they should be two children. Always called the mother and sister, showing the strong feelings.

"My son also feels very good. He will study martial arts with a dark uncle. He will protect his mother in the future!" Feng Tianci said with a cold face, but the fleshy face made such a mature expression. More cute.

The wind also nodded, and the little head was very hard. "My brother and I will learn martial arts. No one can bully the mother in the future. You can't do it!" When the two children were young, they gave them a job. In addition to the truth, the most common sentence is that all three of them must protect the weak mothers, so Feng Tianci and the wind have always known that they should protect the mother.

"Good!" Lan Younian leaned on the wing of Feng Yixuan and laughed straight. "Why is the mother-in-law's child so clever?" He said that he wanted to give the two children a kiss, but still wait for the blue mourning. I was left behind by Feng Yi Xuan.

"Childish!" Feng Tianci said that the mother who was taken away by her father said coldly.

"Small gas!" The wind said to the teeth, and then the two brothers looked at each other and made up their minds to be martial arts, so that they can stay with their mothers in the future. More importantly, they can’t compete with them. .

The martial arts of Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian certainly heard the voices of two children. The blue secluded twisted the chest of Feng Yi Xuan. "How do you deal with your son? I don’t know if you are not rare. It!"

I was so swayed that the whole body was crisp, and I was busy explaining, "Where is I and they are right, aren’t two stinky boys and me coming to you? You can’t be eccentric, or the future. The stinky boy is still not lawless?"

Lan You Nian smiled and said, "How can the two children be so ruthless? You can't bully our son!" Lan You Nian is preparing to say and drink a low voice, "Wan Yi Xuan, you don't know the convergence during the day!"

Lan You Nian looked at the hand of Feng Yi Xuan placed in a place that should not be placed, and the eyes are full of color, more important blue secluded can clearly feel the heavy breathing of Feng Yi Xuan, she really has nothing Do you do it? Although the two have been married for so many years, but Lan You Nian also had to admire the enthusiasm of Feng Yi Xuan in certain things seems to have never been tired, or when they are not tired of themselves, except for the special moment when the wind wing Xuan did not smack himself and swear.

"Mind, we haven't had any intimacy for a long time!" Feng Yixuan put his chin on the collarbone of the blue and melancholy, and said aggrieved. These two nights, the two stinky children are always entangled in the thoughts, saying that there is nothing to sleep with the mother to accompany, Fengyi Xuan also can not catch up, and still protect two stinky children so the wind wing Xuan I haven’t had a good relationship with me for a few days, which makes Feng Yixuan’s mood worse in recent days.

Fengyi Xuan is preparing to turn the woman in the arms into the room, and see the two small figures in the distance come over, the wind to the Jiaojiao, "Mother, so hungry, let's go eat!" Godsend also nodded and agreed to look at the mother, how can Blue Nian thought to reject the two sons, and reached out and pushed the wing wing to take two and walked to the living room.

Feng Yi Xuan grinds his teeth, he did not ignore the smugness of the two stinky eyes.

A family of four sat at the table, and Fengyi Xuan kept thinking about picking vegetables. After a few years of care, he never felt bored, and Lan Yu’s thoughts were from time to time for the two children holding the dishes they could not reach. From time to time, I will also give someone who is jealous, but the family is a bit of a heart, but it is a heart.

"Tianci, earth, in the afternoon, go to the palace to see your uncle Huangfu!" Feng Yixuan told the two, the two stinky boys can open and open.

The two cute boys ate the food in the mouth and the ceremonial performance on the table was perfect. Feng Tianci replied, "Yes, hey!" They both ran to the palace for three days, if not for a few days. Both the uncle and the emperor will come out to see them, and they also like the imperial emperor who is very good to them.

"Is the mother to accompany us to go?" Fengdi put down the chopsticks under the guidance of his brother's eyes and walked to the side of the mother-in-law. He screamed at the big purple cicada and asked, "I want to go with my mother, and In the past few days, Huangfu said that she missed her mother’s wish to invite her mother to gather together!"

"Hey!" The chopsticks in the hands of Fengyi Xuan were broken. The purple eyes looked at his little son coldly, but found that the stinky boy suddenly hugged his arms, completely stunned.

"Do you want the mother to accompany you?" Lan Nian said with a smile, she had to laugh at the battle between the father and the son.

Feng Tianci put down the chopsticks and smiled and said, "Well, I hope that the mother will accompany us!" Outside, Feng Tianci and his father are very like not laughing or laughing, but only at the mother's side, he is like a normal Children will laugh like they will.

"Well, have you used the mother-in-law to accompany you into the palace?" Lan Younian gave Fengyi Xuan a gloating look. She didn't want to be arrogant in the daytime.

“Thank you for the mother!” Feng Tianci and the wind said to the same voice, and then went to change clothes to prepare for the palace. When they left, they still did not forget to give their father a provocative look. The proud little appearance made the wind wing Xuan's face is black but my heart is very warm.

Originally, Fengyi Xuan wanted to accompany their mother and son to the palace, but suddenly it was delayed by some affairs, so it was only blue mourning with two small squads to enter the palace, because the three-day two-headed palace Therefore, it is also very convenient. The emperor and the queen have no children and have already stated that they will be transferred to the world of the Pluto in the future. Therefore, the identity of the two is a princely character in the palace, and there are people who dare not wait.

"What is the wind blowing you today?" Yue Bailian said in a princess dress, she is very clear about Pluto's temper, and many times the palace is accompanied by Pluto. Moon White Lotus thought about personally making some of his own cakes for two children. The two children thanked and sat on the side of the mother, and Yue Bailian saw that the two children had a soft heart. These two children In my heart is my own child.

Lan Younian looked at the cakes on the table and sighed. This month, Bailian’s intentions for the two children are often more careful than the mother’s own. The godsend and the earth are all coming to the palace. Many times, the white lotus is in person. Kitchen cooking, even the many clothes of the two children are made by Yuebailian personally, and it seems that she is only a dress for two children, or she is quietly doing it with Fengyi Xuan.

"Isn't it all right to come see you?" Lan Younian said, "Thanks to you, or I really haven't taken care of the two children!" Many times, the two children are also spoiled. But more often, she and Fengyi Xuan are letting the two children do things themselves, for example, they must come in person as the clothes of the world.

"You can't compliment me. I can only do some trivial things in life for two children, but Godsend and earth can be so good and sensible, or you teach!" Yue Bailian looked at the two children's kindness, because there was These two children, Yue Bailian, feel that life has a hope.

Yue Bailian gave the two children who had been tribute to the last time. Although the two children are always very sensible, they are also a three-year-old child. They are happy to see the fun toys. Playing next to it.

Feng Xia came from the royal study room and saw two children there, and his eyes filled with fatherly love for a moment.

"Uncle Huang!" Feng Tianci and the wind to the ceremony, Feng Xia has quickly hugged the two children and smashed it, and then put the two children down and said with gratification, "Long meat, good!" The two children continued to play.

Feng Xia often pays two children for political affairs. After all, the future Jiangshan needs to be handed over to them, and they have previously asked the wind and the wind to give the wind, and who is willing to take over the children to take their own ideas, and the wind and the wind Although she was a child, she knew from her parents that she had chosen her own idea to choose what she wanted. Therefore, Fengtianci is willing to take over the future of this wind country, and the wind is more like the unrestrained rivers and lakes, so the future is ruthless. Both the pavilion and the ghost domain are handed over to the wind to take over.

Although the two children have determined their future path, when Feng Xia teaches, it is true that the two are handed in together, and there is no partiality.

"Only you are used to the two of them!" Lan Nian said with a smile, whether it is Feng Xia and Yue Bailian couple, or a few brothers and sisters, even the grandfather and father are these two children as baby As long as there is something good, the first one is always sent to the Pluto, but fortunately the two children are not spoiled, otherwise they must be a dude.

Windy summer, laughing and laughing, "I am the uncle who is not used to whom they are used to!" It is rare to have a childlike relationship with two children. If those people are not surprised, it is simply a fox in the hall. The Emperor of the Winds now squats on the ground to accompany the two milk dolls to play with the childish toys, but to play with it.

"Yeah, it’s no exaggeration for these two children to be so sensible!" Yue Bailian also said, although the two are sitting in the high position but the feelings are excellent, the feelings of the emperor are a good story among the people. The two are even more respectful, and the harem is only a mistress of Yuebailian. It has not changed for so many years. I once thought that the minister of the Emperor Nayong once again failed, and even after someone lost his official position, no one would dare to mention it. It is.

"I heard that you are going to send two children to the medical valley in a few days?" Feng Xia wrinkled his brow and asked, the body has a royal spirit. This is also the reason why he wants to see two children today. If he ran to the medical valley, he would have to stay for a while and could not see two cute little ones, because before that, only two children went to the valley. Will be left behind by ghost doctors for a period of time, no one can grab his old man.

Lan Younian helped the two children with a toy and said, "Yes, Master has written many times to say that he misses the godsend and the earth, so I want them to go to the Valley to accompany Master!" Ghost doctors are two and a half years old. When I returned to the Valley of Medicine, even if he liked the two disciples, he could not stay in the capital, but from time to time, he took the two children back to the Valley of Medicine and gave them two pharmacological knowledge. The children also liked Blue Nian Nian and never refused.

"Oh, I am afraid that some days will not see the godsend and the earth!" Yue Bailian looked at the two happy children who were playing, and the eyes were a little red, and the white lotus was already delicate and delicate. The feelings of these two children in these years. Very strong, I have to worry about it when I have been separated for a while. In contrast, although the mother of Lan Yu Nian is reluctant, she will let her two children grow up in a timely manner.

"Yeah, don't you stay with the two children in the palace to accompany me and Bailian?" Feng Xia asked, these two children are not just the children of the emperor, but also like their own son, Feng Xia I really like these two children, I can't wait to bring them the best things in this country.

Lan Younian did not answer immediately, but asked two happy children to play. "God, earth? The Emperor and Huangfu want you to play in the palace at night. Do you want to stay or want to play here?" What?” Blue Nian Nian usually does not make decisions for two children. In many cases, Lan You Nian knows that they should choose their own, and Lan You Nian also knows that two children know how to choose.

Feng Di gave a look at his brother, Feng Tianci put down the toy and leaned on the side of the mother. "I have let go of it tonight. We want to accompany the Emperor and the Emperor in the palace. Otherwise, I will go to the Valley for a few days and I will not see it." Uncle and Emperor!"

Lan Nian nodded, and the two children spent the night in the palace. She was also relieved. If the two children had to sleep with themselves tonight, I was afraid that Feng Yi Xuan would really throw two children out of the Pluto.

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