Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 05 beautiful life

When Lan Younian returned to the Pluto Palace, he saw in the study room that Feng Yixuan looked at the fold under the light of the night pearl, slightly coveted, clear and tough, five senses, dusty temperament, beautiful like static landscape, let People can't move their eyes.

“Is it back?” Feng Yixuan put down the fold in his hand and asked, when the dinner was over, he knew that the three people would not come back to eat. Feng Yi Xuan was originally prepared to enter the palace, but he was helpless in everything, and now he sees it. The mood is better, even if it has been married for so long, the two people are more and more sticky.

Lan Nian nodded, and came to the side of the wing of the wing of the wing of the wing, dealing with the affairs of the ruthless pavilion. Nowadays, there are not only the various deductions in the Ghost Wing and the military, but also the affairs of the ruthless pavilion. The two of them are sitting here together to deal with affairs.

Feng Yixuan looked outside and did not find that the two sons had some accidents. They usually came back from the outside and the two stinky boys were closely following the thoughts to show off the show.

"Two stinky boys?" Feng Yixuan asked, even if the surface performance of how to hate two sons, but my heart is still very concerned about the two children, but Feng Yi Xuan is never spoiled for the two sons, but small At a young age, they learned a lot of things and taught them very strictly. Don't look at the wind and the wind and always give up with your father, but in fact, the two still have some fear of their own embarrassment.

Lan Nian chanted the wind wing Xuan and said, "That is your son, have a name! How old is the stinky boy stinking!" Said that also knows that Fengyi Xuan will change, and Lan Yunian sometimes even suspects them. The father and the son are not enemies before, and this life always fights like this.

"Huangxiong and Bailian said that the two children are going to the valley, so stay with the two children in the palace for a few days!" Lan Younian took up the brush and wrote something on the fold to say carelessly, after all, such a thing Not once or twice.

Feng Yi Xuan is in a beautiful mood. Tonight, I don’t need anyone to rush to read it. I think that Feng Yixuan’s eyes are a lot deeper. Looking at the sitting there is a reminder of the lingering night, although now It’s also late in the evening.

Lan You Nian is preparing to continue to look at the next fold. The whole person was hugged by Feng Yi Xuan. The blue secluded jingle exclaimed, apparently shocked by the sudden movement of Feng Yi Xuan, but has not waited for the blue secluded When I was in a stable mood, I was brought back to the room by Feng Yixuan. The secret guards in the government were used to it, and they all pretended to be invisible, but the blue sorrow was blushing.

Back to the room, Fengyi Xuan will read one into the bed, and the blue singer will jump up and prepare to escape. But there is no blue secluded ran to the door of the room, and it is once again thrown by the wind wing Xuanyuan. On the soft big bed, Lan You Nian is preparing to roar the rudeness of Feng Yi Xuan but the wind wing Xuan blocked the lips.

Windwing Xuan kissed the blue lips, slowly opened her teeth, rolled up the little tongue she was resisting, gently biting and sucking, the two tongues intertwined and chased, from His mouth went to her mouth, from the lips to the corners of the mouth, without a moment of separation. Holding her red cheeks with both hands, swallowing all her screaming words into her belly, hot kisses, hot lips, obsessed with this hot kiss full of love and desire.

When it was almost early in the morning, the dark guards stood on the wall and heard the hoarse voice of their own Wang Shuo. "Wind Wing Xuan, you are the bastard!" The dark guards were very accustomed to seeing after listening, because of such anger It’s almost every day, and time is coming to the early morning.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at his eyes and his cheeks were red and his cheeks were all red with his kisses. His eyes flashed and he wanted to continue his thoughts. He calmed and thought about struggling and said, "I am Wang Ba. Egg, hey, sleep for a while!"

Feng Yixuan feels that he really doesn't blame himself. He really doesn't have any resistance to his thoughts, and the more he wants to continue, the more he wants to continue, he doesn't want to stop. He often wants to break into her body all the time. Willing to come out.

Lan Younian grievances look at Feng Yi Xuan, the usual Feng Yi Xuan is still very gentle, but perhaps these days have not been intimate, but they have resisted so the wind wing Xuan changed very wild, blue secluded to know their lips are I have already swollen and feel numb, and my back is so bad. Even if she doesn’t look at it, she knows that she is all a hickey, even her thighs, even the neck is bitten by Fengyi Xuan, although it does not Injured but still let the blue sorrow face ugly, but the blue sorrow that was loved by everyone is not even a sultry person. If it is not Feng Yi Xuan, it will be really tired and will definitely be smashed again. bite.

"It seems that the husband still has not tried his best. The lady seems to be still very spirited?" Feng Yixuan said that he was ready to kiss and kiss the red lips. The blue secluded one turned and turned his back to the wind wing porch. I am tired and sleeps!" But after a while, I heard blue and silent breathing.

Feng Yi Xuan also knows how tired he is, but which time he is not tired? In other respects, he always followed the willingness to read, but in the bed, no matter how much he asked for mercy, Fengyi Xuan refused to let go, and had to let the people tossing almost to stop reluctantly.

When I came to the hot water, Feng Yi Xuan wiped my body clean, and I went to the bath. After I went to the bath, I went back to the bed and looked at my frowning face. I gently heard my eyebrows and immediately heard the thoughts. With a slightly crying voice, "Xuan, don't..."

"Good" Fengyi Xuan will be immersed in his arms and gently patted his back and said, "Sleep..." Maybe I heard the words of Fengyi Xuan or because I have a loved one around me. I have settled down for a moment...

At this time, the imperial wind in the palace was waking up early because of the early morning, and Yuebailian also got up and dressed in a robes for the wind and summer. Although they didn’t have any love, they had another one for so many years. Feelings, and this feeling is not lower than love.

"Tianci and the earth have not yet got up?" Feng Xia asked, two children who are in the palace next door, or he and Yue Bailian looked at sleep before returning to rest. The two children have never been lazy. They have lived in the palace so many times, and they often start very early. Originally, he saw that he was distressed and let them sleep more. Later, he realized that it was the rule set by his own emperor, although he felt that The two children are too harsh, but fortunately, there is no saying in the wind and summer. After all, the two children will inherit the throne in the future, and one will want to call for the rain in the rivers and lakes. No matter which one is, it needs real skills.

Yue Bailian took the towel handed up by the palace lady and gave it to the wind and summer. He replied, "I just heard the blue dance saying that the two children have gotten up, hey, it’s so hard to be so small, it’s really distressing!" Although the palace is very safe However, Lan You Nian still left the blue dance and the dark one to take care of the two children.

Feng Xia took a picture of Bai Bailian’s shoulder and said, “You, if it’s not good to teach them, who are old and who can protect them in the future? It’s better to protect themselves than to protect themselves!” So even if he is very distressed, he should not relax when he teaches two children.

Yue Bailian’s face was red and somewhat uncomfortable and said, “It’s my woman’s opinion!”

"Where are you talking about women, you just like God's gift and earth, Bai Lian, when they grow up and accept my position, I will take you around and go wrong, and you have wronged you for so many years!" "The wind and summer will sigh the white lotus to the arms and sigh, since the white lotus married to enter the palace, in addition to going to the place where the king of the princes has been to other places, the whole day for their own security, the harem for their own worry Feng Xia is very grateful to this wife.

"Good! Waiting for the godsend and the earth to grow up, we are also old enough to walk around. Many times I listen to the story and talk about the customs outside. I am very envious!" Yue Bailian said with a smile, "but marry You and I can be wronged. You don't know how many women in this world envy me. If I still grievances, I still have it!"

"Uncle Huang? Huangfu?" The two men were talking and heard the sound of the outside wind. Feng Xia and Yue Bailian walked out of the room and saw that the two children had already dressed and washed and stood there. They ask for security, the standard of action is rigorous, and they are much stronger than many of them.

“Have you used breakfast?” Feng Xia asked, looking at the sky that was not bright outside.

Feng Tianzi licked his lips and said, "When the emperor is down, he will eat together!" This is not a kind of education, but they really like Emperor and Emperor, just like those ghosts and uncles, two Although the child is small, he also knows who is good to himself.

Feng Xia was happy when I heard that the two children were so sensible. I thought about picking up a child in one hand and then saying, "Today, they followed the uncle to the temple, so they could learn and see me. Officials of the country!"

Yue Bailian heard some confusion and said, "This is not appropriate. If the ministers are known, they must not be embarrassed by two children!" After all, it is the main hall of the Shang Dynasty. How can people without official positions go in at will, let alone Two children.

"Reassure, of course, I am not letting them stand in the hall, just let them stand behind the curtain and listen and watch and learn!" Feng Xia sighed and then took the two children to go to the dynasty.

Feng Tianci and the windy land, although standing behind the curtain, listening to the uncle’s handling of government affairs, listening to the ministers playing a lot of things, although the two still do not understand a lot of things, but they did learn a lot, and even more rare is the two There is no fear of the mind, it is calmer than the ministers are much stronger, the wind and the summer to see the performance of the two nephews so good and happy haha ​​laughed, straight boasting two people is smart! <!--over-->

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