Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 06 child accident

"God-giving, earth-giving, do you want to hear the words of an uncle and a ghost five uncles along the way?" Lan Youn looked at the two young sons worried and kept groaning.

Because I have to go to the Valley of Medicine, I am going to send two children to the Valley of Medicine, but the two children said that they can grow up and go on their own. The blue singer still disagrees. Later, Feng Yixuan also agreed, so I agreed, but as a mother, I am still worried.

"Mothers don't worry, Godsend and the younger brother will obey!" Feng Tianci, holding her mother and comforting, although they are also reluctant to kiss the mother, but the teacher also misses them very much. If the mother and the former sent them to the valley, they must A lot of time has been delayed. Feng Tianci also recently learned that there are many things in the palace. The snow country also has the action. Recently, it has been early and late, and the wind and the wind have given the hope that the mother and the sister will work for them.

Lan Younian arranged the clothes for the two children, thinking that this is the first time that the two children left her so long and there was no companionship of their parents. When they thought about their eyes, they were a little red, and Fengyi Xuan looked so reluctant. The appearance is also a bit uncomfortable, sighing and comforting, "The children will take their own ideas, you should be happy!"

Lan You nodded and knew that he was too sentimental.

"Mother, you are going to be in the government, and your brother will come back soon. If you bully you, you will tell the land, and wait for the teacher to learn the skills and come back to help you!" The exaggerated teaser is happy, and the blue sorrow is a laugh. Her son is a pistachio who knows how to make her happy.

Feng Yixuan took a look at the two sons and rarely gave a cold face, the voice is not as indifferent as usual. "Reassured, I will take care of your mother, you have to listen to the teacher's words, don't be naughty, you know? ?"

"Know it!" Feng Tianci and the wind gave the answer in front of the sly.

"Big brother, five brothers, I am bothering you!" Lan Younian looked at the ghost and the ghost five, because it is really not reassuring, so let the ghost one and the ghost five and some killers of the dark guard and the ruthless pavilion escorted, obviously There are so many escorts that can be foolproof, but I don't know why there is always a feeling of uneasiness in my mind.

Ghosts waved their hands and picked up the wind. For those two children, they are not worried about the flesh, not to mention that the younger sisters will not care for them. The ghost five is holding up the wind, laughing and saying to the blue singer, "Little sister, don't worry, Godsend and earth are so smart and clever!"

Lan You nodded and took the uneasiness in his heart, and then came to the two children to give a person a dagger. The dagger was pure black, and even the scabbard of the dagger was full of suffocation. But fortunately, the wind and the wind and the wind are not ordinary children and not afraid, but the **** daggers show their affection.

"Thank you mother!" The two men took the dagger and thanked them. This dagger is not just used by children, but the degree of sharpness is very powerful. Even Ghost and Ghost are surprised. This dagger can be described as A hard-to-find weapon.

Lan Younian watched the two sons put their daggers in their clothes and said with a slight disappointment, "This dagger is built by you personally. You have to keep it safe if you encounter anything, do you know?"

Feng Yixuan also saw that something was wrong, but he didn't think much. After all, it was normal to be worried about being a mother. He just looked at the two sons' eyes and included a father's encouragement.

"Thank you!" Feng Tianci and the wind said to the smirk, Wind Wing Xuan nodded, he was not a good person, and he was a strict father for two children, but fortunately Both children understand that there is no resentment.

"Well, time is not early, let's go!" Feng Yixuan said, then Ghost and Ghost Five took the wind and the wind to sit in the carriage and left the Pluto, although many people were protected but most of them were hidden. In the dark, and the carriage is not the carriage of the Pluto, the pedestrian is very low-key.

Lan Nian Nian stood in the back door of the Pluto Palace for a long time. Feng Yi Xuan knew that it was very uncomfortable to say that she was not convinced that she was standing with her for a long time until she felt that there was some wind outside. I miss going to the room. "Don't worry, they need to be experienced anyway, not to mention that there are so many people to protect!"

Lan Nian Nian could not see the situation, but frowned and said, "I don't know if I am too sensitive, I always feel uneasy!" Although Feng Yixuan is worried, but his father is still not so delicate, so After a while, I looked at my thoughts and felt a lot better before I let go of my heart.

Because the snow country is not very safe recently, Fengyi Xuan is not in the military camp in the recent period. The blue mourning is because the two children are not empty in the heart, so they handle the affairs in the government and put down the blue sorrow in the hands. I remembered that the two children had left for three days and looked like they were going to the Valley of Medicine. Every day, they received a letter to tell the two children about the situation. Blue You Nian also knew that the two children were very obedient and very clever. .

"Wang Hao, today's news!" The dark one took a note and came to the study. Blue Nian Nian immediately stood up. This note is the news of two children every day. Lan Youn took the paper and immediately took it. Look, but for a moment, Blue Nian dying almost fainted, barely holding the desk to stand still.

Looking at Wang Hao's face pale, his eyes flustered, and he knew that it was the two little masters who had something to do "Wang Hao? But what happened to the little master?"

Lan You Nian bite his tongue to make his whole body no longer tremble, she looked at the dark and asked "Xuan, where is today?" Even if the blue secluded thoughts are calm, but the hand holding the note is still Constantly shaking.

"Wang Ye went outside the city today!" The dark heart is also very anxious, because the soldiers outside the city need training, so the prince personally went, so I couldn’t get back at all, even if I came back, I needed some time.

"God gives the earth a thing, I want to see it, you will bring the news to Xuan immediately!" Lan Younian ordered, even if she now knows that she should not go forward may be a trap, but her child is shackled Going, and the brothers were seriously injured and unconscious, and there were countless deaths and injuries. This news has already caused Blue Nian to collapse.

"Wang Hao!" The dark one wanted to stop but saw the eyes of Wang Hao’s eyes disappearing suddenly. The eyes of Blue Nian Nian’s eyes were cold and full of violent looting as if a beast was on the verge of collapse, and the body was full of death and darkness. Such a prince did not let the dark guards fear, but was even more worried. If something happened to the little master, it would be that Wang Hao would be mad, and Wang Hao would have something to do.

Lan Younian did not talk again and took some dark guards to ride away from the Pluto Palace. The dark one was prepared to follow, but was sent by Lan Younian to inform Fengyi Xuan, while Lan Nian Nian’s heart was worried and anxious but there was no Crazy, so I took the killer of the dark guard and the ruthless pavilion, and also sent a letter to several brothers and masters to let everyone help.

Lan Younian rides on horses like a crazy road, because the place where you know the accident is on the road, a city blue singer must first go and see and then investigate, all the forces of the ruthless pavilion began to move, and the next Things Blue Nian Nian knew that Fengyi Xuan could be arranged well, and now she is too confused to arrange things well.

When the dark sweating appeared in the military camp, Feng Yixuan knew that things were definitely not good. He immediately came to the ghost and asked, "What happened? But what happened?"

"The main son! The little master has gone out of the way, the secret is dead and wounded, the ghost is a ghost and the five sons are seriously injured in the coma!" Dark one handed the note to the wing wing Xuan "Wang Hao with the dark guard and his subordinates have left, let the subordinate Send a message!"

There are a few more sly and cold eyes in the eyes of Feng Yixuan, and a smile of sarcasm in the corner of his lips. There is a familiar coldness in the eyes, like a devil coming from hell... Yu Nian is in the presence of a son, Feng Yi Xuan has not been so angry for a long time.

"Dark one, try to trace who killed the gods and the earth, and focus on the situation of the snow country!" Feng Yixuan told the road, and then thought that if the snow country is to rob the child after the flower country, it must pass through the flower country. Send a letter to Hua Xiu, let him help!"

Feng Yi Xuan suspects that the snow country is not without reason. Although there are certainly many enemies in the high position, there are very few people who can have the courage to move his son. It is only the snow country that has such ability, and now the snow country The army is eager to move and obviously wants to send troops. At this time, if his son became a hostage, and it is still the emperor of the future Prince of the Wind, this price makes them simply do not dare to do it, and the snow country is as despicable as ever.

"Yes! Is the prince doubting the snow country?" said the dark atmosphere. The two little masters are so cute that if they fall into the hands of the Emperor of the Snow Kingdom, they don't know what to sin! I thought that the dark heart was also uncomfortable. Now I heard that the two little masters have gone out. The dark guards of the Pluto House are not sad. They are watching the two little masters grow up slowly. Now things like this are all Some can't accept it.

Feng Yi Xuan crushed the paper in his hand, and the voice contained a strong suffocation. "I will pick up the thoughts. You stay in the capital. Don't make a noise!" Feng Yi Xuan is afraid that he will panic in the enemy. The traitor, the two sons have something to do, he can barely stabilize his mind. If something happens again, Feng Yixuan feels that he is afraid of not being able to control himself, even if he is very calm, but his heart is angry because of the disappearance of his two sons. Haotian, these two sons usually feel bad about themselves. If someone really dares to hurt them, he will definitely let the person not die!

Feng Yixuan hurriedly explained the things and left the capital with the dark guard on the horse, and the things in the capital were also handed over to the wind and summer, and Feng Xia knew that when the two nephews had an accident, they fell a lot in the royal study. In an instant, several generals were summoned to attack the snow country, and this matter did not dare to tell the moon white lotus, fearing that the white lotus could not accept anything.

Whether it is Fengyi Xuan or Lan You Nian are desperately on the road, but because the time difference is too much, Feng Yi Xuan did not catch the blue secluded, and the blue secluded sleepless never eat or drink, finally arrived in the day. In this plain city where the accident happened, I hurried into the ruthless inn.

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