When Lan Younian walked into the ruthless inn of this small city, the management immediately came out and respectfully said, "When the girl is pleased, please come with the old slave!" When talking about the matter, he took the blue mourning and walked to the third floor of the ruthless inn, blue. The situation that Yu Nian went into the room to see, the eyes of Lan You Nian were full of suffocation.

There are a few people lying in the room, but these people are all blue and sorrowful. The ghost's face is full of gray, and the abdomen and legs are already bandaged. Lan Younian can still see the seriousness of the injury. The most serious ghost of the palm seems to be grasping what weapon, so it was almost cut off. Blue secluded thoughts do not need to see the situation at that time.

Ghosts, a baby face, painful sorrow, blue sorrowful walk into the body, only to find that the arm of the ghost five was broken by the students, even the right leg was injured by the hidden weapon, if it is not good, the arm will be destroyed, and At this time, the ghosts of the five mouths are still muttering "Let the children go!"

Blue mourning in my heart, reaching out and touching the forehead of the ghost five, it really started a high fever. If it wasn’t for me to let the ordinary doctors heal, whether it’s a ghost or a ghost, it’s almost awkward. .

Lan Younian took out the life-saving pills from Master and Ghost, and fed the ghosts and the ghosts to eat them. Then they told the dark four who were coming over, "sprink the wounds on their wounds and dress them well." "Blue You Nian knows that no matter whether it is Ghost One or Ghost Five, it will not be too big. She knows that both of them will be for their two sons. They think that their children are blue and ignorant, but they are still bearish. It’s down.

Let the dark four take care of the ghost and the ghost five, Lan Younian walked out of the room and saw the blue blade and blue front squatting outside the room. The injuries on the two were not light. They just awake and knew that the lady came over and they were there. In my heart, more than anyone blames the young lady for trusting them to protect the little master, but now they let the little masters rob the enemy. Blue Blade and Blue Front think they can’t be sinful if they can’t see it. The little masters are safe and they don’t pay attention to them. They are afraid that they will commit suicide.

Lan Younian looked at the two people who had not wrapped up the wounds there. They had begun to crack open and ooze the blood. Although the blue sorrows for the two children’s accidents are going crazy, the blue sings are very clear that this is not the person around them. The fault is more clear about their self-blame, but Blue Nian Ming also knows that they are doing their best.

"Get up!" Lan Younuan caressed his forehead and pulled the two up, then said to the dark two, "Take them back to the room to take the medicine. I know that you are guilty, but this is not your problem. If this is my here. It will happen too, you will take care of your injuries, and I still need you to save the heavens and the earth!"

The two men nodded red and then immediately followed the dark room to recover the medicine. The Blue Blade and Blue Front knew that no matter how much their self-blame, they would not help. If this is the case, the young lady will worry that they will get better soon. The rescue of the little master is the most important thing.

"Wang Hao!" Fu Fu went to the side of Lan Younian’s salute. Although Lan Yu’s thoughts were very flustered, he also knew that his safety was very important. If he had something to give trouble to Feng Yi Xuan, the consequences would be unimaginable. When I came back, Blue Nian Nian brought not only the Dark II and the Dark Four, but also brought it to Fu.

“How is the investigation?” The blue mourning is seemingly innocent but the heart is as uncomfortable as being shackled.

"The two little masters were robbed and temporarily did not find the direction, but this time the enemy can rob the little master because the inside of the team should be!" The good face disguised by Fu Fu is full of anger and distortion, how are they? I did not expect that there should be internal response in the team, which is an insult to them.

The blue palm of the palm of the hand clenched, and the nail of the thumb was broken by her life. She had thought a lot of questions but she didn't even think that there was something in the team. The Pluto Palace has always been very rigorous. If there is something inside, it should be possible to know how much thought and time the other party has, and I have already set my sights on the children.

"Who is it?" Lan Youn's eyes and black and white eyes seem to be covered with a sharp layer of ice, straight into the heart of people.

"It's the little master's milkmaid!" Yu Fu looked at Wang Hao's heart in this kind of solemnity. The usual Wang Hao stood next to the prince and always had a small bird with a gentle look, but she was not only the king of the royal palace but also the ruthless pavilion. The owner of the cabinet, no matter who made it, no matter who is Wang Hao or Wang Ye will not stop!

Lan Youn’s heart stunned. She didn’t think that this should be the milkmaid who served two children in the government for three years. The royal family, whether it’s the cook or the little sister, was actually screened in layers, or some of them were family members of the ghost domain. However, only the milkmaid was outside the house for two children. The result of the investigation was that the milkmaid was normal. There were two nurseries, but the other nurses later left the palace because of something. The nurse was because she had two children. The care was very good, so I didn’t sneak out of the house, but I didn’t think that the real accident was actually two or a milkmaid. Lan Nian thought that if the two children knew that the betrayal was the close-knit milkmaid around them, they would not know how sad it would be.

"Does people catch it?" Lan Younuan looked at Fu Fu with a sharp look, so that he could follow the cold in the dark edge of the management of the ghost domain. This kind of look is only seen by Wang Ye, now It seems that Wang Hao is really angry. Who is not angry? The two little masters are the masters of everyone's cherished growth, and now they are full of murderous things like ghosts and ruthless pavilions.

Fu Fu nodded and then the subordinates brought the milkmaid in. Lan Younuan sat in another room on the third floor and looked at the milkmaid who was shaking on the ground.

"Why do this? Where is the little master now? Who is instructing you?" The voice of Lan You Nian is calm and indifferent, revealing the alienation of thousands of waters, but if the milk girl dares to raise her head, she will be scared because of blue The eyes of Yu Nian have slowly approached the edge of the explosion, and now the abyss of **** is generally terrible.

"Wang Hao is alive!" The bridegroom wants to come forward and hug the legs of Lan Younian, but she was kicked by the kicker.

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