On the endless grassland, Huaxiu should take a group of people who are standing there and look at the opposite side. What is more important is that the two most disguised as the middle of the businessman carry a reciting thing behind them. Reciting the look of the cold.

"Let's put down the children, this king will spare you a life!" Hua Xiuyi stood there in a red dress. The unstretched hair fluttered with the wind and it was a fascinating picture, but because the narrow eyes were full of killing The meaning has become solemn.

A group of people wearing ordinary wealthy clothes are a bit flustered. They pretend to be a group of caravans who seem to be business people, but they are walking at a vigorous pace. This is not just a caravan afraid of being an army.

The dark guards of the snow country did not think that they would meet the regent king of the flower country. If they passed this grassland, they would enter the land of the snow country and they could complete the command of the majesty, but now the regent of the flower country is clearly involved here. Everyone is a little cautious. They can take the two children away because they have planned for a few years and because they have lost the general talents, they will take the two children away. If this is the case, then the regent of Wang Shangguo will be counted. Too small.

"Is this son a misunderstanding?" A middle-aged man in a blue robes came out and looked like the leader of the team. The middle-aged man bowed his hand to the flower. "We are the caravan of the snow country." Today, I went to Huaguo to purchase some goods and now I am going to rush back to Xueguo to do business, and I also ask the public to make it convenient!"

Hua Xiyi should have looked at the people across the street. Although he has a great chance of winning in the flower country, the two children are in their hands if they take the children to do what they want. If they accidentally hurt the children, what should they do? It is necessary to consider these, it is necessary for two children, but only if the two children must be safe.

"This king will say it again, let go of the child, the king will never pursue it!" Hua Xiuyi endured the anger in his heart and said that if he had been desperately killed, he would have been here for so long.

The middle-aged man in the blue robes looked at the flowers and looked at it. Seeing the ruthlessness and firmness in the eyes of Hua Xiuyi was also a dilemma. Considering for a moment, "Since the Regent King is clear, then I will not circle, Regent Wang today. Letting us go forward will definitely give the Regent the unimaginable benefits. If the Regent is to be enemies with the Snow State today, the Regent should also think twice, not to lose more!"

The middle-aged people think that they say that the regent king of the flower country will have some concerns. After all, in their intelligence, the relationship between the regent king of the flower country and the wind country is good, but how can there be such a friendship in the world, in front of the interests? It’s nothing, as long as today’s out of the flower country and returning to the snow country to hold these two children, I’m afraid that the Pluto of the Windy Country will not be able to handle it?

Hua Xiuyi has been too lazy to talk nonsense. He spends his time, although he is not a gentleman, but he is not a person with a knife behind him. Moreover, the two children are still the two children he really loves. If something really happened, he still can’t regret it. .

Hua Xiuyi’s long sword took a subordinate attack to the caravan. The caravan seems to have only forty or fifty people, but there are dozens of people hidden in the dark, and there are hundreds of people who defend, if not in ghosts. One of them lost half of their hands, and at this time they had a good chance of escaping, but now they are not only a small number but more important, many people are wounded.

The long sword waving the flower should be the face of the moment is not the enchanting red but the **** red, anyone who wants to stop him is squatted by the long sword of the flower, a corpse slowly falls on the grass green grassland On the wind, the wind blew through the blood and smells a lot of disgusting.

Just when Hua Xiuyi was about to get close to the two men, the middle-aged man suddenly came to the back of a man carrying a piggyback and opened his back to pick up a child. The flowery eyes were shrunk to see that the child was Fengtianci. Sure enough, the children are in their hands.

"Let him go!" Hua Xiuyi excitedly took the sword and tried to kill the man.

The middle-aged man smiled and said with a young neck. "The Regent is not excited. You know that the villain is a rough person. If you are afraid of shaking your hand, you will be able to twist such a delicate neck." All right!"

Hua Hughi did not dare to move again. He knew that he could not gamble even if his martial arts were very high, but if there was any problem with such a long distance, it was the child’s life. At this time, the heart of the flower was anxious, and it was hard to suffer. I am not willing to let the two children suffer from such suffering.

At this time, he was awakened by the windy day with his neck around. He and his brother woke up and then stunned when they were taken away. When the wind was awake, they felt the cold hand on their neck as if they wanted it. Cut off his neck, Feng Tianci did not cry or fear, but Zi Yan looked at his middle-aged man, then looked at the opposite side and saw the righteous father standing there and nervously watching.

Feng Tianci’s eyes lit up. He didn’t think that the righteous father would come to save himself. However, Feng Tianci did not shout out but gave flowers to Huaiyi’s eyes that were not afraid, and the heart of the flowers was slightly loose.

It is no stranger to this father-in-law, and Hua Xiuyi has been to the Pluto Palace several times in the past three years. With the memory of the wind and the heavens, I remember the righteous father of the power, and the Pluto is only a few There will be toys for the two countries in the sky. These are for two children. Even if the wind is given to the children, the children can often hear the name of the righteous father, and when the two children are literate and writing, Write a letter to the righteous father.

Feng Tianshen turned around and found his younger brother. When he saw the reciting behind a man beside him, he realized that his younger brother was definitely inside. The wind and the heart were slightly relaxed as long as the younger brother was fine. He is a child, but the teachings of Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian have always been very good at seeing many dead people. So nowadays, Feng Tianci is somewhat whitish but not afraid, calm and not like a child.

"Sure enough, the child of Pluto is not afraid at all, but unfortunately!" The middle-aged man patted the wind and gave some pale cheeks. For a time, his face appeared with a few fingerprints, which seemed to be particularly distressing.

Feng Tian gave the pair of purple cicadas, which are very similar to their fathers, with a deep dislike, but at this time, the wind and the gods are very good as a helpless child, but the hand slowly approaches their own. boots.

Looking at the child's paler face, Hua Xiuyi had to compromise and asked, "What do you want?"

"The villain has already said very clearly, as long as the Regent has let go of the villain, or the Regent King will have to see the two innocent children burying their lives!" The middle-aged man said the wind The hand of the god-given neck tightened for a while, and the small face of Fengyi Xuan was instantly red.

Hua Xiuyi looked at Feng Tianci's little face because of lack of oxygen and became red but the little mouth was really tight and there was no cry and beg for mercy. Hua Xiuyi said in a painful and distressed heart to say good to the opposite person. The king promised you, stop working!"

Even if it’s a good time, it’s very clear that it would be impossible for these people to leave the country with two children and then want to intercept. But at this time he had to compromise because they have a big handle there, and that is two children. The life of the opposite person can bet to ignore the lives of two children but he can not.

The middle-aged man smiled and let go of the hand that was holding the wind and the neck. The wind and the earth coughed uncomfortably, and the uncomfortable bent waist and the pair of purple eyes also covered a layer of invisible fog, but It is not tears but anger.

"Hey... Regent King really cares about these two children!" Middle-aged people sighed. After all, from a lot of intelligence, Hua Xiyi is a selfish person. How can such a person be like these two children? Care about it?

At this time, another group of people slowly approached, and Huaxiu looked at the front and saw a woman. The woman wore a pink piazza, a delicate and delicate face, a delicate nose, and a whitefly. A dizzy, a pair of black sputum reveals the pitiful meaning, her skin wins the snow, a silky silky black hair pulls a bun, and the ink that scatters in the wind floats with the wind, at this time the small face is hanging The big smile is condescending and the flowers are relaxing, and the eyes are full of smug smiles.

Hua Xiu should think about it carefully and know that this person is the Mo Lingshan, who is now being wanted by the martial arts people. Feng Yixuan tells himself that Mo Lingshan is a snow country, and now she seems to be more than just The Emperor of the Snow Kingdom is still a very powerful subordinate.

Mo Lingshan slowly walked to the side of Feng Tianci, and gave the wind in the recital to the squatting, and the wind has actually woken up, but it has been disguised and has not made a sound. The goodness gave me a recital, and the heart of the wind kept licking the old demon.

Mo Lingshan looked at the two young children for a while. These two children are worthy of being the sons of Pluto and Pluto. They are so beautiful at a young age, but unfortunately they are short-lived! Mo Lingshan knows that this time must not go wrong again. Since the last time the martial arts thing fell, she returned to the snow country and was tortured by her righteous father. She almost lost her life, and now she is so pleased to let her father give it to her. An opportunity like this one, as long as the two children are brought back to the snow country to the righteous father, in the future she will definitely get the appreciation of the righteous father again in the snow country to become a woman envied by everyone.

She is the daughter of a martial art in Moling's good rivers and lakes. She became an orphan girl and walked in the adoption of every kind person, but looking at those people, she is not willing to rely on what she wants to live under the fence. Later, she was treated as a righteous woman by the privately-held Snow Country emperor. Although she was a righteous woman, she was actually a woman of the Emperor of the Snow Country. She waited for the emperor and martial arts of the Emperor of the Snow Country to walk in the rivers and lakes. Inquired a lot of intelligence, she did a very good job, and she had a lot of subordinates, but since she met the ghost master and the ruthless son, her planned plan was debunked. She became a street mouse in the rivers and lakes, now After three years has passed, she can no longer fail.

"Isn't this the regent of the flower country?" Mo Lingshan looked so beautiful and the flowers were full of sorrowful eyes. "Please also ask the Regent King to let a little let, let the little girl leave with two children." ?otherwise…"

"How else?" Together, it is like a crisp and sweet flute. It seems to be cold and cold. It seems to penetrate into the human soul. When everyone looks at it, they see a flying man flying far away, and at the forefront is a man and a woman. It is the enchanting of the King of the Wind and the Ming Dynasty.

The two are very servant, although the face is very calm, but from the blue and white face of the pale face can be seen her worry, in contrast, Feng Yi Xuan is indifferent, it seems that there is no expression, can not see the worry and can not see the anger, but Even if it is because of this, it is the most terrible, because the pair of purple eyes are like a storm.

Hua Xiuyi saw that the two people also had a slight sigh of relief. Since he learned that the people of Xueguo had informed the two people in their own land, he himself searched the specific place as soon as possible. Now he has found two children. I have encountered such a thing, and now the child’s parents have more chances to win.

Mo Lingshan always thought that she was a very beautiful woman, but now she saw that the Pluto knows that there is still such a woman in the world who is so in a state of love. No wonder the righteous father always hangs on his lips. Mo Ling is in a good heart. .

"Hey! Niange!" Feng Tianci and the wind screamed at the scorpion, and how the young boy was still excited when he saw his parents. When the niece and the maiden did not come, the two children did not say a word. Oh, but now the two children are rejuvenated, because their parents are here, so they are not afraid.

The body of Lan Younian’s body was shaken but the hand held by Feng Yi Xuan was tightly held by Feng Yi Xuan. Lan Youn’s worry was only to look at the two children and found that the two children were not affected. What sadness returned to the original place.

"Hey and Niang are here." Lan Youn looked at the two children's smiles and climbed to the corner of the mouth. "Don't be afraid!"

"Not afraid, God is not afraid, the ground is not afraid!" The two children also smiled and said to the girl, they are small but they look at the mother, but they have lost a lot of days, and the face of the mother. It’s not good. Fengtian’s and the wind have given some regrets at this moment. The cockroaches at that time can make the mothers worry. They always remember the words to protect the mother, but now they are tired because of their affairs. Godsend and the wind have given some guilt and secretly made up their minds.

Feng Yixuan looked at his two sons and watched the two children settle down and calmed down in his heart. His son was not a weak man! <!--over-->

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