Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 09, I understand the affection of flowers and flowers.

"It turned out that this is the famous Pluto and Pluto, and the Regent, the little girl is really honored to have a few to come here, but unfortunately, the little girl still has nothing to do with it!" Mo Lingshan said They will slowly retreat with the wind and the wind, and those subordinates will protect them.

“Wind Wing Xuan!” Hua Xiuyi came to Fengyi Xuan’s side and shouted anxiously. If they let them take two children, they will not be able to predict what the next two children will suffer, but they will laugh. Now they can't do anything, after all, the children are in their hands.

Feng Yixuan nodded and said, "Thank you!" He knows that since he received the letter, he sent a lot of power to find two children in the flower country. If he didn't try to find out how could he find it in such a big country. The person who pretended to be a snow country, and Hua Xiyi also came to save himself. The two fathers did not scream.

Hua Xiuyi did not speak, these two are their own sons, and it is a matter of course to protect them as a righteous father. Thank you! I once wanted to recognize that these two children came because of Lan Yu’s thoughts. Secondly, I wanted to come up with Feng Yixuan. But I really like these two children when I contact them. I don’t have any children and I don’t want to have them in the future. Children, these two children are like their own children, how can they not get to the heart.

Lan You Nian gently loosened the hand of Feng Yi Xuan, the dagger in the sleeve is ready, even if the blue secluded is very concealed, but the flowers standing next to them still feel it, and spend a time I know what the two want to do, but they also admire the boldness of the two, but I think that there is no other way to relieve it now, and the internal forces will be ready to attack at any time.

Feng Yixuan looked at the eyes and was greeted by the wind and the wind and the wind. The two children were still holding their escaping but their eyes were still watching their own sorrows and sorrows. There was no complaint in the eyes. Fear of comfort, watching the wind wing Xuan heart also raised a thick tannic acid.

Although the father and the son are usually always looking for a blind man from time to time, but after all, the father and son have the only die-cut between the father and the son. Feng Tianci and the wind to look at the eyes of his father, even if there seems to be nothing, but the two children still see the meaning of jealousy.

Feng Tianci and the wind to the two brothers to look at each other from the pair of purple eyes to understand the meaning, and then both children revealed a little demon smile. Not far away, Lan Younian and others are slowly moving, moving along with Mo Lingshan and others, slowly approaching everyone ready to escape.

"Pluto, Pluto, or you have to chase!" Mo Lingshan looked at the opposite person and said with a smile, it is really a matter of saving the children to do the shield, Mo Lingshan said that she also took a handful of her squatting The wind is given.

It’s very painful to be smashed by the wind, and Zhangkou came to “You ugly woman took the dirty hands away, it’s disgusting!” Saying that when Mo Lingshan had not responded, he took out the dagger and went to Mo Lingshan. The cheeks are given off.

At the same time, Feng Tianci also stabbed the dagger that had been hidden in the boots to the chest of the man holding him. Although they were only two children, the strength was small, but because they were children, no one else Any defense, so Feng Tian's iron-cut dagger was inserted into the middle-aged man's chest, although it was not fatal, but still painfully let go of Feng Tianci.

Mo Lingshan cares the most about her face. When the dagger in the wind passes over her entire face, she screams and screams at her cheek. When she touches the blood and scars, Mo Lingshan It’s going to be crazy. What if she doesn’t have this face?

And when the two were suddenly attacked, the wind and the wind and the wind rushed to the arms of the singer and the mother, and as early as the two children started, Feng Yixuan and Lan Younian and others I will use the light work to the extreme to run here.


However, when the two children fled, Mo Lingshan and others also responded. It is impossible to chase after it. Mo Lingshan’s cheeks with blood on her face looked like a poisonous look. The child, the other hand quickly took out the hidden weapon that was carried with him and sprinkled it in the direction of the two children.

"Don't!" Lan Younian looked at the hidden weapon with horror, and Feng Yi Xuan ran to the wind and blue langui ran to the wind. The martial arts of Feng Yi Xuan was higher than the blue secluded, so the speed was faster than the blue secluded When the dark weapon is about to approach the wind, give it a wind, and then the left hand dagger will block the weapon.

However, the place where Feng Tianci was originally hijacked was farther away, and the martial arts of Lan You Nian were not as high as that of Feng Yi Xuan. When I saw that the dark-like weapon was close to the wind and the back, I felt blue. The heart stopped for a moment, and the blue singer's arm was stretched into the arms. The whole person used his back to resist the hidden weapon and used a mother's back to protect his child.

Feng Tianci even saw the hidden weapon behind him and saw the seriousness of the matter from the face of the mother. He saw the mother’s painful rush to seeing the mother-in-law to take herself into her arms as if it were every time, but different. It is he who feels that the mother is protecting himself, even if he is injured, he must protect himself. Feng Tianci is extremely guilty at this moment because he and his brother keep telling them that the three men are going to protect the mother, but now it is still the mother. Come and protect yourself.

In the distance, Fengyi Xuan just saved the wind and returned to the scene to see the scene that made him fangs. He was ready to save his children and his wife, but he was a thousand Even if it is so fast, there is no way to arrive in an instant.

The moment when Lan Nian Nian holding his son turned around can obviously feel the closeness of the hidden weapon. If it is not too tight, she will not use this method to save the child, but when she is ready to accept the possibility of injury, listen. It was the sound of the hidden weapon, but she did not feel any pain.

When Lan Youn looked back, he saw Hua Xiyi standing behind his own body, and his smile was still unchanged. But from the undulating eyebrows, he can see that his situation is not good now. It’s just like spending time to save yourself, just like when you were in a trap and encountering a wolf group, just as you need a life-saving herb, this man is a very selfish person. But they have helped each other.

"How are you?" Lan Younian quickly helped to take care of the flowers and cares. At this moment, I looked at the flowers and looked at my eyes. Blue eyes suddenly understood a lot of things. She did have a bad emotional intelligence. To this day, Lan Nian Nian, but afterwards, knows how to spend his feelings on himself. But even now that Lan Younian is very grateful for everything that Huaxiu has done, she just regards Huaxiu as a good friend, and her heart has already given Fengyixuan no longer to give anyone a half-point. .

Feng Yi Xuan also came to the side of Hua Xiuyi to seal a few large points of flowers and flowers with internal force, in order to prevent the poison of the hidden weapon from invading the internal organs of the flower. Fengyi Xuanbian was grateful to see the flowers and a good look. If it wasn’t just a flower, it’s just a matter of blocking the hidden weapon. Now he is hurting. He would rather owe him a favor. He would rather watch the enemy’s love. My own wife, I don’t want to let my thoughts hurt.

"I'm fine!" Hua Xiuyi smiled, but everyone saw that he was not right.

Feng Tianci looked at this righteous father who saved himself and saved her mother. She came to Huaxiu’s side and stroked the hand of Hua Xiuyi. The voice was tender: "Yifu, pain is not painful? It is a godsend!" Looking at the blood flowing out of the back of the flower is very worried.

Hua Xiu should touch the small head of the wind and wind. "The righteous father is a big man who is not afraid of pain. This is a matter of God-given things. God-given is the righteous father’s father-in-law. It is a matter of righteousness, whether it is a godsend or a landlord. Protect you!"

Lan Younian took out a few clear poisonous Dans to give the flowers a temporary suffocation to temporarily suppress the toxicity. Afterwards, Lan Younian asked Master to come and no matter what the flowers would be. After watching Hua Xiu took the Qing Duan Dan, his face was better, and everyone was relieved.

Lan You Nian will put his son Feng Tianxi on the side of Hua Xiuyi, and Feng Yi Xuan will also put the wind on the side of Hua Xiuyi. The half guards left half of the people to protect a wounded two children, and the wind Wing Xuan and Lan Younian with the dark guards greeted the secret guard of the snow country.

For this group of people, Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian are full of anger, that is, these people have robbed their heart-loving children and they have been scared for so long, that is, these people let their children suffer, so Feng Yi Xuan And Lan You Nian’s shot is a killer.

The blue dagger's dagger is held in the right hand, and walking in one enemy is a **** flower. The enemies who have been attacked under the blue secluded hand are not cut off by the neck or the dagger directly passes through the heart. Not like a woman.

The wind wing Xuan took a long sword like a lightning bolt in the enemy, one enemy was swept away by the wind wing Xuanyuan, and even more was violently winged Xuanyuan went to the head, **** head dropped Reddish the grass on the blue grass.

Hua Xiuyi looked helplessly at a big man but was protected. However, he did not refuse the kindness of Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan. When he saw such a brutal killing technique, Hua Xiu immediately remembered the side. The two children, ready to reach out and cover the eyes of the two children, but saw the two children standing next to him watching the scene of flesh and blood not only not afraid, but looking at the wind wing Xuan with relish And the murderous technique of Blue Nian Nian, Hua Xiuyi is speechless. This is the demon child who taught it. It is simply the soul that ruins the child!

The wing guards of Fengyi Xuan and Lan Younian are all elite martial arts, and because these people have tied their little masters, all the dark guards are struggling to kill, and the secret guards of the snow country are already Suffering from serious injuries, the leading Mo Lingshan has now ruined Rongwugong and is not high, so it will not take long for Feng Yixuan and Lan Younian to kill the enemy and leave only Mo Lingshan.

Mo Lingshan looked at Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian with some fear. They were not grateful for the fact that they kept their lives. Because many times, it is not terrible to die.

Feng Yixuan looked at his eyes and knew that there had been a lot of worry in the past few days. Now there is such a punching bag that can be vented. Of course, the wing wing Xuan has to stay, and this person dared to hit his idea. The body of the child is really damn!

"You...what do you want to do? You have to kill it!" Mo Lingshan looked at the blue sorrow that was slowly approaching. She had already been acupuncture points and couldn’t move. She couldn’t even die, but since she turned to her righteous father, she I know that in this river and lake, one day I need to face death, and how her face has been destroyed in the future? Mo Lingshan feels that death is also a kind of relief.

Lan Younian slowly approached the moan of Mo Lingshan’s hand and walked back and forth along Mo Ling’s cheek, and Lan Youn looked back and looked at the two children. Feng Tianci and the wind to know the intention of the mother’s dear. Going over and not watching, although they feel that they will not be afraid.

Looking at the two sons' well-behaved back to the blue secluded heart, she never refused to let the child touch the darkness, just like she did not cover her when she and Fengyixuan murdered, but now this time she does not want The identity of a mother is contaminated with darkness. More importantly, the two children are exposed to too many dark things at once. They are afraid that they can't accept it, even if her child is strong but only a three-year-old child.

"Mo girl!" The low male voice rang in Mo Lingshan's ear, so that Mo Lingshan, who was still eager to die, looked at the blue mourning. She wanted to say something, but she did not give her a chance to directly Mo Ling’s tongue was cut off, leaving only Mo Ling’s hoarse roar.

Lan Younian’s knife was cut on Mo Ling’s body. When Mo Ling’s painful fainting passed away, Feng Yixuan picked up the blue secluded and collected the dagger, then said to her subordinates, “Wait for her to wake up. Come on, continue until she dies!"

Lan Younian relies on the wings of Feng Yi Xuan. These days, the fear of these days is now so far away from the night that I have been sleeping all night. It’s already very tired to kill the blue sorrow now, if it’s not for the bad blue in my heart. You will not be able to do it yourself.

Lan Younian came to the side of the two children and picked up the wind but was stopped by Feng Yixuan. The two children also saw that the tiredness of the mother-in-law was not allowed to hold the mother, and the blue and blue thoughts were helpless. Only Fengyi Xuan can hold himself, and the two children are held by their subordinates. Hua Xiuyi is also helped by Amu to leave the grassland.

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