Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine The Cosmos Currency Gets Off to a Good Start in the First Year


New Oriental Education Group’s online education business has encountered a bottleneck. Last year, the growth rate was not high. The total revenue was only 2.7 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 3.8%, making it the slowest growth year.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, they were not small in size before, and it was difficult to continue to increase; on the other hand, it was difficult to expand the customer base quickly.

First of all, abroad, their charging standards are very high. Rich families who want to become their customers have already become their customers. Families without money have no money to pay the fee no matter how much they promote.

Secondly, in China, the basic education itself is doing very well, and the online basic education platform is also free for the country, and this part of the income is basically not available.

In addition, the domestic vocational education school system has been basically completed. The number of vocational schools under the New Oriental Education Group has exceeded 3,000, and each school is very large.

If you really want to spend money to study, many people would actually prefer to study in these schools. After all, there is still a difference in experience between offline and online. At least offline has a certain degree of restraint, and the learning efficiency is much higher.

In addition, domestic employment is very sufficient. Except for those who are particularly self-motivated, they will strive to improve themselves after work. In fact, most people do not have this idea. As long as the job is stable, they will slack off.

Although New Oriental Education Group is facing growth difficulties, it is not particularly anxious. It is already a remarkable achievement to be able to achieve such a scale of online education.

What's more, they don't have the pressure of revenue. Even if they earn money, they are invested in the education system, and they don't have too much assessment pressure on profits.

As for whether to reduce foreign fees to expand the user base, they have no such idea, and Ye Zishu also has no such idea. They go abroad to make money, not to do charity.

What's more, they don't really want to help foreign countries to make education too good. We must know that competition between countries always exists. We can't do bad things for this, but there is no need to "help others for pleasure", otherwise it will cause disaster and myself.

In terms of implementing his intentions, New Oriental Education Group has done a good job of subsidizing offline education business, especially their vocational education business, with the money they earn online.

Although it is called vocational education, their teaching level is actually very high. They have deviated from the original idea and started to transform into ordinary colleges and universities, and they have given a lot of education funds.

Especially after the operation of the social security fund this year, these vocational education schools will speed up their transformation and transform into colleges and universities, striving to become a place for cultivating high-end talents.

Of course, they will also retain the vocational education business. After all, the more the society develops, the higher the level of vocational skills is required. Not everyone is interested in the content of higher education, but some people are interested in vocational skills.

For those who have strong hands-on ability and like to spend their time in this area, vocational education is the best choice, and if they learn well, they can also get a high salary, and they don't have to go the same way.

Due to the large investment in other businesses, their net profit margin did not increase but fell, only 10%, and the net profit was 270 billion yuan, which was the lowest net profit margin ever.

In the future, they will maintain a low net profit margin for a long time, invest more funds in other education fields, and realize the original intention of online education subsidizing offline education.

Although the profit margin is relatively low, the profit is not low. No matter in terms of revenue or net profit, it can be regarded as the largest and most profitable education group in the world.

As for future development, they plan to focus on the development of family education service business. With the rapid development of robots, it is inevitable that robots will enter thousands of households in the future.

The employment cost of home service robots will be significantly reduced in the future. At that time, the popularization of family education will be inevitable, and it will be the time for them to develop greatly in this area.

Although the family education fee service will not be particularly high, after all, affordability must be considered, but the total scale is still very considerable.

There are 200 million families in China who need tutoring services, and each family charges 5,000 yuan a year, which is 1 trillion yuan in revenue. This fee is not high in terms of national income, and it is completely affordable.

Xiaodangjia Catering Group did not carry out a major expansion of stores last year. Since the total number of its stores reached 400,000, they began to focus on operating the existing market and try to increase the operating income of single stores.

After calming down in the country, they focused their energy on the development of overseas markets, expanding the number of overseas stores from 50,000 to 100,000, doubling.

Last year, their total revenue was more than 7 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 17%, and their net profit remained at around 10%. In fact, they must have made more profit than this, but they distributed the excess profit through bonuses. to the staff.

That is to say, no matter how good the business is, they only hope to keep their net profit at 10%. The better the employees do, the more they will earn, which can serve as an incentive.

Although this group is also a well-known company outside, in terms of revenue, it can be regarded as a proper super catering group, one of the world's top 500 companies, and its ranking is not very low.

But the status in his place is actually not high. It was established on a whim at the beginning, and now their existence is only to supplement their business lines, not core assets.

However, Yuko Ogura's personal goal has been achieved. Although she was not popular in the family at the beginning, she must have a bright future with the help of the small restaurant group.

Wancheng Foundation began to sell a large number of its properties last year, resulting in a very large revenue scale last year, with a total revenue of 160 trillion yuan, almost catching up with Kirin Industrial Group.

However, there is no comparison between the two. Real estate sales are considered one-time income and are not sustainable. This revenue alone is 90 trillion yuan, and the remaining 70 trillion yuan is their regular business income.

Although the income from real estate sales needs to pay high taxes, the money they have previously advanced has also been recovered, and they have also received corresponding interest income.

Therefore, their overall profit is still considerable, but they still need to make a lot of investment, so the net profit rate is not high on the surface, only 20%, and the net profit is 32 trillion yuan.

However, compared with the money they owed, this net profit is not enough. If other brother companies are not in a hurry to make them pay it back, it is estimated that the debt alone will make them overwhelmed.

To be honest, he was not very satisfied with the growth of their regular business revenue, but considering the real estate business they had put most of their energy on before, he was not too harsh.

He just hoped that they would put more energy into the operation of other businesses as the proportion of the real estate business decreased. If they didn't, he wouldn't force it.

After all, the mission of this company when it was established was to promote urbanization and redistribution of benefits. They have done a good job in these two goals, and they have fulfilled their historical mission.

As for the employment of their employees, with the establishment of the social security fund, it is not as important as before, and there is no need to worry about their life problems after they are dismissed.

Of course, this is also related to his self-cultivation and self-cultivation over the years. He no longer has such a strong desire to win and lose in many things, and he understands some things better than what he wants, especially things beyond his control. .

The only good news is that Wancheng Foundation does not need him to continue lending money to them from other companies. Relying on their own income, they not only meet investment needs, but also achieve large-scale profits.

Although most of these profits have to be returned to other brother companies, they can also save a lot, enough to meet their development needs, and finally they are not "blood-sucking" companies.

However, according to some of their feedback, some foreign capital wants to enter the market to buy the domestic real estate market. Although the current domestic real estate prices are high, in terms of per capita income and economic level, they are actually not sky-high.

To some extent, it does have the potential to buy bottoms, but with such a large market, it is not so easy to manipulate the rapid rise of real estate prices, and it requires too much capital.

In his view, to quickly increase the property market price, at least 10% of the total property market funds must be prepared, and the total domestic property market is expected to reach more than 1,200 trillion yuan, and the required capital scale is 120 trillion yuan.

It's not that Ye Zishu looks down on them. Even if you add up all the big capitalists in the world, it's still a question of whether they can come up with such a large scale of advanced capitalists.

Don't look at the fact that his companies are worth tens of trillions of yuan or hundreds of billions of yuan at every turn, which seems normal, but in fact it is not. In the world, whether it is capital or physical enterprises, the scale is actually not too large.

If you want to take advantage of such a huge real estate market, unless these countries don’t need to develop themselves, but buying the bottom does not mean that you have to vigorously increase it. You just need to buy it and let it go, and there will be room for growth in the future.

However, Wancheng Jiye did not agree. For them, the current housing plan is the most important thing. Every household should have a house of their own.

This is an important plan to maintain social stability, and it is not a plan that can be shaken by giving more money, so ignoring it is the correct approach. Ye Zishu affirmed their behavior.

It not only rejects the idea of ​​capital wanting to cooperate to buy bottoms, but also restricts the practice of families or individuals buying multiple houses. Currently, it is only open to family buyers, and each family can only buy one house, and multi-family purchases are not open for the time being.

That is to say, for rich people, even if they are really rich, it is difficult to buy multiple properties from Wancheng Jiye. As for their purchase from other real estate companies, Wancheng Jiye has no control.

As an enterprise with such huge resources, it must shoulder its social responsibilities and not give the appearance of profit-seeking to the outside world, which will help them continue to obtain more cooperation.

Wancheng Jiye's practice of buying houses last year was recognized by many local governments and local residents, who believed that they were different from other real estate companies and had a large structure.

This has accelerated their progress in the transformation of the old city. The main reason is that the local government feels that it is more reassuring for them to entrust it to them. Moreover, only they have the ability to carry out such a large plate of old city transformation.

The inside of Wancheng Foundation is still very happy about this. If the renovation of the old city is done well, they will also get a lot of benefits. The main reason is that many of the old cities are core areas with high commercial value and are scarce resources.

However, the profitability of housing in these places is not so high. These places have a higher residential density. According to the standard compensation plan, the per capita compensation is 40 square meters, and they can't actually earn much money.

The only thing that makes them envious is that the commercial real estate projects in these places have great development prospects and bring a lot of income to their commercial real estate business. Generally speaking, it is still worth doing.

The main income of Baihu Technology Company still depends on the size of the defense budget. Although other incomes seem to be a lot, the total amount is actually not high.

Last year, their total revenue was about 4 trillion yuan, of which defense-related businesses accounted for the bulk, and the combined revenue from other businesses was only 500 billion yuan.

In addition to the relatively stable income of a few fixed businesses, foreign military trade is not stable, and our country does not want to buy and sell internationally, and adopts a completely voluntary attitude.

In addition, our country has actually become a superpower, but the international situation is much more stable. In the past few years, there were still obvious traces of confrontation, but the past two years have seemed a bit calm.

Regardless of whether some countries are convinced or not, the facts are the same anyway. In the face of absolute strength, it seems ridiculous to want to make troubles. If you have this energy, it is better to spend time on restructuring the economy.

However, Baihu Technology's revenue seems to be increasing year after year. In fact, compared with what they want to do, their revenue is becoming more and more stretched.

They have too many space programs to implement, and the money spent on the moon base and Mars base construction plans, as well as the space city under construction, is not a small number.

It's just that they haven't been asked to implement the planetary transformation plan, because this plan is impossible to achieve anyway with the strength of their individual enterprises.

Not to mention these, the part of the interstellar ship project they are responsible for, the investment is not a small number, although this project is based on interstellar mining as the main development tone.

But when it comes to space, mining alone is definitely not enough. It is necessary to build a combat-capable interstellar fleet. They are mainly responsible for the research and development of interstellar ship weapons and other military-use equipment, and they do not plan to develop technologies for civilian use for the time being.

Although these are incomparable with the entire interstellar ship project, and the proportion is not high, but considering the size of Baihu Technology Company, it is not an easy task to do.

Therefore, their net profit margin was directly negative last year. Not only did they invest in the money they earned, but they also invested a lot of money earned in the previous two years. Fortunately, they did not need to borrow money from the bank.

The weapon system used in the universe is definitely not the weapon used on the earth. Although it is impossible to come up with a super weapon that can destroy a planet with one shot, it is not a joke that one shot can have the power of a super nuclear bomb.

There are two main types of weapon systems. One is energy weapons, which are powerful and extremely fast. The only disadvantage is that the firing frequency is slow. After all, energy needs to be saved.

The other is kinetic energy weapons, which use the super-large-scale space of the universe to achieve acceleration, generate powerful kinetic energy to destroy targets, and are suitable for attacking targets in fixed orbits.

However, these two weapons also have many subdivision weapons, such as energy weapons, including high-energy particle beams, super-strong electromagnetic pulses, and the super-energy bomb he developed.

Kinetic energy weapons include nuclear weapons, pure kinetic energy weapons, and conventional missile weapons. Missile weapons are mainly used to strike subdivided targets.

To be honest, the most powerful weapon is actually a space weapon. Once it is used, it will definitely destroy the world, but it looks very calm, and it is definitely not as vigorous as the above weapons.

It’s just that in the small solar system, there is absolutely no need for this. It can even be said that in the entire universe, there are probably not many civilizations with powerful space weapons, or even none.

Moreover, a powerful weapon requires a strong system support. It is not enough for a certain system to be strong. If other aspects cannot keep up, it will not play a big role.

In view of their own insufficient strength, many of their non-critical parts are outsourced, so that they can save a lot of infrastructure and improve the overall investment utilization rate.

The Tidal Group had a brilliant year last year. It can even be said that since then, they have become no ordinary financial groups. They have completely distanced themselves from other financial groups and are not on the same level.

Last year, the scale of global trade using Cosmic Coins reached 30 trillion Cosmic Coins, accounting for 60% of the total global trade, much faster than he imagined.

Before, he estimated that it would take at least 5 years to achieve the world's largest international trading currency, but he did not expect to complete this goal in just one year.

There are two reasons. The first reason is the high global acceptance caused by the strength of the country. No matter what currency it is, the first thing everyone looks at is the strength of the supporters behind it.

Because stability and sustainability are the basis of international trade currency, without this foundation, the qualification of international trade currency will be lost, which is why the currency of a major economic country is often more likely to become an international trade currency.

The second reason is the reliability brought by gold anchoring. Although some people still doubt whether gold can be paid in full, it does not affect everyone's consensus that it is authentic.

As long as it is not punctured, this myth can be maintained forever. As for whether there are countries that want to poke this basket, there should be some, but the current strength is not enough.

Because in international trade, our country is the country with the largest surplus. Regardless of the large volume of trade, there are also a lot of universe coins used. In fact, the settlement has been made, and there are not many universe coins left in the hands of various countries.

With the cosmic currency they hold, it is impossible to achieve the effect of a run. This is also the reason why many thoughtful countries have not implemented a run.

As for small-scale exchanges, it happens from time to time. After many people exchange into gold, they still exchange it back, because gold is very inconvenient in the transaction.

Another point is that if other countries are willing to exchange gold for universe currency, it is also possible, but they need to pay a handling fee during the exchange process.

For example, if the universe currency is converted into gold, the handling fee charged is 1% of the total exchange amount, and vice versa, the handling fee is 2% of the total exchange amount.

So far, the small-scale exchange has not been unable to exchange in full. On the contrary, the tide group has made a lot of money in the process of exchange.

The third reason is that the economic strength of the original financial overlord is too far behind, although compared with other countries, it is not bad, after all, the level of talents and technology is at stake.

But compared with our country, the gap is too big, and the gap continues to widen. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this situation, and timely replacement of the court is the way to survive.

Now it is within the Western countries, and the interests are not completely aligned. The original super-hegemon, because it is too far away from the economic center of Asia, is a bit like an isolated island hanging overseas.

Although Europe is said to be a continent, it is actually connected to Asia and has a natural geographical advantage. Therefore, in the event of a reversal of the situation, they will naturally assess the situation and know what is best for them.

Even if it doesn't bring more benefits to itself, at least it won't be completely abandoned, not to mention other countries, even many countries in Europe have also increased the proportion of universe currency in international trade settlement.

As for the euro they issued the year before, it has gradually become an internal currency, and it has also begun to be shaken. Some countries in them think that the necessity of a unified currency is not so important.

The reason is that the unified euro has experienced a cliff-like decline in their external trade settlements. They do not have much common currency interests externally. On the contrary, they have restricted the economic development of many internal countries. After all, financial policies have been restrained.

However, it is not a short-term thing to want to be completely obscene. It is very likely that in order to strengthen internal cooperation, it will strengthen the cohesion of the euro internally. Although this possibility is very small, it is not impossible.

The fourth reason is that the loan interest rate is very low. In the past, the international financing cost of many countries was very high. It is definitely not as conscientious as Tidal Group, which only has an interest rate of 1%.

Such a low loan interest rate is also the reason why many countries use universe currency. Anyway, if you can buy what you need, the currency has value, and such a low interest rate saves a lot of costs for many countries.

The only thing that many countries have criticized is that the loan amount of Tidal Group is not unlimited. They will give different loan amounts according to factors such as each country's economic level, integrity level, and economic health index.

Moreover, the loan also needs collateral. In the past, their loans were all endorsed by the national credit, but now it is different. If it is really not paid, the collateral belongs to someone else.

Of course, it is also possible to not give collateral when the loan is repaid. After all, they are sovereign countries, but doing so means that they are completely insulated from the global economy, and they will never even think about developing in the future.

The current interest rate is only 1%. The purpose is to promote the development of Cosmos in international trade, and at the same time, it is also an opportunity for many countries without Cosmos to obtain Cosmos at a lower cost.

Fortunately, it is not open to corporate loans, otherwise it would be a great boon for companies.

This loan interest rate is not static. In the future, appropriate adjustments will be made according to international trade and economic conditions, but the adjustment will not be particularly large, nor will it be done in one step, so as to avoid a very large impact on international trade.

Last year, a total of 200 billion universe coins were made in the international trade payment business. Although the scale of universe coins used in trade was as high as 30 trillion, in fact, the base currency for loans was not high, only 5 trillion universe coins.

Most of them charge transaction clearing fees, so their profit cannot be simply compared with the global transaction scale. The profit of 200 billion universe coins is not too small, and the actual rate of return is 4%.

The most important thing is that this is a business that is sure to make money without losing money. As long as international trade still uses their universe currency, they can always make this money easily.

And the money brought out will eventually be returned. This is equivalent to the currency they issued going around the world, not only coming back, but also earning a lot of interest and handling fees.

This is the highest level of money making money. In the past, only some countries were able to do this. Now it is the turn of a company of the Tidal Group to do this. There is nothing more enjoyable than this.

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