Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1000: Record-breaking revenue and priceless luminous pearls

Chapter 1000 Record-breaking revenue and priceless luminous pearls

Tidal Investment Company’s active revenue last year was only 3 trillion yuan. After the economic crisis, except for a few major financial events to make money, their pace of making money from the financial market has been much smaller.

The reason is that the global economy is recovering, and we dare not carry out large-scale financial operations. Last year, it was a slight recovery, so this part of the income has not yet reached its historical peak.

But their passive income is considerable. With the global economic recovery, the prices of the assets they bought before have increased significantly, and their own asset scale is very large, which brings much higher income than active income.

Their global asset scale is as high as 80 trillion yuan, and their passive income last year alone reached 10 trillion yuan, but many of them exist in the form of financial assets, which can be regarded as floating profits.

The real passive income is 50,000 yuan, including fixed asset leasing income, corporate dividend income and stock trading income, which is not too bad overall.

As an investment company, it earns 8 trillion yuan a year, which is quite profitable. In the future, as long as the economy does not collapse on a large scale, this income will be generated every year, which is quite stable.

As the world's largest financial investment capital, Tidal Investment Company has a great influence in the world. Tidal Group issued a new international trade currency, and the role played by this company also deserves great credit.

With their huge financial assets, if they want to make waves in the world, few countries can resist it, and if they want to invest in promoting the economic development of some countries, it is also very easy.

Even though they are not top-notch enterprises in the enterprises under the leaf book, they are still super giants outside, and they can even be said to be financial monsters.

Fortunately, they are now big enough, and they can no longer make money through strange tricks like before, which will really lead to chaos in the global financial system, and the previous money-making model must be changed.

Therefore, their current investment model is also very popular. If the economy wants to develop, it must be inseparable from capital. If capital is only destroyed, no one will like it.

But if the capital invests in the right way, there is no country that doesn't like it. Of course, Tidal Investment Company is not stupid and sweet. If this is the case, it is estimated that others will eat scum.

Ye Zishu, the boss behind the scenes, has not personally experienced the tactics and confrontation among them, but he has heard a little about it, and it is difficult for Ye Zihua to fight in the field of financial interests.

In the financial field, most of the time, the degree of danger is much higher than that of physical operations. If you are not careful, you may lose everything. You must be careful in every step, and you must not be careless.

Fortunately, Tidal Investment Company is not without advantages, that is, powerful artificial intelligence and information collection capabilities, it does not need to be watched by humans in all links, as long as humans always make mistakes, there is even the possibility of being bought.

But being stared at by artificial intelligence, it is actually very difficult to make mistakes, and the ability to predict the market and the consequences of behavior is far superior to manual calculations. This is the basis for their continuous growth over the years.

It should be the insurance business that really made great strides last year. Last year, the number of automobiles in my country exceeded 120 million, and the scale of automobile insurance reached 600 billion yuan.

Although there are many competitors in this field, Tidal Group still accounts for as high as 90% of auto insurance, making it the absolute leader in the domestic auto insurance field.

In the past two years, the development speed of life insurance in China has also been very rapid, and everyone's awareness of the prevention and control of uncertain risks has become stronger and stronger, resulting in a rapid increase in the size of the domestic life insurance market.

Similarly, Tidal Group has much stronger resources in developing life insurance in China than other insurance companies. After all, the number of employees under the sister companies is very large, and it is very easy to attract them.

However, this business, with the establishment of the social security fund, may be greatly weakened. The fundamental reason for buying life insurance is that accidents happened when the old and the young were young, which made their lives difficult.

With the support of the Social Security Fund,

The necessity of purchasing life insurance is not so high. Even if an accident occurs, the family life will not be plunged into difficulties immediately, and normal life will definitely not be a problem.

Last year, the revenue scale of life insurance reached 400 billion yuan, which may be their last glory. This year, it is estimated that some people will cancel the purchase of life insurance one after another, and the revenue scale will be greatly reduced.

After all, to buy life insurance, you have to pay a minimum of 1,000 yuan a year. If you buy whole life insurance, the premium is even more expensive. Considering everything, it is actually not a good deal for many people.

With the gradual improvement of the welfare system, the impact on the operation of the insurance business will inevitably exist. Ye Zishu is very open-minded, and Tidal Group is not particularly worried.

After all, the significance of the existence of the insurance business is to resist risks. If the risks of families and individuals can be protected from a larger level, it does not matter whether the insurance business exists or not.

Although they have made a lot of money in the insurance business, no one dares to move the money, just because they are afraid that when they really need to pay a large amount one day, they will not be able to spend enough money to help users tide over the difficulties.

With the increasing number of houses owned by Wancheng Jiye, their home insurance business income is also getting higher and higher. Last year, their home insurance business revenue was 1 trillion yuan.

In this field of insurance business, although the Chaozhou Group is not monopolized, it is almost the same. After all, the resources are too strong, which has caused other insurance companies to give up competing with the Chaozhou Group in this area.

Generally speaking, the more users in the insurance business, the higher the insurance rate of return, because the ability to share risks is stronger. If the number of premiums paid is too small, an accident may cause the insurance company to go bankrupt.

Since what is left to them is leftovers, they simply don't enter this field, which is the best choice for them, so this revenue is not surprising.

It is generally compulsory to purchase housing insurance for urban buildings, because once a fire or other disaster occurs, the entire building will be in danger and the property loss will be very large.

As for housing advantages and large assets, in order to avoid huge property losses, compulsory payment will be made to reduce risks, and it is also necessary to regulate the safety of housing use.

If it is a single-family villa, there is no mandatory payment of housing insurance. Anyway, if they have a fire or other disasters, they will lose their family and have little impact on others.

Medical insurance, critical illness insurance, etc., are now basically paid by everyone. After all, after all people are included in the medical insurance, this type of insurance will not be needed.

However, they also made some money by helping Taiji Medical Group operate the medical insurance value-added business, with a revenue of 1.5 trillion yuan, and the rate of return is still very good.

Although this part of the income is obtained by the insurance business company, it is not actually a premium and can be freely controlled by them, which belongs to the income from business promotion.

Including other insurance business, their insurance business revenue last year was 3.5 trillion yuan. If the medical insurance operation commission income is excluded, the real insurance business last year was 2 trillion yuan.

Tidal Bank’s total loan scale last year was 100 trillion yuan, of which housing loans accounted for 60 trillion yuan, and other loan funds were 40 trillion yuan. This part has dropped significantly compared with the past.

In the past, Xinghuo Group and Xingguang Group were the major lenders. As their businesses gradually stabilized and their expansion was not as fast as before, the loan scale was naturally as large as before.

The total revenue of Xinghuo Group was 150 trillion yuan last year, an increase of 25%. The development is still very fast. Ye Zishu took a look at their business operations. The business introduction alone has reached thousands of pages.

The number of businesses of Kirin Industrial Group, which is similar to the revenue scale, is much higher, because the businesses they operate are small and miscellaneous, so there are many types of businesses.

Compared with other companies sticking to their own fields, Xinghuo Group seems to be pervasive. As long as there are business opportunities, they will operate there. This is the reason why they have achieved such high revenue.

The Starlight Group, which is similar to them, also broke through the 100 trillion yuan mark last year, with a growth rate of 25%, which should not be underestimated.

Seeing the revenue of these two companies, Ye Zishu was a little numb, and these two companies are also the main driving force behind the rapid development of his industry in recent years.

At the same time, it is also an important contributor to pushing my country's economy to the extreme. Of course, there are also many companies that have fallen at the feet of these two companies and become victims of their development.

To his surprise, their revenue has increased, but the size of their employees has not increased significantly, and their per capita revenue has increased significantly.

However, it is also understandable when you think about it. As I said earlier, domestic employment is relatively sufficient. Even if you want to increase employees on a large scale, there is not enough human resources to support it.

The most important thing is that in order to achieve his goal, they had a lot of redundancy when recruiting employees. Last year, they digested these redundant employees.

Moreover, if human resources do not increase, they can be replaced by more efficient equipment, and even robots can be hired to solve the problem of labor shortage.

Last year, the revenue scale of his main industries reached a terrifying 846 trillion yuan, with a net profit of 161 trillion yuan. The number of employees under his banner was 6.5 trillion yuan, and the number of robots used was as high as hundreds of millions.

Last year, the salary scale for its employees alone reached 200 trillion yuan. The scale is also very scary, but compared with their net profit, it is definitely not much.

To be honest, he has always felt that the net profit of his subsidiaries is a bit high. Even if the amount of funds invested by his subsidiaries in the interstellar ship project was large last year, there is still a net profit of 161 trillion yuan.

He believes that it is necessary to reduce the net profit. It is enough to keep the annual net profit at 50 trillion yuan, which is just enough to build a 10-kilometer super interstellar ship.

However, he also needs to consider whether a large salary increase will trigger inflation, because it seems that the revenue is large and the net profit is also large. In fact, these data and the scale of consumer goods supply are not completely equivalent.

If the salary increase is too large, it is likely to lead to a short-term tight supply of consumer goods, which will lead to higher prices. In addition, it may also drive real estate prices to skyrocket.

Ye Zishu thought for a long time, and decided to make steady progress, raising the average monthly salary to 30,000 yuan, an increase of 5,000 yuan from the previous year. Let's see it first.

Because a considerable part of the robot's labor income this year needs to be paid to social security funds, which will lead to a significant reduction in his net profit margin.

And this year's net profit is so high, Wancheng Jiye's real estate sales have contributed a lot. Leaving this factor aside, the net profit is about the same size as the previous year.

This year is the year with the most frequent changes in the labor force, and the uncertainty is relatively high. Moreover, the production of robots also requires a lot of financial support, so it is important to be cautious.

Anyway, the standard of living of residents has been raised, and their income will not be affected fundamentally if their income is higher or lower. As for commodity prices and asset prices, there is actually no need to worry about skyrocketing.

Because most of the profits are in the Tidal Group, as long as the money is not released, there is no need to worry about boosting the skyrocketing of assets, and there is no need to worry about the rapid increase in the cost of living of residents in a short period of time.

Regardless of the inability of the banks under the Tidal Group to carry out public deposits, in fact their deposits are the largest in the country, and most of them come from the deposits of his companies.

In order to avoid a large amount of deposits from bringing performance pressure to the banks under the Tidal Group, they have to desperately release water to the market, which will cause prices to soar and cause economic chaos.

The deposit interest rate of his subsidiaries is not calculated according to the conventional interest rate, but is calculated based on the negotiated interest rate, which is very different from the business model of other banks.

The central bank did not intervene in their actions. This is a relatively reasonable approach from a macro perspective. It is just that the previous economic model cannot do it even if it wants to.

Because the economic entities in the past were very scattered, the interests of each entity were not consistent, and they were unwilling to sacrifice their own interests. The result was that it was difficult to control, and there was only one size fits all.

All the companies under him are under his control. When necessary, he can sacrifice part of his own interests to maintain the overall stability, instead of blindly pursuing the maximization of interests.

Since there is a huge difference, it can be treated in a different way. For other banks, it is a model that combines the central bank's regulations and market interest rates, and there is no such thing as a negotiated interest rate.

Regardless of the financial model and rules, the ultimate goal is to promote better economic development. As long as this goal can be achieved, the method is just a means, not an end.

After Ye Zishu issued his salary adjustment decision, after thinking about it, he decided to let Tidal Investment Company start investing in the domestic financial market.

In the past, he prohibited Tidal Investment Company from operating in the domestic financial market. There are two main reasons. The first is that the financial market is not large in scale and cannot make much money.

The second is that I don’t want to cut the leeks of domestic stockholders. In addition, the domestic financial market was still relatively fragile at that time, and no operation was the greatest support for the domestic stock market.

It's not that there is absolutely no operation. The value-added operation of their insurance funds and medical insurance is mainly based on domestic stock market operations, supplemented by bond market operations.

However, these operations are quite restrained, resulting in their rate of return is incomparable with that of foreign financial markets, and has not had much impact on the domestic stock market.

The situation is different now. As the income of the domestic people increases, there is a need for investment. It is foreseeable that the scale of the stock market will grow rapidly in the future.

In his view, since there is so much spare money operating in the financial market, it means that the consumer market cannot digest it completely. In order to avoid financial asset bubbles, it is necessary to cut leeks.

This can be considered to reduce the amount of money in the market. After they obtain income, they will make different operational choices according to market conditions to adjust the financial liquidity in the market.

In the past, this role should be performed by the central bank and commercial banks. In fact, this method sometimes fails. Even if the money earned by Tidal Investment Company is donated to the social security fund, it can also play a role in robbing the rich and helping the poor.

In the initial stage of domestic operations, he was more cautious and would not use too much force, and he had to talk to the relevant regulatory authorities to explain his intentions clearly and avoid tit-for-tat.

To be honest, he actually doesn't want to see people who receive social security benefits take the money instead of spending it, but go to the financial market to play games. This is not a good thing for economic development.

The purpose of economic development is not to create more money, but to promote the production of goods and services. This is the real economy. In his opinion, finance is a bit empty. Even if he has made a lot of money in financial business, he is still think so.

In fact, he has too many high-end products available for consumption. Don’t think that people’s income is very high. If they really want to experience this kind of high-end service, they don’t have enough money.

For example, if you buy a pet mount, you need to spend several years of income for a person. Each product has a high, medium and low level. If you really plan to consume it, you can definitely absorb the money in the hands of residents.

Last year, Juewei Food Group’s revenue was 16.5 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 10%. As a relatively single industry, it is considered a good development to have such a high revenue.

What's more, they are not the only ones that make lo-mei food. Qilin Food Industry Group is also doing it, and there are other companies. There are not many companies that make lo-mei.

This is an industry with fierce competition. With the company that has established a reputation very early, and the unique formula given by Ye Zishu, they can still gain a firm foothold in the fierce market.

The most important thing is that their net profit margin is the highest among the peers. Even if the market has been very fierce in recent years, the net profit margin can still be guaranteed at 15%.

Last year, their net profit was 2.475 billion yuan. Yepshu’s shareholding accounted for 95%, and they could get a dividend of more than 1.1 billion yuan. Each shareholder in his village could also get a dividend of 2.4 million yuan.

However, these profits were all last year. In order to avoid paying high personal income taxes, they were distributed to shareholders before the implementation of the new tax law, saving them a lot of taxes.

After reading their report, Ye Shu didn't intend to intervene. On the one hand, the current development is not bad, and on the other hand, he has no plan to develop it into a large group.

The purpose of its establishment at the beginning was to lead the people in the village to become rich. At present, this purpose has been achieved, at least it is much higher than their dead wages.

However, after the implementation of the new tax law, their income from this aspect will be reduced by more than half. There is nothing Ye Shu can do about it. If you want to enjoy social welfare, you don't have to pay a high price.

And the construction of social welfare is indispensable, otherwise it will be the naked law of jungle competition. After so many years of human development, it is impossible to stay at the most primitive level of survival law.

In contrast, Xingmiao Aquatic Products Company or Yimin Group, their operations are not so highly competitive in the market. After several years of development, they have established an absolute advantage in the field of pearls.

It's just that the water area in the county is not enough at present, and we can't fill all the water areas, so we have to develop outside, and open up a second production base in other places suitable for pearl cultivation.

Last year, Leaf Book gave them a new variety of pearls, luminous pearls, which have jewelry use value and collection value, and the sizes are divided into 10 grades.

Ordinary luminous pearls are the same size as ordinary pearls, and are mainly used in the field of jewelry and decoration. Although the price is relatively expensive, ordinary people can still afford it.

As the level increases, the price naturally becomes higher and higher. The largest one is the size of an adult's fist, and the number is rare. It reaches the standard of collection-level treasures, and the price is extremely expensive.

In order to increase the scarcity of top-grade luminous pearls, Ye Zishu increased the production probability during research and development. The higher the grade of luminous pearls, the lower the probability of birth.

It is about the size of an adult's fist and its color and shape have reached the top level. The probability of appearing is one in a million, and actually only a few hundred are produced every year.

According to their report, each of these top-grade luminous pearls was sold for 50 million yuan last year. After being purchased, they are stored away, and there is still room for appreciation in the future.

Put it in the room at night, although it can't make the room as bright as day, but the lighting effect is much better than that of luminous pearls, and the light they emit is not all the same.

According to the design of Ye Zishu, there are nine kinds of luminous pearls, corresponding to nine kinds of light. The top pearl is the colorful auspicious cloud, which can emit seven kinds of light, which is particularly dazzling.

However, there was no such luminous pearl last year, because the probability of it appearing was too low, but if it appeared, the price would be sky-high. As for how much it could sell for, he couldn't predict.

The reason why he wants to get so many kinds is because he took advantage of the hobby of the collectors. Only by gathering 9 different top-level luminous pearls can he be regarded as a set of top-quality pearls, which must be priceless.

If it is only a single variety, even if the number is small every year, hundreds of them will be produced every year, and the collection value will be greatly reduced. Over time, the price will be difficult to maintain.

Four auctions of this top-grade luminous pearls are held every year. Last year, only one auction was held because they had just been bred. A total of 88 pearls were sold, all of which were bought by domestic buyers.

After someone bought it, they were asked to buy it at a price increase on the spot when they left the venue. Unfortunately, no deal was reached, but it also showed everyone's pursuit of top luminous pearls.

If it weren't for the production every year, it would be possible for each one to sell for hundreds of millions of yuan. Anyway, his father kept one and put it in his study. He likes to hold it in his hand and touch it in his spare time.

Luminous pearls have the effect of cooling in summer and hot in winter. Holding them in your hands will make you feel much cooler. Putting them on the bedside in winter will make you feel much warmer.

It is precisely because of its many unique properties that it has been sought after as soon as it came out and has become a new top treasure. For rich people, it is a good item to buy additional items, even if they do not resell them.

However, although the unit price of these top-level luminous pearls is high, due to the small quantity, the overall revenue is not high. If you want to make money, you still rely on ordinary and large-volume varieties.

As a new pearl variety, luminous pearls brought them a lot of income last year and became the new darling of the jewelry industry, almost all of which were sold out.

Therefore, their revenue has increased significantly last year. The total revenue was 150 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 50%. The net profit margin has also been improved, from the previous 35% to 40%, and the net profit is 60 billion yuan.

According to the previous dividend rules, their family received a dividend of 15 billion yuan, and even after deducting the taxes paid, they still got 12 billion yuan.

Not to mention other things, this industry alone can make his family a rich family. Of course, for him, money doesn't really play a big role. Making money is simply too simple for him.

The pearl industry is just a boring work in his spare time. The money he earns in a year can't be earned by others who work hard for several lifetimes. This is the speed at which knowledge creates wealth.

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