Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter One Hundred

After sending Pei Qing home, Ye Zishu thought about it, and went back to the office, because it was not worth spending time on the road in the morning after going back to school.

Sitting in the warm office, Ye Zishu couldn't work with peace of mind. He admitted that he was really moved by such a huge health care product market.

In 1991, the health care product market was worth 10 billion yuan. This is on the premise that these health care products are useless, and it can only be said that people cannot die from eating them.

If there are really effective health care products that can effectively solve the problems of the people, will the market expand many times, and with the development of the domestic economy, the scale of the health care product market will definitely become larger.

He also thought that he was short of money. If he had enough funds, many of his plans could be carried out as scheduled, instead of doing as many things as he has now.

Before, his idea of ​​making money has been limited to the entertainment industry, because in his opinion, the entertainment industry is mental work, and the cost is much lower than other industries.

This idea is indeed correct. With the songs he wrote, he earned the first pot of gold in his life, and later he can continue to earn income with the help of film and television dramas.

But no matter how big an industry is, he can't occupy it all by himself, and he can't do it. Simply making money from one industry is still too slow compared to the funds he needs.

The pharmaceutical industry is of course a huge profit industry, but the threshold of the pharmaceutical industry is very high, especially for new drugs, the listing process is complicated and the time is long, and he simply cannot afford it at present.

Now health care products have opened up new ideas for him. The review of health care products is much more relaxed. He can use health care products to sell some products with very good effects and no side effects on the market under the name of health care products.

Moreover, this is the scale of the domestic health care product market. Foreign health care products have been developed for a longer period of time, the consumption power of the people is stronger, and the market is broader.

In his previous life, he still had some impressions of health care products, but there were basically no good impressions. Most of them were negative effects. He had never heard of a health care product as miraculous as they advertised.

Instead of letting these fraudulent health care products make waves in the market, it is better to occupy the market in advance and raise the threshold and technical content of the domestic health care product market to a level that ordinary people dare not enter at all.

The reason why health care products became popular in the 1990s is that as long as the health care products can not kill people, no one will take care of them. In addition, everyone has no technical content.

This has formed an industry tacit understanding,

Each health care product knows what it is, so they don't expose each other's faults, but each increase their publicity offensive, and the publicity is getting more and more evil, making everyone think that it can cure all diseases.

However, before deciding to enter the health care product industry, he had to make sure that there was no relevant information about health care products in the virtual library.

He used to focus on the software, electronics, and machinery industries, but his major is software, and he pays less attention to medicine. After all, he has limited energy, let alone health products that have already formed an inherent impression.

Thinking of this, he didn't have the mood to continue working. He directly picked up the folding bed from the corner, rolled it out, lay down on it, and covered it with a quilt.

Then immerse your consciousness into the space of the talent training system, and come to the virtual library. Every time you come in, you will look at the bookshelves that seem to be invisible at a glance. Each bookshelf is more than ten meters high.

In this vast ocean of knowledge, he will always feel small. In the past 10 years, he has not even read the books and materials on a bookshelf, but there are countless such bookshelves here.

He walked along the corridor among the bookshelves, looking at the marks on the bookshelves while walking. After a long time, he finally found the bookshelf related to health care products, which immediately made him ecstatic.

The virtual library is good everywhere, but there is no relevant system to directly select materials. Every time you need to find the bookshelf yourself, and then take the relevant books from it, read and memorize it to get the knowledge inside.

He didn't know which kind of health care product was good, and then picked up a book from the bookshelf, looked at the title, and it was about the theoretical knowledge of health care products, which didn't help him much.

Now that he has limited time and energy, he has no time to start from the most basic theoretical knowledge. What he wants is a clear formula and production process, which will help him more.

So he began to slowly select from the bookshelf, and after spending a long time, he finally selected more than a dozen kinds of health care products that he thought were more suitable.

These health products cover the needs of all aspects of the human body, such as those that can effectively relieve the symptoms of insomnia, and the effect is much better than taking sleeping pills, and it is much safer.

There are other things that improve the spirit, which can keep people full of positive energy throughout the day, and improve the speed of thinking. Although the effect is not particularly obvious, it still has some effect.

There are even elderly people who like health care products that nourish their bodies, which is what he pays special attention to. Young people don’t need health care products much, and they are not willing to spend money on these health care products.

Therefore, his focus is on children and the elderly, the middle group. He mainly chooses health products related to relieving insomnia and anxiety, and solves the thorny problems encountered by adults.

After choosing, he put these books at the bottom of the bookshelf and read them carefully. If he wanted to take out the knowledge in these books, he had to read them all and memorize them.

Fortunately, I have formed a habit for so many years. Once I read and study, my spirit will be highly concentrated, and I can't stop reading it. I don't feel satisfied until I have finished scanning these dozens of books.

He doesn't know the talent training system and what methods are used. In this virtual space, he feels that the time flow is obviously much slower than outside, which is about 1:3.

Although I have read more than a dozen books, I focus on key indicators such as the formula and whether there are side effects. As for the production process, they have a lot in common, and only need to read the key parts.

After he finished reading, he was about to exit the virtual library and return to reality, but found someone calling him. When he came back to his senses, he saw that it was Pei Qing who sent him home yesterday.

"Boss Ye, did you return to work in the company yesterday?" Pei Qing asked in surprise.

Seeing that it was Pei Qing, Ye Zishu hurriedly said, "Pei Qing, you go out and wait a while, I'll get up right away!"

After Pei Qing went out, Ye Zishu quickly lifted the quilt and began to put on his clothes. Fortunately, it was winter. If it was summer, he would probably sleep in a pair of underpants.

After getting dressed, Ye Zishu opened the office door, called Pei Qing into the office, looked at the time, and said, "It's not time for work yet, why are you here so early?"

"I'm not afraid that Ye will always be a workaholic and work until morning, so I came here early to see if that's the case." Pei Qing said slyly.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu also smiled, put the matter aside, and started to talk about the key points, only to see him say: "I discussed health care products with you yesterday, which benefited me a lot.

After I came back, after thinking about it, I felt that this is a huge market, and many of my projects need money, so I wanted to enter this industry. What's your opinion on this? "

"Mr. Ye, to tell you the truth, I don't agree with you entering this industry, because there is no real thing in this industry. We are engaged in technology, not deceptive things!"

When Pei Qing heard what Ye Zishu said, she immediately said with a little excitement, that Mr. Ye, who had a tall image in her heart, had also fallen into Qian's eyes.

"I think you have misunderstood. It is true that I want to enter this industry to make money, but it is definitely not the same as other companies that engage in cheating and abducting." Ye Shu said.

To be honest, he was very satisfied with Pei Qing's reaction. The reason why he asked Pei Qing for her opinion was to see Pei Qing's attitude. After all, he wanted Pei Qing to be in charge of this. Character and skill are very important.

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