Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 101 Genius is a bit too much (3/10)

If Pei Qing doesn't have any opinion, it means that Pei Qingming knows that the current health care products are deceptive stuff, and she chooses to let them go, and even participates in it, which shows that she has no clear view of right and wrong.

Even if she thinks that Ye Shu is the leader of the company, she is afraid of offending, but it does not mean that she agrees with this matter, it also means that she values ​​her own interests too much, and chooses to be wise and protect herself.

Although Ye Zishu would not do anything to Pei Qing, after all, this is human nature, and most people would choose to do this, but he dare not give such a person a heavy responsibility.

He doesn't like to talk about it, and everyone must follow his opinion, and he can't express objections, because he knows that no matter how smart people are, there will be blind spots.

Therefore, he hopes that the people below, especially the leadership, will have their own opinions, be able to actively discover the problems in the company's decision-making, and speak out. It would be better if there is a solution.

It's just that the heads of several of his current companies have not yet reached the level of being able to offer advice and suggestions, which makes him seem to be an eloquent man. He is responsible for making decisions, and other people are responsible for execution.

Such a person is only suitable to be an ordinary employee. In his opinion, he is not suitable for a leadership position. In addition to being talented, a leadership position needs to be responsible and tell right from wrong.

Now that he wants to enter the health care product industry, he needs professionals to help him take charge of this industry. At present, he thinks that Pei Qing is a more suitable talent.

Character and mental skills, I already have the answer just now, and I have a medical background. Although there are still some differences between medicine and health care products, many things are similar, and even the requirements of medicine are much higher than health care products.

In addition, her master's degree is in management. Although she doesn't have much practical experience in business operations, she definitely has a lot of theoretical knowledge. The practical experience can be accumulated slowly in the management process.

Seeing that Pei Qing was still standing in front of him, Ye Zishu quickly asked her to sit opposite to his desk before sitting down himself.

"I want to make money for sure, but a gentleman loves money in a proper way. I still understand this truth. I am very pleased that you can persuade me. I will feel more at ease when I entrust this business to you!" Ye Zishu said .

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing opened her eyes wide and said, "Ye always wants me to be in charge of the health care business?"

"Why, are you afraid that you won't be able to do it yourself?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"No, it's just that health care products are not as simple as you think. If they are just like other companies,

Of course it's easy to just make a product that won't kill you.

However, it is not so easy to develop products that have certain effects and are harmless to the body, and require a lot of investment in research and development. "Pei Qing explained.

Ye Zishu nodded, and then said: "You are right, if we start from scratch, if we want to produce health products with special effects, we will definitely need to spend a lot of money on research and development and industrialization.

But we didn't start from scratch. As you know, I am also engaged in scientific research. Although my major is the software industry, I have dabbled in other majors. "

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, she didn't particularly believe it. Ye Zishu's software talent had already been passed down in the technology department, and the operating system developed by him actually existed.

But it is not so easy to cross majors, not to mention the pharmaceutical-related industries, the entry threshold is very high. After 5 years of study, I can only say that I have just entered the industry, and I dare not say that I am proficient in 10 years.

Some people have been in the pharmaceutical industry for a lifetime, but they only choose a narrow field of research in the pharmaceutical industry, and the span of the computer software industry and the pharmaceutical industry is even wider.

Although Pei Qing didn't speak, Ye Zishu could still see what she meant from her eyes, and he touched his nose in embarrassment.

The formula that I finally found, if I want to make up a reason to take it out, I will be despised by other professionals, and if I want to debate now, I may not be able to speak up to her.

However, although I didn't read the basic theoretical knowledge of health care products before, I have read more than a dozen books, which still involve the theoretical part of many health care products.

So he took out a product for the health care of the elderly, and began to slowly explain it to Pei Qing according to the principles mentioned in the book, and even when it came to the key parts, he would write the relevant molecular formula and pharmacological relationship on the spot.

At first, Pei Qing listened patiently. After all, Ye Zishu was the leader, so she couldn't just walk away without shame. But as time went by, she felt more and more that Ye Zishu's words made sense.

Although she hadn't tried it, the logic of the pharmacological analysis process Ye Zishu talked about was self-consistent, that is to say, if the factual errors in it were set aside, there was nothing wrong with it.

But even she, who is a medical professional, did not find any factual errors in his pharmacological analysis process, which shows that this pharmacological analysis is theoretically valid.

"Mr. Ye, how do you know this?" Pei Qing asked.

"I want to say, after talking with you yesterday, I read related books when I came back, and then thought of what I just said, do you believe it?" Ye Zishu asked jokingly.

"I don't believe it!" Pei Qing replied very simply.

"It's not up to you not to believe it, but it's a fact. You have to know that I studied computer science for only three semesters, and most of my time was spent on making money, research and development, and company management.

This means that I haven't actually had a semester of class time, but didn't I personally lead the team to develop the best operating system in the world?

And the songs I wrote, in fact, my hometown is in the countryside, even if there is a master to teach, it is impossible to have such a rich knowledge of music theory, at most it is just a few tunes.

From these things, do you think I have the ability to learn a major in a short period of time, not to mention that health products are only a subdivided field, which is far behind other fields in the pharmaceutical industry. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The reason why he made things so clear was that he couldn't find a suitable excuse. Before, because everyone didn't know him well, he could just find an excuse to fool him.

But regarding health care products and the pharmaceutical industry, he just talked about these things with Pei Qing yesterday, and Pei Qing is very clear about his own ignorance.

Since he couldn't find an excuse, he could only attribute it to his genius IQ. Only in this way could he have a reasonable explanation. Regardless of whether she believed it or not, he "believed" it anyway.

After hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing thought about it, and there was indeed some truth. After all, Mr. Ye was too strong in writing songs and singing, as well as in software development.

And the study time of these two aspects is consistent with the information she knows. The company's administrative department has the basic information of Ye Zishu, and she has read it.

Is it true that some people are so talented that others need more than ten years of study and research, but he only needs to spend a few hours to get it done?

According to what Ye Zishu said just now, the efficacy of this health care product is much stronger than the so-called health care products on the market. Although it is not yet able to cure all diseases, it has an important effect on the physical and mental maintenance of the elderly.

Long-term use of this health care product can effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. Even if it cannot prolong the life of the elderly, it can still allow the elderly to die without disease and disaster without so much pain.

"Although I haven't found anything to refute Mr. Ye's statement, health products are for people to eat after all. If you want to market them rashly, you must go through detailed tests and experiments and get detailed experimental data." Pei Qing Said helplessly.

Seeing Pei Qing's funny expression, Ye Zishu held back his laughter and said seriously, "Of course, that's why you, a person in the pharmaceutical industry, are asked to preside over this matter."

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