Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 104 Pretend to be X when you get the chance (6/10)

After Ye Zishu sang, he was about to sing the second song directly, but the three hosts went directly to the stage, and it seemed that they wanted to interact with him.

Since he only rehearsed once, and there was only the first song, he didn't know the arrangement behind it. He could only wait when the three hosts came on stage.

"This is the second time for Zishu to come to our Spring Festival Gala. Last year, the song "Red Ling" made us cry, and this year's song "Chasing Dreams" also made us cry!" Zhao Zhongxiang said.

Yang Lan who was on the side asked: "I think it's very inspirational, why did it make people cry?"

"Xiao Yang, you are still young. A person like me who has reached middle age has not come here through hard work. What you hear is inspiration, and what we hear is memory!" Zhao Zhongxiang said.

Ni Ping on the side also echoed: "I agree with this, but I think this song by Zishu should be sung more for young people, right?"

After finishing speaking, he asked Ye Zishu if he meant that, Ye Zishu picked up the microphone and replied: "It depends on the middle-aged and elderly people, whether there are any unfulfilled dreams.

If you have dreams, you are always in a state of hard work. If you have no dreams, it does not matter how old you are. Naturally, it has nothing to do with hard work. "

"Brother Zhao, is Zishu trying to mock you?" Ni Ping turned her head and said to Zhao Zhongxiang.

Seeing this, Yang Lan on the side hurriedly said: "Sister Ni, you're trying to sow discord, how dare Zishu come to our Spring Festival Gala performance in the future."

When the two heard what Yang Lan said, they quickly stopped the topic. Ni Ping looked at Ye Zishu and asked, "Zishu has created many miracles in the past year. Can you tell us about it?"

"Really? Why didn't I know?" Ye Zishu pretended not to know, and looked at Ni Ping innocently.

"You kid is dishonest!" Zhao Zhongxiang said aside.

Is this retaliation?

"Let me talk about it!" Yang Lan came out to smooth things over again and said.

"From May to July last year, Zishu held 100 concerts at Hong Kong's Hung Hom Stadium, setting a record. Is this a miracle?" Yang Lan asked Ye Zishu.

"This is not a miracle. I believe that other veteran singers, if they are willing to keep singing, should be able to do it too. I just rely on my youth and better physical strength to persevere." Ye Shu said.

"What kind of belief made you insist on singing 100 times?" Ni Ping asked.

According to the normal routine, this time should be sensational, let everyone see how hard he is working, echoing the song he sang just now, but Ye Zishu didn't follow the routine.

"Because I'm short of money, and I'm short of a lot of money!" Ye Shu said.

These words immediately made the three hosts at a loss as to how to respond, saying that no one is short of money, but don't say it so bluntly, as a Chinese, you still have to be subtle.

The three hosts were stunned for a moment, but Zhao Zhongxiang reacted quickly and immediately asked: "If you are short of money, then we are all poor.

I remember that your previous records sold very well, and your income should be very large. How could you be short of money? "

"Since Mr. Zhao asked, let me just talk about it. Although everyone sees me as a singer and a big star, when I'm not performing, I'm actually relying on scientific research.

Scientific research requires a lot of financial support. Almost all of my income is invested in it, which is far from enough. Naturally, I need to find ways to earn more money. "Leaf Book explained.

"This is something that everyone doesn't understand. If it is convenient, can you tell me what kind of scientific research you are doing?" Ni Ping asked.

Not to mention Ni Ping and other three hosts, all the audience in the audience wanted to know about these gossips, because it was difficult for them to connect big stars with scientific researchers, which felt rather strange.

"The specific scientific research projects I am engaged in cannot be disclosed to the public at present, but what I can say is that it is about the software and electronic manufacturing industries." Ye Zishu said.

"This span is a bit big, how did you decide to engage in scientific research?" Yang Lan asked.

"Since everyone is willing to listen, let me talk about it. I majored in computer science at Tsinghua University, not a music major in singing and writing.

So entering the field of software research and development is a natural thing, and the development of the domestic software industry is far behind that of foreign countries. I feel that I have the responsibility to shoulder some burdens. "Leaf Book said.

"What about entering the electronics manufacturing industry?" Yang Lan continued to ask.

Originally, he didn't plan to talk about this part. After all, there is still a lot of work to be done in this part, and it is meaningless to say it. The software research and development project, at least it will not take long for the results to come out.

"Since I became famous, I have to run around, but every time someone finds me, or I find someone else, it is very troublesome. In addition, it is too expensive to install a telephone in ordinary households, and many people can't afford it at all.

This is not just an isolated case of telephones, but the prices of almost all electronic products in China are far beyond the affordability of residents, and they belong to the ranks of luxury goods.

I began to think about what caused this phenomenon, and finally analyzed it and came to a conclusion, that is, our own technology is not good enough, and most products rely on imports, or technology imports, so it is not expensive.

In order to make electronic products affordable for most ordinary people, it is necessary to realize the localization of the electronic product industry chain. Only in this way can the problem be solved.

This is my original intention to enter the electronics manufacturing industry, hoping to establish a complete electronics manufacturing industry chain, but investing in this industry requires a lot of money.

Let alone the little money I earned before, even if there are tens of billions of dollars, it may not be enough. This is a money-burning industry. "Leaf Book said.

Regardless of whether what Ye Zishu said could be realized, what he said required an investment of tens of billions of yuan, which completely stunned the audience.

Now, if you have a net worth of 10,000 yuan, you can call it a 10,000-yuan household. It is hard for everyone to imagine what a figure of tens of billions of yuan is. For most people, it is an astronomical figure.

"I didn't expect the electronics manufacturing industry to burn so much money. You have to make money and participate in research and development. How do you manage your time well?" Ni Ping then asked.

"Uncle ** said that there is always time to squeeze. I basically sleep four hours a day, and the rest of the time is basically busy with work except for meals.

So please forgive me if you think that I participate in few activities, because I really don't have much time to participate in various activities. "Leaf Book said.

His words are in response to not going to various music award ceremonies, not because he doesn't want to go, but because he really doesn't have time, I hope everyone can understand.

When the audience heard what he said, they all applauded and cheered him on, while Zhao Zhongxiang said with a smile: "No wonder the make-up master said that when you came, you were all unshaven."

"The project is in a critical period right now, and I have a lot of work to do. I only slept for less than two hours last night, and I came here directly from the office." Ye Zishu explained.

In this era, when he said these words, he didn't have to worry about others calling him Versailles. People who worked so hard in this era definitely gained respect, not ridicule.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the audience burst into applause again. In fact, people of this era have come through hardships and understand Ye Shu's words very well, but most people can't do as hard as he does.

"That just caught you. Usually, if the audience wants to hear you sing, they can only listen to the tape. On this stage, if you sing a song, the audience will not agree." Ni Ping said.

They talked a lot, and finally brought the topic to the right track, and Ye Zishu also said wittily: "Of course there is no problem, for ordinary people, the most important New Year's wish is to get rich.

Here I will sing a song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" for everyone, wishing people all over the world to have a happy life, a healthy body, a prosperous career, and more and more money! "

After finishing speaking, the host left the stage to Ye Zishu, and at this time, the music started to sound, and Ye Zishu took the microphone and sang on the stage.

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