Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 105 Not enough space (7/10)

After singing the family song "Gong Xi Fa Cai", Ye Zishu got off the stage amidst applause, returned to the backstage, took off his makeup, and left the CCTV building with his temporary assistant.

Last year, Guo Dongsheng came over and asked him to go to his house for a New Year's Eve dinner. This year, he also saw Guo Dongsheng at the door, wearing a thick down jacket, standing at the door smoking a cigarette.

"You, why are you standing outside smoking again, just wait for me backstage." Ye Zishu said.

"It's okay, I just came here too, how can I wait here for a long time!" Guo Dongsheng stubbed out the cigarette, and said.

At the gate of CCTV, after being separated from the temporary assistant, Ye Zishu and Guo Dongsheng, still riding bicycles, wandered towards Guo Dongsheng's house like last year.

Riding a bicycle in winter is a torment, especially in the capital, where the wind is very strong. Ye Zishu sitting in the back feels the chill. Guo Dongsheng, who is riding in front, is probably even colder.

This made him want to buy a car. Before, he always felt that there was no need to buy a car because he didn't travel around anyway, but now it seems that it is not necessary or unnecessary, and sometimes a car is really important.

"Dongsheng, you can use the funds in the company's account to buy a few cars for the company. One will be your exclusive vehicle, and the others will be used as the company's official vehicles for temporary use by the company's people." Ye Zishu said.

"What about you?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

"It's not that I don't have money, I don't need the company's funds to buy it." Ye Zishu said.

To be honest, although Guo Dongsheng thought the management of the company was a bit unsatisfactory, his loyalty was much stronger than that of other company leaders. Just like just now, the first thing he did was not to be happy that he had a special car, but to ask Ye Zishu if he wanted it.

"How much does it cost?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

"We don't need a car to recharge the cards, and because the funds are relatively tight, we can buy 200,000 to 300,000 yuan. You can buy 300,000 yuan for your own use. The other 200,000 yuan is about the same." Ye Zishu said.

"Well, I see." Guo Dongsheng heaved a sigh of relief and replied.

In fact, not only Shengshi Records, but other companies also need to be equipped with some cars, although buying a car is a bit out of reach for ordinary people.

But for his companies, there is no big problem. What he lacks is not such small money, but big money in units of 100 million.

Come to Guo Dongsheng's house,

It was Guo Dongmei who opened the door and entered the room. Ye Zishu rubbed his hands, and finally felt a slight sensation in his hands, which had been frozen outside just now.

Seeing him like this, Guo Dongmei went to another room and brought a thermos, and asked him to hold his hands outside the thermos, so that his hands could be warmed up quickly.

Ye Zishu held a thermos in his hand, and sat on the sofa with Guo Dongsheng. Guo Dongsheng suddenly said, "I heard that Phoenix Software is recruiting a lot of people?"

"There are still many research and development projects that require a lot of manpower. I have issued an order to the personnel department to recruit as many people as I want." Ye Shu said.

"Then you may have forgotten one thing. With so many employees coming, there is nowhere to live." Guo Dongsheng said.

Last year, he gave Guo Dongsheng 1 million to help him buy a courtyard house, which is not only for future value-added use, but also as a staff dormitory.

Now most of the employees in the company live in the courtyard houses he bought. There are 30 courtyard houses in total. Even the courtyard houses that Guo Dongsheng bought later were used as dormitories by him.

"Then can I still buy a courtyard house?" Ye Zishu asked.

"There must be. As various units start to build their own buildings, more and more people move into the buildings, and many courtyard houses have been vacated.

But it is a bit difficult to accommodate so many people. I suggest buying land to build buildings yourself, which is more comfortable than a courtyard house. " Guo Dongsheng said.

"Will the government allow us to buy land?" Ye Zishu asked.

"It should be allowed. We can buy land in the name of the company and develop it ourselves, and not sell it to the outside world or just sell it to our own employees. It should be okay." Guo Dongsheng said uncertainly.

"Then help me get the land in the name of Phoenix Software Company!" Ye Zishu said.

"That's no problem, just how much land to get? Where to get the land?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

"The minimum area is 1 million square meters. Of course, the more the better, it is best to acquire land near Zhongguancun, which is relatively close to the company.

By the way, if possible, it is best to find another piece of land for Phoenix Software to build our own office building. With more and more projects, the current office building is not enough. "Leaf Book said.

Based on a household of 100 square meters and a floor area ratio of 2.0, 20,000 houses can be built on a land area of ​​1 million square meters, which is more than enough for Phoenix Technology at present.

Guo Dongsheng nodded, then thought for a while, and said: "Most of the funds in the record company's account have been allocated to Xuanwu Technology Company, and a small part has been allocated to Phoenix Software Company. There is not so much money for development."

What he said was a bit tactful. In fact, he said that he might not have the money to build such a large-scale residential building, and he wanted to ask Ye Zishu how to solve the problem.

Last year, his album was a hit, bringing in 1.5 billion yuan to the record company, plus the 300 million yuan from his concerts. Adding up all these things, the record company's total revenue reached about 2 billion yuan last year.

But he basically lent all the money, the bulk of which was given to Xuanwu Technology Company for research and development and construction of a production base, and Phoenix Software Company also borrowed 200 million yuan.

The record company has only about 20 million funds in its account, which is enough to maintain the operation of the record company, but it is not enough to develop residential buildings.

Now the floor construction cost is about 500 yuan per square meter. If you want to develop a residential building of 1 million square meters, you need 1 billion yuan of funds. What's more, he also said that he wants to build his own office building, which requires more funds.

At present, Shenzhen is the only country in China that has opened up the sale of commercial housing. Therefore, Xuanwu Technology Company is not too worried about the residence of employees in Shenzhen, and can just rent it directly.

However, commercial housing transactions are not open in other places, and the buildings constructed are generally staff buildings. Although there are some staff buildings that are rented out by workers, the number is very limited.

"As for the money, I'll figure out a solution. You just need to settle the matter of acquiring the land." Ye Zishu thought for a while, and could only say this.

The acquisition of the land cannot be done in a short while, even if it is done, it can be paid in installments, and the money can be supported by the income from "The Lion King" for the time being.

As for the long-term goal of making money, the first is the distribution of "The Lion King" in other regions, the second is the "Toy Story" and "Titanic" of the film and television company, and the third is the operating income of the health care product company.

After Xuanwu Technology Company starts to complete the construction of the industrial chain, there will be more profitable projects in the future, which is equivalent to opening up a new pattern of technological development and lifting its current shackles.

"After the next year, I will give you another 10 million yuan. You can continue to use it to buy courtyard houses, and sell as much as you want. It will take a while for the buildings to be built. Buying more courtyard houses can be an emergency." Ye Zishu said.

His personal money has basically not been moved, and has been lying in the bank account. Instead of doing this, he might as well take out more and buy a courtyard house.

Guo Dongsheng was taken aback when he heard his words. If 10 million yuan is used to buy a courtyard house, even if the average set is 50,000 yuan, he can buy 200 sets. This is a relatively large courtyard house.

As soon as they finished talking here, Guo Dongmei and her mother began to bring food to the dining table from the kitchen, and Ye Zishu and Guo Dongsheng also stood up to help.

After a lively New Year's Eve dinner at Guo Dongsheng's house, Guo Dongsheng sent Ye Zishu back to Phoenix Software Company, instead of returning to the dormitory like last year.

Guo Dongsheng was riding Ye Zishu in front of him. Hearing that Ye Zishu was going to the company to continue working overtime, Guo Dongsheng couldn't help but said: "I can't bear to rest during the Chinese New Year. What fun is there in life!"

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "This may have something to do with personal ideals, some people only want their wives and children to be happy, and that is happiness.

And people like me want to get more, so naturally they need to pay more, you, don't worry about me. "

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