Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 106 Entering Real Estate (8/10)

Back at the company office, Ye Zishu began to worry about money again, and he couldn't help thinking about the stock subscription certificates that were still hotly speculated from last year to now.

He has an impulse to bring a large amount of funds into the stock market and make a good operation, but this idea is still stopped by him.

If it is a small amount of purchases, it is not a big problem, but in this case, it will not bring him much money. If it is a large amount of purchases, it is estimated that the stock market will be messed up by him.

At that time, even if he operates according to the market rules, he probably won't be able to eat and walk around. Don't look at those people who have earned millions, but these millions are a drop in the bucket for him.

But if he dares to earn hundreds of millions of dollars from the stock market, other stockholders will definitely face large-scale losses. This is a direct blow to the country's stock market reform, and it is impossible not to be punished.

As for foreign stock markets, there are very few events that he can remember. Like the Japanese real estate bubble in 1989 and the subsequent stock market bubble, the best opportunities have been missed.

As for the neighbors to the north who are still struggling, he doesn't dare to do it for the time being, it's too dangerous, and unless supplies are dumped, there is no profit.

After much deliberation, I still have to honestly rely on my own ability to make money, and strive to save enough money to build an electronic manufacturing industry chain, and things will be much easier later.

He worked in the office until late at night, and on the first day of the first month of the next day, Guo Dongmei brought the meals prepared by her mother to find him. He was afraid that many restaurants would be closed during the Spring Festival, so he would have no place to eat.

After Ye Zishu finished his lunch, Guo Dongmei didn't leave immediately, but sat by the side and watched Ye Zishu work, and did some work of serving tea and water for him.

Until it was almost dinner time, Guo Dongmei said: "My mother asked you to come to my house for dinner!"

"I'm not free, why don't you bring me some steamed buns?" Ye Zishu said while busy.

"It's okay to eat steamed buns, I'd better bring you food!" Guo Dongmei said helplessly.

"Then thank you. When you bring dinner, remember to bring me a few more steamed buns. If you are hungry at night, you can eat it as a midnight snack." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Guo Dongmei ignored him, and left with her lunch box, while Ye Zishu was still busy, and the electronic and mechanical equipment related materials could be copied in more than ten days.

However, the mere existence of mechanical equipment manufactured by electronics cannot be said to manufacture electronic products.

A lot of chemical reagents are also needed, which are basically imported and expensive.

It is difficult for state-owned enterprises to use foreign exchange to purchase imported products, let alone private enterprises. In addition, he has invested so much money in R\u0026D and manufacturing related to electronic manufacturing, and he does not have much money left.

In fact, he is not particularly short of foreign exchange. His companies earn a lot of foreign exchange, but the country needs more money, and it must be exchanged for RMB.

In fact, these are not problems. The most important problem is that he doesn't want to be stuck by others in this regard.

Moreover, for some chemical reagents, foreign products may not meet the requirements. After all, the electronic industry chain he wants to build is more advanced than foreign countries, and many things are not suitable.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Guo Dongmei brought dinner to Ye Zishu. When Ye Zishu was eating, he suddenly remembered something and asked, "How about letting you manage Shengshi Records?"

Guo Dongmei thought she heard it wrong, and said, "What did you say?"

"I said, if you are asked to take your brother's place, can you do well?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I'm still studying, how can I have so much time to manage the company?" Guo Dongmei waved her hand quickly and said.

"What you study is business management, and now there is a company that lets you manage it, it is much better than you just learning book knowledge.

As for the situation of Shengshi Records, you should have heard from your brother that there are not so many things, especially after the reform, the workload of the management will be even less.

What's more, I didn't think about turning Shengshi Records into a super-carrier-level company. That's unrealistic, and the company's main source of income is the records I released.

This means that the company's business fundamentals are stable, and there will be no significant decline due to a slight slack in management, which does not require so much management.

Besides, your brother can manage it. As a top student at Tsinghua University, you can't compare to your brother? "Ye Zishu finally took Guo Dongmei into the army.

"But what about my brother?" Guo Dongmei didn't say that she was incompetent, but worried that her brother would lose his job.

"You're worrying too much. Your brother must be in another position. Am I going to fire him? Will you agree?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Then why do you ask my brother to manage your technology companies?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"It's a good idea. It's impossible for your brother to manage a technology company. I plan to let him start a new business. I think your brother is more suitable!" Ye Zishu said.

"What business is that?"

"Real estate." Ye Zishu said.

"A lot of places are not open yet, should we go to Shenzhen?" Guo Dongmei asked.

"Yes, if you agree to take over your brother's class, I will tell your brother how to do it!" Ye Zishu said.

"I need to go back and discuss it with my brother!" Guo Dongmei said.

"Okay, if neither you nor your brother are willing, I'll find someone else, but I think the real estate industry has a better future than the record industry, and this choice is very important to your brother," Ye Zishu said.

Guo Dongmei went back with a heavy heart, and left a few steamed buns for Ye Zishu as supper. Ye Zishu was not particularly anxious about entering real estate.

Now that real estate has not yet ushered in a golden period of development, the reason why he asked Guo Dongsheng to do this is because he felt that he managed Shengshi Records and did not make the best use of it.

The real estate industry is full of mixed fish and dragons. He was in the aisle before. Although he regarded him as a small gangster, he still had some guts. This is very important.

Although he doesn't want his company to use black means to seek benefits, he can't be threatened by other people with black means.

On the other hand, I want to train Guo Dongmei in advance. As he said, the record company seems to have a lot of revenue, but the actual business is not very complicated, and it is not difficult to get started.

He doesn't ask Guo Dongmei to lead Shengshi Records to a higher level, as long as he can maintain the current situation, he can act as a cash cow with peace of mind.

Of course, if Guo Dongmei has outstanding management talents and develops Shengshi Records Company better and better, it will be even better, and she will be allowed to take on greater burdens in the future.

The real estate industry seems to need a lot of funds. In fact, the company does not need a lot of cash. Most of the funds come from bank loans.

So you don’t need a lot of starting capital, you only need to take out the money to buy the land, and you don’t even need to take out all the money to buy the land, only a part of it.

Now that I entered the real estate industry so early, I don’t want to make a lot of money. After all, the current housing prices are relatively cheap, and the people can’t afford it if it is too expensive.

Instead, he wants to train the team in advance, and when the country opens up in the future, he has an experienced real estate development team in his hand to support the pace of rapid expansion.

Although he also suffered from high housing prices in his previous life, he would not hate this industry because of this, because high housing prices are not just a problem of real estate companies. The reasons are very complicated and cannot be explained in one or two sentences.

Anyway, where the money is, if he doesn't pick it up, someone else will always pick it up, because it is cheaper for others, why not do it himself, at least he can guarantee that the money will be relatively clean.

Early the next morning, Guo Dongmei came over with breakfast, followed by Guo Dongsheng. When she went back last night, Guo Dongmei must have immediately told Guo Dongsheng about it.

"Sit down for a while, wait until I finish eating!" Ye Zishu said.

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