Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 107 Real Estate Management Strategy (9/10)

After Ye Zishu quickly finished his breakfast, he wiped his mouth and asked, "How is your discussion going?"

"Yesterday I went back and told my brother that he also felt that the management of the record company was a bit awkward, so he has no objection to this, and I naturally have no objection." Guo Dongmei said.

After hearing Guo Dongmei's words, Ye Zishu looked at Guo Dongsheng, wondering if what Guo Dongmei said meant what he meant, because in their family, Guo Dongmei was obviously stronger than Guo Dongsheng.

"My sister is right. You should know that those who write songs and lyrics for singers are more educated. Those who have never read a book like me feel a little shorter." Guo Dongsheng said.

He really didn't take this into consideration. In his previous life, no matter how educated he was, he was rich if he was rich. At least he had an advantage psychologically. This might be due to the gap between the times.

"Since that's the case, let's talk about the real estate. As for the record company, you have to hand it over to your sister, so that nothing goes wrong." Ye Shu said.

"I know."

After hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu nodded and said, "I established a real estate company not because this industry is very profitable now, but because I am optimistic about the future of this industry.

In order to be able to grasp this industry well in the future, we must enter in advance, do a good job in all aspects, and when the opportunity comes, we can go faster than others.

So this time you go to Shenzhen, the main purpose is not to make a lot of money, but to do all kinds of basic work and lay a solid foundation for the future. "

"Then what is basic work?" Guo Dongmei asked.

I asked this question on behalf of his brother, afraid that his brother would not understand carefully, and would not be able to understand the meaning of Ye Zi's words, and when he went to Shenzhen, he would not do well, and bad things would inevitably happen.

"The real estate industry is not just building houses, it involves many industries, it can be said to be an industrial chain around real estate.

For example, to acquire land, you need to know the geological structure, commercial value, future development prospects, etc. of the land, but now you don’t need to think so much, and you will basically not lose money when acquiring land.

For example, in construction, it is necessary to understand the standards and knowledge related to building materials, and to have its own channels to find workers. There are a large number of these workers. How should they be organized to improve work efficiency and ensure construction quality under the premise of ensuring safety?

And before construction, architectural design is required,

And the design involves more professional knowledge. As the president, although you don't need to know everything, you must understand the key information.

The latter is the decoration, which also involves knowledge about decoration design, decoration materials, etc. At present, this area is not perfect in China, and you may need to learn and explore.

The above is only about housing construction, and there is also knowledge about financial operations. Real estate development is an industry that requires a lot of capital and investment. It is impossible to provide all the funds by yourself, and it will inevitably involve bank loans.

But if the bank loan is not smooth, you may need to use other financial leverage, but financial leverage other than bank loans, you can use it if you can, unless it is a last resort.

Finally, it involves construction sales and operation. If it is a residential house, it is generally for the purpose of selling, so that funds can be withdrawn as soon as possible and the cash flow can be kept relatively healthy.

However, commercial office buildings or commercial plazas generally have greater commercial value than residential buildings and have a basis for continuous operation, so they are not necessarily for sale, but can also be operated by leasing.

However, for this mode of operation, it needs to be determined that this place has great development prospects in the future. If there is no development prospect, or there are more uncertainties, part of the area can be sold and part of the area can be self-operated.

In this way, the cost can be recovered in advance, and the profit part becomes its own self-sustained assets, which will be the main way of future commercial real estate development. "Leaf Book said.

Seeing that Guo Dongsheng wrote down everything he said, Ye Zishu continued: "These are all new fields for you. After you go to Shenzhen, don't be in a hurry to get the land. You should first understand all aspects of real estate before doing it. Intend.

After recruiting some people in the industry and understanding all aspects of the real estate situation, I started to acquire land on a small scale, try to develop small real estate, and accumulate practical experience.

When the first small real estate is successful, it means that you have a good understanding of all aspects of real estate, and you can speed up appropriately, but focus on stability and don't be too radical.

As mentioned above, the current purpose of the company is to cultivate talents and train the team, establish a sound company management system, and lay a solid foundation for the future. "

After Guo Dongsheng wrote down these words, Ye Zishu continued: "Actually, real estate belongs to the terminal industry of the industrial chain. If the company has the ability, it can properly intervene in other links of the industrial chain.

For example, the development of real estate must require cement, so can we establish a cement industry to provide various cement products for real estate enterprises?

There are many others, but try to enter industries that are relatively easy to control, and it is inconvenient to enter because they cannot achieve large-scale operations.

For example, the sand needed for construction needs to be dug out from rivers and lakes in large quantities, and it needs to deal with various local governments. The technical content is not high, and it is easy to cause interest disputes with local forces, so it is not suitable for us.

As for decoration materials, many require high technical content, the most typical one is paint, low-quality paint is very harmful to the human body, but high-quality paint is much less harmful.

I know that you must not have so much ability to develop products with high technical content in a short period of time, but you can ask me about anything related to science and technology.

You just need to organize scientific research personnel to turn the technical information I gave into real objects, and do a good job in patent protection, production, and sales. "

"You still know these?" Guo Dongmei asked curiously.

"You are the second person who questioned me. The last person who questioned me was Pei Qing. You can ask me how I convinced her. Are you obediently going to be in charge of the health care products industry now?" Ye Zishu Said angrily.

"Don't tell me, you provided the health product technology that Pei Qing is in charge of?" Guo Dongmei asked in surprise.

Although his statement is indeed a bit suspicious, but as an employee, is it really okay for you to keep questioning your boss like this?

"Of course I don't know all of them, and some of them need to be learned now. It's just that you may feel sad because my IQ is much higher than yours, and my learning is naturally much faster than yours." Ye Zishu smiled Said.

When Guo Dongmei heard what he said, she immediately lost her temper. After all, they were the same age, but Ye Zishu's achievements and knowledge reserves were indeed incomparable to her.

Seeing that Guo Dongmei was not talking, Ye Zishu looked at Guo Dongsheng and said, "I don't restrict your development there, but I must remind you of a few things.

Firstly, business operation needs to be forward-looking. It must be based on the present and also focus on the future. You can carry out relevant work in advance according to your own capabilities and promising businesses in the future.

Second, business management is first of all about stability. Don’t think that you can get rich when you enter into it when you see others getting rich. You need to fully understand it before taking action.

Especially when the scale of the enterprise is large, the first-mover advantage is not the main part of the business operation. It is not uncommon for a large enterprise to have the ability of the late-mover advantage and allow others to explore the way first.

The third real estate industry is very policy-oriented and involves a lot of links. You need to learn how to deal with the government, and my advice to you is not to rely on individual politicians to get benefits, but to rely on policies to get benefits.

That means, don't cling to politicians, but use government policies as a guide to formulate plans and develop enterprises, because political figures will inevitably lead to corporate decline due to political figures.

Then it is to balance the interests of all parties. Although the purpose of the enterprise is to make profits, it also needs to take care of the interests of its partners to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. This is very important for expanding business operations.

Fourth, it is impossible for an enterprise to operate without contention. Unnecessary tolerance will only allow the other party to gain ground. Therefore, the best competition is to fight without breaking, and avoid completely tearing the face. This is a lose-lose situation.

Everything is profit-oriented. If it is profitable, it is not a bad idea to cooperate with competitors. This will test your ability to weigh interests. "

Then Ye Zishu began to explain some details of real estate to Guo Dongsheng, such as how to acquire land, how to judge the development potential, how to operate real estate, how to do a good job in property management, etc., all information he knew in his previous life.

With the addition of these details, Guo Dongsheng will not be blinded, especially in the case of imperfect real estate management, which will help him succeed faster.

"The record company still has 20 million yuan in its accounts. You can take 10 million yuan to go to Shenzhen. This is your starting capital. I don't have much financial support in the future." Ye Zishu said.

"Then when shall I go?" Guo Dongsheng asked.

"Don't worry about this. Isn't Phoenix Software Company going to buy land to build a house? You should practice on this project first. At least you'll be prepared in this way." Ye Zishu said.

These are all self-owned projects without too many commercial operations, so it is just right for him to practice his hands, and it will also allow him to have an understanding of all aspects of real estate.

"By the way, after you get the land, tell me the terrain, and I will give you a copy of the architectural design materials. The construction process must be carried out in strict accordance with the drawings I gave you.

Also let your sister know if I am capable of doing things I don't understand now, you can take the design drawings to the Capital Architectural Design Institute and show it to professionals to see if it works! "

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he glanced at Guo Dongmei. If he wanted Guo Dongmei to be fully used by him in the future, he had to show something so that she would carry out his orders unconditionally in the future, instead of questioning unnecessarily.

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