Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 108: The New Year Is Money (Ten Ten/Ten Ten)

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, the company's employees began to come to work one after another. Guo Dongmei officially took over Shengshi Records. Although Guo Dongsheng did not leave, he was busy with the company's self-construction projects except for the handover.

During the Spring Festival, Leaf Book has completed the software architecture design to be developed in the future, and now the modification of the Phoenix operating system is gradually coming to an end.

It took less than 700 people to fix all the bugs of the Phoenix operating system. After all the personnel arrived, he began to regroup the personnel in the R\u0026D department.

When developing the operating system before, group research and development was adopted, and the R\u0026D personnel in the group could learn and help each other, which greatly promoted the improvement of the level of R\u0026D personnel.

But if you keep grouping like this, as time goes by, the members in the group will learn less and less from each other, and the growth rate will slow down.

This regrouping is to achieve the purpose of cross-group communication and learning, so that R\u0026D personnel and people in other groups can work together and learn more new things from other people.

100 people were left to continue modifying the bugs of the Phoenix operating system, and the remaining 600 people were divided into two groups, one group of 200 people was used to develop office software systems.

The office software system provided by Leaf Book is a complete family bucket, including word processing, form processing, document presentation, private notes, simple drawing, etc.

When selling in the future, different package sales methods will be adopted according to different sales targets. In his previous life, Microsoft did a good job in this way, so he naturally copied it directly.

The remaining 400 people are used to develop the web browser, which is one of the key software for the operating system to open the door to the world. In fact, 400 people, he feels a little less

In the future, new colleagues will join the company, and they will be assigned to this project as soon as possible to complete the browser writing work as soon as possible.

However, the browser's kernel design and related algorithms have been constructed one after another for such a long time, and the H5 standard was adopted as soon as it came up.

The reason why we get such a high standard right from the start, instead of slowly upgrading to H5, is mainly because our country basically does not have the strength to formulate standards.

Even if the strength of Phoenix Software is relatively strong, it is also because of the weak national strength and low international discourse power that it is difficult for Phoenix Software to make a single hand when formulating standards.

If you also adopt the method of slowly upgrading like others, although you may have an absolute advantage in the early stage,

But people will directly formulate new standards by virtue of their overall advantages, which will make Phoenix Software very uncomfortable.

Like him, it is H5 directly. On the one hand, browsers written according to this standard are very difficult to develop, which raises the technical threshold for entering this field.

In the final analysis, it is still limited by the hardware level. If H5 is written according to conventional software writing techniques, it will be difficult to drive such a high-standard browser to run.

On the other hand, it is very difficult for others to set new standards on this basis and to surpass them. The lower the foundation, the easier it is to achieve breakthroughs.

And like him, he raised the standard base to such a high level from the very beginning, and it is very difficult for others to innovate on it, because according to the standards of Phoenix Software, it can already meet the Internet needs in the next few decades.

The result of this is that even if other software companies develop browsers, they can only develop in full compliance with Phoenix Software's standards, and making one by themselves is definitely not as perfect as Phoenix Software's browser standards.

If they really develop new browsers according to Phoenix Software's browser standards, why don't users use the original version, which is better, and use your fake one?

The browser will be pre-installed software of the operating system, and it will be released together with the operating system. The strategy is free, and there is basically no benefit in the initial stage.

In order to save costs, the number of maintenance personnel in the future will definitely not be large. The more perfect the initial stage, the less labor costs will be invested in the future. The current high standard is also to save resources for the future.

After training in the development of the operating system, Lei Jun has already begun to emerge. Ye Zishu directly asked him to be in charge of the development of office software.

With a complete architecture and advanced algorithm support, coupled with the blessing of a complete and powerful programming language, the difficulty of developing office software is relatively much lower.

As for the browser project team, Ye Zishu personally served as the technical director of the project, because this project team not only developed a browser, but also a scripting programming language, similar to javascript in the previous life.

However, the browser scripting language designed by Ye Zishu is also very powerful. It combines the advantages of many scripting languages ​​in the previous life, plus I have learned more advanced technologies and concepts. There is no reason why I can't make a more powerful browser scripting language.

For the first week, Ye Shu basically stayed at the software company until the people in the two project teams developed it and confirmed that they really understood the technical information he gave, and then gradually let go.

Since the technical information he provided is very complete, as long as the project is developed step by step, the project can be completed, so the time given to them by Yeshu is also relatively reduced.

According to his requirements, whether it is the office software system project or the browser project, they are only given three months, that is, by May, the development of these two projects must be completed.

Because it can't be delayed for too long, Phoenix Software Company has not made money, but has been burning money, and Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company need a lot of funds.

There are so many projects that are in and out, and after a long time, he himself feels a bit overwhelmed. He must solve the situation that Phoenix Software has in and out, at least to achieve self-sufficiency.

While Ye Zishu was busy with the business of Phoenix Software Company, Guo Dongsheng and the capital city government put forward a request to buy land, and after a few talks between the two sides, it was settled.

The reason why it is so easy to get it done is mainly because Phoenix Software Company has undertaken the research and development tasks of the National 863 Program, because the Phoenix operating system is already a national 863 Program project.

Although the state didn't give any money, the policy support has emerged. The capital city government is still willing to solve the problems of Phoenix Software.

In this era, there was a large amount of idle land near Zhongguancun. Guo Dongsheng directly obtained 1 million square meters of residential land and 1 million square meters of office building land from the city government.

The reason for taking so much office land is that Ye Zishu applied for it in the name of building a software park, planning to build a software development base on this land.

In fact, Ye Zishu does not yet have the ability to develop such a large piece of office land, but it is not too late to acquire the land first, and then develop slowly according to the development of the software company.

What satisfies Yeshushu most is that the distance between the residential plot and the office plot is not far away. In the future, employees will not need to spend too much time commuting to work.

It's just that he is a little dissatisfied with only getting 1 million square meters of residential land, because based on the calculation of 1 million square meters of office land, it can accommodate 50,000 to 70,000 workers in the future.

This means that if all these people want to live nearby, at least 50,000 to 70,000 houses must be developed, and 3.5 million square meters of land need to be developed.

The capital required for residential development alone is as high as 3.5 billion yuan. He simply does not have that much capital. Even the land of 1 million square meters may need to be developed in batches.

This is due to the lack of marketization of the land here, coupled with the support for the 863 project, the land price is not very high, otherwise the cost will rise a lot.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu felt even more stressed, so he went to Shengshi Film and Television Company to see how their global distribution of "The Lion King" was going.

"The Lion King" has been gradually released in North America, and the current box office has reached 550 million US dollars, and the final box office should be around 600 million US dollars.

To get a share of the box office, Shengshi Film and Television Company can get about 250 million US dollars by April. With this money, it can relieve a lot of financial pressure for Ye Zishu.

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