Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 109 Establishing Global Film and Television Distribution Channels (1/5)

At present, Zhang Guoli is still busy with the preparations for the crew of "Titanic", the main actors have already been contacted, and relevant agreements have been signed.

But the scene has not been fully constructed yet. Because the winter in the north is too cold, even spring may not be very comfortable, and many shots here need to be shot in water.

Therefore, the construction of the scene was placed in Hainan, and even a studio was built in Hainan to shoot partial shots. All kinds of things add up, and there is a lot of preparation work.

This is because Ye Zishu has reduced the complexity of shooting to the minimum by virtue of its technical advantages. Otherwise, it may take nearly a year for the preparation work alone.

Zhang Guoli said: "According to the current progress, "Titanic" can officially start shooting in March, and the shooting time will be about one month."

The length of the shooting depends on the professionalism of the actors. If they can pass it all at once, it will be very fast. If they can’t pass it all the time, it will take much more time.

However, he is still very confident about this, because special effects are used in the later stage, so that the shooting environment is not complicated, and the actors can complete the shooting tasks in a relatively comfortable environment.

After all the shots are shot, it will take another month to do post-production special effects, dubbing, and soundtrack work.

Originally, he wanted to ask about the production status of "Toy Story", but after thinking about it, he would go to Phoenix Special Effects Company to have a look later, so there was no need to ask here.

"Now I'm very short of money, and I need a large amount of money to support the development of other projects. Now "The Lion King" has begun to be screened in North America.

Now is the time to start thinking about distribution of The Lion King in other regions and countries, how is the work going on? "Leaf Book asked.

Zhang Guoli heard Ye Zishu's words, thought for a while, and said: "Because "The Lion King" won the box office championship in North America, distribution companies in other regions and countries are very optimistic about this movie.

During this period of time, many distribution companies have also approached us, wanting to obtain the distribution rights of "The Lion King" in their countries and regions, but most of the conditions proposed so far do not satisfy us.

Now the agreement is reached in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. As for Japan, South Korea, Europe, South America and other regions and countries, they are still negotiating and it may take some time. "Leaf Book said.

"Has Southeast Asia been handed over to Hong Kong's film distribution company?" Ye Zishu asked.

In this day and age,

Hong Kong still has great influence in Southeast Asia. Many of their films can be distributed in Southeast Asia, and there are relatively complete distribution channels.

Zhang Guoli nodded. This is what it should mean. As long as the conditions are right, it will be more reassuring to hand it over to "one of us", and it will be easier to talk about it.

"We don't have much time to slowly find a suitable distribution company. This matter needs to be resolved as soon as possible. If the conditions are relatively suitable, let's sign it.

We are a new company, and it is still very difficult to gain an advantage in distribution negotiations with a blockbuster movie, and it will be much better in the future. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, he can also hand over the global distribution work to Disney, which can save a lot of things for Shengshi Film and Television Company, but he is unwilling to do so.

If Shengshi Film and Television Company wants to become bigger and stronger, it not only needs strong film production capabilities, but also strong film distribution capabilities.

If the distribution is handed over to Disney or other Hollywood film giants, it is tantamount to handing over the distribution rights to others, which is a very unsafe way of cooperation.

He would rather earn less money in the early stage, but also needs to establish his own global film distribution channels. Later, as Shengshi Film and Television Company releases more and more blockbuster films, distribution will become easier and easier.

"If "The Lion King" is not released globally as soon as possible, the subsequent "Toy Story" will be more passive in the global release, so we can't let these two animated films fight on their own.

Both of them are their own animated films, if they are released around the same time, it will seriously affect our overall box office, you should understand this truth. "Leaf Book said.

According to Ye Shu's idea, three animated films are released each year, one in the first half of the year, one in the middle of the year, and one in the second half of the year, so that they can be staggered to maximize their own interests.

As for the live-action movie, he still can't make up his mind, because Shengshi Film and Television Company can't independently produce Hollywood-style blockbuster movies, and his energy is limited, so it depends entirely on his time schedule.

He hopes that through this filming of "Titanic", the staff of the company can gradually understand the essence of making Hollywood blockbusters, but this requires a process.

"The company doesn't have a dedicated distribution department yet. I hope to improve this department as soon as possible to reduce your workload. This is also the need for our movie distribution in the future." Ye Shu thought for a while and said.

In the past, the company had no film projects at all, and the distribution of TV series was very simple, just talk to the TV station directly, and there was no need to establish a special distribution department at all.

Moreover, the number of films and TV shows is too small, and the projects that can be distributed as agents are also limited. The establishment of a special distribution department has virtually raised the cost.

But now Zhang Guoli has too many things on hand, and in the future Shengshi Film and Television Company will produce more and more movies, so the distribution department is very necessary.

"The distribution department needs to find someone who is familiar with the international film distribution market as the person in charge. For quite a long time in the future, our main distribution market will be overseas.

By the way, "The Lion King" hits theaters in North America. How does the domestic film market react? "Leaf Book asked.

He wants to promote the distribution reform of the domestic film market, but this area is now monolithic, not to mention him, it is China Film and Television, and it is not so easy to reform.

So he thought that since internal breakthroughs are unlikely, he should exert pressure from the outside to make the entire domestic film system feel more and more pressure, so that they have to change by themselves.

""The Lion King" hits theaters in North America, and it is true that some voices have appeared in the domestic film market. It is a bit ironic that the film produced by a domestic film company cannot be released in China.

However, there are also voices who believe that our company values ​​too much profit and prefers to publish overseas rather than domestically. They have great opinions on this. "Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing Zhang Guoli's words, Ye Zishu was not too surprised. The possibility of relying on "The Lion King" to break the current situation in the mainland is too low.

However, as the films produced by Shengshi Film and Television Company become more and more popular in the international market, this pressure will gradually increase until it finally collapses completely.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry. In the current domestic movie market, unless it is organized by a national unit to watch movies, the box office is limited.

"Now Shengshi Film and Television Company needs to put the distribution work on the same level as the film and television production. I hope you can find talents in this field to take charge of the distribution department." Ye Zishu emphasized again.

"I know, I will find the right person to take charge of this as soon as possible." Zhang Guoli said.

After leaving Shengshi Film and Television Company, Ye Zishu went directly to Phoenix Special Effects Company, and first went to the technical department to have a look at the improvements they had made to the special effects system during this period of time.

Although there is not much functional improvement, after reading Ye Zishu, he has done a lot of work on many functions that affect the user experience, which has made him quite satisfied.

With their current technical level, it is impossible to improve from beginning to end, and the bottom layer does not need them to improve. Being able to achieve this level is already progressing fast.

Then he went to the special effects department to check the production progress of "Toy Story" and the overall effect. After watching it, he was even more satisfied. The production of the animation shots was nearing completion.

Later, they only need to do a good job of post-production dubbing, soundtrack and other work, and the production can be completed in about a month. At that time, they can just spare time to produce the special effects of "Titanic".

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