Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 110 Film and Television Extension Industry (2/5)

After seeing the situation of the Phoenix Special Effects Company, although Ye Shu is quite satisfied with their work, he thinks further. Now their work is far from saturated.

Two animated films a year, and an undetermined number of special effects blockbusters, don't actually take much time, which means there are a lot of time gaps.

This is a great waste for business operations, but it is a bit difficult for them to come up with new cartoons and movies by themselves.

Domestic animation film screenwriting ideas are still very limited. For example, the most famous Shanghai Animation Film Studio, the main source of stories is traditional Chinese culture, among which Journey to the West has the most stories.

This is not wrong in itself, but just making animated movies with these themes is not enough to meet Ye Shu's needs. He can ask the film and television company to make some such animated movies or cartoons.

But what he wants is more originality. There is no copyright issue for traditional cultural content, and the peripherals that are produced can not only be enjoyed by himself, but also used by other companies.

Therefore, in terms of interest relationship, the more original the product, the greater the benefits it will bring to the company, because cartoons not only make money from the animation itself, but also make more money from the extended industry.

Therefore, he intends to find more long-term animation production plans for Phoenix Special Effects Company, and use his free time to produce these cartoons and animated films to save costs and increase profits.

Back at Phoenix Software Company, he thought about it for a long time, and suddenly remembered a cartoon, which was filmed by a Japanese company that lived a good life and reflected Chinese food.

It is a bit ironic to say that Chinese food needs to be filmed by foreigners. As the most advanced animation film production unit in China, it must shoulder this responsibility.

Moreover, "The Little Master of China" in the previous life only filmed 52 episodes. In fact, the food in our country can be said to be inexhaustible. If his company were to produce it, at least hundreds or even thousands of episodes could be produced.

If Phoenix Special Effects uses free time to produce, it will be busy enough for a long time. Thinking of this, he smiled unconsciously, obviously very satisfied with the idea.

This is only the profit of the cartoon itself, and he also attaches great importance to the derivative industries brought by the cultural industry, such as the cartoon "China's Little Master", the name alone has a high brand value.

If he opened a chain of Chinese restaurants and named it "China's Little Master", if this cartoon achieves very good results in the world, will this Chinese restaurant chain brand also be able to achieve great success?

And also through this animation,

Promote the food types of chain Chinese restaurants to the outside world in a timely manner, thus saving a lot of promotion costs.

Since the United States can promote chicken and French fries to the world, why can't we promote Chinese food to the world, as long as the standard process is established, he thinks it is not impossible.

It is even possible to set up two product lines, one is mainly for Chinese fast food, which is called "China Xiaodangjia Fast Food", and the other is mainly for high-end catering, which is called "China Xiaodangjia".

Fast food restaurants can set consistent standards to achieve rapid expansion and provide consumers with healthy and relatively cheap catering products and services.

The high-end catering is aimed at those high-spending people who have money and time. The catering and food in it are mainly exquisite and high-value.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a very good idea, but it was difficult for him to find someone to operate it, and he didn't have enough money at the moment, so he could only put it down for now and talk about it later.

As for "Toy Story", which is currently being produced, the toys in it can be produced now, and after the movie is released, these toys will be sold all over the world.

Even the previously produced "The Lion King" can make the animal models inside into toys, which can also be sold to the world. The income in this respect is not less than the movie box office.

This is not limited to animated movies and cartoons. In fact, after the "Titanic" fire, many things in it can also be made into toys.

For example, the model of the Titanic, or the heart of the ocean, as long as you have the heart to discover and manage, there is no lack of things that can be turned into money.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu came to the personnel department and asked them to help find practitioners who have been in the toy industry for many years. They need people with an international perspective and experience in operating the toy market.

In addition, he also asked the HR department to help find a copyright operation director for Shengshi Film and Television Company, who has international copyright operation experience, especially film and television copyright operation experience.

He found that movie box office revenue only accounts for a small part of the income of film and television companies, video tape income is also high, and there are other authorizations of movie copyrights, etc., which are all ways to make money.

In the end, the HR department was asked to help find someone with many years of experience in catering brand management. Although he didn't have that much money for the time being, he could start small and didn't need to expand to the world all at once.

Moreover, catering also requires a research and development process, especially the need to formulate a unified standard, which takes more time, so it must be prepared in advance, so as not to be in a hurry and miss the best opportunity.

Just after Ye Zishu finished explaining the recruitment of the HR department, Pei Qing, who had disappeared for several days, finally came to the company, found Ye Zishu, and put a stack of documents on his desk.

Pei Qing has been running through the company-related procedures during this time, and it seems that all the procedures have been completed now, so Ye Zishu took it over and read it.

She named this health care product company Tai Chi Health Care Company. Although Tai Chi is a bit popular, Tai Chi pays attention to the coordination of yin and yang, and it is somewhat related to health care products that advocate regulating the body.

The legal person of Tai Chi Health Care Company is Pei Qing, the owner is Ye Zishu, and the registered capital is 100 million yuan. The company headquarters is temporarily located in the capital, and there is no need to put it in the south.

"Now that the company's procedures are all completed, there are two main things to do next. The first thing is to conduct experimental tests on the elderly care products you provide to determine whether they are effective and harmless.

This requires us to establish our own research laboratory, so we need to recruit many medical and health product researchers. "Pei Qing said.

"Aren't you a graduate of medicine? You can ask your brothers and teachers if you intend to come here, and the salary can be higher.

Of course, I will also transfer some personnel from the personnel department of Phoenix Software Company to help you set up the personnel department, which will help you recruit ordinary employees and related engineers. " Ye Zishu interrupted Pei Qing and said.

He was afraid that in order to avoid suspicion, Pei Qing would use the HR department to recruit talents for everything, which would be too inefficient and cost more to recruit.

As he said before, he is not worried about the grouping of researchers, and it is not even a problem if they all come from one university, as long as their scientific research strength is strong.

Pei Qing didn't expect Ye Zishu to speak so bluntly, but she still nodded. She still knows the strength of the boss. Although it is a private enterprise, it is much better to come here than most state-owned enterprises.

Moreover, when my brothers or teachers come over, it is easier to communicate, and it can be regarded as my trusted team, which is more beneficial to the follow-up operation of the company.

"The second thing is to acquire land to build a factory, and at the same time recruit a large number of ordinary employees for on-the-job training. Since you have already come up with the formula, if it proves to be true and effective, it will enter the production process very quickly.

So I think that this part should be prepared from now on, and you can’t wait until the R\u0026D department confirms the action, it will delay a lot of time, and it will also delay your earning money! "At the end, Pei Qing rolled her eyes at Ye Zishu.

"I don't need to report these things to me. Since the company is entrusted to you to manage, I can rest assured that you can make the rest of the decisions. I just hope to make money for me as soon as possible under the premise of ensuring safety!" Ye Zishu looked at Pei Qing laughed.

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