Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 111 The Government's Attention (3/5)

Pei Qing left, and left with 100 million yuan from Ye Zishu. With such tight funds, she took it out, hoping that Pei Qing would not disappoint his expectations and earn him more money back.

Walking with Pei Qing, there are also financial and administrative personnel arranged by Ye Zishu. As the initial team of Taiji Health Care Company, they can at least help Pei Qing to build the company's shelf as soon as possible.

Next, Ye Zishu still needs to stay with Phoenix Software for a week, mainly to wait until the office software project and browser project are on the right track before he can escape.

And he also took advantage of this time to write out the relevant scripts of the animation series "The Little Master of China". He planned to produce 40 episodes in the first season.

In the future, every 40 episodes will be regarded as a season, and Shengshi Film and Television Company and Phoenix Special Effects Company will write the script, so he will no longer be in charge.

Because the painting style and the basis of the story framework have been determined before, you only need to lick the content in it, which is much simpler, and even a capable screenwriter can do it.

In addition to the animated TV series "The Little Master of China", he is also planning to produce a pure English music album to test the waters in the international music market and see how it works.

To be on the safe side, many of the songs in this English album are popular English songs in the previous life, and there are relatively few original parts, just to make it a hit.

Originally, I wanted to write a TV drama script for Shengshi Film and Television Company, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. During this time, Shengshi Film and Television Company is simply too busy.

Most of the energy was spent on the preparation of the "Titanic" movie, and the rest of the energy was spent on establishing a global distribution channel, and there was no time for others.

He thinks the most important reason is that the film and television company doesn't have many directors. If there are enough directors, he doesn't need to worry about it at all. The director will find a book to shoot his favorite TV series.

His English album contains 10 songs, which is two fewer songs than his previous albums. The main reason is that he can save as much as he can. Anyway, other people's albums probably only have so many songs.

After spending three days writing the script of "The Little Master of China", he handed it directly to the special effects department of Phoenix Special Effects Company, and then he spent one day working with the people in the special effects department to formulate the character image and overall style.

The style of "The Little Master of China" mainly adopts the Japanese style, with the addition of our own cultural elements, the overall effect is much better than the pure Japanese style, and the characters become more distinctive and distinctive.

After the English album is produced,

Give it directly to Shengshi Records, and let them contact Polygram Records for global distribution.

Previously, PolyGram mainly released the Chinese album of Leaf Book, which was aimed at the overseas Chinese community. This time, there is finally a pure English album, which finally makes PolyGram feel that such cooperation is more meaningful.

After finishing the work at hand, Ye Zishu took a look at the company's ongoing operating system project, office software project, and browser project. The progress was relatively stable, so he felt relieved.

So he selected a male employee from the administrative department of Phoenix Software Company to act as his temporary assistant and went to Shenzhen to inspect Xuanwu Technology Company, which is headquartered in Shenzhen.

The reason why he wanted a male assistant was mainly because he went to Shenzhen this time, and after finishing his work there, he went directly to Hainan, so he also moved his computer there this time.

The current computer is too heavy. If it is a female assistant, it cannot be moved at all. If you bring a male assistant by your side, you can also help, so that you will not make yourself too hard.

After buying a ticket to Shenzhen, Wu Chaoqiang, the person in charge of Xuanwu Technology, was notified. Early the next morning, he and his assistant took the plane to Shenzhen.

Sitting on the plane, Ye Zishu asked the flight attendant for a newspaper to read, but when he opened it, the headline on the front page was a big deal, with the title: "It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat!"

To be honest, since the old man started his southern tour on January 18, there will be heavy news coming out every once in a while. He has been busy with the company's affairs and has not had any personal experience.

But he is very clear that this southern tour will kick off a new prelude to my country's reform and opening up. Many important reform measures started from this year.

Also this year, Shanghai established the Pudong New Area, revoked the former Chuansha County, and ushered in the prelude to the rapid development of Shanghai. These are all iconic events.

It's just that none of this has much to do with him. He wants to get a share of the pie, and because most of his funds are spent in the electronics industry, it's not enough at all.

In his speech during the southern tour, he believed that the most important thing is to let go of the small and medium-sized economies, and more self-employed people have emerged, and many of the current self-employed people will also be future giants.

When the plane landed from Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport and got off the plane, in addition to Wu Chaoqiang, the general manager of Xuanwu Technology Company, there was another person who seemed to be a government official waiting for him.

When Ye Zishu approached, Wu Chaoqiang introduced to Ye Zishu, "This is Director Wu from the Investment Promotion Office of Nanshan District."

After hearing Wu Chaoqiang's introduction, Ye Zishu shook hands with Director Wu, and said, "How can I bother Director Wu to come and pick up the plane in person, I should pay a visit in person."

"I've wanted to get to know President Ye a long time ago, but I've been waiting and waiting, but I didn't wait for President Ye to come over. This time I finally caught the opportunity, so I can't miss it!" Director Wu said with a smile.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Ye Zishu and Wu Chaoqiang took a car, and the convoy left the airport and headed for the temporary headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company.

"Director Wu came here in person, is there something wrong?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. The main reason is that our investment in Nanshan District is very large, and the district attaches great importance to it. When you come here for the first time, they will naturally pay more attention to it." Wu Chaoqiang said.

The affairs here have always been handled by Wu Chaoqiang, who has already invested more than 500 million yuan here. Except for R\u0026D expenses, most of the funds are used to buy land to build factories, as well as his own R\u0026D center and company headquarters.

The current R\u0026D center is temporarily leased. It is not a big problem to do PCB and SMT research work in the early stage, but it is not suitable for chip manufacturing research in the later stage.

An investment of 500 million yuan is not a small figure in this era, not to mention that according to Xuanwu Technology's posture and his public statements in the media, the investment scale of the entire project is much larger than this.

From this point of view, the Nanshan District government cannot overemphasize Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. If this industrial chain is really established, it will bring huge development opportunities to Nanshan District.

The reason why Xuanwu Technology Company chose Nanshan District instead of the well-developed old district was mainly because there is a large area of ​​industrial land to provide.

The district government even promised that as long as Xuanwu Technology Company achieves its promised goals, the Shenzhen Municipal Government will provide residential land at a very low price for Xuanwu Technology Company to build its own employee community.

The industrial land itself is already half sold and half given away, and with the subsequent promises, it can save Xuanwu Technology a lot of infrastructure costs.

At this time, Nanshan District was far behind in development compared to Futian and Luohu Districts, while Nanshan District took Xuanwu Technology Company as the leading enterprise in the district to build a complete electronics industry cluster.

Therefore, for the Nanshan District Government, the success or failure of Xuanwu Technology Company is related to the success or failure of the economic development of Nanshan District. Basically, which piece of land Xuanwu Technology Company takes a fancy to, the government will approve it.

And he came here this time, not only to see the construction of the production base here and the equipment research and development, but more importantly, to raise money, because the projects he is currently making money have not developed for the time being, and are in a state of neglect.

Therefore, he hopes that the Nanshan District government can help find a relationship and get a loan from the bank. Due to the huge amount, with the help of the government, the possibility of approval is much higher.

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