Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 112 Don't Want to Be That Angry (4/5)

A group of people came to the temporary headquarters of Xuanwu Technology Company, a 10-story office building. This building was found with the help of the district government, and it is the property of the government.

The reason why the Nanshan District Government has so much trust in Xuanwu Technology is not because they firmly believe that Xuanwu Technology can establish a complete electronics industry chain.

After all, Xuanwu Technology Company is just a start-up company. Even if they advertise their technology to the outside world, they have no successful examples before, so it is difficult to win people's trust.

Instead, Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has invested heavily in the construction of factories and recruited a large number of researchers to conduct research. This battle makes people have to believe it.

Even if Xuanwu Technology Company can't do it, the several billion yuan will be in vain. Even if there is no follow-up funds in place, 500 million yuan has been invested now, which is a real investment.

If Xuanwu Technology Company is not sure, it is impossible to invest so much real money, so the district government still has a certain degree of confidence in establishing a certain foundation for the electronics industry.

As for the establishment of a complete electronic industry chain, they actually don't believe it. They just let Xuanwu Technology Company try it for the time being. If it succeeds, it will bring huge political achievements to the local area.

It can even be said that once successful, Nanshan District will directly surpass the other two established districts and become the district with the largest output value and the highest technological content in Shenzhen, and become the leading urban area of ​​Shenzhen in one fell swoop.

This kind of project with less investment and huge benefits, not to mention these people who are well versed in politics, even Ye Zishu himself is willing to try it.

There is no such thing as a stable profit in this world. As long as the future benefits are large enough, proper investment in the early stage is inevitable, and even losses can be afforded.

When they arrived at the company, Wu Chaoqiang led the way, while Ye Zishu and Director Wu walked behind.

Ye Zishu said: "As for the understanding of the company, Director Wu probably knows a lot more than my boss, so I won't take Director Wu to visit the company."

When Director Wu heard Ye Zishu's words, he immediately waved his hands and said, "Don't bother, if you want to visit, I will come at any time. Mr. Ye's time is precious, so just follow Mr. Ye's wishes.

But Mr. Ye, if you don't come here for a long time, you can rest assured that such a large industry can develop itself here? Come over more often in the future. "

This is because Ye Zishu is not interested in this project. If it is really dirty, although the government will not lose much, it will still be a loss. This is a reminder to Ye Zishu.

"Director Wu said,

It's not that I don't want to come over to supervise the battle, but that I'm desperately looking for money. You should also know about the electronics manufacturing industry.

If we only do PCB, we don't need so much investment, but what we want is a complete industrial chain, and what we want is the top of the industry, which naturally requires a lot of capital investment.

To be honest, it is very difficult to support my current industry. If I don't find money quickly, there will really be problems here. In comparison, finding money is obviously more important. "Leaf Book explained.

Ever since Ye Zishu publicly stated that he was short of money in the Spring Festival Gala, now the whole of China knew that Ye Zishu was short of money. Director Wu nodded when he heard what he said, expressing his agreement.

There are high and low levels in the electronics manufacturing industry. High-end electronics manufacturing is very costly, while low-end manufacturing already has related industries in China, so there is no need to invest in it yourself.

While the group was talking, they came to the company's conference room. Ye Zishu sat opposite Director Wu and his group. The next thing to talk about was obviously much more important.

"This time Mr. Ye happened to be here. On behalf of the district government, I want to confirm some things. I hope Mr. Ye can help us answer them so that we can be mentally prepared." Director Wu said.

"Director Wu is being polite, but it's okay for you to say it." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I see that you are taking the land. It is not an ordinary electronics manufacturing industry at all. Can you tell us your plan in advance so that we can make corresponding preparations." Director Wu said.

Hearing what Director Wu said, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Since Director Wu asked, I naturally want to talk about it, but I hope that this matter will not be spread."

The reason why he said this is mainly to avoid external factors from interfering with his plan. Although the possibility of this is relatively low, it must be guarded against.

No one pays attention to him now, but when his Phoenix Software Company launches a world-leading graphics operating system, as well as office software and browsers, it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

The electronics manufacturing industry, which his peers did not think would become a trend, may have new ideas. When they come out to disrupt the situation, his current capital strength will simply not be able to compete.

"Don't worry, we will never spread a word about the content of today's conversation!" After Director Wu finished speaking, he glanced at the people around him.

"My original intention of investing in the electronics manufacturing industry was to solve high-end triple play digital switches, because such switches are too advanced and have high requirements for related electronics manufacturing levels.

Not to mention whether the foreign industrial chain can meet my requirements, but our foreign exchange consumption is also very large, coupled with the need for technical confidentiality, we must complete the manufacturing in China.

However, the domestic electronics manufacturing industry obviously cannot meet my requirements. I can only build a high-end electronics manufacturing industry from beginning to end, laying the foundation for my country's high-end electronics manufacturing. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Director Wu looked at Ye Zishu and said, "If it's just like this, there's no need to take so much land, right?"

"If it's just a part of electronics manufacturing, naturally we don't need so much land, but what I just said is a complete industrial chain, which includes materials, equipment, components, finished electronic manufacturing and processing, etc.

And this is only the first step of the plan. When I have more funds on hand, I will start manufacturing high-end chips later, which also requires a large area of ​​land.

The purpose of acquiring more land now is to put these industrial clusters together to reduce logistics costs and personnel exchange costs, and putting these industries together is also beneficial to the economic development of Nanshan District. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Director Wu was shocked. He didn't see that Ye Zishu's plan was so huge. It could almost be said that apart from mining, all subsequent links had to be constructed.

But after the shock, he expressed his deep concern. Whether such a huge plan can be successful with the investment of Ye Zishu alone has not considered the technical issue.

"Boss Ye, is this stall too big? You said just now that your current funds are limited. Will this cause the funds to dry up and cause the plan to die?" Director Wu said.

"Theoretically, this is possible, but it's a matter of human effort, and it has to be done!" Ye Shu said.

"How do you say that?" Director Wu asked curiously.

"If our country wants to develop, it will inevitably use the cheese of developed countries, and the electronics industry is dominated by the United States, plus Japan, South Korea, and some European countries, completely controlling this area.

You said, when we reached or surpassed them in high-end products, how did they react? "Leaf Book asked.

"What's the reaction?" Director Wu asked curiously.

"As long as this phenomenon occurs, they will not hesitate to take action to suppress it, and the simplest and most effective way is technical sanctions. As long as products using their technology are used, I cannot use them.

In that case, I will give up completely. No matter how high-end products are, they are manufactured through a series of links. This is to break my roots, and also break the roots of my country's high-end electronics industry! "Leaf Book said.

Seeing Director Wu thinking about what he said, Ye Zishu waited for a while, and continued: "It seems that the investment is huge now, and it puts a lot of pressure on me, but this is a process of bitterness before sweetness.

If I choose comfort at the beginning, it means that I will suffer later. Because of this, I would rather suffer a little bit now than suffer this anger in the future.

Moreover, in the high-end electronics manufacturing industry, as time goes by, the technical barriers will gradually deepen. If you want to catch up later, the scale of investment will show geometric growth.

At that time, it will not be able to catch up with the investment of only a few billion yuan, or hundreds of billions of yuan. This is an industry with obvious first-mover advantages. The sooner you fully intervene, the easier it is to catch up. "

After listening to his words, Director Wu was also shocked by his ambition. Is this going to bring my country's electronics manufacturing industry to the peak of the industry by himself?

"I don't know what Mr. Ye needs our help for?" Director Wu was also encouraged to ask this question.

"Actually, the technical problem is not a problem in my opinion. Instead, it is a problem of funds and talents, which is the biggest limitation of our development. Since Director Wu is willing to help, can you contact me for a bank loan?" Ye Zishu said.

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