Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 113 Loan Certificate (five/five)

What Director Wu didn't expect was that Ye Zishu asked the government to borrow money for him, and he felt stumped all of a sudden, and didn't know what to say next.

"Bank loans require collateral. What is Mr. Ye going to use as collateral?" Director Wu thought for a while and asked.

"Director Wu, you should understand that my other industries are cultural industries. The largest technology industry is Xuanwu Technology Company. There are two other companies, one is Lingtong Technology Company that focuses on the communication industry, and the other is Phoenix Technology that focuses on software research and development. technology company.

At present, the cultural industry brings me the largest amount of funds, and the technology industry is basically in the investment stage. Banks should not require technical materials as collateral. "Leaf Book said.

Although Xuanwu Technology Company has invested 500 million yuan, except for the factory building and employee residences, everything else has been invested in technology research and development.

As for bank loans, the favorite collateral is real objects. Among them, they think that the houses with the highest value should be these houses that have not been fully built.

As for the cultural industries that Yeshu thinks are of high value, the banks basically don't recognize them, because they have no intention of operating these cultural industries at all.

However, if the cultural industry is not carefully managed, it will not create much value, so Ye Zishu put his assets on the table for Director Wu to see, and Director Wu did not know what to say.

"How much does Mr. Ye need to borrow?" Director Wu finally asked helplessly.

"Of course, the more loans the better, but I also know that this is impossible, and the government guarantees this matter, which also bears certain risks.

To be honest, I didn’t want to take out a loan right away, mainly because I was afraid of short-term funding vacancies. There are still several profitable projects in the implementation stage, and there may be vacancies in the middle.

And I don't want to stop the related work here until the funds are in place, so what I hope is that the government can help me get a short-term loan certificate.

If the funds can keep up in time, there is naturally no need to borrow from the bank. If the funds cannot keep up and there is a short-term vacancy, it can be filled in time to avoid suspension of work and production.

So I thought that as long as the loan certificate is executed, the short-term funding problem can be solved.

Can you use the current investment of Xuanwu Technology Company as collateral to borrow 1 billion yuan from the bank. "Leaf Book said.

Director Wu was very embarrassed by these words of Ye Zishu. After thinking about it for a long time, he still dared not make a decision.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu could only continue to add fuel to the fire.

"Actually, this kind of short-term borrowing is not very risky. I don't know if Director Wu has heard of the "Lion King" animated film produced by Shengshi Film and Television Company under my subsidiary?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I heard something!" Director Wu replied.

"Then it's easy to handle. There may be few domestic reports. "The Lion King" has already been released in North America and won the box office champion last year, with a total box office of 590 million US dollars.

According to our sharing agreement, the box office in the hands of Shengshi Film and Television Company is 250 million US dollars, but according to the agreement, the money needs to arrive at the end of April.

Moreover, the movie "The Lion King" is still actively discussing its release in other countries and regions. According to our estimates, the box office of these films will be around 400 million US dollars.

And the box office share in our hands is about 150 million U.S. dollars, which together can bring me 400 million U.S. dollars in income, enough to pay the loan and interest. "Leaf Book said.

The reason why Director Wu hesitated was because Xuanwu Technology Company was halfway there. Although the investment scale was not small, after the bank took over, it simply couldn't continue.

In a situation like this, if he succeeds, it will be a huge profit, but if he fails, he will be worthless. This kind of asset is used as collateral, which naturally makes him worry about problems.

Now that Ye Zishu talked about his other industries, his confidence suddenly increased. Although some information has yet to be verified, if it is true, at least the government is not afraid of repaying the loan.

And this is still a loan certificate, not a real loan, just in case, to avoid a short-term funding gap, so the risk is further reduced.

"Boss Ye, I can't immediately agree to this matter. I need to go back and discuss it." Director Wu said.

"That's no problem. I may stay in Shenzhen for a week, and then I will go to Hainan to shoot a movie." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Boss Ye still makes movies himself?" Director Wu asked curiously.

Shengshi Film and Television Company has indeed produced a blockbuster movie, but the outside world thinks that it is the result of the hard work of Shengshi Film and Television Company employees, and will not give the credit to Ye Zishu.

"I don't want to do it myself, but the movies we shoot are for making money and are aimed at audiences all over the world. There are almost no film and television talents in our country, so I can only do it myself." Ye Zishu said helplessly.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Director Wu directly gave him a thumbs up. He didn't expect Ye Zishu not only to be so good at singing and writing songs, but also to have the ability to direct and write, which he didn't expect.

Director Wu led their team away, leaving the boss Ye Shu, general manager Wu Chaoqiang and chief engineer Fan Yongming in the office.

"This time I came here, apart from looking at the construction progress and R\u0026D progress here, I just want to straighten out the company's business lines and establish a more complete organizational structure.

At present, the company's main work can be divided into four categories: research and development of electronic manufacturing equipment, research and development of electronic manufacturing materials, including physical materials and chemical materials, manufacturing of electronic components and manufacturing of electronic products.

Now all the businesses are piled up together. The reason for this is that none of the businesses here have brought us any benefits, and they are all in the investment stage.

But I think that from now on, we should slowly make adjustments and form four major industrial groups according to these four major business categories, so that R\u0026D and production can perform their duties more, and there will be no confusion.

When the four major industrial groups are put into operation, earn profits, and can continue to operate, they can establish four subsidiaries and give more operating authority. "Leaf Book said.

"I have no objection, and I will do my best to follow Mr. Ye's orders." Wu Chaoqiang said.

"I have no objection in principle, but with such a point, my position as the chief engineer is useless." Fan Yongming said.

He appreciated Fan Yongming for expressing his concerns so directly. On the contrary, he didn't like people who agreed verbally but did things behind their backs to sabotage the plan.

So he nodded to Fan Yongming and said: "The advantage of Mr. Fan is that he has worked in the electronics industry for many years and knows the electronics industry very well.

After the establishment of these four major industrial groups, Mr. Fan will be responsible for the construction of the supply chain of the four major industrial groups, coordinate the cooperation of the four major industrial groups, establish a sound communication channel, and the salary will remain the same. What do you think? "

Ye Zishu's arrangement is to give full play to Fan Yongming's strengths. In fact, Fan Yongming is not very powerful in terms of professional research and development. After all, generalists are often not specialized.

But his advantage lies in his understanding of the complete electronics industry chain, his ability to effectively organize the entire R\u0026D team and production team, and work hard to achieve common goals.

Even Ye Zishu, with the assistance of Fan Yongming, straightened out the entire industrial chain, listed the key equipment, and then started to copy the relevant materials himself, otherwise he would be caught blind.

Therefore, people like Fan Yongming are also very important to the company. It stands to reason that he should be given the position of an industrial planner.

However, Fan Yongming is only familiar with the current electronics industry chain, but lacks some vision for the future development of the electronics industry, and is not suitable for future industry planning.

It would be better for him to take this position himself, and it would not be too late to hand it over to someone else when there are really outstanding talents in the future.

"I have no problem, and I will actively cooperate with Mr. Wu to do related work!" Fan Yongming naturally had no objection when he heard Ye Zishu's arrangement. In fact, it was not much different from the work he was doing now.

"That's good. I hope to complete the company's structural reform on the premise of ensuring the smooth progress of R\u0026D and production." Ye Shu finally said.

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