Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 114 Planning of Huge Electronic Semiconductor Industry Group (1/4)

Afterwards, Ye Zishu asked Fan Yongming to report the progress of the research and development of each link, what caused the difficulties in the progress, and where they were stuck, and made a detailed list.

Wu Chaoqiang reported on the company's construction progress, including the production base, R\u0026D center and staff housing. The three started construction almost at the same time, and the R\u0026D center was the priority.

According to Fan Yongming's report, most of the research and development are currently going very smoothly, but the progress of research and development of top equipment such as high-end lithography machines and etching machines is a little behind.

Then there is the software system. The research and development progress is still relatively backward. I hope Ye Zishu can help solve it. This is a relatively weak part of Xuanwu Technology.

After listening to his words, the place where the progress is slow is the manufacture of high-precision instruments. Whether it is a lithography machine or an etching machine, although there are materials and drawings provided by him, it is not so easy to produce them.

There are many practical situations to consider, especially when many basic components cannot be supplied in China, R\u0026D personnel are required to implement each item in the laboratory, and industrial production also needs to be considered.

Although these basic parts leaf books also provide information, but if it is extended, it will also involve more basic parts. In short, it is not enough to just get the drawings and assemble them casually.

Then there is the software system. The industrial production site system is still very different from our commonly used software systems, mainly embedded programming.

The difficulty here is not the difficulty of writing code, but the collection and debugging of data, so that the machine can reach the best running state. This part is that Yeshu does not have so much data support.

Ye Shu can write the best parameter code by himself, but he can't tell how the best parameter code comes from, because this is the data given by the system.

It seems that during this period of time, what he needs to focus on is this aspect of work. He should work with the system engineer here to determine the key parameters of the system as soon as possible. The other parts are not difficult for the system engineer.

And the embedded programming they use now is also the Phoenix programming language. When the Phoenix programming language was written, this was considered, but it was the embedded programming version of the Phoenix programming language.

In contrast, the construction progress of the building is proceeding in an orderly manner, and there is no other bottleneck except for the possible bottleneck of funds.

The R\u0026D center will be fully built in May, when all R\u0026D personnel and experimental equipment can be settled in, and the number of scientific researchers that the R\u0026D center can accommodate will reach 20,000.

Covers a very large area,

It can even be called a research and development base. It consists of more than 20 6-story buildings. In the future, the research and development work of the entire electronics industry will be carried out here.

There are so many buildings in the R\u0026D center, but they can only accommodate more than 20,000 people. The main reason is that the technology research and development of the electronic industry is not software research and development, which requires a lot of space to house experimental equipment.

The reason why the R\u0026D center costs a lot is not that the labor cost is high, but that the cost of experimental equipment is too high. Advanced R\u0026D cannot do without advanced equipment, and these equipment are piled up with money.

Even some higher-end experimental equipment, even if you have money, you can't buy it, and they won't sell it to you at all. This is what makes him feel uncomfortable.

But now it is a bit difficult to build high-precision instruments and equipment by hand, because our basic industry is not up to standard, even if he has information, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice.

Work in this area needs to wait until the electronics industry chain is perfected and there is a certain amount of electronics manufacturing capabilities before it can be started. At least the electronic part of high-precision instruments and equipment will have much fewer bottlenecks.

As for the mechanical part, he thinks it is relatively simple, and only needs to solve the raw materials. As long as the other parts are cleverly designed and made by ingenious people, there is a high probability of success.

Now the material part is mixed with the equipment research and development project, and the material preparation is carried out in the laboratory according to the needs of the experiment, and industrial large-scale production has not yet been carried out.

However, after the production plant is completed and the relevant equipment and production lines are in place, the industrial production of materials will be mass-produced immediately. Without materials, there will be nothing to do later.

He has not yet planned to set up a separate company for the material part, because it is a bit chaotic if they are mixed together at present, but it can speed up communication. When they are on the right track together, they will sort out the business details and establish related professional enterprises.

Then there is the production base. At present, the land area under construction by Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is 2 square kilometers, but the planned area is as high as more than 10 square kilometers.

Such a large-scale production base will inevitably have a large number of workers and related support personnel, and hundreds of thousands of people can gather here by then.

And these hundreds of thousands of people need supporting residential land, the area is several times that of industrial land. According to the estimation of Xuanwu Technology Company, if all the land is completed, the total land will need 50 square kilometers.

Coupled with more living facilities and commercial facilities, the radiation range of this park alone is as high as 100 square kilometers, and the area of ​​the entire Nanshan District is only 187 square kilometers.

That's why we said that as long as this park is fully established, it will definitely be the economic pillar of Nanshan District, the center of domestic electronic semiconductors, and may even be the center of electronic semiconductors in the world.

Such a large industrial scale naturally requires a large amount of funds to accumulate, so what Wu Chaoqiang said in the end was the problem of funds. The first batch of 500 million yuan has bottomed out, and we need to continue to bring in money.

Under such a large-scale construction of 500 million yuan, there is really no fuss. The first batch of land to be developed requires funds as high as 8 billion yuan.

To complete the development, the capital scale required is as high as 50 billion yuan. Fortunately, it does not need to be completed in one step, and it will be developed in several phases. The Nanshan District Government promised to keep the land for Xuanwu Technology Company.

Of course, whether to stay or not depends on the results of the first phase of Xuanwu Technology Company's construction. If the first batch of construction is completed, it will produce very good economic benefits.

Then the Nanshan District Government would not have much resistance in retaining the remaining land for Xuanwu Technology Company. After all, rather than leaving it for other uncertain projects, it would be better to leave it for projects that are sure to bring strong benefits.

Faced with Wu Chaoqiang's reminder, Ye Zishu promised to transfer the remaining 500 million yuan in the account immediately. As for the subsequent funds, he had to wait until the box office share of "The Lion King" arrived.

Of course, he still hopes that the health care product industry that Pei Qing is in charge of can bring him huge benefits. The health care product formula he has produced is absolutely outstanding in terms of data.

Whether it will sell well in the future, apart from word of mouth, depends on the publicity of Tai Chi Health Care Company led by Pei Qing. However, CCTV's advertising resources are in the hands of Shengshi Advertising Company, and there is no shortage of advertising resources.

The 1 billion yuan investment will at most be the construction of the first phase of factories, residences and R\u0026D centers, not including the funds needed to operate these places.

This reminded him again that he seemed to be short of money all the time, every time he was either making money, or on the way to make money, and kept running around to make money.

After talking about urgent issues, Ye Zishu had lunch here, and then accompanied by Wu Chaoqiang and his temporary secretary, he inspected the construction of the production base, residential area, and R\u0026D center.

From the second day on, he basically spent time in the R\u0026D center, assisting the R\u0026D personnel to carry out scientific research on key and difficult problems, especially in the software system, which was the easiest for him. With his help, the problems were solved one by one.

As for the research and development of other hardware equipment, it is not actually his strong point, but he has his own virtual laboratory. When encountering difficult problems, he can conduct experiments in the virtual laboratory first, which is easier to solve problems than in reality.

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