Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 115: Loan Negotiation (2/4)

Ye Zishu stayed in the R\u0026D center for a week, and basically just spent time here, except for eating and sleeping, he was basically busy.

Seeing the boss working so hard, the people in the R\u0026D center unconsciously sped up the pace, even walking with wind. In fact, Ye Zishu wanted to say that he didn't mean that, and wanted to drive the employees to work hard.

Everyone has their own actual situation. He is mainly used to doing this, and he can't spend too much time here, so he must race against time.

Although the R\u0026D center has sped up the entire R\u0026D pace due to his joining, many projects that were originally progressing slowly have achieved breakthroughs under his participation.

However, he was particularly concerned about the loan issue. In the past week, there was no news, which made him a little anxious. The 500 million yuan he just called would be exhausted in a short time.

Regardless of whether it is research and development or production construction, the later it is in the middle and late stages, the faster the capital consumption will be. Don't look at the previous 500 million yuan for such a long time, the latter 500 million yuan can last for a month, which is very good.

When Ye Zishu was considering whether to wait here, Director Wu finally brought news and asked him to go to the district government to talk about the loan.

When Ye Zishu arrived at the district government, the head of the district government was also there, and people from China Guangfa Bank also came over at the same time, but he was the last one to arrive at the negotiation site.

"Mr. Ye, in order to solve the loan issue for you, we have broken our legs these few days." The district chief said with a smile.

Regardless of whether his words are true or not, Ye Zishu will accept this feeling, and the reason why the district chief said this is to want him to put more industries in Nanshan District.

It means "Look, the government is so enthusiastic about service, it is estimated that there are not many in the whole country. Put more industries here, and the industry will develop faster and more securely."

"Thank you for the district government's support!" Ye Zishu hurriedly thanked.

After the polite words were finished, the district chief said after the three parties sat down, "The specific loan negotiation is a matter for Mr. Ye and China Guangfa Bank. We are just a witness."

"The district government has already stated your request. In principle, we agree to Mr. Ye's request. The district government will provide a credit guarantee and provide Mr. Ye with a loan certificate of 1 billion yuan.

The term of the 1 billion yuan loan certificate is 6 months, that is, within 6 months after we signed the agreement, Mr. Ye can borrow 1 billion yuan from our bank at any time with the certificate. said the bank negotiator.

Heard from the bank,

Ye Zishu himself was shocked that the district government actually used its own reputation as a guarantee for him, that is to say, if he did not register, the district government would have to pay him back the money to the bank.

He didn't say that before, but asked the district government to see which of his properties could be used as collateral, and if the bank approved, he could take them out as collateral.

In this situation, there are only two possibilities. The first is the collateral he mentioned, which is not recognized by the bank at all and cannot be used as collateral for loans.

However, if the district government wants to facilitate this loan, it can only use its own reputation as a guarantee. In this way, Ye Shu does not need to provide collateral, and everyone acts according to their conscience.

The second is that the bank doesn’t think Ye Zishu can’t repay the money. At least Ye Zishu’s status and strength in the music field are in place. Even if this side goes bankrupt, with his strength, he can still repay the money in the future.

"What is the name of the loan?" Ye Zishu asked.

If the loan is in the name of the company and the company goes bankrupt, he does not need to bear the responsibility personally. Of course, this is only an ideal state. In fact, it is hard to say whether he should bear the responsibility.

If the loan is in his own name, then once the company repays the loan, the arrears will fall on him, and he can only rely on his part-time job to make money.

"The 1 billion yuan loan certificate is of course in the name of Xuanwu Technology Company." The banker said.

Hearing this, Ye Zishu knew that the district government had taken a huge risk. He looked at the place where the district government personnel were sitting and nodded his thanks.

The District Chief and Director Wu, seeing Ye Zishu looking at them, also nodded to Ye Zishu with a smile on their faces.

To be honest, he was very touched that the district government was willing to take such a big risk for him. One billion yuan was not a small number, even if the district government wanted to spend it, it would be very difficult.

"That's no problem. Please trust the district government that Xuanwu Technology Company will complete this project to repay the district government's support for Xuanwu Technology Company." Ye Zishu assured.

Regardless of whether the other party believes what he said, but with his words, at least the other party will feel more at ease, and it will make them feel that supporting him is worthwhile.

"We have brought the contract, please take a look at Mr. Ye, if there is no problem, we will sign it immediately!" The bank staff took out the three-party contract, handed it to Ye Zishu and the district government respectively, and kept a copy in his hand.

Ye Zishu carefully read all the contracts, and there were no major problems with the clauses. The loan interest rate was 8%, which was regarded as a normal loan interest rate in this era.

What's more, this loan is a short-term loan, and the general interest rate is higher than the long-term loan interest rate. The interest calculation starts from cashing the loan certificate. If you don't cash it all the time, you don't have to pay interest.

The validity period of the loan certificate is 6 months. After the loan certificate is cashed, the loan period is 1 year, and the loan can be repaid in advance without increasing the loan interest rate.

After reading Ye Zishu, he handed over the contract to Wu Chaoqiang. Wu Chaoqiang is the legal person of Xuantian Technology Company. The contract must be signed by him to take effect. He only needs to stamp it and does not need to sign.

When all three parties signed, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said: "Actually, the 1 billion yuan may be exhausted in a short time as the construction progress accelerates.

For the sake of insurance, can I reach a loan certificate agreement with the bank in my own name, so that if there is another funding problem, it can be cashed out immediately. "

"It's not impossible in your own name, but you need to provide enough collateral." The person at the bank said.

After Ye Zishu heard this, he quickly thought about what assets he had under his own name, which could be used as collateral instead of assets of other companies.

"You should know that I still have a certain influence in the music industry, at least the Chinese music industry. Last year, the global sales of music albums reached 180 million.

Calculated based on the average income of 10 yuan per album, the income from the album alone is as high as 1.8 billion yuan, which is also the financial basis for Xuanwu Technology's project to date.

I wonder if I can use my future album as collateral to get a loan from the bank in my own name? "Leaf Book asked.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, both the bank staff and the district government staff were stunned. They hadn't seen him lending money like this, at least they hadn't heard of it before.

This is using his future income as a loan, which is definitely a bit unruly, because it is difficult to estimate future income, and the uncertainty is too high, and the risk is naturally high.

However, although Ye Zishu made his debut relatively late, everyone still recognizes his popularity in the field of Chinese music, otherwise he would not have such a high album sales.

"Can you give me a room, let's discuss it internally first." The person in charge of the bank's negotiation said.

"Of course there is no problem." The people from the district government said, and then took the bank staff out of the meeting room, leaving only the people from Ye Zishu and the people from the district government.

"Mr. Ye, your idea is really beyond our expectation." Director Wu said with a smile.

"There is no way, I am sure that the two film projects currently underway by Shengshi Film and Television Company will still have a high box office in the future, but the release time needs to be determined according to the actual situation, and the payment return time is uncertain.

In addition, other money-making projects under my umbrella are also in progress, and it is unknown whether I can get a large amount of funds in time in the future.

So I can only use my future albums first, and get as much loan certificate as possible to avoid accidents. You should know how much impact it will have on the company's operations once the company's funds are exhausted. "Leaf Book said.

While they were talking, the bank also went through a heated debate, finally reached an agreement, and then went back to the meeting room.

"Our opinion is that it's not impossible to do this, but the sales volume of each album is not so high. It can only be assessed based on the sales volume of 5 million yuan per album, and the maximum loan amount is 500 million yuan." The person in charge of the bank negotiation said.

"I personally have no opinion, and I agree with the bank's opinion." Ye Zishu also said very simply.

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