Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 116 Can this work? (three/four)

Next, the two parties signed a loan certificate contract. Yepshu took out the next 10 albums as collateral, and got a certificate of a 500 million loan amount that could be cashed in.

To be honest, he is very unaccustomed to taking out loans. Maybe he was just an ordinary person in his previous life, and he is not used to the way of borrowing money to make money.

This time there is really no way, because many sources of funds need time to cultivate. If there is a break in the middle, the business operation may collapse immediately.

State-owned enterprises can also say that the state has the bottom line, and employees don't particularly care about temporary difficulties, but once private enterprises fail to pay wages, they are basically declared dead. It is basically impossible for employees to overcome difficulties together.

And he doesn't want to do this either. Everyone comes from thousands of miles just for money, and he doesn't want to tell his employees lofty ideals. When he makes a lot of money, he doesn't necessarily give his employees more money.

So after getting these loan certificates, he felt more at ease. Not cashing in is the best, which means that other projects are progressing smoothly and can bring him enough funds.

After leaving the district government office, Ye Zishu and Wu Chaoqiang returned to the company and asked Wu Chaoqiang to keep the two documents, while he continued to stay in the R\u0026D center, preparing for his finishing work here.

Three days later, Zhang Guoli called and said that the shooting conditions in Hainan were ready, and all the actors were in place, ready to start.

Only then did Ye Zishu leave the R\u0026D center, and with his temporary assistant, he boarded the land of Hainan Island by ferry. This was the first time he came here, whether it was in his previous life or his present life.

Zhang Guoli personally came to the ferry to pick up Ye Zishu. After the two got into the car, Zhang Guoli began to report to him the specific situation here, so that he could understand.

After talking about these things, Zhang Guoli was silent for a moment, hesitant to speak, Ye Zishu saw him like this, and said: "Teacher Zhang, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I didn't know it until I came here. I didn't know it until I came here. The real estate market in Hainan is already hot. Let me, a layman, see it, and I have the urge to rush in." Zhang Guoli said.

He thought it was a matter of work, but it turned out that he was a little moved when he saw the popularity of real estate in Hainan, and wanted to follow up on the hype.

But although Zhang Guoli's salary is much higher than ordinary people, it is not enough to make waves here. In 1991, the house price here was 1,400 yuan/square meter, and now it has risen to 5,000 yuan/square meter.

The total population of Hainan is only a few million, and next year when Hainan's real estate prices will peak,

It can rise to 7,500 yuan per square meter, while the per capita monthly income is only one or two hundred yuan.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how big the bubble is, but everyone doesn't think that they are the last ones to take the offer, and they all gamble in it.

"I advise Mr. Zhang to take back his mind. You should be very clear about how big the bubble is. If you don't jump this year, you will jump next year. There is a serious mismatch between housing prices and income. Now you are just playing the game of drumming and spreading flowers." Ye Zishu said.

Didn't he know about the Hainan real estate bubble incident that was widely circulated in later generations, but because he didn't want to get involved at all, and he couldn't get the biggest cake.

Anyone who can acquire land in Hainan has something to do with it. If he came over last year, with his little capital, it might not be enough to see it. It is better to honestly develop the industry according to his own plan.

It is even more impossible to come in now, it is already in the high-risk zone, and you don’t know when you will die when you come in, and the benefits are not as big as before, so why bother to take this muddy water.

Although he is indeed short of money and has been busy making money all the time, he understands that some money should be earned and some money should not be earned, otherwise it will be difficult to get out.

Besides, regardless of how hot the real estate market in Hainan is, in fact, it is only 8.7 billion yuan, which is an astronomical figure for most of them, enough to drive them crazy.

But for Ye Zishu, it is a very small market. There are already so many "crocodiles" swimming in it, and he may not be able to eat as much as he comes in.

Zhang Guoli saw that Ye Zishu refused without even thinking about it, so he didn't say anything. The reason why he mentioned this was mainly because Ye Zishu had been worrying about money during this period of time.

So seeing that the real estate here is so hot, I reminded Ye Zishu to see if I could make some money from it. Zhang Guoli himself has nothing to do, and he has no funds. There is no point in coming in. He can only be a leek.

The group drove to Sanya. At this time, the urban area of ​​Sanya was very small, and there were not so many tourist projects. The model of the Titanic cruise ship built by Shengshi Film and Television Company stood by the sea.

After Ye Zishu arrived, he first met with the actors and asked them if they were still used to this place. As a result, they liked the beach here very much.

However, the two leading actors asked him privately whether the model of the Titanic cruise ship built with these woods could achieve the shooting effect.

They have all read the script. In the description of the script, the scene is very spectacular, which is completely different from the model scene built so far.

"You may not know the current level of special effects technology. If it is not for you actors to feel better, I would not even build such a model. It is a waste of time." Ye Shu said.

When the two leading actors heard his words, they were immediately incredulous. They didn't even use such a crude model. Could it be staged directly on flat ground?

"Can it be staged on flat ground? Can this work?" Winslet asked.

"Actually, it's okay to do this!" Ye Zishu shrugged and said with a smile.

Hearing his words, the two of them immediately expressed disbelief, at least they had never heard of such special effects technology in Hollywood, and even wondered if Ye Shu was lying to them.

But whether to lie to them or not has little to do with them, as long as they pay their salary, if it cannot be realized, it is not they who lose, so there is no doubt.

After seeing that they had no problems, Ye Zishu said: "You are very busy with your work, and you hope to adjust your status as soon as possible. Our shooting time is only one month."

"No problem!" The two replied confidently.

Although Leonardo is not a complete newcomer, he has made one or two movies, but he is not well-known, while Winslet is a complete newcomer, and the two are young, so they are still very motivated.

"That's good, just come and shoot tomorrow according to the stipulated time." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Then Ye Zishu, under the leadership of Zhang Guoli, looked at all the situations and links here, and felt that there was no big problem, and it would not be a big problem to start shooting tomorrow.

The main reason is that there are no thrilling shooting scenes in this movie, not to mention that he also uses a lot of special effects. Even if there are thrilling scenes, the shooting will not be very thrilling and there will be no safety issues.

The first scene shot on the first day was the scene of Jack boarding the boat. Since there were many group performances, it would be more troublesome if there were too many people, so he wanted to finish shooting this part as soon as possible.

In particular, some foreign actors are either recruited from China or directly from Hollywood. They should be sent back as soon as the filming is finished to avoid wasting money.

In addition to foreign ensemble performers, there are also a large number of domestic ensemble performers, which serve as background walls, and these ensemble performers are replaced during post-production.

With the technology in hand, he can do whatever he wants to shoot movies, even he wants to use all virtual characters, but this kind of concept may not be accepted by the world, nor can it be too publicized.

At present, the country still needs to develop quietly and not be too conspicuous. However, cultural products have a great influence and are easier to magnify events. It is more appropriate to honestly invite real people to shoot.

After checking the work, Ye Zishu returned to his residence here. The real estate boom in Hainan is also beneficial. At least there will be no shortage of hotels, otherwise it would be a troublesome thing to arrange board and lodging for so many people.

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