Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 117 Strange Shooting Experience and Bet (4/4)

In the early morning of the next day, after everyone had breakfast, they rushed to the shooting site. When they arrived at the scene, there was no step of worshiping the gods. Ye Zishu didn't believe this and started shooting directly.

In addition to Zhang Guoli, the executive director, four assistant directors were arranged on the scene to be responsible for the scheduling of the extras, otherwise the extras would not know how to act at all.

The extras have an assistant director who is responsible for explaining how to act, while Ye Zishu personally explains how to act, what state of mind they should have, and what effect they need to achieve for the lead actor.

Originally, he wanted to ask Zhang Guoli to help explain the play to the other main actors, but he found that Zhang Guoli's English was not very good, and he might not be able to speak clearly, so he decided to do it himself.

In this way, it took a lot of time just to give lectures in the early stage, and then began to rehearse, so that the group actors and leading actors knew what they should do, and when they felt that it was not bad, they started shooting, so as to save handing in papers.

Although it feels like this kind of filming is quite tiring and troublesome, he finally finished shooting the scene of the protagonists boarding the boat in the morning, and he thinks the following scenes are much simpler.

Still the same sentence, when there are too many people, it will be very difficult to schedule. As long as one link is unsatisfactory, everyone needs to start from the beginning, which is very time-consuming.

I ordered a lunch box from the restaurant at noon, the food was delicious, and Ye Zishu didn't do anything special, everyone ate the same food, anyway, the current prices are not too expensive, so there is no need to save money on this aspect.

After everyone had finished their lunch, the group performers who had no part in the scene either stayed to see how the other scenes were shot, or they went straight home, and the crew provided them with travel expenses.

The ones who go back are all domestic ensemble performers, and there are still many ensemble plays that need foreign ensemble performances, so foreign ensemble performers still have to stay here for a while.

In the early stage, Ye Shu tried to film the scenes where the group actors participated, which can reduce the expenses of the crew. At the same time, the later scenes are all between the main actors, which is relatively simple to shoot.

Since it was a fixed model, after the first scene was filmed, Leonardo found Ye Zishu when he was eating lunch, and asked if the wooden boat would be fixed like this, so there would be no feeling.

Although he is a little happy about Leonardo's professionalism, he said before that the model is actually for the actors to experience, so as to avoid the inability to bring emotions into the performance when there is no real object at all.

So in the face of Leonardo's reminder, he just said that he will do it in the post-production special effects, so that he doesn't have to worry, just think about the script carefully, and just make the performance well.

The shot shot in the afternoon is the scene of Ruth and Jack in the underground cabin,

This is more troublesome to shoot than the boarding scene, because it needs to shoot the expression changes of the group performers, so it needs to be shot many times before it can pass.

When it was time for dinner, Ye Zishu felt a little tired after finishing the task. After filming, he asked Zhang Guoli to save the film and then went back to the hotel by himself.

Hollywood actors are different from those in China. Domestic actors can work as long as they want, but Hollywood actors also have working hours, and he doesn't have to force them to work overtime.

In the days that followed, Ye Zishu went to filming during the day, and wrote codes and software architecture design in the hotel at night. After visiting the R\u0026D center of Xuanwu Technology Company, he found that there were still many things to do.

The most urgent thing now is to develop various design software systems that meet the requirements for Xuanwu Technology, which includes a series of functional software, which is very complicated.

He needs to design the architecture first, and then see how the personnel department of Phoenix Software has recruited people. If there are many more technicians, let these technicians form an industrial software development team again.

Relying on himself, it is very difficult to write such a complicated program in a short period of time. He must rely on the strength of the team to complete it, and this matter cannot be delayed for a long time.

In addition to these tasks, he also needs to contact the technical department of Phoenix Software Company at any time. If they have any questions, they will be listed on the list of questions. After 8 o'clock in the evening, he can call him and he will be responsible for answering them.

So every night at 8 o'clock, he spent on the phone, usually at least an hour, at most 2 hours, to solve the problems that the developers were unable to solve as soon as possible, so as to avoid delaying the progress of the project.

After the beginning of the new year, the personnel department of Phoenix Software recruited another 400 technical R\u0026D personnel for the company, including complete newcomers and some who had learned software development before.

These people were arranged in three project teams, and they were asked to learn new programming languages ​​and new programming architectures from old employees. After the technology was brought up, it was necessary to regroup and start developing industrial software.

As for the crew, it took 10 days to film all the scenes that the extras participated in. He felt that these 10 days were a bit difficult, and accidents always happened out of nowhere, and then reshoots, which were quite exhausting.

The middle 10 days were mainly for filming the scenes between the main actors. After all these scenes were shot, some of the main actors could be evacuated, and part of the cost could be reduced.

In the last 10 days, I mainly focused on shooting scenes between the two leading actors, plus old Ruth scenes, salvage scenes at sea, and other bits and pieces.

So far, within 30 days, all the shots of the Titanic have been shot, which is also the shooting plan that he thinks saves the most time and manpower. In fact, all the progress, although the process is difficult, is still completed according to the schedule.

The last shot was to shoot the romantic scene between Ruth and Jack on the prow of the Titanic.

This participation experience can be said to have opened the eyes of all Hollywood actors, because they have never seen a film made like this before. They only pay attention to the main parts and many details, and the director doesn't care at all.

There are even some scenes that are like child's play, such as the scene where Ruth and Jack are on the sea after the shipwreck, the crew shot it directly in a pool.

The scenes in the cabin were also set up in the studio, which is a small space separated by wooden boards, which has nothing to do with the cabin.

Although some people raised objections, they were all blocked by the director team, and they were asked to shoot according to the director team's requirements, and they didn't care about the rest.

Of course, this filming experience also opened the eyes of the domestic film crew. They did not expect that filming a Hollywood movie is so simple, so simple that they thought it was a child's play.

It's just that they didn't raise any objections, because Ye Zishu had said something beforehand, so he just let them watch it, and he knew exactly how to shoot it.

In addition, they lamented that foreigners are really open. They filmed the scene where the male lead paints the female lead, and the nude scene made the domestic filming crew feel red-eyed and heart-pounding.

At present, domestic film shooting is still relatively conservative, and such shots will not be released after they are shot, and they will definitely be cut.

"Is this the end of filming?" Winslet asked in a low voice.

Leonardo, who was also leaning on the bow of the Titanic model, also said: "It seems that the shooting is over. It is really a special shooting experience."

"I'm really worried. If the film is not ideal, my reputation will be ruined just after I stepped into the showbiz. To be honest, I regret agreeing to act in this movie." Winslet said helplessly to Leonardo.

"Why am I not, but it's useless to worry now, put your hope on God, and bless this movie as the abnormal director said." Leonardo shrugged and said.

Ye Zishu asked the director team to save the finished film, then came to the bow, walked towards the two leading actors, and said to him: "You have worked hard these days, I know you are worried, but you will not regret it in the future in this movie."

"I hope so!" the two leading actors said almost in unison.

"Let's make a bet. If this movie becomes a big hit, you need to agree to unconditionally participate in my next movie. If it doesn't become a big hit, then I will give each of you 10 million US dollars as compensation?" Ye Zishu said.

"How can it be considered a big explosion?" Leonardo raised his interest and asked.

"Of course this movie became the annual global box office champion, do you dare to bet?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing what he said, the two leading actors looked at each other and said, "Why don't you dare, we can sign the contract immediately."

Seeing the two hooked up, Ye Zishu smiled subconsciously. According to history, there was no blockbuster movie this year. Even if the box office of "Titanic" is not as high as in the previous life, it can easily win the global box office champion.

So the three of them stepped down from the bow of the model ship, came below, wrote the content of the contract on the spot, and then all signed it, and the contract came into effect.

Ye Zishu has a plan to shoot "Inception", and Xiao Lizi will double his net worth with "Titanic", so he thinks it's not worthwhile to invite him.

But with this bet, he can let Xiao Lizi shoot for him for free. Although he can't really let the other party participate in the show for free, at least he can greatly reduce the expenses.

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