Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 118 Then sweep them into the garbage dump of history (1/4)

The shooting has ended, but the crew spent a day cleaning the shooting site with the cleaning staff, but the Titanic model was not dismantled.

According to Leaf Book, when the "Titanic" becomes popular all over the world, this model can also be used as a tourist attraction to generate tourism income for the local area.

The crew told the local government what Ye Zishu said. After thinking about it, the government thought it made sense, so they let the model stay where it was, and no one dismantled it.

Of course, whether it can become a tourist attraction depends on whether the movie "Titanic" is popular. If it is not popular, the local government will not be too late to demolish it.

Ye Zishu left on the second day after filming. The follow-up work here was in charge of the crew. He didn't care about these trivial matters, and he took the ferry back to Guangzhou and flew back to the capital.

After returning to the capital, dragging his luggage and the heavy computer, he returned to Phoenix Software Company immediately. The people from the Phoenix Graphical Operating System project team called him two days ago and told him that all the testing work had been completed.

That is to say, according to the test software test he gave, the bugs found were cleared, and the requirements for listing have been met, so he needs to come over to preside over the follow-up matters.

So immediately, he went to the operating system project team, looked at their work results, and confirmed that all the work had been completed as they said.

However, when he was using it, he thought about it and thought it would be better to add a software store, although the Internet speed is like a tortoise, and there is no Internet in China.

However, the three-in-one digital switch of Lingtong Technology Company has actually been developed, but the manufacturing technology is not up to standard, and many indicators cannot meet the requirements.

After Xuanwu Technology's electronic manufacturing industry chain is initially completed, Lingtong Technology's three-in-one digital switch will be officially launched.

At that time, regardless of the foreign situation, at least domestic Internet development will enter the fast lane, and it will quickly enter the world's most advanced Internet construction country from the current state of no Internet.

Adding a software store can firstly promote the company's software to the client quickly without complicated intermediate links, which not only saves time but also saves costs.

The second is that third-party software can be put on the shelves in the future, and Phoenix Software can take a cut of the software sold from the software mall, at least 20 to 30 percent, which is a huge profit point.

Thinking of this, he immediately spent an hour,

Design this functional architecture, and then let the people in the operating system project team develop and add it as soon as possible.

And he himself went to school, saying that apart from coming to school for exams and the start of school, he basically didn't stay in school now.

When he returned to school this time, he went directly to the dean of the college and told him that the operating system had been developed and asked him to invite an expert group to check and accept the 836 project.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the project is accepted or not. Anyway, he didn't take money from the country. The reason why he did this was mainly to promote this graphical operating system in China.

No matter what you do in China, there is a big difference whether there is official certification, and the top domestic computer experts come together, which can also have a publicity effect.

He didn't believe that when experts saw such an advanced graphics operating system, they wouldn't be moved?

This is high-end tap water, which can make the Phoenix operating system quickly cause a sensation in China. The computers of major scientific research institutions and state-owned units will definitely install this operating system.

When the dean heard him say that the development of their company's Phoenix graphics operating system had been completed, the shock was indeed great. It was the end of March, and the project had only been underway for less than a year.

If the time for training employees is removed, the time when the project actually entered the research and development was in July, and the graphics operating system was developed in only 9 months.

Not to mention an advanced graphics operating system, it is a miracle that a general operating system can be developed in such a short period of time.

"Although I believe what you said, this is not a joke. I want to see it with my own eyes, otherwise it would be embarrassing to invite people over and make jokes." The dean said.

"That's no problem, you can go and read it now." Ye Zishu said.

"That's fine." After finishing speaking, the dean stood up, picked up his coat, and followed Ye Zishu out to Phoenix Software Company.

When he came to the company, Ye Zishu led the dean to a computer installed with Phoenix Software Company, and said, "This is our Phoenix operating system installed, and the dean can experience it for himself."

The dean operated it himself, and Ye Zishu sat aside to explain the functions to the dean. As for how to realize it, he briefly introduced it.

The dean spent half the afternoon, stopped from operating the computer, and said with emotion: "This is the most advanced graphics operating system I have ever seen, it is amazing."

After finishing speaking, the dean also gave Ye Zishu a thumbs up. Although Ye Zishu was a bit strange in the eyes of the teacher, he had to be said that he was indeed a genius in the field of software.

"That's for sure. This graphics operating system is not only smooth to use, but also has powerful functions and excellent compatibility. It is definitely the first choice of consumers." Leaf Book said proudly.

"Although I don't like your face, I have to say that what you said is right." After the dean finished speaking, he spread his hands helplessly, and even made a joke.

"Then when can an expert group be organized to inspect and accept it?" Ye Zishu said.

"Tomorrow may be too late, and it will be the day after tomorrow at the earliest. Within three days, an expert group will definitely be able to come and inspect it." The dean said.

"Then trouble the dean." Ye Zishu said.

"It's nothing to thank. The advent of this operating system is a good thing for the country, and we should thank you!" the dean said with emotion.

Then he turned his head and asked, "When is your operating system going to be sold, I can't wait to install one on my computer."

"This may have to wait a while, now the operating system alone is not enough, without the support of application software, the operating system is just a decoration.

Our company is developing an office software system, which can be guaranteed here, which is better than all office software systems on the market today.

In addition, foreign countries have already started Internet construction, and our country should be fast, so we are still developing a browser for browsing the web and a new scripting language for building dynamic websites.

With the support of these two software systems, at least the operating system can do something. As for the follow-up software, it needs the support of global application software companies. "Leaf Book said.

The dean nodded after listening to his words. Although the development of the operating system is technically difficult, what is even more difficult is the construction of the operating system ecology.

Otherwise, so many domestic operating systems in the previous life were all developed based on linux. It does not mean that we can only develop based on linux and cannot develop other kernels, but that linux already has a relatively complete ecology.

"You also know that our country is generally weak in software development, and if your operating system ecosystem wants to compete with other operating systems, it needs the support of large international software companies.

What do you do if they don't support it? " asked the dean.

The dean's ability to ask such a question shows that he has fully assessed the difficulties he is facing. Maybe the more advanced the operating system of Phoenix Software, the less likely large companies will develop application software for it.

The capital behind the large software company may have reached an agreement with other capitals to boycott the Phoenix operating system for their own benefit, and then it will really stop.

"Although the probability of the situation you mentioned is very small, it is not impossible. An operating system company that is outside the control of their capital will indeed arouse the vigilance of quite a few people.

However, with the support of the above two application software, it can still occupy a part of the market in the early stage, at least for consumers with less demand, it is enough.

If it is really a last resort, we can only build the software ecology of the Phoenix operating system by ourselves.

To put it bluntly, as long as I have enough R\u0026D personnel, I have the confidence to sweep them into the dustbin of history and achieve our own software hegemony! "

When he said the last sentence, the self-confidence exuded by Ye Zishu shocked the dean even when he saw it. That kind of domineering arrogance is really hard for people to look directly at.

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