Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 119 Arranging new software development tasks (2/4)

After sending the dean away, Ye Zishu returned to the company, summoned the people in the operating system R\u0026D team, and began to assign new tasks. Except for the software store function he temporarily added to the personal operating system, most of the people were idle.

"Now the personal operating system is basically completed, and the software store only needs a few people to make it. Next, we have two tasks to do.

The first task is to develop the server operating system. Although the kernel is still based on the personal operating system kernel, there are still big differences.

The most important difference is that the server operating system supports clustering. From the operating system level, a huge server group can be built, so that many machines can run as if they are a single computer.

The second is that the performance requirements are more stable, the access to files and the support for hardware are more complete, so many new technologies will be used to support the realization of these functions.

You are all involved in the research and development of the personal operating system, plus the later modifications, you are a group of technicians who know the operating system best, and it shouldn't be too difficult to do it.

The second task is also supporting the first task, that is, security software. In order to make the server operating system more secure, there must be more powerful security software for protection.

Of course, this project not only serves the server operating system, but also serves the personal operating system, which is an additional paid project.

I know that you have never done research and development in this area. Even if you have done research, the technology is outdated to me. I will provide you with relevant technical information later, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of your research and development.

The third task is to develop an operating system virtual machine, which can realize the operation of multiple independent operating systems on one server, and cooperate with the cluster to achieve better results.

This project is actually simulating a hardware computer, using the resources of a hardware computer to realize a virtual space, which is not particularly unfamiliar to you.

For the above three projects, I will provide you with comprehensive technical information, so you don't have to worry about R\u0026D problems that are particularly difficult to solve. "Leaf Book said.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, the person in charge of the operating system project said: "We will guarantee to complete the three projects proposed by Mr. Ye, but I want to increase manpower for our side."

Ye Zishu didn't plan to increase manpower, because these three tasks are not particularly urgent, and many tasks already have a foundation, so it's okay to take it slowly.

But since they made this request, he thought about it and agreed: "I will give you 200 new colleagues,

If you want them to share the pressure with you, you have to work hard to make them improve. "

The newly recruited technicians after the year were all assigned to the office software system and browser project team to study, and they could not complete the development work independently.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, although he was not very satisfied. After all, these people would not be able to get started right away, and it would take time to teach them, but it was better than nothing, so he agreed.

Now is not the time to ask for quality, it would be nice to have quantity, and I can only slowly train novices to become veterans to share the R\u0026D pressure for myself, which is how they came here before.

Seeing that there is no problem here, Ye Zishu asked them to go back to work, and he brought them the materials he had prepared a long time ago, let them familiarize themselves first, and ask him if they don't understand.

Among these three tasks, the development of security systems should be the most difficult, which involves the application of many new technologies, and not many operating system development experience can come in handy.

The other two tasks are related to the operating system. With the technical information he provided, it is not difficult, so he only agreed to give 100 more newcomers.

The way he selects new recruits is to take an exam. He personally writes 100 questions and asks these new employees to answer them to see how they have learned during this period of time.

This time, it’s not just about the Phoenix programming language, but also some software development issues. Let’s see how well they learn from the old employees and what kind of knowledge they have mastered.

Then according to their test results, they will be reassigned, some will be transferred to the operating system project team, and the other part will enter the newly established industrial software project department.

The reason why it is called the industrial software project department is because there are too many categories and types of industrial software, and new project teams will be added continuously with the increase of the company's personnel.

The next day, after all the employees came to work, Ye Zishu distributed the test questions he had made, and asked all the new employees in the company to answer within two hours, and those who couldn't just skip it.

Two hours later, after collecting all the test papers below, Ye Zishu read each test paper carefully, and recorded the knowledge points that everyone had mastered.

Then, according to the abilities of these people, 100 people were assigned to the operating system project team, and the remaining 300 people were all assigned to the industrial software project department, and several old employees were transferred to be the relevant project leaders.

The people he assigns are not completely divided according to their software development ability. Industrial software and software programming are the most basic, and more importantly, they must understand related majors.

This is also why he asked the HR department to recruit, no matter what major it is, as long as it is a science and engineering major, the purpose is to prepare for this.

He can provide technical data support, but he can't often answer basic industry concept questions for employees, and if he doesn't even understand the industry concept, how can he be able to do a good job in related industrial software.

After the new employees of the newly established industrial software project department officially arrived, Ye Zishu held a working meeting to explain the original intention and purpose of establishing this department.

Then there is the deployment of research and development tasks. Now all industrial software projects revolve around the electronic circuit design, simulation, manufacturing, testing and other links.

Because the work in this area is the most urgent, due to the use of a large number of new technologies, foreign electronic manufacturing-related software systems are somewhat unsuitable for Xuanwu Technology.

These electronic manufacturing-related software systems involve the entire process of electronic manufacturing and can be directly connected to manufacturing equipment, which can make electronic manufacturing easier.

It’s just that these more than 300 people are not enough to complete the research and development of these software systems in a short period of time. Assign tasks and hand over relevant materials to them so that they can familiarize themselves first. Questions that no one in the group understands can be asked. he.

Then he found the personnel department and asked them to speed up the recruitment process. Although the current recruitment efforts are already very strong, he wants to be bigger, and there are obviously not enough personnel.

After arranging the research and development tasks of Phoenix Software Company, he began to pay attention to the development progress of the office software system project and the browser project.

In contrast, the progress of the office software system project team is faster. Although the manpower is small, the technology in this area is relatively mature. Although there are new technologies provided by Ye Zishu, most of them are old technologies.

Especially Lei Jun, who is the project leader, has cracked the office software of Jinshan Company, modified their office software, and wrote plug-ins, which has a certain foundation for the office software system.

Back then, Qiu Bojun was able to write office software in a year. Although Qiu Bojun is super capable, he has provided complete materials and 200 programmers trained from operating system development.

Although Phoenix Software's office software system contains a lot of office software, the efficiency is not bad. According to their current progress, there is still one month to launch the beta version.

The progress of the browser project team is relatively slow. At present, only the writing of the rendering engine has been completed, the writing of the Phoenix script language has not been completed, and the script compiler has just begun.

He estimated that it would take at least 2 months to complete all the work on the browser, so he could only urge the browser project team to speed up the progress.

Because there is still a search engine research and development task waiting behind him, a browser with a search engine is a perfect match, and a browser without a search engine cannot bring any benefits to the company.

The browser can obtain search results through the built-in search engine, and can display advertisements on the search result page, which not only greatly promotes the promotion of search engines, but also makes the browser more valuable.

After completing these tasks, Ye Zishu went directly to Phoenix Special Effects Company and began to arrange the post-production special effects of "Titanic", and he was also required to demonstrate in person.

Previously, the special effects department had only done special effects for cartoons, and was relatively unfamiliar with Hollywood live-action special effects. He needed to guide them throughout the process and gradually let them master how to do special effects for Hollywood blockbusters.

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