Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 123 Worried about huge publicity expenses (2/4)

"How much are you going to sell for this operating system?" the dean asked curiously.

It hadn't been listed yet, and the price was a commercial secret, but since it was asked, Ye Zishu didn't intend to hide it, and told the price in advance, so that the dean could help promote it.

"The retail price of this operating system is 200 US dollars, but in view of the actual situation in China, although it is also sold at 200 US dollars, we will also provide a set of basic office software for sale in a package." Ye Shu said.

In fact, this price is not expensive. Microsoft released Windows 95 in 1995, and the price was as high as 210 US dollars. The actual performance was even worse than that of the Phoenix operating system.

Although domestic ordinary users must feel that it is very expensive to use, but now those who use computers are institutional users, who use the funds of the state, and they are able to afford such expenses.

As mentioned earlier, Kingsoft’s office software costs 2,200 yuan for a set. It’s not that they don’t want to promote it at a low price, but because the domestic computer ownership is not high, and the sales are too low, so they can’t make much money at all, and there is also the problem of piracy. .

In addition, Kingsoft's office software has no international market and can only make money in China. This is an important reason for their high prices. If the user base is large, why should they be so expensive.

The dean was very surprised when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and asked curiously: "It's so cheap, will it not make much money?"

"Relying on the domestic market is definitely not enough. The important source is still in the international market. The domestic market will take a long time to cultivate." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

At noon, Leaf Book invited the members of the expert group to have lunch together. In the afternoon, they continued to conduct tests. The test in the morning was just to check the function, and in the afternoon, it was to check the specific performance and compatibility.

Since the Phoenix operating system is built on a hardware virtual machine, it also endows this operating system with good cross-platform performance and excellent hardware compatibility.

So although the expert team has been busy in the afternoon, Ye Zishu is very relaxed, continuing to talk and laugh with the dean, and cooperate with the expert team to carry out the test.

When it was time for dinner, the expert group finally got a long test index, which was filled with dense records, and then the expert group held a small internal meeting in the conference room.

The meeting lasted for half an hour, and then invited Ye Shu to join the meeting. The first sentence of the expert team leader was: "Your Phoenix operating system is simply a miracle!"

When he said this, the other experts nodded again and again. After a day of intense testing,

No problems were found, and the functional modules were more powerful than they imagined.

The experts who can come here to check and accept all have some research on the operating system. They must have seen many operating systems, and they even have some research on the kernel.

However, the excellent degree of the Phoenix operating system from the inside to the outside still brought them a great shock. The advanced design concept, excellent user experience, powerful functional modules, excellent resource management, etc., can be said to be today's First.

In fact, these are the basic functions of the Phoenix operating system. As a personal operating system, its performance in multimedia is also much higher than that of the current operating system.

In order to bring a powerful gaming experience to users, he even personally designed a set of powerful graphics interface. As long as the hardware graphics card supports this interface, he can display excellent gaming capabilities.

As for the audio-visual experience, it is not worth mentioning in Yeshu's opinion, and such a powerful system is only 200M in size, and there is no pressure at all for the current computer hard drive.

When this operating system is running, the resource consumption of the hardware is very small, which depends on the excellent intelligent resource recovery, which can recover resources in a timely manner according to the user's usage without causing excessive resource occupation.

The reason why it is required to have good compatibility with old computers is to kill the stock market of other operating systems, so that their operating systems have no room for survival.

As for the incremental market, he believes that due to the excellence of this operating system, it will be the preferred operating system for users to install.

Of course, the key to success is not only the operating system, but also rich application software support. In this regard, he can only temporarily meet the basic needs. For other application software, it depends on whether other software companies support it.

As he said to the dean before, if the major application software companies support it, everyone will be happy. If they don't support it, then they can only do it themselves. Don't blame him for being rude.

At the meeting, the expert members asked some questions that were difficult for ordinary technicians to answer, because the bottom layer of this operating system was written by Ye Shu himself, and special encryption was carried out in key places.

Therefore, there are some questions that experts are very concerned about, and Yeshu needs to answer them. Yeshu is selectively answering according to the situation. Some technologies are currently inconvenient to explain too clearly.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere at the meeting was very good. Through their own tests and information exchange with Phoenix Software, experts can fully prove that this operating system is a 100% original system.

Instead of taking someone else's kernel and wrapping a layer of UI outside, because the kernel of other operating systems simply cannot make this excellent operating system.

In the end, the expert group made a conclusion of acceptance and will report this major achievement to the relevant government departments, and this is what Ye Shu wants.

Whether the Phoenix operating system can sell well in China depends entirely on whether the government supports it, because the number of private computers is very limited, and there are not many sales at all.

After the meeting, Ye Zishu still invited the members of the expert group to have a meal. During the meal, Ye Zishu talked about the difficulties the company is currently facing.

It stands to reason that the more difficult the company is, the less it can be said to the outside world, but the target of his complaints this time is the government. He wants to report the difficulties he is facing to the government through the mouths of these experts.

As the company with the most software innovation capability and R\u0026D strength in China, if it fails due to difficulties, it will also be a huge loss to the country.

Of course, there must be exaggeration in Ye Zishu's words, but there is still a big difference between saying it and not saying it. He still understands the truth that "babies who cry have milk".

In the end, Ye Zishu said that the launch time of this operating system should be in June at the earliest, and it will be launched in July at the latest. There can be no further delay.

He even disclosed the sales price to the members of the expert group, in the hope that if the government wants to support Phoenix Software and chooses to purchase, it can make a budget in advance.

After sending off the expert team, Ye Zishu returned to the company and asked the HR department to start recruiting the person in charge of the marketing department and start building the marketing department.

Since they are oriented to the global market, the talents they recruit need to have an international perspective, and it is best to have a certain reputation in the software industry.

He hopes that by recruiting such talents, he can bring a large number of such talents to the company, which is much better than constantly looking for relevant talents.

After assigning tasks to the HR department, Ye Zishu began to solve problems for each project team, and returned to his office after completing the solutions to today's problems.

Sitting in the chair, he is indeed not as confident as before. The problem is still money, and marketing is also piled up with money.

In the previous life, Microsoft spent 300 million U.S. dollars on advertisements for Windows 95. Obviously, Phoenix Software could not afford such a large amount of money, let alone 300 million U.S. dollars, even 100 million U.S. dollars.

If you don't spend money on advertising, but rely on word of mouth, no one knows whether you can achieve the expected sales target, and he expects that the operating system will be very popular, which will bring huge income to Phoenix Software.

This has fallen into an endless loop. Even if a lot of domestic funds can be sold, it is not so easy to convert domestic funds into US dollars in this era.

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