Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 124 Earn more and spend more (3/4)

Ye Zishu sat at his desk, thought for a long time, and finally could only grit his teeth, and prepared to spend 100 million US dollars from the box office of "The Lion King" to promote the Phoenix operating system.

He didn't dare to throw in all of it. Xuanwu Technology Company was waiting for this bowl of rice to be put into the pot, and it was already his limit to get 100 million US dollars from it.

He hopes that the Phoenix operating system can become a hit and bring him a considerable income in a short period of time, so that follow-up funds can be invested in marketing.

In fact, in the animated movie "Toy Story", a computer toy plot is added, and the Phoenix operating system is installed on it, which is regarded as an advertisement placement.

Thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have released an English music album. Since he helped Shengshi Records to operate, he has not paid attention to this aspect.

It's just that it's very late now, and Guo Dongmei has already left work. Speaking of Guo Dongsheng's situation, he pays less attention to it, so he has to ask about it by the way.

Leaf Book still spends the night in the office, trying to get the core of the search engine out as soon as possible, and it is best to be able to push it to the market simultaneously with the browser.

Now there are not many webpages in the world, and the number of Internet users is also limited. Even if a search engine is launched, it does not require such a high server configuration.

Although this is also an expense, a browser coupled with an advanced search engine is a perfect match, which can bring a very good experience to users and greatly promote the promotion of the Phoenix operating system.

Now, in order to complete the development of the search engine as soon as possible, he has suspended the chip-related industrial software. In contrast, he believes that the search engine is more urgent.

When it was time to go to work in the morning, Ye Zishu called Guo Dongmei and Guo Dongsheng at the same time, asking them to come to Phoenix Software Company.

About half an hour later, they came to Phoenix Software Company at the same time, and Ye Zishu discussed things with them in his office.

Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongmei: "The English music album I gave you last time, how is the sales?"

When Guo Dongmei heard Ye Zishu's question, a smile appeared on her face, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Ye is indeed a musical genius. This album has been the sales champion of European and American music albums for 4 consecutive weeks since it was released on the market for a month.

So far, the data we have obtained is that a total of more than 10 million copies have been sold worldwide. According to the current good sales situation, this album is expected to exceed 50 million copies.

Now Mr. Ye is famous not only in the Chinese music circle, but also in the European and American music circles. Congratulations Mr. Ye, you are already a big star in the world. "

Ye Zishu directly ignored Guo Dongmei's subsequent words. Being a star was not what he wanted, but he had no choice but to make money, so he directly asked, "When will we get the money?"

Seeing Ye Zishu's serious expression, Guo Dongmei didn't continue joking, and said directly: "According to the contract, the settlement is done on a monthly basis, and the first payment has already arrived in our account.

The first fund is the sales income of 8 million albums, and our income is 32 million US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 170 million yuan. "

The unit price of English albums is much higher than that of Chinese albums. The selling price of his album is 10 US dollars. According to the agreement, Shengshi Records can get 40% of the sales price.

"How much money is left in Shengshi Records' account?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Without Mr. Ye's instructions, I didn't dare to touch the money, so there is 240 million yuan in the company's account. Except for your music album, the rest is the income from other albums during this period. .” Guo Dongmei said.

Among the remaining income, part of it is the formal sales brought by Ye Zishu's previous albums, but this part has obviously shown a decline, and a considerable part is the income from agency distribution.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu nodded, then looked at Guo Dongsheng, and asked, "How about the R\u0026D center and employee housing complex of Phoenix Software?"

"We are still dealing with the earthwork, and the construction company we are looking for is China Construction Group." Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu nodded to express his understanding. Although the cost of handing over to China Construction Group may be higher, it is a large state-owned enterprise after all, and many things are much more convenient to handle than private companies.

Moreover, he has very high requirements for the construction of the headquarters and R\u0026D center. Even if it is a residential area, because the design he provides is very novel and advanced, he is not at ease if it is handed over to other companies.

Compared with an appropriate increase in cost, he cared more about quality, so he asked: "Does CSCEC do the project itself, or subcontract it out and let others do it?"

"When we signed the contract, we had clearly stated the terms, and no subcontracting was allowed, otherwise they would have to pay huge compensation." Guo Dongsheng said.

Unexpectedly, he would still consider this point, Ye Zishu looked at Guo Dongmei unconsciously, but Guo Dongmei had no expression at all, and he didn't know if she was contributing.

Since there is such a clause in the terms of the contract, generally speaking, they will not break the contract casually, and they will not blindly lower the price, but give them a reasonable profit margin based on the assessed price.

In the previous life, when Party A called for bids, they blindly lowered the price without considering the actual cost. He thought it was a bit ridiculous. Something obviously lower than the cost must have something else behind it.

Now the earthwork is being processed on the construction site, and the cost is not too much, but after the earthwork is processed, the materials enter the site, and then the formal construction will start to cost a lot of money.

At present, China Construction Group advances the construction, but according to the agreement, after the official construction, the project payment needs to be settled every three months, otherwise the other party has the right to stop the project construction.

"How much money do you have in your account?" Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongsheng.

"I'm about to tell you about this. We bought 2 million square meters of land, with an average of 50 yuan per square meter, and spent 100 million yuan. The money was directly borrowed from Shengshi Records.

Now I don't have any funds on hand, and in one month's time, I have to pay China State Construction Engineering Corporation three months of construction funds, so you still need to approve the money here. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu expressed his helplessness. Just now, he wanted to see if he could use the 200 million yuan in Shengshi Records' account. Now it seems that he will not be given a chance at all.

Although he is short of funds, he still thinks the 2 million square meters of land are very worthwhile. The price itself is lower than the current market price, let alone decades later.

It is difficult to use bank loans for the development of these buildings, because this is not a commercial real estate, otherwise the land price cannot be so cheap, fearing that Phoenix Software Company will take advantage of loopholes.

"You should borrow 100 million yuan from Shengshi Records first. It should be enough to pay for the first three months of the project?" Ye Zishu said.

"Enough is enough. It doesn't cost much in the front, and the speed of fund consumption will be faster later." Guo Dongsheng said.

Seeing that he couldn't get money from Shengshi Records, Ye Zishu suddenly lost interest. Although it seems that there is still 100 million yuan left, but with this 100 million yuan, let's continue to support Guo Dongsheng.

In my own hands, it is actually useless. I don’t know when it started, it seems that 100 million yuan has become a small amount of money in my eyes?

After finishing the business, Ye Zishu was going to let Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei go back, but suddenly remembered something, Ye Zishu asked Guo Dongmei: "What do you think of the building I designed?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Zishu still remembered this matter, Guo Dongmei couldn't help but cast a blank look, and said, "I admit that you are talented, okay, look at your shyness!"

Seeing Guo Dongmei's unhappy look, Ye Zishu finally wiped away the depression in his heart, and laughed happily.

This made Guo Dongmei drag Guo Dongsheng out of his office directly, not giving him a chance to continue to brag.

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