Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 125 Do you think I will believe it? (four four)

In the following period of time, Ye Zishu worked at Phoenix Special Effects Company during the day, instructing the special effects department of the company to do the special effects work for "Titanic".

The special effects of this movie, except for the performance of the actors, are basically preserved, and all other parts are completed using computer special effects.

Even where the actors' performances were not in place, Ye Shu also modified them with special effects technology. It can almost be said that there is no part that cannot be modified by the special effects software system.

The only thing that limits the effect of special effects is imagination. As long as the imagination is rich enough, the special effects can be made realistic enough. This is where the special effects software is powerful.

However, some things have not been developed due to the previous time. Although the technical department of the special effects company has also made some improvements and added some new functions during this period, it is still not rich enough.

Since he basically stays in the special effects company during the day, he naturally pays attention to the work of the technical department. In addition to guiding the work of the special effects department, he also trains and guides the people in the technical department whenever he is free.

So during this period of time, the technical level of the people in the technical department of the special effects company has also shown a stage of rapid improvement. There is a world of difference between self-exploration and someone's guidance.

Many low-level logics that they could not understand, after Ye Zishu's simple and clear explanation, they suddenly became enlightened, and the speed of developing functional modules was also accelerated a lot.

Ye Zishu saw that the people in the technical department had improved their skills so quickly, so they could further strengthen their skills and share the pressure with Phoenix Software.

Coupled with many technologies on the special effects software system, such as image processing technology, a professional image processing software and video processing software can be developed.

The market size of these two fields is not small, so he left these two tasks to Phoenix Special Effects Software Company to develop, instead of just tinkering with the existing special effects software system.

Since many technologies can be found in the special effects software system, these two software development projects were handed over to the technical department of the special effects company, on the one hand to exercise their technical capabilities, and on the other hand to save manpower.

However, the design architecture of these two software projects was also provided by Yeshu, otherwise they would not know what functions are needed for market-oriented professional software.

He also only provided the design framework and the technology that the special effects software system is not easy to transplant, and gave some new algorithms and designs, which are still much more advanced than the algorithms on the market. As for the rest, it is their own business. .

When Ye Zishu was busy,

On May 10, Pei Qing finally found Ye Zishu, and when she saw him for the first time, she asked curiously, "You really came up with this health care product for the elderly?"

The reason why they couldn't believe it was because after laboratory experiments and a small amount of clinical trials during this period, they found that the effect was surprisingly good, so good that it didn't look like a health product.

"Why, can you find other people who can provide this formula?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't doubt you, but I just feel incredible." Pei Qing apologized for what she said just now.

"After such a long period of experimentation, what is the effect?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Didn't you provide this formula, and I need to tell you about the effect?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"The recipe was indeed provided by me, but to be honest, I didn't experiment with this recipe, because I didn't have the conditions to experiment at that time, so I didn't know how it would actually work!" Ye Shu explained.

"Then how dare you take out this formula? Are you afraid of going wrong?" Pei Qing looked at him with wide eyes, feeling that what he said was a little unbelievable.

Seeing Pei Qing's appearance, Ye Zishu pointed to his head with a smile and said, "I said, can I deduce the formula and effect from my own head?"

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she shook her head, obviously not believing it.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Ye Zishu spread his hands helplessly, and said, "In fact, that's the case. When a person's brain is strong enough, he can construct all the links in his mind and conduct virtual experiments.

As for whether the actual effect is different from the idea, it depends on whether the consideration factors are comprehensive enough when virtual construction is carried out. Of course, the brain is also required to be strong enough. "

The reason why Ye Zishu said this is to come up with more techniques and formulas in the future, otherwise it would be difficult to explain clearly.

He doesn't need to explain to other people, they like to believe it or not, but if they want the people under him to be able to efficiently implement his orders and deployments, instead of blindly questioning them, they must be convinced.

Now the formula he came up with has been proven to be true and effective, without any exaggeration or false ingredients. This is already an iron-clad fact, and they cannot be quibbled.

Now he just explained why he was able to come up with such a real and effective formula and technology. Whether they believe it or not, anyway, he gave the explanation himself, so he couldn't really open his head to study it.

But Pei Qing looked at him like he was looking at a fool, obviously she didn't believe his words. As a high-achieving student who graduated from medicine, it's not that she has never read scientific materials related to the brain. She has never heard of such a thing. Phenomenon.

"What's your expression, don't you believe me?" Ye Zishu asked angrily.

"Do you think I should believe it?" Seeing Ye Zishu's helpless expression, Pei Qing felt amused, and even spoke with a sense of pleasure.

Although the beauty didn't believe what he said, Ye Zishu's smile was infected by the beauty's smile, and he laughed too, but then he said, "I knew you didn't believe it."

"Come on, let's deduce a new formula based on pharmacological knowledge." Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing to sit closer so that she could see her reasoning process clearly.

Seeing that Pei Qing was listening attentively, Ye Zishu began to slowly deduce to Pei Qing the formula of a health care product for children's intellectual development that he had prepared through the knowledge of pharmacology.

Some of the pharmacology knowledge here has been taught in school, but it is the first time even Pei Qing has heard of a lot of pharmacology knowledge.

The health care product formula that Ye Zishu took out is a traditional Chinese medicine formula, but the pharmacology theory of Chinese medicine is the most complicated, difficult to understand, and also the most incomplete. It is not surprising that many of Pei Qing have never heard of it.

After Ye Zishu's two hours, talking in mouth, drawing in hand, and completely reasoning out a new formula of health care products, it opened Pei Qing's eyes again.

Then Ye Zishu threw the pen on the table and said with a smile: "How about it, do you feel that some things don't necessarily require step-by-step experiments to get results?

Although experiments are very important, the most important thing is to have a smart brain. Without the brain as a guide, if you want to develop new formulas through experiments, it is just a blind cat hitting a mouse, and it all depends on luck.

Of course, the step of experimentation is also essential. If there is no experimentation, although I am very confident that this formula is effective, but without rigorous experiments, I still feel uneasy. The verification process of the experiment is equally important. "

His last sentence was because he was afraid that Pei Qing would blindly trust the formula and technology he gave and ignore the importance of the experiment, so he had to add this sentence.

"Although I still feel unbelievable, but I can't refute it!" Pei Qing expressed helplessly again.

Ye Zishu did not say that facts speak louder than words this time, but handed the deduced children's educational formula to Pei Qing, and said, "Take this for experimentation. If there is no problem, the next health product is It's gone."

Pei Qing naturally had no objection to Ye Zishu's statement, and carefully folded the paper on which the formula was recorded and put it in her pocket for fear of losing it.

"You should keep these formulas secret, both internally and externally. You should know the benefits of this formula best." Ye Shu emphasized again.

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