Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 126 Direct Marketing Model (1/4)

After showing Pei Qing his "superior intelligence quotient", Ye Zishu began to ask about the work situation of Tai Chi Health Care Company, and he was still waiting for them to create a lot of benefits for him.

"According to our experimental results, this health product can have a very good maintenance effect on the elderly body. If it is taken for a long time, it can keep the elderly body in a relatively healthy state.

And the sooner you start taking it, the better the effect will be, and it can greatly slow down the pace of aging in the elderly. Just this effect is already a remarkable achievement.

The most incredible thing for us is that it can also effectively reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Although it cannot be cured, this is already a remarkable achievement.

Although no long-term clinical follow-up has been carried out, our experimenters all believe that if it is taken for a long time before the onset of Alzheimer's disease, it may be effective in preventing the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

According to these experimental results, I think this health care product for the elderly will bring very important good news to the elderly in the world, and will also bring us huge benefits. "When Pei Qing said it, her eyebrows were beaming.

With such an outstanding performance, as long as they are normal people, they can see countless small banknotes rolling towards them, and they can't even stop them.

Seeing Pei Qing's performance, Ye Zishu immediately poured cold water on her and said, "Then how do you convince consumers that the effect you said is true?

Let alone an ordinary consumer, even I, a person who has gone to college, would have felt unbelievable if I hadn’t personally experienced it. This has deviated from normal people’s perception of health care products. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing, who was originally elated, suddenly calmed down and thought about what Ye Zishu said, because this situation is likely to happen.

The situation in China is better. Ordinary people still believe in those mysterious things. As long as the advertisement is done well, quite a few people will blindly believe it, not to mention that this is not a propaganda made by fools.

But foreign consumers, they have seen all kinds of health care products. Health care products do have a certain effect on health, but they are by no means as magical as their health care products.

"I don't think you need to worry too much. According to our experimental cases, if this health product really wants to be effective, it really needs to be taken for a long time.

However, consumers can also feel obvious changes in their bodies when they use it for the first time. I think this change should encourage consumers to believe in the effects of our health care products. "Pei Qing said.

The reason why Leaf Book was proposed,

It is because of this problem that he has no good solution. The subtle process is the most important factor that makes people ignore this change.

However, what Pei Qing said can be regarded as having a certain effect on the promotion of this health care product, but it is hard to say how much effect it will have.

"This issue, after you go back, discuss it carefully with the staff of the company's marketing department, but I want to emphasize one thing, we are a regular health care product company, we can't exaggerate publicity!" Ye Zishu said.

"Well, I know." Pei Qing said.

In the previous life, too many health care products companies boasted of their health products as magic medicines, as if they could cure all diseases by taking their health products.

"Treat the disease if you are sick, and strengthen the body if you are not sick." Back then, Sanzhu Oral Liquid had such advertising slogans written everywhere in rural areas. As long as people with discerning eyes saw it, there would be problems. However, the level of knowledge of rural people is not high, and some people really believe it.

I don't know if this promotional slogan was inspired by the top management of Sanzhu Oral Liquid, or it was decided by the people below in order to promote sales and get a higher commission.

But no matter what, it also exposed the fact that the management of the three oral liquids was chaotic, because the company expanded so fast that the company's decision-makers couldn't control the situation below.

"Aside from advertising on TV and the media, how are you going to manage this market?" Ye Zishu asked.

Regardless of whether it is in the previous life or in this life, the fastest way to market is to use the method of "selling insurance", giving the sales staff a high commission, and then letting the sales staff promote it everywhere. This is commonly known as local push.

But although this can rapidly expand the market, the consequences are not low, just like "insurance sellers", who don't care whether the insurance buyer meets the purchase requirements, as long as they can sell, they even deliberately conceal important information.

This has caused many people who buy insurance to have various problems when they wait for the claim settlement stage, which has caused great damage to the image of the insurance company.

So he is very concerned about the market. Although he really wants to make more money to make up for his lack of funds, he wants to make Tai Chi Health Care Company a century-old store, rather than destroying his future for temporary benefits.

"Because the profit margin of health care products is very high, we have enough profit to motivate marketers to consciously promote our products."

When Pei Qing said this, Ye Zishu didn't need to listen to the rest, and interrupted directly: "If you do this, you can indeed expand the market quickly, but there will be endless troubles.

At that time, how do you manage the 100,000 marketing personnel below? They will be completely out of the company's control. This is a ticking time bomb. "

"I see that other health product companies also use this method for marketing." Pei Qing said in a low voice.

"I hope that Tai Chi Health Care Company can become a century-old enterprise. I know you are eager to make money for me, but I can still tell which is more important.

So in the market, we adopt the direct sales model. You establish your own health care products direct sales stores all over the country, and the clerks are all regular employees of the company.

In order to promote the work enthusiasm of employees and actively develop the market for the company, you can give appropriate commissions, but it should not be too exaggerated, and you must do a good job in training and formulate relevant management terms.

After we have established direct-sale stores across the country, we can rely on the direct-sale stores to hold various activities and preach to the elderly who come to participate in the activities, but the content cannot be divorced from the facts.

As for how to attract the elderly to come to participate in the preaching activities, it is very easy to do. Just give some small gifts, such as eggs, washbasins, etc., no matter whether they are urban or rural elderly, they cannot resist the temptation of free. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing was incredulous when she heard that Ye Zishu wanted to set up directly-operated stores all over the country, and looked at him with wide eyes. When Ye Zishu finished speaking, Pei Qing said directly: "We don't have that much money."

"According to the calculation of one store per county-level unit, there are more than 2,840 county-level divisions in the country, and there are also county-level cities with large areas and populations.

Even if a county needs more than 2,800 directly-operated stores, including prefecture-level cities and other big cities, the number of directly-operated stores alone may exceed 5,000.

Based on the initial operating cost of 10,000 yuan for each directly-operated store, it is 50 million yuan. The actual operating cost may be higher than this, and an investment of 100 million yuan is roughly required. "Pei Qing said.

And Ye Zishu only gave 100 million yuan of funds, which was used to build research centers, production bases, and raw material supply chains, although most of the funds were still left.

But the rest of the funds will be used for advertising. Domestic advertising is not particularly expensive, but they are aimed at the international market, and even the main market is the international market, so there is a lot of investment in publicity.

"I don't have any money now, but the direct sales model can't be changed. Don't spread the stalls so big for the time being. Now the main cities have established direct sales channels, and the same is true for foreign markets.

Part of the advertising can be done on big media, and the rest can be done on local media, which is more targeted and much cheaper. "Leaf Book said.

When Pei Qing heard what Ye Zishu said, she could only accept it, and what the boss said was true. She had studied management, and she was also very clear about the dangers brought about by the disorderly operation of enterprises.

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