Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 127: The Difference Between Internal and External Prices (2/4)

During this period of time, Tai Chi Health Care Company is advancing in three ways. One is the effectiveness of the original formula, and it has obtained more experimental data, and even obtained a lot of clinical data.

The second is to build a production base. The construction of the production base is completely carried out in accordance with the standards of pharmaceuticals. The production line is designed by Ye Zishu, the equipment is imported, and the construction is a dust-free factory building.

The third is the construction of the raw material supply chain. This work takes a lot of time and also costs a lot of money. It is also one of the most important tasks of Ye Zishu.

At present, Chinese medicinal materials are purchased from other suppliers, but Chinese medicinal materials have very strict requirements on the year, planting area and planting method.

If you don't know Chinese herbal medicines, it's very difficult to figure out how to do it. Pei Qing recruited one of her seniors from Tongrentang, so she knows more about it.

"It is a helpless move to purchase raw materials from other suppliers now. If you want to become a century-old enterprise, you must start with raw materials, so that you can better control product quality.

Although we currently don't have the funds to do this work, you need to start now and inspect the raw material planting bases, and you can act immediately when you have money.

Forget it, I will be free after a while, and I will provide you with a set of more advanced planting techniques for Chinese herbal medicines, reducing dependence on the natural environment, and being able to fully control all aspects of the planting process.

This can ensure that the quality of the planted medicinal materials is the same, and it is much more efficient than natural growth, which can properly improve the planting efficiency and the growth efficiency of Chinese herbal medicines. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing was a little surprised to hear that he was going to provide the technology of planting Chinese herbal medicine again, but she didn't question it, because she had been slapped in the face by the facts several times and was already numb.

The reason why the leaf book emphasizes this is because farmers are increasingly using non-standard planting techniques and medicines to grow Chinese herbal medicines in pursuit of benefits.

As a result, many Chinese herbal medicines seem to have no major problems, but the actual effect is not satisfactory, and some Chinese herbal medicines may even cause additional harm if taken too much.

They are health care products, and even a little bit of harm is not allowed, so when there is funds for this job, they must be seized as soon as possible.

Moreover, the establishment of his own planting base of Chinese medicinal materials is also a preparation for his later plans. Chinese medicine has a lot of potential to be tapped, and the theory of Chinese medicine treatment is much more advanced than that of Western medicine.

Of course, he does not deny the role of Western medicine, Western medicine is what we say,

In fact, it can be called modern medicine. It is an additional result brought about by the development of human industrialization, and it is also a precious wealth of human beings.

However, Western medicine is basically only treating symptoms. This kind of treatment tends to lose sight of others. If the main disease is treated, it is likely to cause other diseases.

However, our ancient Chinese medicine focuses on eradication. When treating the main disease, it should not cause the aggravation of other complications and be more patient-friendly.

What kind of treatment a patient uses depends entirely on the actual situation of the patient. If it is not particularly urgent, a quick-acting treatment must be used, and TCM warming and tonic methods can be used to take care of it.

Of course, Chinese medicine also has many formulas for emergency diseases, but no matter whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, the medicines for this kind of disease have strong medicinal properties and have other harms to the body.

Therefore, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, we must look at it objectively, and we cannot like one and devalue the other.

In his view, no matter what the treatment concept is, as long as it can cure the disease and minimize the harm caused by the treatment process, it is a good medical method. Of course, the cost of treatment is also an important reference factor.

"When do you expect to go public?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Originally, it could be launched for sale in June, but now you have to change to a direct sales model, and it may not be available until July." Pei Qing said.

"It's no problem to extend the listing time a little bit, but what about the overseas market?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Originally, we planned to cooperate with relevant agency sales companies in overseas markets. They have perfect channels in this regard, allowing our products to meet consumers at a faster speed.

Since you said you want direct sales, we also need to establish our own sales channels overseas, which is another huge sum of money. At present, it is difficult for us to balance our strengths. "Pei Qing said.

Her meaning is very clear, that is to temporarily abandon the overseas market, and wait until the domestic market has a good income before starting to deploy the overseas market.

Although Ye Shu doesn't want to see this situation, because he thinks that the overseas market is much bigger than the domestic market, but now that the strength is here, he can only make a choice.

Although he could cooperate with an agency sales company in the early stage, he was afraid that if he wanted to change the agency model to a direct sales model, it would cause a huge backlash.

Especially when the interests involved are too great, no one will be indifferent when seeing their own interests seriously damaged. When the time comes to make trouble for them, Tai Chi Health Care Company will be devastated.

Because of this, it is better to start steadily and develop the domestic market first, and when there is spare capacity to develop the international market, we can deal with it more calmly.

"Then do as you wish," Ye Zishu said.

Pei Qing nodded, and then asked, "How do we set the price of our products?"

Originally, this kind of thing did not need to be reported to him. The pricing of general products is supported by a set of market theories, rather than blindly setting prices.

But health care products are a bit different. They are not medicines, but they are related to medicines, especially the formula provided by Ye Zishu. The effect is too good, even more effective than some medicines.

This made Pei Qing and the others a little unsure about setting the price, so they took this opportunity to ask Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu recalled that the price of a bottle of Sanzhu Oral Solution in the previous life was as low as 60 yuan, and it could still be sold so well, which shows that the common people have a high degree of acceptance for such a high price.

But he definitely won't sell it so high. Although the effect is better, he wants to make this health care product as popular as possible, and it is best for all elderly people to use it.

This has a great effect on reducing domestic medical expenses and increasing the happiness of the elderly in their later years, rather than just considering issues based on their own interests.

So he thought for a while and said, "Let's sell it at a price of 30 yuan a bottle in China, and sell it at a shipping price of 10 dollars a bottle abroad."

The meaning of his words is obvious. The domestic 30 yuan per bottle is the terminal sales price, and the foreign 10 US dollars per bottle is based on the ex-factory price. Later, shipping costs, taxes, labor costs, and site costs will be added. The terminal price will definitely be higher.

A bottle of this health care product every day is naturally more effective, but a bottle every three days is also very effective, but if it is interrupted for a long time, the effect will not be so good.

He asked Pei Qing to explain this when selling. Elderly people with better family conditions can consider one bottle per day, while those with average families can consider one bottle every three days.

He doesn't want to only care about his own interests and desperately sell to consumers that he must have a bottle a day. What he hopes is sustainable income, minimizing the consumption threshold of consumers, and at the same time protecting the health of more elderly people.

Although Pei Qing saw that there was such a big gap between his internal and external pricing, she didn't say anything. She just reminded: "If everyone finds that our health products do have miraculous effects, will it lead to smuggling?"

According to the current exchange rate, the foreign ex-factory price is almost twice the domestic sales price. If other factors such as costs are added, the foreign terminal sales price may reach three times the domestic terminal sales price.

Others will definitely think that there is profit in this, and there is no need to even smuggle, just bring the goods directly, which will seriously interfere with the company's operations in overseas markets.

"There is no good solution for the time being. The domestic price is too high to achieve inclusiveness. Even if you buy it reluctantly, it is only intermittent and cannot achieve long-term health care.

When the domestic people become more and more wealthy, this obvious price difference between inside and outside will be gradually eliminated. Now we can only cooperate with the customs to crack down on smuggling and large-scale carrying of goods. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, he thinks that 30 yuan a bottle is a bit expensive in China. Unless it is the elderly with retirement wages, the average income of the elderly will be lower, which is a huge pressure for them.

Relying on the income of these old people themselves, it is impossible to support such consumption. It depends entirely on whether the children are filial, and there is nothing he can do about it.

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